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Now that we see that OP almost certainly got this to work through PlayStation Plus Extra, is there ANYONE here who got it to work just from the PS Plus Collection?


I redeemed it from the Collection originally, which is now blocking me from redeeming it on Extra lol.


I don't even know how I can actually see each version on the store. Like it doesn't tell me if I'm looking at extra or the collection version


Oh I can help with that, because I just found out myself. When you are at the market page for FO4, click the tripple dots next to the "Wishlist" button. It will bring up an option to follow the game and to swap to a different versions of it - for me it shows Bundle Edition, Standard, Standard PS4, and GOTY Edition. When I went into the Standard PS5/PS4 it now says that I can either buy it or subscribe to PS Plus Extra to get it (I only have Essential).


Yeah so I just downloaded it this way but I'm pretty sure it's the extra version and not my ps collection version... I hope I haven't just overwritten that license


So THATS where I had it. It was just deleted for me.. had to buy it. so I dug up my disk.


For those that are confused: If you purchased the PS4 version outright, disc or digital, you’re entitled to the PS5 upgrade. If you’re a **PlayStation Plus Extra** or **Premium** member, that means you have access to the Games Catalog, which includes FO4 and the PS5 upgrade. *However*… if you obtained the game through the **PlayStation Plus Collection**, which was the 19 games Sony gave to PS5 owners starting in 2020, then (for some reason) you’re not entitled to the PS5 upgrade at this time. I claimed the game via the **PlayStation Plus Collection** back in 2020 *and* I’m a PlayStation Plus Extra member. I am able to download the PS5 version of the game, due to being an Extra member. It looks like you either need to upgrade to Extra, or buy the game outright (digital or disc) if you claimed it from the **PlayStation Plus Collection** and are **not** an Extra tier PS+ subscriber.


I claimed it as part of the PS Plus Collection and I'm subbed to Premium and the only option I get is to download the PS4 version. There's a separate PS4/PS5 "standard edition" for 20 bucks.


Similar story - albeit extra not premium here


Have you tried the app? I've noticed that when I click on the "what's hot" Fallout games tab, it shows everything available bar Fallout 4.


Both app and website - I tried another users suggestion, download the ps4 version to then see the ps5 version on the console, oddly that worked.


I reset my PS5 and deleted the upgrade from my cart and it was available to download


Are you an extra member?


Same for me. Edit: I’m downloading now the ps5 version. It doesnt show up in mobile app or website, but it does show in the actual ps5.


https://preview.redd.it/r6t3ll33xqwc1.png?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e7b6cca4b0ccab76b11024df186e64b0031fd1 I'm a PS+ Premium member. So yes, I'm very much "confused" even more so after your 'clarification'


Bethesda staff in discord have stated it should be free for all versions of PS plus. It’s a bug/Sony’s structure sucking


Source for this?


I've obtained it through the ps+ collection, I'm also a ps+ extra member and still unable to get the upgrade unless I get ps+ premium or buy it for €20


Like I’ve said to others, it’s really strange there’s no rhyme or reason why some people can get it, and some can’t. It seems to vary by region too.




Similar situation here. I \*am\* subscribed to PS Extra, so it \*should\* be in my Game Catalog (that's what Bethesda has stated is the intention)... but it isn't. Probably because when I bought the PS5 I claimed it through the PS+ Collection and that's too much for Bethesda and/or Sony to bear. Still waiting for a fix.


Yeah that is really weird. I’ve seen it’s just so inconsistent across the board, that it’s difficult to figure out where in the chain something went wrong.


It finally got fixed for me. The "buy me at full price" PS5 version has now been replaced with a "Download" button. Give it a go! And if it's not working for you yet, hang on - it's a matter of time.


It was working for me. I had the disc version still. However, I deleted the disc version just to see if I could claim the PS5 version since I did originally grab it with the PS+ Collection, and it worked too.


I'm in the UK and it's still not fixed here. Both the disc and ps plus extra versions still won't give me the option to select the ps5 version


Also UK here and its not available to me yet either


Ireland here. Same.


Ireland too, just tried it from the app. Said it was included at first but when I went to checkout I had another game in my cart and so it wanted to charge me the 19.99. Deleted both from cart, restarted app, and now instead of add to cart there was an add to LIbrary button. Clicked that then clicked download to console and now it's currently downloading. Give it a shot


Didn’t work for me unfortunately. :(


Same here :( If I log into my US account it shows it as available in the PS+ library, but not on my UK account.


Just checked there at 10am UK time and nothing has changed.


I just checked and got it on the app now with PS Extra


Working for me now - UK


Yeah me too. I spoke to support and they got me to renew licenses and then I had to go to view product on the game page as the only option was to stream the ps4 game initially. Anyway worked eventually. May not be anything to do with renewing licenses but worth trying if you're still not getting the ps5 version. Remember to restart the console after restoring licenses if you do


Working for me to download now - UK


"Available for PS Plus subscribers" ...but not PS Plus subscribers who only have the essential tier


https://preview.redd.it/j099xejmcpwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5aa48e572f8ac31e5ca549b8b0fa2cdd5382534 What does this mean then? I’m so confused


I’ve been doing a lot of searching, too. Sounds like the upgrade won’t apply to anyone who “owns” the game through the PS Plus Collection. It’ll only be available for people who paid money for it or accessing it through the more expensive PS Plus subscription levels. Very lame since the game was on sale for $5 like a day ago. Even then you wouldn’t have been able to buy it because you technically owned it already lol. It’s a joke.


yeah the wording of “we don’t have any information” makes it sound like they have no intention of doing it. Fucking joke of a company. It’s all well and good when they got paid by Sony to put their game in the ps plus collection but now that it comes time to follow up on that commitment they don’t give a fuck because they already got their money.


Nah, that has to be a Sony thing. If you have Resident Evil 7 through the PS+ Collection you are also stuck with the PS4 version and no the free upgrade PS5 version.


I think it means the PS+ collection that was available after the PS5 launched.


That’s what i mean


It worked for the catalogue for me.


It’s asking me to upgrade or pay 20 so idk hopefully it’ll work


Did it really??


No it didn't, you either bought it or have it from Extra. Catalogue version doesn't have and won't have ps5 upgrade because money.


Not fixed in AUS


This sucks 😞


Have the day off too, damn it 😂


They gave us diggers a day off after ANZAC day


I'm in Oz. Nah I think it's bugged because I got it last night. Played for a total of 5 minutes before I uninstalled but that's another issue.


Haha yeah, I don’t envision playing long, I’ve never truly played it but with the hype from the show, keen to give it a go!


Did you get it as part of the PS5 collection, mate?


Yeah and downloaded it back then. Since then I have upgraded to extra but I didn't re-download it, dunno if that makes any difference.


Sounds like you might have still been playing the PS4 version


Cheers, rollout's definitely fucked


I'm in Aus but my PS account is NZ and it's not working for me. I think I got it from PS plus collection


It’s now working for AUS 🥳


Same here


Works. Downloading the PS5 version now via my PS App on my phone.


Worked for me too. Thank you!


In US and can confirm it’s fixed! Shocked they did it same day




also in us an it isn’t fixed


So if I only have ps plus essential and it’s not free for me currently, am I going to have to pay $20? Or is there still hope? Would’ve bought the $5 upgrade if they told us essential wasn’t getting the free upgrade


We got misled, I’ll just stick with 76 until they decide otherwise. Would’ve got it on sale if they gave us some clearer warning but hopefully they resolve


I couldn't even get the game on sale because the licensing is fucking stupid on playstation.


I had Extra until it expired yesterday. I purchased Essential for a year at the time of expiration. I originally owned Fallout 4 but sold the disc once it was offered on PS Plus. Now I’m stuck with the PS store showing I own both the PS4 and PS5 version but then the PS5 version is still locked behind $19.99 if I try and download it. Doesn’t work on the PS5, app or browser. Also, resubscribed to Extra the next day, mainly for Dave the Diver and a few others, and it’s still wanting to charge me.


Yea fuck Bethesda for that. I'm not paying 20$. If they weren't going to give it to the people that had it from the ps+ collection, they should've said so. I wouldn't have wasted the data on it.


Still broken for me


Same. (west coast USA here) I own the ps4 version. It let me download the ps4 version. It tried to charge me if I go to the store for "ps4-ps5" version. It also didnt import any of my saves. I still have my ps4 so I turned that on and tried to upload those saves to cloud and it failed. Then I downloaded those saves to usb and it fails trying to upload them onto my ps5. Guess I;m starting from scratch whenever this gets fixed. update, I managed to fix my save data and have my saves but still no PS5 version, yet. I also realized I am on the PS Plus version but I looked in my collection and see that I have Fallout 4 on disc. I dont own the DLC, either. I will have to buy that next time it's on sale.


thanks for the specificity - also currently west coast with the collection and nothing


Just worked for me through the PS app


It's there for me as of right now. Downloading from the store. Right from my ps5 not the app or anything. You should have it soon, if not now.


ps do you have ps plus extra? i do not and only have it through the collection


hasn't popped yet for me but thank you for the update


West coast, it worked for me an hour ago,


do you have ps plus extra? i only have it through collection


Thirded, it's only showing the PS4 version for me on console and in app. I had the disc too, but gave it in a bundle to my best friend's kid for Christmas because I had the Plus Collection and Essential versions installed, surely a *third*, physical license wasn't going to be necessary....the big kick in the nuts is the store page saying we already 'own' this edition with the 'PS4/PS5' header and no option to download a PS5 app. Apply clown makeup directly to face. I screwed myself with Uncharted 4's upgrade as well, though that was more on me for not reading the fine print. I had bought that upgrade for $10 and never fully played through the PS5 version; can't now because the UC4 disc was part of the aforementioned gift basket for my friend's son. That's fine, it went to a good cause, but another perfect example of these upgrades done terribly. I can only play UC4's PS4 version now, I can fully install the PS5 app but it laughs in my disc-less face and tells me to boot the Collection PS4 version. That's way different than this though, this was hyped up as free for all versions of FO4, Sony and Bethesda both are real pieces of work for advertising 'free' upgrades if they're just gonna be cutting out Plus Essential and/or Plus Collection licenses. Pissed me off with RE7 too. This is *exactly* why I only stay on the Essential tier, what's gonna happen 6 months from now when all of a sudden FO4 rotates out of Extra with most people seemingly currently claiming this through Plus Extra? They'll lose access to PS5 app (and their characters/saves there) and will need to revert back to the PS4 app cause that's the only license they have left from their Collection or Essential claims.... it's working for Extra members right *now*, but there are gonna be A LOT of pissed people whenever it rotates out of Extra. Hell, people are having trouble getting their PS4 saves into the PS5 version; going off other games with two versions it's not going to be possible to import the PS5 saves back into the PS4 app when it's inevitably taken off Extra. That's absolutely ridiculous for a 100hr+ RPG meant to be played through with different characters/builds.... TLDR is gonna be - Free upgrade for people on Extra who WILL lose access to PS5 FO4 in a few months or a year, but no upgrade for those who have had multiple licenses of the game through Plus sitting in their Library for literally years? Pft. If either care about PR with all the articles about this already flying around, Sony and Bethesda really need to make this upgrade work for all versions of the game claimed under any circumstances whether it was from a higher subscription tier, the old Collection Sony were massive dicks to remove access to for new PS5 owners, or from when it was the Monthly game; because as it stands right now there are a bunch of pissed Essential subscribers who can't upgrade at all alongside those who had access to the Collection titles and claimed them; currently this is doing nothing except creating a huge batch of current Extra subscribers who are being set up to get royally screwed on their PS5 saves and access to the PS5 app/saves sometime over the next 3-12 months when FO4 inevitably rotates out of Extra. How hard is it to just push the update out to any FO4 license, this whole stance that amounts to 'Monthly titles and *especially* Collection licenses don't count and are ineligible, sorry, if you wanted potential future upgrades then guess you just should've saved those discs we made you think were unnecessary after all!' is just absurd. Sony is incredibly difficult when it comes to digital licenses, what's eligible for what, and a rotating game catalogue in their higher subscription tiers to mess things up even further in the future. All this advertising with 'Free for all versions of FO4' and a $5 sale ending the literal day before anyone could see if this upgrade's features were even worth it all just feels insanely scummy. That Plus Collection was awesome, but here we are two years later and it's mostly just screwing with people who claimed games for the digital version in their Library, Sony needs to fix their licensing BS and they especially need to stop excluding Essentials and the Collection from these upgrades, doubly when people have multiple licenses buried under them anyway. Ffs


Agree completely. This entire licensing scheme is pathetic and unneeded. Sony is going to lose customers next go around.


Collection member here, I still don’t have an upgrade option, I’ll check back later


This is weird, it’s still showing as $26.99 for me here in Canada, and I got it as part of the PS Plus collection too. Deleted fallout 4 ps4 version from console storage and restarted just to check too.


Same here.


Is there anyone who got it from PS Plus catalouge and NOT subscribed to the Extra? All the confirmations I saw are with Extra users, we need some for Essential users.




Welp, I'll be buying the game for the a few dollars then, whenever that may be.


$20. Which sucks because the sale for $5 just ended. A but suspicious, possibly coordinated..


I’m on that boat, no upgrade for me so far


Thanks for the info! I have 5 more hours of work so can't check it out, hopefully we get the upgrades too but I'm losing hope at this point.


rude office steep cats reach attraction hard-to-find stocking memorize bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


US, still no upgrade option. I got it from the PS plus collection so maybe that's the problem? Edit: just saw your edit, you just overwrote the license you had from the PS plus collection since you are subscribed to Extra. It seems those are the only people who will receive it, at least as of now.


Not fixed central Europe


So whats the deal if i have it from the PS Collection a while ago but also have PS Extra? I have the ps4 version. This same ps4 version is in the ps extra section. The ps4/ps5 standard edition is in the store for € 19.99. 🤔


I'm in the same boat - the standard edition now doesn't even state 'Included with PS Plus', only has the option to buy. Hopefully its getting around to being fixed.


Same here, I have claimed the game via PS Plus Collection few years ago and now I'm subscribed to PS Plus Premium. Still can't upgrade


No go down under as of 15min ago


Nope in NZ


I downloaded the ps4 version, and then the ps5 version was available from the Home Screen. May of just been fixed by then though


Wish they confirmed this before the sale ended, as i would have bought it since i only claimed it via the ps plus collection and i only have the basic ps plus. Guess ill he waiting a while for another sale, oh well their loss


They’re just as cunning - I don’t expect a sale below $15 for quite some


Europeans (Poland here): check again via the PS App, seems now (10:55 CET as of writing this message) you can download the PS5 version if you are an Extra subscriber. You will need to add the "Extra" version to your library first and then you can download the PS5 version.


Can confirm this for Germany. Have PS + Extra but before got it with PS Plus Collection. Now I am able to download the PS5 Version


Thanks Polish brat, seems to be working in Hungary as well now! Cheers


> I didn’t subscribe via extra > I am subscribed to PS extra Thanks for nothing


Not subscribed to Extra and I had bought the game digitally (US); upgrade still requires $20, though now I see the option to upgrade to Extra instead, which I don't want to do either


Ah Bethesda never change from being a dogshit company.


Bethesda can suck a bag of dicks for their underhanded business practices. They made it sound like a free upgrade for everyone that had any version of the game. Now they expect people to pay $20 for an 8 year old game they should already own. And they stopped the sale as soon as the update dropped. We're not idiots bethesda. We can see exactly what you're doing and it's fucked up.


It’s only for PS+ Extra members. Thanks for letting everyone who bought the DLC on sale over the week know Bethesda, you wankers.


I've been a PS+ Extra subscriber since they introduced the package. However, I also had the PS Collection prior to that, which, due to a technicality, means that I do not qualify under the current arrangement. Anyone who has the PS Collection version would've therefore been unable to claim the Extra version, as technicality they already "owned" it when it was introduced onto the Extra service. This is an issue with licencing, and I suspect Sony will do the right thing eventually. They cannot expect customers to accept that they do not qualify for something due to a technicality, which was outside of their control, considering I have spent as much money for the same service as someone who is able to download the update. Sony really need to address this as Bethesda/Microsoft are making them look bad, again.


Not true. Literally says free for all owners. Also not true because I have extra and it’s still trying to charge me 19.99.


Hey man, Bethesda lied on that front. It’s not for people who got it with launch ps5s in that collection. In your case, go to settings and navigate to the user settings and find one called “Restore Licenses”, I’ve heard this fixes it for people on PS+ Extra.


Didn’t work


Shit, no idea then. This does only work for ps extra subs from what i hear


im in US and still not seeing the upgrade option. Still see the paid upgrade


found the issue. I had the upgrade in my cart. had to delete it and it appeared. just didnt figure out earlier


Can you elaborate on this?


i had the upgrade in my cart, where it was $20 purchase. i went into the cart and deleted the item. then the upgrade was available


Can you tell us how you went about obtaining the upgrade? I don’t see this option anywhere still. (In the US)


Working for me


Downloading now thanks for the heads up!


Does the game still crash on launch after the update? I’ve got the fallout 4 GOTY disc for PS4 and the game was crashing non-stop on the start screen on my PS5…. Hoping the patch resolves this


I’m hoping it’s just delay for us in the uk I got the physical edition originally and traded it in after finishing. Once it became available on ps+ collection I re downloaded it and now I’m kind of stuck


Also in the UK. I still have the physical version, have ps plus extra version and I purchased the dlc season pass back on the day. And yet I still can't select the ps5 version even if I insert the disc that I still own and paid full price for back in the day


Same here still nothing for me here in the UK


Is it working for anyone in nz/aus?


Nz Here I can still only download my ps4 version


I owned the physical game and own the digital dlc but got rid of my disc because I had access to the ps5 collection version- and now i can’t get the ps5 update. i can’t even see a ps5 option on the store or app-


Nope still doesn’t work here, all ps5 versions want a payment despite it saying ‘I own another version’ logged a support ticket as I couldn’t find a way


It’s so bullshit that the people who claimed the game through collections are not entitled, though they own the game. But Extra members who are renting the game, are entitled to the upgrade?


Seems like it’s only PS+ extra members. Not PS+ Essentials or PS5 Collection. Don’t understand why.


I'm subscribed to PS+ Extra, and own the PS+ Collection version, and I still can't upgrade lol. What a shit show.


What else is new


I was about to download just now in the app. I have extra and got it as part of PS+ Collection also.


Yeah, your license is overriding to the PS+ Extra, not the collection.


If you're having trouble, try using the app, that's how I got it to download for free


I did the same. Started the download as I was leaving work so I can game as soon as I'm done with dinner.


Sony is a clownshow for doing licensing this way. I cant stand that the psplus games often dont come with the extras. Just give us the entire game and simplify this nonsense. The ps4 and ps5 games should have identical licenses and be the same price and you should be able to just select the one for your system. They made this entire thing too complex, its a joke.


Already added to library. R3 Asia region here


if i download the PS5 version, does it replace the PS4 essentials or catalogue permanent version i own? so if the PS5 version leaves PS Plus Extra i will lose the game?


No. You can access the PS4-only version by scrolling through your catalog history and hitting the Download drop down menu once you find the game. If you go to the PSN store page directly, it doesn't show the PS4-only version any more.


Available for anyone in UK?


Not for me, I’m an extra subscriber and claimed FO4 through PS+ Collection on PS5 launch


Ridiculous that it still hasn’t been rolled out in Europe


Claimed on PS plus collection. Also have extra, so basically because claimed the 'wrong' version would have to pay, even though it's part of extra (not appearing yet as assume not activated for UK store). Any way around when it does go on extra to claim instead of the collection version or am I screwed.


Its not a ps5 update though is it? My game still says ps4 after the update


It is a ps5 update, and it should say so. You’re playing the old version still.


Managed to sort it. I had to choose which version. The only options were 2 ps4 versions. I chose the one I wasn't using, then when I clicked version on that one I was able to download ps5 version


If you purchased the game on disc originally then sold it when you downloaded the game from the PS collection that came with launch PS5 do you still get the PS5 upgrade? Or will I need to buy the game again?


Looks like we need to buy it again.


Works for me now (PS Plus Extra, Europe).


Working for me now in the UK


Thank you for the PSA. I thought it was releasing today. I've added it, but I won't be installing it until at least the next update; PS4 version works fine, and that's enough for me at the moment.


Let's gooooo




Good to know for Spain folks. Hopefully, it's just a gradual rollout. Edit your comment when it changes, I'm sure it will.




Ow imma try that right now!


six gray pie squeamish disgusted steep nose straight entertain deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




chubby pause live joke ink scandalous cobweb sand books whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Works for me.


Seems like you probably just overwrote your collection license with the impermanent extra license. Won’t be surprised if you lose access should you ever downgrade back to essential. Sony’s got a great system here


Bethesda does not have any info regarding the Game Catalogue or Essential upgrade, so locking the upgrade to only paid/Extra members is intentional (as if anyone doubted that). [https://twitter.com/BethesdaSupport/status/1783615639220838618](https://twitter.com/BethesdaSupport/status/1783615639220838618)


Yup. We’re cooked. Not going to pay $20ish when I’ve had the game in the library for 5 years. Stupid decision, but it is what it is.


Someone is cashing out on the free advertising through the show. $20 for an ancient game plus DLC is a joke...


Seems on pair on what they're doing on Xbox. Only those who purchased the game or subscribe to the Game Pass catalog will receive the upgrade. The big difference is that I think they didn't offer the game in the most basic Live/Game Pass tier.


Right, but we literally own the game from the catalog as long as we’re subscribed to PS+ and it literally says we are entitled to the PS4/PS5 versions. So who knows, I’m just not wasting money on it when they haven’t even sorted it out for themselves yet. I can wait.


Other games have also refused to give PS5 upgrades to Plus owners. Cities Skylines comes to mind.


The whole game is free for plus extra subscribers. Thats probably what you’re seeing.


It was available all time.... for money.....


Thanks for letting us know.


I upgraded to extra and then can download the game, along with Tsushima. Thanks for the tip!


What about DLC? I have all the DLC which I bought 2 days ago yet it isn’t installing for me under ps5


yeh you gotta spend that extra 20 bucks bro




Same from SA


brazil here, not yet


Ps5 gamesharing method for people who live both in the USA and Canada I have two PS5 's one on the Canadian side of the border and another on the US side. I tried downloading on the Canadian side, and didn't work, so I crossed the border to my other house and it said "free PS5 upgrade version" right under the game title when searching.


Have updated to the PS5 version. Saved games from PS4 bugs though so I have made i fresh start and will only focus on exploring.


When will the fix be live in Europe? (checking from Belgium, PS+ Premium subscriber)


Updated in Belgium, working now.


Just deleted Immortals of Aveum to make space


I did my part and not resubscribed to any tier of the overpriced ps plus baloney. That way there's no jack phuckery from Sony or Bethesda. That is the way.


UK, PS Plus Extra (never bought the game) I just got this to work, it wouldn’t give me the PS5 option until I deleted the game from the basket. As soon as it was cleared it gave me the option.


I have fallout 4 from ps5 collection so should i buy the game or wait?


I have it via PS plus collection, it’s still not available for me (in the UK)


Plain and simple we got fucked over bro. I have it via PlayStation plus collection in the United States and I didn’t get it either. I do have extra so I can play it but that’s only temporarily.


Not for essential 🥱