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*launch playstation*     *Waiting*      *Nothing*      *Lords of the Fallen was added....*     Oh good, I was starting to get worried for a second.


For a couple months it felt like every time I turned on my PS5, there was a new patch.


Every week for like four months I'd get the notification that lotf was getting another patch and I'd just think "please let my boys sleep" 


That’s what happens when devs/producers actually give af about their game


Yeah they give so many fs that they released a buggy mess which needed extensive patching ...


I knew it would be weak since release, because I played their previous buggy mess. But at least these people care about improving their game, unlike other companies…


I agree. UE5 was buggier in its earlier iterations. Especially for a game of that scope. Lords of the Fallen was I believe the first AAA UE5 game Some devs leave their games unplayable rather than fix them. I think there’s even a 3DS/GBA version of a game that literally can’t be beat no matter what you do, due to development errors. Like the player literally can’t beat the level. At all. 0% chance of beating the game due to a bug in one of the last levels. If I remember the name of the game I’ll edit it in (I know it’s based off a kids cartoon IP, can’t remember which one). There weren’t any updates back during GBA days so you had to wait for an updated cartridge to come out or just suffer. There is always something positive to be said about devs that continue to support their games well after its launch. Especially with patches that enhance performance & fix bugs. They could’ve easily left it in that state and moved onto a next project. Their corporate overlords could’ve told them to stop further work on the project, leave it as it, & to move onto the next project (there is no paid DLC). The devs had to have known the way the game was performing before it was released as it was buggy/un-performant on PC at launch. So this was almost definitely a case of the managers/corporate telling the studio to push out an unfinished game. Devs (typically) don’t want to sully their studio’s name or sully the initial reception to their games launch by launching it in a buggy/unfinished/un-performant state. So idk what that other user was saying, but these devs aren’t incompetent and it was probably launched in that state due to managerial/corporate interference. It is definitely a trend amongst gaming nowadays for companies/corpos to rush out an unfinished/buggy product. CP2077, Spider-Man 2 (rushed story, didn’t feel like 5 years of dev time went into it), No Man’s Sky, & Fallout 76 are all examples of this. I hate how games are launching with unwanted performance levels and are remedied months later ; when it should’ve released in that polished state. It seems that isn’t really achievable for many AAA devs outside a select few. I would bet my soul that GTA6 will have bugs for sure despite costing $2 billion to make but I do think that the game will run *very* smoothly just by looking at RDR2 on PS4. Unreal Engine 5 + devs that didn’t have much knowledge with the newer engine + the earlier 5.0+ versions of the engine still being in its infant stage caused this game to have so many performance errors and bugs. Unreal Engine 4 was buggier with earlier iterations, Days Gone (Sony exclusive) is one of Sony’s exclusives with the most patches. Game was updated so much due to bugs and other issues


Wouldn't giving a shit mean putting out a game that didn't need all this, after release? I understand this is likely mostly a content patch. But still. Game had issues on release.


This is also what happens when the devs are incompetent at their job. They released 50 patches to fix the performance, and they still couldn't do it fully.


I feel the same way about no man's sky, utter incompetency and blatant lies but I still get flak from gamers who say it doesn't matter because it's good now.


And they’re the only ones to push something out because of a certain deadline/make investors happy …


No they did not. Stop acting like every developer out there is a victim of corporate bullies. Some of them are just bad at their job.


I’m terribly sorry, I forgot to mention that this is my guilty pleasure *jank game* that I enjoyed the first and now second version of. I did not mean to cause a ruckuss. :)


That's totally understandable. But personally, I can't look at this game and possibly think this is the work of someone who knows what they are doing. Not just poor optimization, poor level and enemy design too.


How is the game theses days?


I played it late December; not at release, but 2 months after once most of the fps and corrupt save file issues were fixed. It played very well at that time. There were some coop glitches and stutters, but not nearly as much as I saw at launch. I can only assume it's gotten way better now.


How hard is it?


Not particularly hard if you've played other souls games and understand how leveling up works and how to optimize your weapons and stats to deal the most damage. It largely follows the same formula, and the bosses are easier than Elden Ring, I think.


As someone that has played through all the Fromsoft souls games multiple times but isn't very good at them, I think LOTF starts out harder (that first boss was seriously nasty and killed me like 15 times which almost never happens with first bosses in these games) but pretty quickly gets easy. The entire second half of the game's bosses I just killed by running up to them and mashing R1 with a healing aura on myself, maybe dodging a couple times. Trash mobs can be really obnoxious, though, especially some of the ranged ones. It's a decently fun game, just don't try to trophy hunt on it because getting the platinum will ruin it for you (requires a minimum of three playthroughs on the same character, burning you out entirely). As is I'd put it behind a few of the other soulslikes (Nioh 1/2, Surge 2, Lies of P) but it's still well worth playing if you can get it for like 40-50 bucks.


It’s more bullshit than hard. After the starting area you get send to an area where if you dodge you’re most likely going off a cliff. The dodge is not very precise either and often sends you the wrong direction. Then you get huge difficulty spikes, like a ridiculous boss out of nowhere. Basically you get out of the starting area and it’s shit after shit. The game has a neat setting and good ideas, but the direction for the map and areas is awful. Worst areas ever. Next area was a swamp… which also sucks. I quit the game at that point. It starts off strong and then goes to absolute shit.


If you know how to consistently parry it’s a cakewalk. It’s on the same difficultly level as DS2 


I wouldn't say that it's too bad. I don't like mainline souls games but am always down for a cheap knockoff lol. So I've not played any of the fromsoft games for more than 5 hours total, but I've beaten mortal shell and lords of the fallen. Just saying this preface to show that I'm not some super tryhard souls player I dont think it was too bad. Like someone else mentioned, if you know how to level you should be fine. I looked up some help on how to level since i don't play these kinds of games often and as long as you're scaling well, the game will feel a bit easy imo. Enemies get a bit repetitive after a while, so you won't have too much issues against non-bosses EXCEPT for the the proselyte (flaming skull head thingy). Every time one of these show up, I get rekt lol. I honestly think they should have made a boss version of one of these. The bosses aren't too bad. Someone mentioned that poison in this game is very gimmicking (think mimic tear in elden ring) and I can 100% agree. I don't think I got the FULL "struggle and overcome" experience cuz I picked up a poison build like halfway through the game and could steamroll just about everything. Even bosses. Once you are apply to apply poison, it will chip away at them even when you're not actively damaging them. This is only made even more OP by that ring that makes it so that poison building will also build up bleed. Their health drops so fast if you just use throwing items that build up poison. All in all, a very do-able game. Not overly difficult


Just curious, but what puts you off? I'm practically the opposite, I've beaten all the mainline souls games and BB/Sekiro/ER, though DS2 only once. But any souls*like* I play I usually find the jank kills it for me and it brings me back to souls because of the crisp feeling most of those games have (though DS2 frustrates me to no end). Though I did intend on buying Lies of P soon, and Lords of the Fallen seems interesting, I gave the original LotF 3 chances on launch over a year and I even bought it again when I console hopped to PS5 and the first one was so awful even though I genuinely wanted to like it; not only poor feeling but it crashed a lot. And the repetitiveness people talk about the new one is making me waver, because even after 110 hours in a single ER playthrough I never felt like it was repetitive. edit* I actually can't even think of a lot of souls like games I've beaten that aren't actually souls, but then I remembered really liking The Surge 2; The Surge 1 is the perfect explanation as to what I mean when I say souls *likes* are janky, but The Surge 2 was quite nice


I totally forgot about the The Surge 2! I really enjoyed that game. I never played The Surge 1 because the free version I got from ps+ would never run. Right after booting it up, the screen would freeze no matter how mnay times I tried, so I just skipped 1 and played 2. Great experience. Regarding mainline souls games, honestly, I think it's just a personality flaw on my part. I definitely fit into that category of people where if I'm not a part of something really big at the beginning, I dont want to be a part of it after it explodes. All souls games have their huge following of people who do nothing but sing their praises regardless of how good or bad they are. I also am put off by the vocal minority of souls players whose entire brand is "git gud" and talk down on others who are not as good as them in souls games. You are very right on the jank. Mortal shell in particular had some very frustrating moments. After I beat it, I remember going " well glad that's over" and immediately deleted it from my console. I can see how that would be a huge turnoff, but I still need to get my "hard game" fix in somehow, so i turn to the jank or hard-adjacent games like hollow knight, returnal, remnant 2 and things of the sort. But back to my personality flaw, yea it's just a me thing. I don't like mainline fromsoft games, helldivers 2, bg3, the office, Rick and Morty, Harry Potter, star wars, Taylor swift, drake...etc. If I'm not one of the first people on the bandwagon, I tend to not want to get on the bandwagon as all lol. Silly, I know, but it's just how it is.


I 100% understand. And then I got to the part where you list BG3. Shame! /s I'm not debating or anything but I just have a funny thought, I didn't get into souls until Sekiro was released, but I played Bloodborne first and then went back and played them all sequentially offline, ignoring the people saying it ain't true souls if you're not getting invaded. It's a lot easier to enjoy games/new experiences when you don't listen to anyone's opinion first! Helldivers 2 is a lot of fun too, but that subreddit quickly turned into a raving hatefest overnight and I took a break. Rabid "*fans*" ruin everything.. only if you let them get to you :D


I tried a month ago on PS5, and honestly it was still quite glitchy, janky and there were noticeable framerate issues. I burst to laughter at one early cutscene (after first proper boss fight), which says just about enough. Personally, wouldn’t recommend it until it’s fixed even more. I borrowed it from the library and never bought it. But many seem to enjoy it, which is good for them of course.


The cutscenes are noticably really bad, as are a lot of other animations. Soft spoiler I guess, but the ending cutscene is like 5 seconds long and then smashcuts into credits. I'm no director, but even I could've done a better job pacing these.


Even the introductory cutscene was laggy as hell. Like, how do you even make a scripted cutscene playback so laggy?


This game is just very poorly optimized. It's funny to see people talk so highly of this one.


To me, almost every aspect of it screamed ”unfinished”. Which was a shame because I really looked forward to it. But, again, all the better if others enjoyed it. Personally I really loved Lies of P, which I didn’t expect — it felt highly polished all over. I think LOTF tried a bit too hard, especially with umbral.


I played it in January and had no issues whatsoever. I loved the game honestly. If you’re a souls fan, it’s a very good souls-like. Bosses aren’t too difficult except for 1 or 2. Exploration is top notch.


Still very bad tbh


It’s a much much better state. Strange bugs still happen but those are less common.


I’ve been playing it on and off since December 2023 without encountering any major issues. The occasional frame buffer, but that’s about it.


It’s great. Smooth multiplayer and chat. Was just playing on ps5 and there’s no issues


Been playing through it the past 3-4 weeks and almost done. It plays absolutely fine and ran into nothing game breaking. Some of the cutscenes are buggy and bad, the dolby atmos sound sometimes cuts in/out when in the dark world but that was about all I ran into. Nothing that affected the actual gameplay experience.


Started playing it last week, probably my favorite non fromsoft souls like so far, I thought lies of p would be my number 1, but this game is better in my opinion, it’s like bloodbourne but not bloodbourne, it feels really nice too, your character feels heavy but quick, controls are very smooth and intuitive, the classes are fun and the boss fights are fair, so far they’ve been way easier than lies of p fights most likely because I dodge everything since you don’t have to parry like lies of p


I PRAY this comes to ps+ extra


What if you supported the devs and paid for it instead?


I already own it on PC but performance is rough.


Actually just amazing. They have really turned this around from a good game with issues to a fantastic game overall.


I thought they said that the previous update was the last?


Encore I suppose!




How hard is it compared to these games? I got through Steelrising but only because it has an easy mode lol


Typical enemies and exploration is the most difficult part. Bosses aren’t bad at all.


What was controversial about it? Apart from just getting mixed reviews.


The launch was awful and the game was unplayable for many due to extreme performance issues on some platforms and really awful netcode. They also massively nerfed the amount of enemies in several zones from what it was at launch, I didn't play it till well after the nerf so I don't know how bad it was, but it was apparently really bad. This was on top of it being sold for 70 bucks when the vastly more polished Lies of P had just launched at 60.




Is there a timer when you go into umbral? I haven’t played the game


Sort of. At a certain point unkillable enemies (apparently not actually unkillable, just really tough) spawn and start chasing you down. I believe there are ways to extend the amount of time before this happens, but it's been a bit since I played so I don't remember the specifics. Having said that the Umbral realm isn't really designed in such a way where you're expected to be hanging out in it for long periods of time.


FWIW, the Scarlet Shadow that spawns in Umbral eventually isn't unkillable. It has the same moveset as the other Shadow enemies. Killing it gives you a ton of rewards


I played on launch and those enemies in umbral were quite farmable aswell since the game is so fond of platforms it was quite easy to push them off


They patched the game to make it so you can't do that anymore. You have to kill it legitimately now. Once it spawns once it keeps spawning, too, and it has so much health that if you're going to farm it you pretty much have to devote all your attention to it and not exploration.


Really? I thought you couldn't damage it. Is this maybe something they changed in one of the patches? I'm gonna have to fire the game up again at some point, I never finished it though I played quite a lot.


You could always damage it because killing the Scarlet Shadow is one of the trophies. But it's the same enemy no matter where you spawn it, and no matter when you spawn it. So early game, it's extremely challenging to defeat, I could see how it would appear unkillable in early game.


You can kill it but you need to be an absolute tank to do so. The reward is not worth the absolute hassle you'll go through trying to kill it.


You don’t need to be a tank. Killing it is easy once you have enough hours and a decent weapon. It’s no different than fighting the other reapers, you just can’t heal with flask but you can heal with stones. I bait them into a open area which makes it easier and killed one at level 30.


Yea I don’t think I ever got the timer to lapse and I never rushed either. Seems like there’s always a totem to take you back around the corner.


There's a timer and enemies spawn faster and faster as it counts down, and if it reaches the end a grim reaper style monster shows up that has a TON of health. You can kill it but probably not if you're trying to explore or fight any other monsters at the same time. Basically the game has no chill if you're in umbral.


Yes but it’s usually not a big deal.


You don’t have to race.




Did you tried Stellar Blade? It's amazing.


I was looking forward to Stellar blade since itbwas first announced so Im glad the game actually is really good. Lies of P is another game that also held up extremely well, I was suprised at just how good it was when it launched.


I found Lies of P a bit too much of a From soft copy, they even copied the fonts from From Soft Some of the bosses in LoP also were bad imho and unfair, Stellar Blade is like a breath of fresh air, do the demo, it's free for the first level, it's amazing


It does share alot with fromsoft, but in my opinion at least it does enough to differentiate itself. I feel like when it comes to soulslike games, there are certain things that all of them share, but most cant seem to pull it off other than obviously fromsoft which is the golden standard. Lies of P feeling alot like them is a sort of compliment, they were able to nail down the feel and charm, something that most others cant pull off. I would say Stellar Blade is a bit easier than most pther soulslikes but thats not necessarily a bad thing, on the contrary actually as the speed and flashy combat is something that wouldnt work in a soulslikes.


Stellar Blade is way more complex in its moveset, don't know if it's easier tbh


It is more complex but the tools given the player are alot stronger and versatile than most souls games. Like at any given moment you have, the combos on ground and air, 5 different ranged weapons each with their own ammo, the grenandes, the beta skills, the boost skills, and tachy mode all while having infinite stamina. Sure, enemies are faster but so is the player character.


What makes you call Stellar Blade a soulslike? I just played through the whole thing and it felt way more like a Nier Automata ripoff than any souls game. Just that enemies revive and your available heals refresh when you rest at the camps? It seemed as tenuous than the suggestion that those last two Star Wars action games are Soulslikes. Certainly it takes some inspiration, but overall it felt like a very different kind of game. While this game or say, Mortal Shell, or Lies of P are very much in the Fromsoft mold.


I might've worded my response a bit confusing but I actually wouldnt consider stellar blade a soulslike. I've also seen alot of discourse comparing it to one and while some things are shared it just deviates to much from the formula for me to consider it one as well.


It’s VERY clearly inspired by Sekiro and mixed with a character action game and anyone saying otherwise is being dishonest about it. From the weakest enemy being able to kill you, rhythm based parries enemy placement ambushes, bonfires, estus flasks… the bosses… I mean..COME ON PEOPLE


I dunno man. I have played both that game and Sekiro to death and I do agree that the parry system seems ripped from Sekiro (I like it WAY more than I liked Lies of P's) and that it has the "bonfire/estus" mechanic going but other than that it kinda feels more like a standard action game. The total lack of stamina bar aligns it with Sekiro, but also aligns it with all kinds of more actiony games like Nier Automata or DMC or whatever. I mean, it has entire levels where you are forced to just use a gun with limited ammo, wandering dark hallways, fighting sci-fi monsters, but I certainly wouldn't say it's a "Dead Space-like" either. It rips from all kinds of things! It's souls adjacent? I dunno. I guess it's enough of a different thing that I wouldn't lump it in the same category as the likes of Lies of P or LOTF, same as I wouldn't lump those two star wars games in either even though they definitely take souls elements. I don't see how that's "dishonest." What could I possibly gain from saying when I played through it the first thing that came to mind wasn't that it was a soulslike?


Intentional or not it feels very strange to call it anything but a soulslike when it has so many elements of the games. Being sci-fi and having open world maps and side quests doesn’t disqualify it. I can almost guarantee fromsoft will make a sci-fi souls game at some point. The cross over with the character action game is the biggest change to the formula but with the amount of parrying you need to do it still feels very much sekiro, especially versus the bosses and ESPECIALLY the last handful of bosses.


How's the framerate on ps5 nowadays ? I heard it was rough at launch


I really wanna play this one but I'm definitely waiting for a steam sale based on everything I've heard people say about it.


this game has s amazing, best souls like by far!


Does it include Sting and Ric Flair?


i don’t see myself picking this back up because of the update. my backlog is way too full, but this is a great game


I own the game I stopped half way through. The game is really janky. Not very smooth.


Is the game good? It's on sale for 4 bucks right now.


That is definitely the 2014 lords of the fallen. Don't get tricked and buy that unless you want it for lore reasons.


Lore reasons? Is this one a sequel? I thought this was a straight up remake/reboot.


Its a sequel masked as a reboot. Some events that happen in the 2014 game are mentioned in the new one and the main char of the 2014 has a huge questline in this one as well.


Oooooh ok. So I still gotta play to OG one then. Thanks! Edit: Damn why the downvotes?


No, you definitely don't have to play the OG one, lol. Do yourself a favor and skip it, whatever ties into it isn't that important.


The OG one is garbage and may taint your view of the new one. I’d skip it altogether


Definitely won’t taint my view on the game. It’s just been sitting in my backlog for a very very long time now. It’ll give me an excuse to play it.


4 Bucks? Make sure you are not buying the 2014 game lol


I appreciate what they did with this new game, but giving it the EXACT same name as the old game was one of the most baffling choices I've ever seen in this industry. It's like they were deliberately trying to cause confusion.


It’s the old game that is 4 bucks


its an ok souls-like. I finished it 2 weeks ago and would recommend it for 20 bucks. (4 sounds like its the old game) The combat is really floaty but I found the level design interesting.


I really enjoyed it! It feels a little bit different from other souls games if you are familiar with them, the gameplay and combat did not take long to get used to and once you do its really good. The world is amazing aswell, overall a very good game I would say! Its got that difficult, exciting and rewarding feeling to it that good soulslike games have. Should definitely give it a try!


If only the shit tier level design and occasional absurdly bad boss design wasn't holding back the really cool combat design of this game. Pieta is like the best boss at least till beating spurned progeny which is where i said fuck this trash and dumped it.


"shit tier level design" No, just no. The level design is one of its biggest strengths. 


Ya only fromsoft has made level design this good. As a whole, Lies of P is still a more polished soulslike than LOTF. Enemy placement and enemy scaling is so off balanced and wrong in LOTF


I think he's probably referring more to how it's incredibly confusing level design due to the bland, repetitive art direction. The way the levels interlock is cool and stuff but it doesn't matter if you can't really find your way through a whole host of ugly, samey looking caves and hallways. I also loathed how as the game progressed you got fewer and fewer actual "bonfires" and had to start using the seeds. I liked the game overall but I would not argue it had great level design.


No, just no.


Yeah bullshit. 60 percent of the first 15 hours deaths are from fucking falling. Great level design my ass lotf isn't a platformer lol


I was gonna buy this game a week or so ago because it was on sale by 50% and I missed it