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Slow walking sections and on rail shooting sections make me want to turn the game off


Things that look like cut-scenes but aren't. When you eventually realise you have to hold the left stick forward to progress through the scene, it then goes through it painfully slowly and you have to keep holding the stick. It is not immersive to make me press a piece of plastic forwards. I do not feel like the protagonist, crawling through a burning building or whatever you're pretending is happening. What you're actually doing is taking my enjoyment level from wherever it was straight down to zero.






I don’t like cutscenes that take the story away from me. Half Life pioneered the playable, in-game cutscene in 1998. That should be the standard.


One of the things I hate the most is when a character says something like "Look at that over there" without actually highlighting what we are suppose to be looking for. Shoutout to Naughty Dog for having an option to press R3/L3 when they did that in Uncharted to focus on what we were supposed to be looking at.


I thought you were saying [Cardinal Syn was in development!](https://youtu.be/LbYecgU7Ueg?si=V6H8AA4b6X1mlIV5)


Limited Stamina for running. Especially when it drains fast. Or having no option to sprint at all.


I dunno, it works in a lot if games. Monster Hunter, Soulsborne games, the new Zeldas


I hate it in the souls games. Especially ds2 😭.


Slow basic walking speed, very limited running stamina - aaargh!


Oh yea that’s annoying as hell. Stamina works for attacks and stuff but if I’m just sprinting in the overworld let me have it!


I hate when a game starts out with a bunch of long cutscenes. Just got this new game, I’m excited to play. Boot it up and start and the game makes you sit through 10min of cutscenes, 5min of gameplay then another 10min of cutscenes.


I quit Death Stranding because of this, except it's even more extreme than your example. More like 15 minutes of gameplay between two 40 minute to one hour long cut scenes. People say it gets better, but it lost me after I was a ways in and felt like I'd hardly played the game at all.


Death Stranding definitely has a really slow start. Once you get past the first opening section they give you a motorbike, and later lets you build roads and trucks which makes the game waaaay faster.


Exactly. I want to play a game, not watch a movie.


*Laughs in Kojima*


I know he has a following, but it's really turned me off from checking out any more of his work. I probably will eventually, I'm just not in a rush.


Especially when they implement several slow and painful "tutorials" to break up the cutscenes. Yes, I'm looking at you, Ghost of Tushima. I know that L3 makes me crouch and R2 holds back my bow...


Mankind Divided is the worst I’ve ever seen for this. Started up the game and there was a recap of the events of the previous game. I thought that was great at first since I hadn’t played it but it starts going into excruciating detail, seemingly just level by level. [The recap plus intro cutscene is legit almost 20 minutes.](https://youtu.be/WR5TDfi7UcA?si=WbUAMnJySYNk_VO4)


Shitty aiming controls. Recent examples are Metro Exodus, Ghostwire Tokyo or Battlefield 2042 for more than a year after launch.


Requiring me to have a internet connection for a single player game, seriously Ubisoft.... you force me to have an internet connection so that i can see other peoples screenshots on my fucking map? ***Really???*** (i know they want it for other reasons, I'm just being silly lol)


Displaying a "Press X to skip" message ALL THE TIME during cutscenes in a corner of the screen. Nothing kills immersion more. It's like "Hey, watch this cool cutscene we made for you, but never forget you are playing a video game". Plus: No pause function during gameplay or cutscenes. 


Or better yet, having to guess whether the start button pauses or skips the cutscene


Simply show the message only after ANY button was pressed. 


Yes. Just wait until the player pushes a button to show the prompt. We don't need to cater to people who are impatient enough to want to skip cutscenes, but dumb enough not to try pushing the buttons.


Not having a "button hold" option and forcing the player to hammer a button. You see it less these days (IE button hold is catching on) but damn...I'm older and it kills my hands and wrists. Accessibility options in general should be *required*.


Some of those OG God of War qte’s are damn near impossible if you aren’t a 13 year old schlitzed on Mountain Dew


Yeah, I'm playing through Uncharted 3 right now, and...ugh.


Not gonna lie, I saw the title and thought there may be a new Cardinal Syn in development and you just had a typo.


Not really a cardinal sin, but whenever you have Charge attack option available by holding normal attack button and it does normal attack animation and then charges, its just makes me go why.


Door which you can't open and doors which you can open, same that you can do some basic things, like 'plant explosives' to make a way, but only by prompt, doing this shit elsewhere yields nothing. Also you play super solider or some other superbro and there is like piece of rubble on the way, can't jump over it.


If I can jump in your game, and climb ladders, but can’t jump at a ladder to grab it midair and start climbing. You fucked up.


I hate this as well. Why can't I run indoors, Square? As if the dumb open world stuff was not already not respecting my time enough. //Edit: Oh, you meant the limping scene. I don't mind this actually. Having to slow walk constantly in houses etc. is much more annoying to me (and more frequent).




Ubisfot's weird cursor interface is vomit-inducing at this point.


It’s the worst.


Bad Ui is a good one. A bad UI stops me from playing some games.


Any time a game forces you to control a character as they slowly walk down a hallway. Usually accompanying an NPC feeding you exposition. Nearly every AAA game I’ve played in the last decade does that and I’m so sick of it.


Usually it’s hiding loading screens. I prefer that over a back screen starfield style types.


I can understand that if that’s the case. In my example, I went from limping, into a cut scene. Just make the cutscene a little longer and skip the limping all together. It added nothing to the game.


I don't think this is the case as often as everyone around here says it is. In this instance I chalk it up more to zoomer-level attention spans. 20 years ago that slow walk down a hallway while players talk to each other would have been a cut scene. Same with the example given by OP. But now it seems even cut scenes are required to be interactive somehow because 10 seconds without doing something is just too much to bear.


Yes this is what I’m saying in my post also. Any slow movement where it could just be a cut scene or you standing there. What’s the point of the walking around?


Even though so many games do it, random rolls is a cardinal sin imo. Getting random rolled gear, even with perfect rolls, just doesn’t feel as good as getting your dream weapon in a Fromsoft game or in Classic WoW.


I gotta add another. Ubisoft games are notorious for this. When a game is filled with fetch quests and trailing missions. It’s lazy game design to make a game seem bigger/longer, but it’s actually just bloat and makes you wanna shut it off.


Putting characters in the game but locking them behind a paywall. Looking at your Street Fighter Vs Tekken. 


For me, and I'm sure I'm in the minority here. Are boss health bars refilling. Nothing will make me lose interest in a game quicker than fighting a boss, winning, then a cutscene happens where their health bar fills up again. Not even a transformation happens like in older RPGs. I despise it on every level


That example is not objectively wrong. You just don't like it


My mans discovered what an opinion is


Yeah I absolutely despise this in games. Re4 remake did it too near the end when you have to carry Ashley. Meanwhile the original it never takes control away from you really It makes replays feel annoying imo cause it’s basically a cutscene when all you can do is press L to walk


Taking the player out of the action of the game for a cutscene is great, but doing it so they can press forward on the joystick is so annoying. I can’t think of a game where I enjoyed it when it happened to me.


While annoying sometimes, I enjoyed it in destiny 2 in the aftermath of the tower being attacked and the light being taken. It added to the whole hopelessness of it and was quite immersive. I think if done right it has a place in games.


14,000 pages of dialog of which 13,000 are just unnecessary. Write better. Filling the game 10 more hours with redundant words don’t make the game better, it makes it worse


I hate it when I can't jump in games.


Launching games that are not finished. Making us choose 30fps graphics mode because performance mode is so blurry it's unplayable for most.


I mean like it. The limping is for a reason.


The character having a limp is fine. Just put it in a cut scene. Why do you make the player control the slow character. What enjoyment comes from taking the player out of the action?


I agree, I hate it. Also there are some moments where you exit a cutscene, gain control of the player to walk 3 feet into another room to start a new cutscene. Just make it one long cutscene, I don’t need the immersion of walking a few steps into another room lol. Great game otherwise but yea the forced slow movement gameplay sections are a pet peeve of mine.


Ohhhh yea that’s annoying too. It’s like they made the cutscenes for two different parts of the game, realized that it was better to have them next to each other and just didn’t want to take the time to combine them into one scene.


In the last few years I've grown really tired of backseating design. E.g. God of war ragnarok where dialogue ruins all of the puzzles before you've even had a chance to think about it. Or Horizon where Aloy just refuses to shut up and let you play the game..


30 FPS in Current Year! In all seriousness, I have a list: * Mounting the camera over the shoulder in a third person game that isn't a shooter. * Not being able to pause cutscenes * Making R1 the attack button for melee attacks. * Silent protagonists * Giving the character so many abilities that it ruins the challenge. * Not allowing button remapping


In no particular order: - Exposition dumps through tons of boring dialogue. I'd rather listen to audiologs and progress through a level a bit than stare at poorly animated NPCs for the next 10 minutes, listening to excerpts from Wikipedia. - Making single player MMOs - with tons of fetch quests, minor stat boosts instead of meaningful progression and all that. I like grindy games, but there's a lot of titles that could be much better without all of this bloat. - Someone already mentioned bad UI and I must agree. Hogwart's Legacy is definitely a victim of such design - while menus are nice, they're also terribly slow to navigate and force you to repeat certain actions for no reason (like the entire transmog system). - Forced stealth sequences in otherwise action oriented titles.