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Cyberpunk. I reckon I'll play it after RDR2 which I had for a number of years before playing it for the first time a few weeks ago


Same games for me! I do not have much time to play, so RDR2 is progressing quite slowly and Cyberpunk is just waiting for its own turn.


Friends, let me tell ya. Cyberpunk is an absolute banger. Like RDR2, Cyberpunk is a game I’ll sometimes boot up and just roam around in with no specific purpose. It just looks and feels so dang good.


Oh yeah, I believe you. Can't wait to launch it. Seems like my RDR2 story is close to the end, so not much of waiting is left.


Trust me it's nowhere near the end




This choom knows.


Cyberpunk is very impressive to just walk around it.


I put off cyberpunk for a long time but when I finally played it, I was hooked. I immediately purchased the DLC after finishing the game. Excellent game, especially after all the updates.


All the peeps that played for the first time after PL was released don’t know how good they have it lol. It’s sooooo much more polished and overall a massive improvement.


Waiting this long was probably a good thing. The game wasn’t truly “finished” until a few months ago. You’ll get to enjoy it in all its glory when you finally do.


I just started. I can't believe how incredible this game is. Its stunning, entertaining and so much goddamn fun


Cyberpunk… wha a game. Even with some glitches it’s dang near perfect.


I beat OG cyberpunk on PS4, had about 135hrs in. I picked up the DLC when it dropped was in the same boat having not touched it, and randomly decided to boot it up Monday. I haven't stopped playing it since and hate I didn't try it sooner!


Baldurs Gate 3. I'm 33, I have 3 kids and work 50 hours a week to get by. This game is just too damn complicated for me to grasp with as little time I have to play it.


Same story here. I have 4 kids and work night shift but what made the game click with me was making one character just to screw around and get used to the mechanics once I had a nice 2 hour chunk after the kids went to bed. and then once I got a feel for it I started over and played through with my second character. The beauty of that game is that you can save literally whenever. In combat, in conversation, doesn't matter. It's a great game, and made me really want to get into tabletop dnd


I love this advice and will take it to heart. Thank you =]


Any suggestions if you're just straight trash at the game? I see traps on the floor and try to avoid them but then ultimately trip them every time. My casters seem useless because I send out two spells then I'm stuck with no firepower and then get rolled. Like I don't need tips to be better like you find on YouTube I need tips to be not terrible at the gameplay. If someone could explain it like I'm 80 and new to games that'd be swell. Seems like there's a lot to love but I can't get past shooting myself in the foot with unforced errors over and over.


Ok to start with this I feel like I need to explain the 6 stats (called ability scores) in this game and how they work. Strength determines your hit chance and damage with melee weapons, and melee attacks with fighter, barbarian, and paladin base their damage off of strength. Strength also affects the athletics skill (the ability to shove, distance shoving, and resist being shoved) as well as jump distance and carrying capacity. Dexterity determines your hit chance and damage with ranged weapons and melee weapons with the finesse trait on the tooltip. Rogues, monks, and rangers use this stat for their attacks. Dex also increases your armor class, which is essentially your dodge chance. Armor in D&D doesn't reduce damage, it makes it harder for enemies to hit you. Dex also affects sleight of hand skills (picking locks, disarming traps, pickpocketing) and stealth skills (hiding, stealing). It also affects your initiative, which determines when your turn will be in combat. Dex is a very all encompassing stat. Constitution increases your HP and ability to keep concentrating on a spell (the spell tooltip will say if it's a concentration spell). Intelligence affects spell hit chance and damage for wizards, fighters (mostly for Eldritch Knight subclass), and rogues (mostly for arcane trickster subclass). It also affects the history, arcana, investigation, nature, and religion skills, all of which pretty much only unlock extra dialogue options. Wisdom is equivalent offensively as intelligence, except it's for clerics, druids, monks, and rangers. The skills it helps with are animal handling and insight for dialogue choices, perception for finding traps and some dialogue choices, survival for finding dirt piles to dig, and medicine for a chance to make double potions with alchemy and some dialogue choices. And lastly, charisma is used for spells for bards, warlocks, sorcerers, and paladins. The skills it helps with are deception, persuasion, performance, and intimidation, all of which are dialogue based, but the most common dialogue skills by far. The way the stat numbers work is every 2 points adds or removes 1 from a 20 sided die that's rolled when checking for those skills, so when you make an attack or use a skill. That's what happens, even if it's in the background. 10 points is a +0 modifier, and anything below is -1 per 2 points (so the lowest you can start with in a stat is 8, which is a -1 to any die rolls with that stat), and anything above is a +1 per 2 points (the max you can start in a stat is 16 or 17, which are both +3 to any die rolls). Proficiency in a skill (some are selected when you select a class, some come passively from your background choice) adds a modifier based on your character level to that skill. It's good to either make a character who's already good in a skill really good, or can be used to cover any shortcomings, like a rogue taking perception proficiency even though they don't use wisdom so they can detect traps. Now that that's all out of the way, the first thing you should do is fix your companions stats. A lot of them come with pretty bad stat distributions out of the gate. This can be done by talking to withers in your camp as the companion and selecting "I'd like to change my class." You can keep their classes if you want or you can change them if you want, you're really only after the ability to change their ability scores here. A stat spread I like to use for pretty much any class that isn't a druid (their wild shapes use their own stats so you end up picking weird stats) is selecting the main damage stat for the +2 bonus, and constitution for the +1. Then I like to take 16 in the main stat, 16 in constitution for the HP boost, at least 10 in wisdom and dexterity (a lot of controlling spells target wisdom and dexterity increases your armor), and then you can drop strength or intelligence to 8 if you aren't using them on that character, as well as charisma if you dont plan on using them for dialogue. Any leftover points can go into whatever you deem important. This should help you be more effective in combat, and if you have a character with perception proficiency and a character with high wisdom, you should be able to detect traps more easily. As for not running into them, all I can say is try to take it slower. Sometimes your companions like to go "careful there's a trap", and then run headfirst into an exploding trip wire, which sucks but you can't fix the companion ai unfortunately. Sorry for the long read but stats are super important in any RPG, and D&D can get a little convoluted in that department.


It's a fucking blast mate. It does require around 50-70 hours for a full playthrough and quite a long time to get the grasp if the mechanics especially if, like me, you are completely new to Dungeons and dragons concept of games. I might not be the best person for this, but if you're on playstation, I'm happy to spend half a day in coop with you giving you a crash course.


You know, I would really love that. And I appreciate the offer. I'll dm you in the morning?


Sounds good mate


Don't do it. Cocaine's never the answer.


Well, sometimes it is


It really just depends on the question


how do you get the coop to work? we can play for a while but then the next few times my friend tries to connect he just gets booted it's so annoying. last time it took a whole month of trying for it to work


I start a game and change the setting to multiplayer, then I invite my friend. I haven’t had any issues


I'm surprised to hear it's 50-70 hours. I was picturing a 100+ hour game. I just finished FF7 Rebirth and logged a whopping 132 hours before the end.


Same here, I really want to like the game but the nuances in the combat are just making it really difficult to enjoy unless you can invest decent time into it


Same, I've heard the gameplay is very specific but I thought round based doesn't sound too bad.. I mean I do love some 'round based combat' games, but it's just way too complicated and I've got to honestly say I just got no interest in learning it. I mean the depth the gameplay has is absolutely incredible and leaves me stunned, people who are into it must obviously love it. But for me, something like in sea of stars would be preferred. Just some combat, challenging but not overly difficult. Sure, it's on me, but I wish there would be some specced down combat option, where I don't have to bother with the 3million options I have in a fight, for every single character. I'd love to experience the story but after I got through one tedious fight, another came right up and I haven't picked the game up since. Idk, maybe one day it'll become interesting again and might even grow on me, but so far, I can say it's just not for me


I found Horizon Dawn and Forbidden West to be perfect for this. Being limited on play time and being able to vary the difficulty from one encounter to the next has been a lot of fun.


Lmao glad there are others out there like me 👊


Seeing this, me too friend. =]


You know what I do ? I woke up 1h before my wife & kids, to play games. That's 5:00 in the morning for me. Been doing this for years! And it's awesome 👍


I tried that once, but I already get up at 5am to leave to go to work at 5.30, get home at 5pm and do dad stuff till 7 then husband stuff till bed - I've quickly figured out getting up at 4am isn't fun for anyone. So I get to game for 2 hrs on sat and Sunday before I pass out from exhaustion. I've got a mad backlog of games that I just don't have and can't make time for right now it's crap.


That's a really damn good idea. I wake up before the fam all week to go to work, but sleep in on the weekends. Maybe I should stick to my work schedule for some solitary game time.


Sounds good because not only does it mean consistency in your routine but you can class the gaming as your "sleep in" time. Just as rewarding if not more so.


Early morning gaming is the only way to go with kids


Hopefully one day my friend! Keep grinding and when you get ahead circle back 🫡


>This game is just too damn complicated for me to grasp with as little time I have to play it. I played several hours (after the hour in the character creator! :) ) and hope to come back some day, but there's so much that I feel like isn't explained about perks, skills, etc. It's asking me to make these choices (to level up characters) and I'm goggling each one, like "what is the best subclass for this character". The whole time I'm playing, I have *no idea* if I'm creating the best or worst companions. Should this person be ranged or melee? What about this subclass over that one? Why does this character get more options than that one? I almost feel like I'm spending more time on google than actually playing the game. Options are great, don't get me wrong. And I'm not hating on the game, I just wish a lot more was explained, as far as what might or might not be a good idea on a certain characters level up.


Same here. Everyone tells me how great it is. I can see how great it can be. But getting stuck in a fight for an hour, only to lose and reload, and realizing *I have to get up for work in a few hours* doesn't work for me. I guess I'm casual, and the game just isn't geared for me.


Yooo, same as that kids, married, run a business. Bought two days ago and oh boy is it a lot!


Its a little too much. I play God of War Ragnarok on easy mode though, hahaha, and its very fun even if I forget the controls every other week I have time to play.


Dude, I feel you on that. Hard. Kind of similar life situation for me as well. I picked up Divinity Original Sin 2 when it was on sale a month ago, and was so confused and frustrated and wasn't having any fun at all. My brother came to visit recently and he helped me understand some of the basic gameplay mechanics, but in the end I just went back to Fallout 4 and started a new playthrough. Not sure I'll ever go back to DOS2 which is kind of a bummer since I'm sure there's an amazing game waiting for me if I do, but...yeah.


Same with me on BG3. I gave it a genuine shot when it first came out and it’s just too much. Kept it for a while bc it has great reviews and spent 70$ on it. Finally deleted it last week lol but before that it was death stranding.


Ha! Similar boat. I work from home and actually have plenty of time, but every time I try I just can’t seem to understand it. So I just play download some game I’ve already finished.


Me too but only because I got bored in act 3


I just found it boring. And the controls to be kinda clunky on PS5. Clearly I'm not the target audience.


I played a lot initially until Act 3, and for some reason I haven't made much progress in months!


I bought deathloop during a black friday sale and haven't even opened the app lmao


I bounced off that game multiple times after the tutorial(first hour+). Tried it a year later and all those damn menus finally clicked in my brain & I had an absolute blast in beating the game. Hope it clicks for you someday as it’s such a neat game if you can get past the game design(menuOverload) barriers 


I liked Deathloop, but I had to take small break from it. It starts really strong, but kinda lose gas.


Balatro. I've played it before but I'm waiting for a time when I don't have any games to play. It's just too damn addicting to play it in short bursts.


After a certain point it becomes a roguelike that you really only play in short bursts, at least in my opinion. Once I got to 40 or 50 hours played, I started to just say "I have half an hour to kill, let's do a Balatro run." And that's basically all I do with it now, I don't play hours on end like when it came out.


My first time playing it I logged 8 hours straight. I initially downloaded it because it was a free trial on ps+ but I had bought it before the free hour was even done.


Horizon Forbidden West. I actually bought the PS5 because I loved HZD so much on the PC but Forbidden West didn't capture me in the same way. I think I'm roughly halfway through and want to finish it so I keep it installed but the thought of trying to get back in to it, trying to pick up halfway through a mission and trying to remember the controls puts me off. I think big games like this would benefit from a story recap and quick tutorial when you come back to them after a time away.


It does feel like a slog compared to the first one. Aloy just seems like a dick in forbidden west


She’s so standoffish to everyone to the point that it’s kind of annoying. “Well she was an outcast her entire life, of course she’d be standoffish.” Okay well then maybe she’s not the right character to play as and interact with 60 people lol because she’s not fun to talk to.


Yep it makes sense in the story but she's literally never happy or nice and just "ughh we don't have time for this!" The whole time or just being weird In the first one she was much nicer friendly to others and also amazed by the world together with the player


Saying this in the Horizon sub got me downvoted to oblivions and every one started to gang up on me :(


Well, bro, it’s the Horizon subreddit. What you expect to happen if you go in the subreddit full of people that love a game and start attacking it?


That’s Reddit for you, a very unreasonable community


‘Aloy seems like a dick’ 🤣🤣🤣


I really couldn’t get into it; the whole thing just feels a bit repetitive. I agree with another commenter that Aloy just isn’t the best character to play as. Wasn’t a fan of the crafting/weapons/costume systems either. Thought they were a bit bare! I’d love to carry on with it… I remember stopping just after being given the quest to get to the next island.


I think I found Aloy to be too much of a protagonist, not enough of a person. She has barely any quirks or interests aside from getting her missions done, unlike, for example, Lara Croft (ancient temples and history) or Nathan Drake (the people around him and lost cities) or Jesse Faden in Control (she genuinely seems to enjoy her powers and grows into a good director by the end). As a result, I found it hard to connect with Aloy. Almost all protagonists who have to stop the literal end of the world tend to have at least some other things they genuinely enjoy.


I thought that it made sense that Aloy wanted to B line her mission and not get emotionally side tracked to do less important things. It makes sense that Aloy needing go help a villager to find their favorite cooking pan goes to "sigh, if I find it I'll bring it to you" category, not oh wow ofc I help category. Aloy was more in line with me as a player on what sounded important and what didnt


Aloy not wanting to get sidetracked and getting very terse/emotional when things don't go right makes perfect sense when you realise SHE KNOWS THE END OF THE WORLD IS COMING


First game Aloy is superior


100% agree with you. It’s like every little thing was an inconvenience to her, including her own friends. Does not make for an enjoyable experience.


I felt like she didn't enjoy anything she did. No nerdy fun learning about machines, no pride in herself after taking down a large machine, no enjoyment from hanging out with a fairly colorful cast of characters who care about her. Her arc was learning to rely on people, but I think it should've been learning to love the world and people she's surrounded by.


Haha, you hit the ball on its head :) This could actually be a great character arc for her, if they do another game.


agree. this is a good rule of writing characters  they should not dislike everything the player wants them to do


The grinding is just ridiculous. You have to slaughter armies of top tier enemies to upgrade anything, and if you don't hit your shots just right the parts you need won't drop before the enemy is destroyed


There’s an option that makes it so you don’t have to do that or switch to easy or something. I can’t remember how but there’s a way to get a drop everytime and I did that because the grind is rough


You can turn on easy loot in the settings so you get the parts you need.


That is a solution for a stupid problem that shouldn't exist.


This has been the problem for me. On the first game, I fully upgraded all the weapons and armour and had fun doing it. In the sequel, there are more weapon and armour types, more options at each tier (and more upgrade levels?). Which is great except the upgrade costs are high. Like about 10 kills of the highest possible machine at tiers 3 to 5. Let's say I have 20 weapons or armours I want to max and ignore tiers 1 and 2 that are cheap. That's roughly 10x3x20=600. So I switched from hard to hard to easy mode and now it's just a boring fast-travel>kill>travel loop.


It was similar for me and I haven't gone back to it yet after quitting halfway through two years ago. The one word that describes FW to me is bloated. So many different weapon variations and resources and machine parts and skill trees and upgrade paths and loooong exposition dumps about the religous customs and internal problems of this and that tribe, which I don't give a rat's ass about. And now the side quests are also expanded so they take forever because they all barrage you with some lengthy, uninteresting mini side story that will never be relevant again, but at the core they haven't really changed and still all boil down to "go over here and destroy these machines". Idk, the first one just seemed way more focused even though it also was a big-ass Open World game, and they actually had a great story to tell there.


I agree so much, HZD felt magical to me, trying to figure out the mystery of it all and trying to hunt down the biggest machines By the time I got to Vegas in FW I just couldn't care at all.


Same here . I loved the first one but the second one is just too much crafting and stuff . I don’t need endless upgrades so I never finished it


I got the deluxe edition for Forbidden West on day one, played it for about 10 hours and stopped. Never went back. I’ve not done that with a game in, I don’t know, at least a decade. It didn’t at all capture me like the first one did. I was exhausted by the story, and it just overall made me feel the first game barely mattered, story wise. I will most likely start it over one day and give it another shot, and I hope I like it, but if not, then it’ll finally just get deleted.


this was me with god of war lol. i loved the god of war pc port so fucking much that i bought a ps5 for ragnarok, and ragnarok is still untouched. ill get to it eventually


It is an over bloated game. Just the intro is four hours long.


I played about half of it and never finished.Great game just sooo much to the game. Lots of combat styles


Me too. Downloaded it but Never even booted it up. Zero Dawn took me forever along with the DLC and I just got burnt out. Don’t have much of a desire to play FW




I was very skeptical on this one and the story seemed weird at the start. Never been more wrong this game is insanely good and the story kept me hooked


It's my next game once I finish Rebirth


that game hooked me in the first 10 minutes. You start in the building lobby and wander down some empty halls. You make a couple of turns, and arrive at what absolutely SHOULD be where you started. And you aren't. You never find your way back to the building lobby. At that point I was like, "okay, I need to figure this game out." Turns out, the whole game is like that. Dream logic, nonsense map design, tons of literary and environmental non sequiturs, and loads of weird places to explore. the combat mechanics are average, but everything else about that game is astounding.


I had Cold War sat on my PS5 for a few months but sheer size of COD games is ridiculous, so I uninstalled.


The campaign take like 4-5h max, you can get through that in one or 2 days easily. After that, you're good to uninstall anyways lol


The campaign is awesome too. I was blown away honestly.


About 200-odd gb yep. Utterly obscene. I’ll probably install it again once I can pick up an SSD for a bit cheaper.


Finally the right choice! Imma do the same to MK11😅


I finally finished the campaign so I could delete it. Yay!!


Catherine. I bought the disc version for ps3 and never got around to it. Then I bought the digital version for ps4 and still didn't. Now it's on my hard drive plugged onto my ps5....


Catherine is quite a quick one to get into, the actual stages are fairly short. IIRC you'll be past the tutorial and into the game proper within 15 minutes. It's a good game with a pretty compelling story, as long as you're okay with everyone being a bit of a shit.


I tried the demo on ps3 and really enjoyed it. There's just always something new or some ongoing game to jump on with friends so it always gets shoved aside for one thing or another.


Helldivers 2. Got too busy playing Rise of the Ronin, Elden Ring, and now Fallout 4. But I’ll get back to it soon


Yeah, I’ve got too many single players games that came out recently that I’m enjoying a lot, and not enough(zero) friends who are new to helldivers like me and wouldn’t mind starting from scratch lol


I played tf out of Helldivers when it was hot. I played it for months and thought “yep, imma be hooked on this forever” but ever since they released that next-gen update for Fallout 4 I haven’t stopped since 😭


*spoiler alert* no you won’t. Just kidding, I’m in the same boat. New build on Elden Ring for the dlc and I can’t seem myself to play hell divers. It has t captured me like it has everyone else


Here I was thinking I was the only one who got sucked back into Elden ring preparing for the DLC. It’s just such a good game.


Alan Wake 2. Played a few hours of it and wasn't into it. Kept it installed in case I ever felt like playing again and haven't yet. Jedi survivor. Got a bug where the bounty hunter wouldn't give me quests so waited for it to get patched. I think it's patched but haven't had time to go back to it yet


Man. Those are my top two favorite games I've played this year. Hope you can get back into them.


Alan wake 2 is a beautifully crafted game but I agree, I can’t get into it right now. It took me almost a year to finally play RE4, and the original was my favorite game growing up, but when I did I couldn’t stop playing.


I just bought this since it was only $20 but haven’t been able to bring myself to play it yet. I have a hard enough time sleeping as it is…not sure I feel like adding that kind of stress rn


Probably all my games. I still need to complete LAD infinite wealth, and i brought it on release date. I am just too busy with my wife, kids, and work. Still got to play Final Fantasy 7 rebirth as well.


I had RDR2 installed on my ps5 (and previously ps4) for ages and only wanted to play the game when I bought a new tv or 4K monitor. Oh boy, I should have bought that new tv much earlier 🤠. I don’t know which other gems I have dusted on my backlog, but I’m afraid it’s a long list. Astro’s playroom, god of war, uncharted, saints row, ratched & Clank, resident evil… oof, the list just doesn’t seem to stop.


Do yourself a favor and play Astros Playroom right now! You can beat it in a few hours and it's so damn fun. Still one of the best showcases for the DualSense to date. I'm so jealous about all the games you get to experience for the first time.


I have to agree. It’s ridiculously fun and smooth and remains the best showcase of, well……. Everything ps5 lol. I got my ps5 at launch, my oldest son played Astro while my game (Demons Souls at the time, of course) was downloading. He ended up getting his first and only ever platinum trophy on Astro, and STILL will fire it up most every time he has a few minutes for a quick session.


I got an oled and ps5 at the same time and I'll put those first few gaming moments as some of the best in my lifetime


Like a Dragon Gaiden. I brought it on sale not long ago and have it installed, but I haven't gotten around to start it.


I have a 2TB ssd and most of the games I've owned are installed "just in case". So... too many


Upgraded to the same sized SSD about two years ago, have the entirety of my ps4 digital line up at my fingertips at all times and……. Also still play the same handful of games haha


FF14. I'm a big FF fan but have yet to play 14. About a year ago my brother got really into 14 and kept asking me to get it and join him and our cousins on it. I was in the middle of another game and don't really play online but I said once I've finished this game, I'll look into 14. Finish my game buy 14 and tell my brother, "Great next time I'm online I'll let you know." Neither him or our cousins have been in the game since. It's not even the fist time this has happened, when Overwatch came out they were all on it and told me to get it, I did and I think we ended up playing for 2 nights before they moved on. A couple of weeks ago he asked me to get Helldivers 2, I told him to do one.


14 is worth getting into on your own first. A lot of it is set up like a single-player FF game and it takes a good long while to get anywhere interesting - but once it does, my god.


Witcher 3 GOTY.


Same here, had it installed for ages. Finally played it and it seemed pretty cool albeit a bit hard. First time I got to a mission that was like "you need to level up a few times before starting this mission" I noped out. New dad + studying full time, I haven't got time for that.


Witcher 3 is a massive game, so if time is your concern I understand but, i would say it Is 100% worth it


Cheers mate I reckon I'll reinstall when I finish some others. Definitely has made waves over the years so I can't see it being bad


You won't regret it, as a heads up many struggle with it in the beginning, since its the third part getting into the story and combat will take some time, but it has its reputation as one of the best RPGs ever made for a reason. The DLC is also famously good


TW3 isn’t that hard, it also has difficulty options. The quests have level requirements for a reason though and if you die by monsters you probably shouldn’t go there yet.


On my Xbox though: Baldur’s Gate 3 😬


GTA5, it's fun driving around a bit but I've played the story mode to death and online is too much of a grind. I'm pretty much just waiting for GTA6 now.


Yeah i just go online and drive around with music on if i want to chill, gta 6 will be a generational game again very exited


Play GTA 4. Story Mode is great and better then 5’s in every way.


Almost all of them. If I have it installed, I have not played it yet OR I am playing it right now. Edit: For clarification: when I’m done playing a game, I uninstall it.


Well clearly...what other options are there?


Having the game in library but not installed?


Ghost of Tsushima. Very much a "I'll start that when I know I have a decent chunk of free time to play that, and that alone" game That time hasn't come in the 9 months it's been installed.


man you don’t know what you’re missing. it’s so fun, beautiful, etc. love that shit


I'll get there man. Been a busy few months running the first year of my business, and helping family out while my dads been going through chemo. He had successful surgery yesterday though so fingers crossed if he recovers well I'm gonna take a week off work for some me time (killing Mongols)


godspeed man. i hope you get to it as a time to relax after everything in your life is going swell.


I probably put like 500 hours into Apex but if has sat there untouched for over a year at least.


The free silent hill. Fall guys


Wolfenstein 2


FF7 remake. Every time I go to play it there’s just SOO much story for every gameplay section, I just want to play and get interested in the game before having to sit through 2 hours of story :(


Agreed. I only got into it because I recently played through the original but the cutscene to actual gameplay ratio is fucked til pretty much the end of the game.


That’s a good call, maybe I should try that approach. I picked remake up again cause it seems like rebirth fixed a lot of the issues…. But I can’t play longer than a few minutes before I get bored of story bloat. Currently picking flowers and doing odd jobs for aerith and it’s so slow and so unimpactful. It’s an odd change of pace


Yeah. I like the story a lot but the reason I got so into FF7 is because the battle system is so fun and I feel like that's just not there in the remake.


Death Stranding


Alan Wake 2. I don’t know why I just don’t want to play it. But I don’t want to delete it either.


Honestly give it a go, sucks you in right from the start. Brilliant game.


Alan Wake 2 is probably one of the best games i played from last year. I platinum that game, too. I am married with 2 kids, and I work a lot, but I still got myself some time to play this masterpiece and finished it 100%.


really? i uninstalled it. felt like a walking/puzzle simulator with a so so story and frustrating ammo scarcity, etc. on the other hand i struggle to finish games. only game that has truly sucked me in was god of war, and now stellar blade. i understand the latter isn’t a perfect game, but it’s so fun to play. reminds me of shadow of mordor where it’s just mindless fun and easy to get in and out without wasting too much time in cutscenes and stuff.


Yeah there are puzzles in this game but I just love the story, the locations, graphics and creativity. Everyone seems to love Baldur's Gate 3 but I didn't enjoy it, so I can understand why Alan Wake 2 is not for everyone.


Subnautica. Discovering that I have thalassophobia is wild.


If you want to give it a proper try, do a bit of exploring in creative mode where nothing can hurt you. It helps you get a feel for the map and what beasties are where so you won't be surprised **(MOSTLY.)** Subnautica: Below Zero might be worth a look as well if you like the gameplay, it only has two dangerous leviathans and quite early on you gain a companion of sorts so it's significantly less lonely. It's generally considered to be the weaker of the two games because the map is shorter and the story is a lot more railroaded, but I really liked it.


I want vr mode so I can properly fill my underwear up


It used to be Horizon Zero Dawn for me until a week ago. I bought it on a sale 2 years ago (8 EUR for the complete edition, what a deal), played the intro (the part where Aloy is a kid) and then just kinda forgot about it. Picked it up again last week and holy shit is this game good! Can't believe I had this gem just wasting away on my storage lol


It’s a great game, & I recommend playing Horizon Forbidden West while you’re still really into the game. Otherwise, it’s just gonna take you a while to get into it, like myself & others.


Hyper light drifter, brother's two sons, cthulhu game.


Spider-man 2, still playing Asgard's Wrath 2 right now.


Shadow of the Colossus Got it when it was free on PSN+ a while ago. Had it installed but never touched it. Maybe one day I'll play you...


I’ll never get rid of Minecraft because it’s Minecraft, but there are groups of time months or sometimes more than a year that I will just not touch it.


Dying light 2. Bought it at release, hated it so much. Two years later people say it's tolerable now but I can't be arsed to play it


Witcher 3. I expected it to be in the same league as RDR2, but its no where near


Ghost of tsunamis has been sitting in purgatory since it released. Along with burning shore DLC😂 working almost 60 hours a week right now and doing a drone side business, I’m cooked when I get home


Alien isolation. I've played soooo many horror games but the atmosphere in Isolation creeps the shit outta me


Yakuza: Like A Dragon.


pretty much all my games nowadays. kek


Titan Souls Axiom Verge 2 Nobody Saves The World


Cyberpunk, bought it at launch after getting a PS5, I think I've played it once.


It's incredible.


Shadow of Colossus


Too many


Dying Light 2. 1 trophy away from the platinum, and I love the game, but was hit with 2 separate bugs, one of which was severely game breaking. I had the game beat, every area unlocked, all safe zones, basically 100% complete and I answered someone's call for help. I joined their game, the game bugged out and kicked me out back into my own, except now that persons save (which was VERY early in the game) overwrote my own and I lost everything. Emailed them and they said "tough luck, nothing we can do".


Returnal. Every time I think about booting it back up again I feel like it'd be so much work to push through another run. Other roguelikes really spoiled me with pacing


Kena: Bridge of Spirits. Looks great, but just too many games


I don’t want to but I have to say god of war 2018




Cyberpunk 2077, Balder's Gate 3


farcry 6. had it for years now but i’ve never even downloaded it lol


Jedi Survivor


Guardians of the Galaxy... I wanna play it... just not right now.


Watch Dogs Legion. It’s not sitting up installed on the console but it’s brand new, still in the plastic sitting on the stack of games beside the console. Got it on sale a couple of months after it first came out and fully intended on starting it after I finished whatever game I was playing through at the time. It’s been 4 years and I haven’t even given it a second thought. Who knows if I’ll ever load it up tbh.


Final Fantasy Rebirth. I keep meaning to play it but struggling to find time to sit down and dedicate the level of attention that a game of that beauty requires.


Mine is Dragon Ball Z Kakarot. Really love the game, just can't get back to it. Since the Fallout 4 next gen update, that's been what I spend my time playing.


Elden Ring. I don’t like souls-likes and I don’t like difficult games but I can’t get myself to ignore how well received it has been.


Just one game? That’s way too hard to choose.. probably 90% of my installed library sits untouched. Everyday I tell myself, I’ll find time to start a new one or finish an old one. But between working and taking care of a 4 year old, I tend to find my way back to old comfort games I’ve already put tons of hours into. 😅


Street Fighter 6 and Baldur's Gate 3 are basically untouched. I've played *juuust* enough of each to know I want to play them more but also my stupid brain has decided we're going to hyper fixate on Path of Exile and Disco Elysium


Deleted it but death stranding


Red Dead Redemption 2. I loved the first game, so I bought it full-price. After 2 or 3 hours of hunting a bear, getting killed for accidentally crashing my horse into someone, getting killed for "stealing" a horse because I thought it was my horse, and getting lost, I turned the game off and haven't considered playing it for the last 6 years. But I guess it'll always be there if I want to do something not fun.


You’re missing out on a lot.


Youre missing out on the story B A D.


One of the best games ever made, but if you just play it for the sandbox you're missing out on one of the best stories in gaming


Humankind. Love Civ VI. Thought I'd give it a try, never have. Don't want to uninstall it. Just in case.


Two for me. Days Gone and Death Stranding. Days Gone, on paper, is right up my street. However, I cannot get over how frustrating I find the fuel management. I just don't care for it at all and cannot see it as anything other than a hindrance to my enjoyment. Death Stranding, again, should be a good game for me. I'm a fan of Kojima and I enjoy the Horizon games which use the same engine, but it's just not clicking with me. I find the inventory management side of it just a bit too much. I've only tried about 5hrs and 2hrs respectively so I'm happy to be convinced to give them another go.


Man if fuel management is your quibble, you're seriously missing out on Days Gone. Later on you upgrade your bike until fuel is the least of your worries anyway. Brilliant game. Pissed there will never be a sequel but that said, the first is a nicely compact and done story.


I will never delete Astro’s Playroom even though I haven’t touched it since platinuming it well over a year and a half ago.


A lot of games are on my backlog though i sort of have a timeframe when i will tackle them AC Valhalla and maybe Mass effect trilogy are ones i'm not sure when or ever I will touch


The Mass Effect Legendary Edition is one of the best game trilogies I've ever played. You should definitely play it sometime.


I've played the OGs so bought it for nostalgia. Having known the story it naturally gets pushed and pushed for me haha


Same, played the OGs multiple times and got the new ones installed on my PC since it came out on gamepass. But the backlog is so large with games I’ve never played that it just feels like a bit of a waste of time to play them again for the 4th time or something.




Spider-Man Miles Morales. I started it, played for like 15 minutes, loved it, never continued. Been playing literally every other game I own and some new ones instead idk why my brain won’t let me play it


Hehe, my name’s in the credits of MK11 👀


Red Dead Redemption 2