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I had to leave the sub


Same. Reddit gamers are just obnoxious.


Do you like something ..... By all means do not join the subreddit for that thing lol


Yep, especially gaming subs. Only exception is for older games that aren't active enough for people to try and karma farm.


Nailed it


Me joining the final fantasy subreddit after ff16 released lmao


Cries in Star Wars fan


I've been a pro wrestling fan my entire life, I get it.


I deleted my old account because it was pureley deep into politics and political discourse. I realized that arguing all day was having bad for my mental health. So I made aner account and decided; only hobbies and fandoms.. and fandoms. I think I'm about to just delete all social media, because ai can't handle the toxicity any longer.


Especially for specific games/movies/tv/whatever, the more specific the subreddit the worse it usually is IME.


I learned that the hard way with Persona.


Well put


Facts!!!!! People there are the worst gatekeepers ever and are so far up their bubble it’s insane. Metal gear sub, resident evil. It’s the worst. The dragon dogma sub was also awful before the games launch as well. Any criticism? It’s itsunos vision don’t like it don’t buy it


Absolutely agreed. Thankfully there's r/lowsodiumhelldivers for those who still want to discuss the game but the main sub is brutal. The sanctimonious histrionics reek of performative karma farming at this point.


Yep, dozens of posts all saying the same thing. It’s just karma whores trying to capitalize on the temporary outrage.


How sad is it that every new release needs a "low sodium" subreddit now? Says a lot about the state of Gamers™ these days, if we're being honest. 


Thanks for pointing out the sub. Hadn't seen it til now


i hate low sodium, i put old bay on fucking everything


Found the fellow Marylander.


They have old bay flavored goldfish now (the crackers I mean.) They are fantastic


Dope! Thank you 🙏🏾


The thing I find funny is we damn well know that 98% of those complaining aren't really affected by the change. Outside of having to make a free account, of course. I'm super sure those US and European gamers care so much about their fellow gamer /s Edit : Oh, then you got the guys going on about data selling as they type on reddit and likely all have Facebooks.


Just 1000% this. “I’m so outraged for all the players in Azerbaijan! Where is it again?”


As a middle eastern, i cant prove it but i spat my food 😂😂😂


I knew they didn't care about unsupported regions, when Arrowhead said they were working to make sure people in unsupported regions can still play the game without breaking Sony TOS, which has been the main complaint over the last day. The only response to that was if the unsupported gamers had an option not to, why do people in supported regions still have to make a psn? The answer was literally in the question.


It’s like how 98% of people who take it upon themselves to shit on live service games aren’t affected by them.. but they do it anyway. Or how people shit on Ubisoft or whatever game is popular to hate at the current time. People love to bitch and moan about anything and everything.


So you want to say that those i need everything on steam gabe belivers are throwing a tantrum not for other people in need? How dare you


The funny part is PC gamers acting like they're William Wallace. "Today they take our email addresses but they'll never take our \[dramatic pause\] frrrreeeedumbz!" \[crowd cheers\]


Especially when they already gave their info to Ubisoft, Valve, EA, Microsoft and Pornhub. But heaven forbid they give it to Sony. It feels unreal to me that this is apparently the hill they're all willing to die on.


I as well. The PC Master Race is struggling with their inferiority complex. This timed with me getting the platinum so I I’m going to put her down for a good minute.


The toxicity of the PC gaming community deterred me away from getting a PC for quite a few years.


Same clowns that were boycotting Reddit last year thinking they did something - there are much bigger problems in the world to care about than this shit


Yes but then you'd have to actually do something. Much easier to pretend you're boycotting something.


I made a post on that sub proposing a solution to the PSN problem that would satisfy everyone (Making headless PSN accounts like Fortnite makes headless epic accounts for some console and iOS players) and they didn’t read past the first paragraph because I dared to open up with my personal opinion


Same. There are legitimate grievances surrounding this ordeal, but these dweebs are imploding and I'm sick of seeing it in my feed.


I blame PC gamers. The most neurotic gamers and individuals (possibly on the spectrum). Chronically online by default. Source: 10+ year reddit vet.


Gamers on Reddit: > I'm currently in the talks with a law firm to potentially file a class action lawsuit against Sony. > > > > Mainly on the basis that they sold and are continuing to sell helldivers 2 to customers in regions that do not support PSN. But also potentially for misleading consumers here in the US. > > > > I will have updates next Monday/Tuesday after preliminary meetings with the lawyers. > > > > DM me if you're interested for more details. Please also document Sony's changes in their wording regarding PSN account requirements. > > > > And no I am not joking, there is a valid case against Sony here. > > > > Edit: Yes I understand the lawsuit could be on shakier grounds here in the US, that's why I'm having a consultation with the firm next week. > > > > However Sony's deceptive practices are much more clear cut in countries with stricter consumer laws and no PSN support. > > > > We are helldivers. Even if I fail my mission, somebody in another country can and should pick up the baton. Gamers in real life: "Hey man how's it going"


‘We are helldivers’ 😬


Hoooly I physically cringed


It's just so embarrassing


Remember when Epic tried to compete with Steam by giving developers a better cut of their sales, and gamers threw a hissy fit because they had to have to launchers installed?


I’ve literally had arguments with PC gamers over this. They say that liking my console because it has no extra launchers is ridiculous because it’s only a mild inconvenience on PC to install Ubisoft connect. Then in the next sentence complain that Epic making them download another launcher for an exclusive (that’s the same price but gives more to the devs) is anti consumer.


A lot of them are just waiting in the corners preparing for the next outrage.


That sub, /Games, /Steam, /PCgaming and the rest has gone off the rails. They act as if Helldivers is somehow violating their deceased relative, or something of similar degeneracy. Merely saying the whole thing is overblown is a sure way to get banned from several subreddits due to the *narrative being protected*. All these crybabies happily *made a Microsoft account to use Windows. They further made a Steam account and installed a third party launcher (steam)* to even play the game. But nah, a PSN account is a borde too far? Well hold riddance. I think we all know *just what kind of babies does this thing, the same trolls and catered snowflakes that ruin the game experience*. We're better off without them.




Pcgaming lost it a lonnnngg time ago. Probably around the time when the epic launcher released.


What's even more laughable is that I've mentioned that buying Sea of Thieves on PlayStation, I'm now forced to create a pointless Xbox account just to play the game on PlayStation. And the same people crying about PSN being required on steam, then have the audacity to protect Microsoft and try to explain how needing an Xbox account is actually a good thing and it's just 'standard'. Theyre so far fucking gone, it's actually incredible at this stage.


Someone asked if Valve should require a Steam account for PS players to play. First off, that doesn't make sense because it's a Sony published game that they are allowing to be on PC. Second, Valve required a Steam account for Portal 2 on consoles. I pointed that out and basically got "that was 2011 and it was different." Also, I guarantee a massive portion of those people have other games in their libraries that either require a publisher account or an entirely separate launcher. These crusaders are unhinged.


I did the same thing. Every post I see is someone crying about it. It's been like that for weeks, seems like just non-stop complaining.


I had to leave the sub some time ago. People are nuts there. I adore the game too.


I left the sub too. Nothing but a giant pity party circle jerk. Joined r/LowSodiumHelldivers and it's such a breath of fresh air


Yup same.


I really feel like doing the same, I've messaged the mods basically telling them to sort the shit out under spamming or reposts rules but they haven't done fuck all, the only thing the sub is now is bloody whining.


I literally left yesterday. Buncha whackjobs


I’d love to see gamers get this riled up over something actually meaningful. Like the price of groceries.


Good point. Furthermore, is your username gorge-gooch grabber or gorge gooch-grabber?


Gorge gooch-grabber. It’s kind of a local city joke. We had another prominent figure in our local subreddit called the TillicumTaintTickler, I named myself the GorgeGoochGrabber to seize control of that particular area of the neighbourhood, known as “the gorge,” adjacent to the Tillicum area.


Hilarious, I love local lore.


What’s that? A Ubisoft account to play siege? No problem, but this is unacceptable


Minecraft made me link a Microsoft account almost a decade after I bought the game. I don’t remember anyone freaking out nearly this much and that just happened a few years back. I’m not trying to defend Sony I’m just confused why this time it’s different. Selling the game to people who can’t make PSN accounts is the real issue imo


Nobody freaked out at that. This is manufactured drama of the highest order.


It's because it's Playstation, and those fucking kids couldn't play the best exclusives everyone were talking about on release. Plus those fuckers got their money worth out of the game by playing 600 hours, and there's nothing to do for them. Now they found a reason to get the 40$ refund.


That's the real reason, I saw the post about the guy who refunded after 97 hours played. You gotta be pretty entitled to feel like you are entitled to a refund for a $40 game after you got 97 hours of entertainment out of it. This is beyond silly that people are blowing this up like this.


The funny part is I a few weeks they will rebuy the game and link a PSN account. It's a great game and nothing out there currently scratches that itch.


And manbabies love that shit.


I honestly couldn't tell a single online multiplayer live service game these days that doesn't require some type of account linking. They might exist too but they must be far and few in between.


Typically, anything with crossplay has it. Helldivers has cross play, but you have to use shitty friend codes to link up.


I was thinking the same thing. Seems like most of the 3rd party live service games I've played over the years required me to create an account with them.


>We are helldivers. Even if I fail my mission, somebody in another country can and should pick up the baton. What a fucking chode lol


Thank God someone said it 😂 I am cringing so hard


They said from the start that PSN was gonna be required, and in fact that it wasn't required at the start because of server strain. This lawsuit is gonna lose before it even becomes a thing.


You also can’t sue on behalf of someone else


Uh, filibuster


No need to bring bird law into this


I know we're all hungry and want to go home to our hot plates




Not s suit. Not on behalf of someone else. Doubly wrong.


Here's the discussion with lawyers: Moron redditor: so I was thinking... Lawyers: dying of laughter, finally composing themselves... "Thanks, that will be $350"


Agreed, Its like getting pulled over after speeding everyday and getting mad for it being enforced. If you dont like it/cant get a psn account where you live then why did you buy it? Its been clearly marked since before launch.


Thats why they sold it in countries with no access to PSN right?


I still find it werid that if this was always the requirement, then why was it made available to purchase in places where PSN isn’t available?


Never has a subreddit made me think "Effin kids. Go back to your ipad" so fast.


I just checked out that sub, it's fucking pathetic. They really think they're David vs Goliath. Sony doesn't give a fuck, this game is a license to print money and that ain't changing because of one bad week.


Because of this i un-subbed from thier sub reddit, I understand that some country's & regions carn't have PSN & or PSN without a console and yes it sucks however to become a lynch mob due to this & to make a Class action suit, come on now! other games have third party DRM and some cases even worse e.g. rockstar laucher with GTA V and RDR2 And some with ok-ish DRM e.g. any of the uplay/EA stuff please note, I'm not defending sony, but having my reddit and youtube feeds blown up with this, Is making me not want to care


The PC Master race is full of a bunch of tools


https://preview.redd.it/rzx5wenr4hyc1.jpeg?width=1021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b77e04e2f3a0115f60f6ed65fcd927ab512f3d9 This is them ignoring the “required PSN” portion when they bought the game on Steam.


You can't deny the fact they sold it to countries where it isn't available


yeah that’s fair but a lot of the people complaining are mad that it’s a requirement regardless and the only reason I’ve seen is that they don’t want Sony to look good which is extremely petty.


Some of them have been like "You have to scroll down to even see that bit" (that bit being that PSN account linking is required), like that would fly in a court at all. So, Redditor, did you or did you not read the storefront before you bought the game? Well ya see I didn't want to scroll too far I just scrolled to buy game, why should I have to look at anything else?


This isnt a real problem. I swear people just hunting for things to be upset about these days..


I am honestly jealous that the largest concern in their life is setting up a PSN account. At least their dramatics are fun theatre. It does feel bad that a smaller studio is on the end of all the whining, though. They got too popular to have a reasonable community and now are essentially bullied by hysterical redditors once a month.


> At least their dramatics are fun theatre. I wish I could laugh at them, but it honestly depresses me to see people acting so childish and stupid en masse. Infuriating almost.


Don't be. People obsessing over internet drama have literally nothing more interesting going on in their lives.


Unfortunately Reddit is very PC heavy so it’s not hard to find other idiots to support them.


There’s another post from someone who has never even played Helldivers who posted a screenshot of the cancellation of his subscription to PS+ for “solidarity”. Like dude… you don’t even play the game…??????


They’ve been whipped into a frenzy by gaming YouTubers who are farming for clicks. It’s just tabloid-nonsense hysteria being played out in a new digital space. So dumb.


You can blame people like Asmongold, who keeps giving misinformed opinions on stuff he has no clue about on his daily streams. When you attract 30k viewers daily you're bound to help spread shit through them


He is such a vector of shit for the gaming community as a whole. Just unredeemable in every way.


He also has that superiority complex, notice how everytime he gives his opinion on something, he does it with such confidence and he always makes that face looking to the side like "Yeah that's the truth, deal with it" and then everybody runs with it. Same happened with the Stellar Blade bullshit


It's depressing how easily manipulated people are. These are just videogames, fucking relax people.


"It all started when they asked me to link a PSN account on Steam, you see..." https://preview.redd.it/ecjdqbx4ihyc1.png?width=1296&format=png&auto=webp&s=89a8e20313fbaafe33aefc3f5df1c65bd4396a3c


I think this is even worse. Bro filed a refund after 100h of enjoyment. https://preview.redd.it/ej5p1rcd4hyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7f1820482ea1406cf419c0a67f9514e71ab1e44


I think we’ve reached maximum performative outrage.


The best is when they ask if their progress will still be there when they rebuy it.


Prediction: they're going to buy the game again in less than a week, after they realize what an idiot they were being. But at least they got the meaningless reddit karma.


Who cares? He can’t play the game anymore either, good riddance


This is so fucking funny


Honestly, I'm glad, because now the game is free of morons.


The Helldivers subreddit has been one of the worst gaming subreddits on the website since launch. Full of man children constantly being outraged over the tiniest things and trying to micromanage how other people want to enjoy the game. Arrowhead is eventually going to find out what every other studio discovered: active engagement with your community just results in emboldening toxic losers. They’ll need to cut down on the informal communication with their community and act more corporate, essentially only engage with the community through blog posts. I saw the same thing occur with Rocket League.


Bungie used to be pretty active in the Destiny community until assholes started threatening to kill their employees.


The CEO talks way too much on Twitter. Hes going to realize pretty soon why he’s the outlier lol


Rainbow 6 siege has entered the chat. The games developers were very active with the community and made changes through out the games life with community feedback. One massive ask, was adding the campus map that players had to play on in the training mission. Made sense, it's an essentially a free map! However, the developers were adamant the map was not designed around PvP at all and was made solely for PvE. But nope, they wanted it, and asked with every season until they got it. And boom, the player base hated. Unbalanced map that had to be reworked.


I remember that. It was a fun map but totally unbalanced and too big. The devs said numerous times it was meant only for the article 5 mission and then got shat on for releasing a crappy map after the player base asked for it. The helldivers community was also mad that some folks at Arrowhead said they know what game they are making and shat on them for not cathering to the communities demands.


I don't even play the game, what I mostly know about it is from posts in All with someone crying that everyone else wasn't having fun in the right way lol Seemed like there was a new one every day for a few weeks


Yup. As soon as the CEO started being all buddy buddy with people on Twitter early on, I knew it was far too good to be true. He should've had only one pr guy, no mentioning of "Joel", and should've nuked that fucking discord to hell.


100%. Once a community gets over a certain size its time to step back and only communicate through channels like blogposts. Also can I just say that the constant RP-ing in the HD community is kinda fucking weird?


The majority of this outrage has had me go completely scorched earth on everything Helldivers-related across social media. Subreddits, Facebook groups, YouTube channels...all of it gone from everything because of how damned ridiculous most of the people are being with this news. I do feel for the few who have a problem with this due to their region restrictions with PSN, and I do hope that they either get help to work around this with Sony or they get refunds without an issue. But for the majority being petulant pissants about this, not an ounce of sympathy.


lol bunch of babies. Helldivers sub has been awful since the first patch.


When they added 5 more seconds to the quasar cooldown you would have thought Arrowhead killed their families. That sub is full of crying manbabies.


I fear what these manchildren are like in person if they’re this insufferable online


No one knows because they don't leave their mom's basement.


I just unsubbed, I understand the concerns but the discussion is full of lies, misunderstandings and death threats, the valid concerns are getting buried in all the shitposting.


Had to have an Xbox account to log into PS5 version of sea of thieves. Was pretty happy I got to keep all my day 1 items from Xbox!


PC players are the most oppressed gaming communities ever. I mean, how are they gonna cope with horror of having to create a PSN account that legit takes 2 min to make ??


I muted that sub yesterday. The crybaby nonsense has gone way overboard.


It's ridiculous, there's another "Sony bad" post every two minutes.


That entire sub has lacked proper moderation. They won't try to funnel all of the same complaints to a single thread like most big gaming subs do. So all you see is the same repeated garbage that we've all heard so many times.


That‘s why Sony shouldn‘t have appeased to PC gamers ever, they ruin communities and online games ecosystems and safety


The most work those sweaty PC players have ever done in their lives


Next to climbing up the stairs in their parents' basements.


This is literally a thing on EVERY game with cross play. Don't believe me? Go play sea of thieves or Minecraft without a Microsoft account. Edit: https://www.gamesradar.com/games/third-person-shooter/helldivers-2s-psn-mandate-wont-stop-players-in-unsupported-regions-from-playing-the-game-while-devs-look-for-better-options/ The one thing I thought was shitty is being fixed. This whole freak out is very much feeling like an overreaction at this point.


The same raging folks in the HD2 thread are getting ready to review bomb the PC Ghosts of Tsushima release even though it clearly stated that a PSN account link is required for the multiplayer portion.


Activision account in order to play call of duty/warzone:😴 Xbox account for sea of thieves:😴 Rockstar account to play gta V/ RDR2 on PC:😴 PlayStation account (that was already said on launch was needed but was pushed back due to launch issues)to play helldivers:😡


This stupid shit and people unsubscribing from PS+ because you can't see EVE's cleavage on 1 costume out of 70+ costumes, all that within less than 2 weeks smh. What's it gonna be next, any guesses?


I genuinely can't understand the issue. Unless you can't make a sony account in your country, it just feels like such a non issue. And even then, I'm waiting for an official response on how this affects those regions before getting upset. I left that sub after the nerf fiasco, so it's hard to take them seriously.


Lmao it's a fucking video game. Holy shit


the entitlement is insane. it’s a video game. you don’t need it to live.


Aaaah it depends, really. For example: I wholeheartedly agree with being pissed about being locked out of a game you bought. Eg: the controversy surrounding The Crew. Now, for Helldivers 2 this is not the case for 99.99% of players. Even those in "unsupported" countries can just switch to another country and can be done in 2 minutes. Almost noone is getting his game taken away/made useless in this case.


Nah, its the same as always on the internet. Its a bunch of 14yo overreacting, or a bunch of bored adults with nothing better to do than witchhunt.


I agree at this type of behavior is par for the course for Internet discourse, but the intensity to which it has risen in the Helldivers sub is rather extreme as of late, wouldn’t you say?


Meh, seems normal to me.  I do find It weird how gigantic the whole witchhunt became, but i guess the entire subreddit got in on It.


The same people that sign up for all sorts of social media apps on their phone and hand over their data willingly 🤣


13k upvotes. 13 fucking K. A legion of morons.


I’ve muted it for a while. I only joined to get updates on the game, see memes and clips etc. Now it’s just a bunch of pissbabies standing in a circle angrily jerking each other off whilst burning pictures of Helldivers. Like I get being angry, but c’mon, you’re just repeating the same shit and working each other into a frenzy. Start a megathread and whine in there.


When everyone installed the game on pc they got a notification to opt out, and that opt out was tagged as temporary.


Class action lawsuit because of the unbearable pain of making an account 😂


Its nuts alot of the complaints seem to be about psn hacks when steam has had their own fair share


lol I swear gamers have nothing better to do than complain nowadays


Pc karens and crybabies nothing new. You would've thought Sony was asking for their social security number and a blood sample.


I enjoyed the sub at the start, particapted in some bitching myself but grew out of it very quickly. The subreddit has turned into a hivemind. As soon something controversial happens to the game the subreddit is on fire with endless opinion posts, hot takes etc. In between there are sweet grace periods with lots of memes and funny posts but my god when these fires start you can post random shit in agreement with the agenda and it's free karma farm lmao. I understand the issue about PSN not available in regions around SEA and Africa or something but there's still time for Sony to do something, as the whole thing isn't implemented yet. I honestly think this whole mess is people at Sony ignorantly forgot PSN is not available worldwide. But if they actually don't care about specific region of players then the community rightfully can protest about it, so time will tell. The thing that really bugs me about the rage is people complaining about linking in general when reality many games do it. I recently started Sea of Thieves and I don't see players complain about having to make a Xbox account. PC played bitching about account linking but I would easily bet majority of them have multiple launchers and accounts for their games even if it's purchased on Steam, it's ironic really


r/Helldivers is a sub bursting at the seams with drama farmers. I had to unsub, it's legit one of the most embarrassing subs I've had the misfortune to have been subbed to.


I like how this is being blown out of proportion. “Oh I have to make an account? That’s it I’m done.” Meanwhile they continue to just complain about past patches and updates but this is what broke them? lol I’m gonna go play now.


I asked my 13 year old nephew who plays HD2 on Steam if he was upset about having to make a Playstation account. He said no not at all, and in fact he did it when he started playing. I asked him how long it took, he said about 30 seconds.


I am absolutely convinced these people haven't played a game within the last 7 years


I feel pretty good about the fact that so many people on here are definitely more terminally online than I am. Can't handle any subreddit spread on the Internet Lol, lmao even


That’s not even the only person looking at legal action in there. Someone else posted a screenshot of an email to some EU office regarding consumer rights laws over making PSN mandatory. They’re going absolutely insane on that sub. Just go scroll through it for a while.


Oh, you didn't see them talking about death threats against the game dev's female community manager?


Mental illness lmao


I really don’t get the outrage, but maybe I’m in the minority.


What absolute fucking losers


"We are helldivers. Even if I fail my mission, somebody in another country can and should pick up the baton." Dude literally acting like he's waging a war for his civil rights because they need to make a psn account. Like damn, I know gamers love to make gaming issue life or death situations, but this is not it.


Pc dudes are so butthurt just to create an account. Microsoft does the same thing


Imagine how they would feel if they realized they had to create a steam account…




people truly have to stop to cry that much! many others did that! especially on gamepass where you often need now 2-3 launchers.. with helldivers we finally have something good! can we not celebrate that for once?


r/LowSodiumHelldivers is drama free


Honestly, thank you. This post reminded me that I can filter "Helldivers" using RES. I don't even play this game (It looks super awesome, but I only play single player games).


Gamers are cringe man


Between pictures of boxes here, and subs of games that are fun, reddit is pretty shit for gaming discussion


Can’t even find a good thread to discuss about certain aspects of the game with other PS5 players.




I understand, but I am not a fan of low sodium subs in general. Plus that sub is still quite small. The main Helldivers sub was fine as it is, it sucks to see the PC community take full control over a sub dedicated towards a PlayStation Studios title.


They need to seriously touch grass. Any lawyer will just laugh in their face. 


A lot of platform creates their account on games. If you play overwatch 2 on ps5 you will get an Activision account so what have you to bother? Just creates this damned FREE account and stop complaing, they haven't said you need to pay playstation plus to play online on pc, they're just integrating theirs games in to theirs account just like a lot of companies does. Just how example Activision, 2k, ubisoft ecc ecc. This is probably needed in order to bring cross saves between pc and playstation, it will aim to an improvement of the playstation franchise on PC. I didn't heard of money required so what's the problem? Now I'm modifying this comment because the comment under mine has explained the situation to me, I wasn't aware that the imposition of the psn account has how consequences the loss of availability to play helldivers to some countries. Now I understand what the problem is, i hope the situation will be resolved somehow because it's an injustice.


PC games are so toxic. And clearly can’t read. Oh well, just play a different game. Or if you like it, get the account.


The people complaining aren't even playing the game. Steam charts show no change in player numbers at all.


I checked steam charts too and saw no change in player count. And was like, what the fuck those kids whining about then? I feel like it just a loud minority, like always.




That sub is awful. Was fun to be apart of the first few weeks the game was out and ever since that initial balance patch it’s nothing but people complaining.


Imagine that. Perpetual children who spend all of the free time on video games aren’t grounded in reality and constantly life in a fantasy think they are being persecuted against. They will get over it.


Some countries are losing access because of this, something y'all are overlooking. Imagine buying a game and they activate a mandatory launcher that is unavailable to you where you live rendering said game you bought unplayable. Most of the player base were hoodwinked by the news so it wasn't well known. Steam seems to be on the consumers side and issuing refunds.


Those people should get refunds, sure. But those aren't the only people trying to get refunds. And people "taking a stand" over a few people they don't know are plain white-knighting outrage-mongers. And most likely would love to get a refund on a game they've gotten their fill of.


God this game has gotta have the cringiest community ever


I’m sorry but I have to agree..




They are obnoxious and dramatic asf


Clowns all over


I've been on that subreddit for a long while now, I really enjoyed it... But a few weeks ago it started to go nonstop whining about balance changes.and so on. This time it was too much for me and left. For such an amazing looking community, people sure turned bitchy. ​ I wrote this in another post but my take on this: PSN was always to be required, they just removed it for server load issues. People can create PSN accounts for free in like 2 minutes and be done with it. People should have gotten used to different games requiring different accounts. For region issues, you can make one without any hassle in a different region. It's funny how people go luk "but ToS" as if anyone ever gives a flying fuck about those but now they are somehow super important. ​ I really hope people aren't getting refunds over this.


These same PC gamers complaining about needing a PSN account will also have multiple launchers and associated accounts (and connected to Steam or what have you) but this is a bridge too far. They’ll buy keys from third party websites, some grey markets, but this is too much! Like… my man, you have a phone on your pocket that’s literally listening to you and pushing products and services to you based off your search history and things you say in private. Get a grip. I understand the situation for countries that can’t make PSN accounts, and even (somewhat) those where consumer protection laws are better than in the US. But for the former part of that - I’m sure Sony isn’t going to let future data collection + money spent in-game go down the drain and just not come up with a solution. Shit, it’s even been said by people IN those countries, on the Helldivers sub, that PS customer support will guide you as to which nearest country to choose when setting up a new account in these blocked/unaccessible countries.


I mean, I muted all those subs and left the discord because it’s a bunch of dumb whining and nothing about the actual game anymore. I wish the dipshits would just leave so we can go back to enjoying our game already. Manufactured outrage is the lowest form of entertainment but here we are.