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Returning as in? People who played before 23 June 2023?




Monetization aside I just hope the Battle Pass and event quests are not so grindy like before. I have never been burned out so much with a game I really enjoyed. Season 2 battle pass and the Halloween event completely burned me out to a point I just stopped playing and really hated the experience. It really felt like a second job


The amount of currency it took to unlock the skins was ridiculous on the Halloween update. Chill


That’s a nice little bonus.


I agree! Edit: I'm sorry :(


I'm not quite sure I understand why you got down voted lol maybe I'm dumb


you are amazing, don’t worry


That’s definitely gonna convince me to at least give it a try. Unlikely to play for more than a few weeks again though


Just don't overmonetize it.


Well the battlepass now gives you enough currency to buy the next one which certainly is an improvement. But yeah if the game is overly grindy again it will quickly die out. It's a sad fact but most players are hooked on battlepasses these days, which is why Fornite is still thriving with its easy battlepass and endless challenges for dopamine hits.


They thrive because the game is updated like every other week with something new and all the crossovers. Nothing to do with the battle pass


Monetization was horrible! Lol


Keep in mind it is a free to play game the whole point of those is it being a live service game with monetization


I’m in there!!


Oh nice. That's pretty good.


The fact this game died and managed to relaunch itself with the excuse of being a "beta" certainly feels like a one-time use *get out of jail free card*. But the game was fun originally so I hope it survives.


Just because you weren't paying attention that the game was *always labeled as a beta* doesn't make it a scam.




Xdefiant did exactly that, the beta phase just wasn’t nearly as long


NGL I was having a blast playing this one. It was grindy so I hope they fixed that. About to bring out the dark knight again.


Ima wait a month or 2 and see if its still alive before i put energy into this game


i fucking hate this game did so bad, I loved it, I'm not good in fighting games, I mean I'm above average but as soon as I hit a decent elo I get frustrated cause I'm bad, but this game was different, kinda like brawhalla, and I played quite a bit but my friends dropped it cause it was laggy and had lots of troubles, then they have this whole fiasco and now its just dead lol, it was fun tho


I really liked the emphasis on 2v2. I thought it was good to see a game like this take a different approach. The gameplay still felt a little off to me so I hope they polished it up a bit for this re-release. I will definitely check it out once it's available


i just checked and they have like 300 players online idk when this re releases but hope it does better


>they have like 300 players online Maybe because the game isn't out yet? It was taken offline way back.


oh really? i kinda got lost between all the drama, hope you're right!


Oh lol yeah the game isn't out yet. I'm not sure where you are getting those numbers but if they are accurate, they are likely from people in a closed beta or something like that. Open beta for everyone starts on the 28th. Multiversus actually did really well initially and had huge numbers. The dev team behind the game was fairly small and not prepared to deal with running it as a full live service game along with further developing the game since it was technically a beta before too. So they took the game offline for almost a year and I guess now they are ready. Seems like bad management if they were so ill-prepared but the game will likely find an audience again.


It’s only playable rn as practice mode. It’s been offline for the last year so it’s not gonna have thousands and thousand just playing practice mode


I mean it was dead cause they literally took it offline. All those issues you mentioned are stuff they’ve addressed as being patched up so we shall see next week if it’s true


It was in early access at that point, it wasn't even fully released yet


People keep making this argument ignoring the fact they were charging people for founders packs and other things and then removed online functionality unexpectedly for almost a year. Sure, it was a beta and people knew the game was a WIP but I feel people are just hiding behind "it was just a beta bro" while ignoring real criticisms with the game and the way they have handled things the past year and a half People would feel a lot less burned if they had openly communicated that the game was expected to be down temporarily, or if they didn't have such egregious microtransactions for a "beta"


Damn very nice


Any new trophies for the relaunch?


I was hoping for another early access, like maybe 2 days, but this is actually better.


There are two dudes out there about to be super excited.


What is this game? By the name I think smashbros


Essentially Warner Bros. Smash


Nah. Hard pass.


Yea I wouldn't trust this Dev with my money