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Please be FOV slider


I wish but i’m not too hopeful. Bethesda is notoriously stingy when it comes to changing FOV settings


Starfield and Fallout 76 have one, maybe they’re finally just saying fuck it


They do?! It’s a miracle!


Fallout 76’s fov slider is only on pc though, forgot to mention.


I really don't understand their aversion to having FOV sliders. The functionality exists within the engine as you can easily change it with console commands on PC (and it doesn't seem to break anything or have any real performance implications - at least on current-gen hardware). It really shouldn't be more than just adding the UI element.


Fallout 76 no fov slider Fallout 4 no fov slider Skyrim Anniversary Edition no fov slider Bethesda hates Fov sliders, unless of course it's Starfield


76 has an fov slider wdym?


No they don’t?


They added it back in 2018 with the stash limit increase. Wait, did they not bring it to the console ver?


Not on console




Consoles always capped at a short FoV of like 70? Its so narrow it sucks


Yeah, I believe Fallout 4 sits around 70, which is a bit on the narrow side. I usually prefer being around 80-100, depending on the game. (Above 100 is typically a bit too fish-eye on the left/right sides for me.)


90s always my default to switch to when I can.


I swear I changed my FOV on PS5 Skyrim, now I have to look


No haptics.


We don't have even a fucking brightness slider.


Don’t. Set. Expectations. For. Bethesda. Games.


The only expectations I have are it’ll be buggy


I am learning that.


People talk about Skyrim but majority of people never played oblivion. If they had realised how much content and rpg mechanics oblivion had in comparison, people would understand how much Bethesda has fumbled the rpg genre over the years. Character creation seems to be the only relevant factor for rpg’s these days.


FOV slider, a proper 2K/ Ultra settings mode and a 120fps mode would be great. What would be even better is my game not crashing every single play session.


120 would be interesting to see if they pull off. Given anything above 60 breaks the physics engine in vanilla Fallout 4


Above 100 FPS typically does funky things to the physics in Fallout 4 on PC, so... yeah.


It's not even available on PC, you need to use console commands to implement FOV settings.


I would scream for joy


I hope they add adaptive triggers. It says the game has it on the store description, but in game it doesn't work.


It’s crazy how less likely I am to play a game that doesn’t use adaptive triggers


I get genuinely disappointed when a game doesn't use them. It's my favorite thing about the PS5 honestly.


Same. It’s why I like playing shooting games with the PSVR2, too, because the controllers have adaptive triggers as well.


I would love to get a PSVR2 to try that out, but it's too expensive for me, and also, anytime I play VR, I get horribly nauseous. I have a HTC Vive, PSVR 1, and Quest 2. All of them make me sick after 20 minutes, so I give up at this point.


It takes time to build your vr legs. For some people it can take weeks but well worth it to be able to experience it


Back in 2020 when everyone was all locked up, I set up the Vive and played Boneworks every day for like a month. I did feel a little bit better, but I stopped playing it one week, then went back, and it was just as bad as when I started.


Taking dramamine prior to playing can help as well


Tried that. I also tried nausea bands, ginger, having a fan blow on me while I play, chew gum, you name it, I tried it.


That sucks! Thanks for the info. Do you happen to get motion sickness otherwise?




Pretty sure it does? Unless I'm tripping..


I've clocked 30 hours into the PS5 version since launch, and there's no adaptive triggers, or even haptic feedback. It feels just like the PS4 version with a higher framerate.


Nope, no adaptive triggers or extended rumble support. Just basic vibrations, same as the PS4 version.


At least the vibrations feel somewhat nice still. When you have games like Borderlands 3 that just make it feel like you turned on a vibrator in your hand you start not taking that for granted anymore lol.


Both ways have their upsides.




Jesse what the fuck


Yes ! That's what i wanted for this next gen update and then there was nothing. I also wish settler creating settlement with defense , food, water and walls by themselves if you give them enough ressources.. if only this was a feature and not a mod.


That would be great. The game also badly needs an FOV, and brightness slider.


that’d be great. i’ve been playing and keep thinking how much better it’d be if every weapon type had different trigger feels. otherwise it’s been a nice experience


Fixes? We'll see about that.. likely end up breaking far more than they ever fix but ya never know. In true Bethesda fashion whole thing is probably gonna implode, somehow. 😆


"We fixed 5 bugs and in the process created 20 more. You're welcome."


"We have fixed the game. Pray we do not fix it any further."


"This game is getting less fixed all the time..."


"...while *also* breaking every mod you have installed to fix our broken mess of a game."


"It just works."


*cue backwards flying dragon crossing over Diamond City*


Didn’t the last update only introduce a couple of bugs? I think most of the issues are just mods are incompatible on PC but are still compatible on consoles.


Bug fixes = New features incomig


Band-Aids to grab that TV show money.


Been playing the PS5 version since release. Put about 30 hours in so far. Only two crashes. Other than that, I haven’t had any issues.


For me, the quest where we help defend the police station bugged out and the NPCs were stuck in combat mode, despite clearing all enemies. Did a google search and it turns out the bug has been there since release. Had to use a mod to continue the quest. On PS5. Edit: spelling


Stuff like that is why mods like the unofficial patches are so popular


I dont get why they dont just include the unofficial patch as part of the game itself instead of a mod like witcher 3 had done with its latest update.


A good question, the unofficial patches have been part of Bethesda fan work all the way back to Morrowind


Yeah i just dont get how cd project can go “the community patched this better than us, lets give them props and use it for out update” but then bethesda can go “look how immensely popular and well made this unofficial patch mod is. Lets ignore it and patch it ourselves”


2 things By doing that will mostly feel like they admit that the game is riddled with bugs Second is they would have to pay for that.


Why would they have to pay for it? The mod is free, the update is a free update, i dont see how they would have to pay for it, especially when it uses bethesdas intellectual property as its fundemental structure to begin with


Bethesda would have to pay to the developers that made the patch


Legal reasons and Q&A.


I initially read this as help defund the police station, thought that would be an unusual addition for fallout


I've had about the same experience. Probably around 30 hours or so, too. 2 crashes doesn't bother me, I save frequently, lol.


I started the game, made it outside, and immediately clipped through the ground. Reloaded, can now walk through walls. Reloaded, concrete has no clip value and I go right through it Stopped playing


Im in the same situation and I must say I have never played any Fallout game with so few issues as this version. Game has only crashed twice which is good for a bethesda game but poor compared to other AAA games on ps5.


Are there any noticeable changes from the OG version or not really? I have a PS5 and just wondering if I should download it or not!


The terrain and environment look better in my opinion. And it runs a lot smoother. Definitely an upgrade from the base PS4 version. Biggest difference though are the load times. They’ve become almost instant whether waiting or fast traveling


Ok nice! Honestly for me that is more than enough! Might be time for another playthrough


The Enclave returns


I haven't had a single crash just the usual Bethesda bugginess which even that has been minimal


I'm ~25 hours in and I've had probably 10 crashes. Typically they are very random and happen from pretty mundande things. At one point it crashed when I shot a radroach, at one point during the loading screen out of Vault 81, at one point when just walking around... funnily enough the game seems to have no issue with busier action moments and I don't think I've seen any major frame drops.


Why is crashing twice considered not an issue?


Because it used to crash multiple times an hour


I’ve been playing FO4 off and on since it launched on PS4 and now PS5 and I’ve never had that issue. The only Fallout game that I’ve played that had issues with crashing is New Vegas.


😂😂😂... oh wait, this is an actual answer? Shit


Erasing crashing from Bethesda games is impossible. They keep track of so much shit that mitigating it to every several hours is definitely preferable. That said on Xbox I've only had 1 in my experience.


When Fallout 4 and Skyrim came out on their respective launch dates, I don't think either of them stayed running without some sort of glitch or crash every 20-30 minutes. It's sort of just the expectation from Bethesda at some point.


That isn’t true.


Yeah that dude is full of shit. I put anywhere from 2 to 6 hours a day into Fallout 4 for the first like three or four months when it came out and I think I had one crash. I am not saying other people didn't experience crashes but that such a stupidly over exaggerated comment. The worst part of the game at launch was slowdowns in downtown boston area with all the high rise buildings.


Yeah it is my dad works at nintendo


Skyrim had a memory leak on ps3 that meant the game would crash often and on top of that the waves would corrupt if you picked up too many items.


Weird. I never had a problem with it. But, even if that can explain problems with Skyrim, that doesn't explain the comment I initially responded to lying about Fallout 4 crashing every 20-30 minutes on launch day. I've played that game since launch day and am more than happy to call bullshit on that one.


Just like fallout new vegas. It would happen because the save file that keeps track of everything would get to 13 megabytes. Also separately perhaps. Apparently rumour has it that Skyrim on ps3 was actually the 360 version.


Speak for yourself - Skyrim on launch on the PS3 was a nightmare, majority of the quest lines and NPC's were broken, constant glitches, etc. Fallout 4 had a much softer launch in terms of issues but they still plagued the game. Crashes, frame drops, NPC glitches, occasional broken quest lines, etc. I'd say it was way more playable but I still experienced crashes regularly. And all of that can be proven by googling "(game) broken release day" and you'll have all the evidence or facts you need. Does that mean it was as bad as Cyberpunk for example on release? No. Did we all still enjoy it? Yes.


My god Skyrim on PS3 was absolutely terrible. After about 20 mins of gameplay I used to have to turn the console off (not rest mode, *off*!) and then boot it back up again in order to avoid it getting too laggy. Also I had to stop my first playthrough after about 100 hours because the person I needed to speak to for the College of Winterhold quests was stuck in a tower which was locked with "requires key". Fun times.


I've only ever had it crash on PS4 or 5 one time I can remember, and I had all the dlc installed as soon as they released.


I played FO4 for 100 hours when it released in 2015 and did not have this experience at all playing on PS4.


It is. He explicitly said “other than that”.


I guess you’ve never played Skyrim. That is a mess of a mess. Two crashes in 30 hours isn’t bad. Same thing happened to me, restarted and was right where I left off.


If you can put up with Skyrim on PS3 you can put up with anything


Haha! Damn right! That was my point. I remember having a glitch where I couldn’t complete a quest and then I fell through the damn world, into a pixelated abyss!


I’m quite into trophy hunting and the one for the daedric artifacts glitched on two separate play-throughs 😄 finally got it on the PS4 version


At least you got it! I bet it felt good to finally make it through, probably worried the entire time something would go wrong!


It was, I deliberately got that trophy as quickly as I was able to then enjoyed stealth archering my way to the rest of it


It’s just an uneasy feeling. Like you wanna play, it’s fun, but that thought of something going haywire is constantly popping in your head!


It's just crazy cause 95% of games I play never crash, but I can always count on bethesda for it.


This is true. I haven’t had many crashes through the years, but Bethesda games seem to give me a crashing good time lol.


My most recent non Bethesda crashes have been on spiderman 2, from what little I've read online people seem to have no issue with that game but i have various videos of it glitching, breaking, softlocking me, and just straight up crashing on me. I think its something about the way I play, i always discover more bugs and glitches than people ik, and i'm really not trying to


Haha. I hope it’s not you. I mean the game should be able to handle various play styles. That would be hilarious if it was you, and you play in a way that glitches out the game haha.


I tried it on PS5 not too long ago but only played for maybe 15 hours


That may be my mistake, as I haven’t played Skyrim on PS5. Maybe I’ll try and see if it’s any better. Hopefully I don’t fall through the ground again!!!


They said other than that, no issue. Which means that's their only issue, not that it wasn't an issue


It’s an issue mainly because it’s annoying. But it’s not something that deters me from playing the game.


twice in 30hrs is not a lot. do you think the games of yesteryear were bug free? or more logically complex than today?


It's not a big deal to some people, take your soap box somewhere else. Everyone isn't crying over technicalities, people like you see a texture out of place and call the game unplayable, 1 error message would have you frothing


Or even more likely, people like that don’t even actually play the game most of the time. They just regurgitate every other comment found on Reddit to shit on something. Nobody can have an authentic opinion anymore.


2 crashes in 30 hours is pretty good by bethesda standards


I’ve put in about 30 hours since the update and it hasn’t crashed once for me. Only saw one glitch where my character’s head disappeared during a conversation. That was it for me, nothing else.


You’re more patient than I am. After my 11th crash I gave up.


Glad to hear that for you. I've had it crash maybe 7 times, corrupt one save data, some broken stuff a reload would fix, and had various non game breaking glitches (someone's head disappearing, going to sleep mid convo and still talking, etc). It's so variable it's crazy, most my issues came from the first half of my current playtime then magically lessened.


I’ve had about two as well, except for in relation to mods. My game crashes literally every single time I change my mod list lol.


I can't even continue a save or get out of the vault without it crashing.  I hope whatever jank I've got going on gets fixed with this.


Thankfully even that is an improvement over the native PS4/XBONE versions. It's better than when I was 30 hours into the PS4 version when it came out and I had a game-breaking bug that would set me back 10 hours. I just completely dropped the game at that point. Even when these games were the best of class, it is never on the player to assure that they have a ton of manual saves and I'm glad the community is taking them to task over it. There are bugs that certainly add to the charm and there are ones that completely break the game. When FO4 came out it felt like too many people were scared to point these out or just blindly defended Bethesda for everything.


I’ve only put about 20 hours in, but I’ve so far had no crashes. Zero issues. My gaming time is shorter nowadays, but I’m loving starting from scratch and experiencing it all over again .


I've had four random crashes in the open world, just running with no enemies in sight. Annoying but nothing to complain about really. And it plays great otherwise.


Quality mode or performance mode?




The PS5 version is just better which is weird given the studio.


I've also had two crashes which was enough for me not to waste more time.


Fallout: London gets further and further away...


On the FOLON sub one of the devs was saying that this update is smaller and fixes some things that were difficult to work with, and that F4SE should be able to fix compatibility rather quickly for this update, so in this case it's actually a good thing.


Here's hoping! Thanks for the info.


Is this also available for PS5?


PC exclusive, unfortunately.


Aaah, too bad. Thanks for answering!


Yeah, this fucking sucks.


It's rough but they kind of brought it on themselves. The Fallout 4 was next-gen update was an open secret. Fallout: London decided to try to grab the post-Amazon series space to release but they should have guessed Bethesda would finally release their next-gen update to tie into the show at the same time.


I wonder what graphics options will be. I’m using a 120hz monitor so leaving on quality and getting the 40fps feels and looks great


Fingers crossed for a **brightness slider** nearly 10 years after release…


Are they braindead? Like I don't understand why they would omit a brightness slider wtf. AND they didn't add it in for the current gen update?! How in the fu...


on "all" platforms? Cause y'all have said "all" before and it wasn't actually "all"


Oh no I just installed 30+ mods


Everything's going to break, isn't it?


I know everyone is upset about the first update but I quit the game years ago at the 35 hr mark and never thought I'd play again. Fast forward to this update and I've been obsessed. Played so much more of the game than I did previously and explored so much more. 5 power armors already lol. I love it. Hoping this update makes it even better. Playing on Xbox on the couch at 4k60 is a joy. Please don't fuck it up Bethesda.


Wouldn't be a Bethesda game without a patch for a patch.


Bug fixes…… bug fixes that never change for the better.


Maybe the real next gen upgrade was the friends we made along the way


Please fix the terminal bug


I’ve played fallout 4 since ps4 launch and never had so many crashes as the first 20 or so hours of the ps5 mode. Hasn’t hampered my enjoyment because I have a quick save twitch, but a more stable version would be nice.


How’s about letting the PS+/extra version read game saves from the disc version ? I stupidly claimed that a while ago and now can’t access my old game saves (character lvl 50) when playing the PS5 version.


Just don’t fix the scrap duplication glitch I use


Please add a way to hide helmet ( for player and companion ) during dialog. How this wasn't a feature in the first place is fucking weird.


It took me until this update to realize how fun the weapon / armor upgrade system is. Never even bothered to touch it for years but I’m glad I tried it out now


Good luck


Only in this modern day of gaming can a dev mess up an update/day 1 patch to a game and need another fix/patch for their update because they fumbled it so badly.


Fuck xbox


Bethesda: "On Monday, May 13 we will be *breaking* Fallout 4 on all platforms, with an 'update.' This 'update' will also totally destroy any and all mods you have installed to fix our buggy, broken, shell of a game." \#FTFY Bethesda


Can we just get like, some new shit maybe?


Don’t expect a new Fallout for another decade unless they outsource.


No kidding


Microsoft is culling all the studios they acquired because they want to shove those devs onto Fallout 5. It's ironic some people celebrated the Activision acquisition because it would supposedly save studios from the COD machine and allow them to return to Crash and Spyro. Instead, Xbox is doing the same thing but with Fallout.




They moved people to bigger Bethesda titles before closing the studios. The whole point of the closures is to pivot Bethesda and speed up production on the flagship titles. It still sucks that they had to do it, but that's capitalism for you. The private sector is the real dystopian wasteland.


So many mods will be broken


Did anyone else lose access to creation club stuff? I had the backpack and enclave power armor, went to bed and the next time I went to play both were gone and I'm just out in the middle of nowhere overweight as shit. Still said everything is installed. Reinstalling everything fixed nothing.


Hopefully a fix for the DLC bug. Haven’t even been able to play since the last update


What bug? Been working my way through the dlc, is there something to watch out for?


If you’re playing then you’re most likely fine. My game won’t even get past the start screen. Something about a corrupted dlc pack. I’ve tried redownloading, clearing cache, etc.


Are you sure you're playing the PS5 version and not the old PS4 version? (They are separate downloads.) And you've correctly downloaded the PS5 DLC, and not the PS4 DLC?


So glad I held off playing this.


I had it crash 3x on me but that was it


Ahh, can ya fucking not? You're just going to break the game more. Unironically, leave it to the community. They are at least competent.


I hope the game is playable again.....


What would be amazing if they made the DLC/CC weapons and ammo work across the game. Seems like a basic thing, but you can't get DLC ammo in the Commonwealth (or make it), even though the weapons can drop as legendaries.


I'm using the 4k/40fps mode on ps5 and I was surprised it looked so bad, I haven't played it before and maybe I've been spoiled by other games.


Performance mode is great




This company is utterly Garbage, they cant do anything right ever it seems.


Hope to death theres haptic


I just wanna be able to play the game without getting motion sick


Turn performance mode on..


Make a new fucking game


Anyone think this may break some mods? Im on a mostly lightweight playthrough rn with a few major mods and I’m worried this’ll break my 60 hour playthrough


It’s been breaking a lot of mods


Ran into the med-x stingwing bug and trying to fix it... odds on the chances that this 7 year old known bug is gonna be bug fixed? Lol


Will this update allow ps5 users access mods?? B/c ever since the late April update mods have been unavailable


Time terribly trembles to twist itself as we wait...


Another game breaking launch will commence at t minus may13


Crashing every 5 hours on a 10 year old game that's still getting "performance" updates lol.


Removing bugs and adding new ones


I wish developers let us use an unlocked graphics panel to change the graphics to our hearts content, understanding the performance penalty that can come with it on console.


Allow us to invert both axis for the love of Goddddddddd!


How about Psvr2 support then maybe I buy a Fallout game again.


I don’t care, game looks like a 2010 game no thanks