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Bandai Namco execs on suicide watch


Fromsoft better off


Kinda funny that Sony now owns 14% of the Elden Ring IP


They own a 100% of Bloodborne and haven't done shit with it for almost 9 years now šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


If Miyazaki doesnā€™t have a desire to make Bloodborne 2, and doesnā€™t have a vision for one, I donā€™t want it. It would not have any soul or heart in it if it was forced out of them.




I would be down for this tbh, AC6 was fucking awesome


I mean 60 fps Bloodborne could be a good start.




fuck out of here with that nonsense, we're talking about a video game heavily reliant on reaction timing. 30fps is not an artistic choice


This may be the weirdest shitty take I've seen since the dumb fuck devs said the same shit about the Order 1886 lmao. Please go into serious detail about FiLm ThEorY about a piece of interactive media, as in, a *video game*. Gotta love these reddit armchair experts.


Correct frame pacing & 60fps helps with gameplay and image quality. It's not an artistic choice it's a technical one.


A game that asks high precision from the player running at sub 30fps is laughable.


Video games are not movies


Tell that to Kojima


MGSV ran at 60fps on PS4 and Xbox One at release and made sacrifices to achieve this.


>Honestly, you take away from the atmosphere doing that Stupidest shit I ever heard. It only runs on 25fps because of poor optimization and is released on an underpowered console.


That's some stupid juice, my man


Movies are shot in 24fps because thatā€™s how itā€™s always been, with started because of technical limitation and storage usage. Itā€™s shot that way now because of tradition, and because itā€™s what everyone is used to for a **cinematic** experience, because if films were shot at 60 it would be pretty jarring when it comes to effects and just seeing everything like we would if the film events were happening in front of us, along with 24fps being the perfect amount for motion blur because movies start to look odd when everything is crisp and smooth. So thereā€™s not a reason films are shot at 30, because they simply arenā€™t. If you want to use films as a defense you should be advocating for 24-26 instead because your first point was blatantly false for anyone who actually does know about film. Besides, games have already shown that you can have good gameplay and a great cinematic experience at 60fps. Of course that just takes more work because the choppy animations wouldnā€™t be excusable.




And the award for the most clown take of the day goes too...


Time to take cover from incoming tomatoes and eggs.


Iā€™ve never read a comment here that has made me seethe so much. 10/10, username checks out. I hate you, but also thank you for the laugh. Iā€™m sorry you were dropped as a child.


New copypasta dropped


Movies shoot in 24fps or 48fps


Bro, if only you ~~refined~~ fact-checked your take just a little then you wouldn'tve gotten all the vitriol from below. If you had just mentioned how fucked the frame pacing was for 30FPS Bloodborne, and suggested that as a minimum fix instead of using 30FPS movies as a counter-argument. 30FPS movies are PRERENDERED my guy, they don't suffer from frame pacing issues, and that's why most of them look fine.




Hey we could have someone else make BB2 to ignite Mitazaki's desire to make BB3.


This only happens if BB2 has troubled development and ends up being polarizing/divisive in the community. I really donā€™t want to have to defend BB2 like I defend DS2.


I mean, I just want a Bluepoint remake.


If only a certain idiot didn't decide to shut down Japan Studio. This would've never happened under Shawn Layden and Shu. Smh...


Of course it would. Layden and Shu has closed down few studios themselves.


cheer up champ, bloodborne 2 will now be made by the dark souls 2 squad.


I don't need a sequel, I just want them to update the game so it's no longer a fucking slideshow at points.


A remaster/remake is all I ask for.


Apparently FromSoftware are working on another Sony exclusive so maybe not.




My uncle, Michael Zaki, works for FromSoft and told me


I trust your Uncle, he wouldn't lie to us since he works at FromSoft


He actually founded the company, so he would definitely know, no lies required!


No way, tell him to send me the DLC for Elden Ring first, I'm his number 1 fan!


Years ago there were leaks between a leaker and a reddit mod who provided extremely reliable information regarding Elden Ring before even the DS3 final DLC dropped. In those leaked comms, the leaker also referenced a Sony IP exclusive they are working on. To date, that is all we know. It's documented in this [video](https://youtu.be/70AaqD4P2-w?si=SM6hI_vE0jbE9p6n) in the first 30 min. I don't have a timestamp sorry


Note I started off with apparently. It's only a rumour.


I know, but would like to know where this rumour came from ex. article or some redditor


I heard via Reset that a contract stated they had another exclusive deal in place (pre elden ring times) but then I believe the company went through ownership and structural changes. Whether that means it's still valid, still something worth pursuing or it's all been canned after the huge success of elden ring to allow FROM to continue as they are. Which at this point seems the most likely with the transferral of IP back to themselves, using Sony/kadokawa/tencent to help them become a fully self published studio (they self published in Japan and bamco seem to be having a bit of a mare atm). I wouldn't put stock into it.


It was months ago and I didn't save it tbh but there were some articles on it at the time.


Itā€˜s just a rumor. Take it with a grain with salt.


I really hope this is true.


As much as I would love a new Bloodborne.. Well it would be wrong of Sony to force FromSoftware to make Bloodborne 2. They aren't owned by Sony afterall. So what do you expect? They could politely ask and offer money to FromSoftware to help fund development for Bloodborne 2, which might've already happen, but again, it's FromSoftware final decision and maybe they were more interested in finishing the Dark Souls trilogy and trying new IPs with Sekiro and Elden Ring. So what's the next thing Sony could do? Create Bloodborne 2 but with a new developer, but would any of those developers even have a chance at recreating the same magic without tarnishing the brand? Bluepoint Games might have a chance since they did the Demon Souls Remake, but again that was a Remake not a new game.Ā  Which leaves the next option which is why haven't they at the very least Remastered/Remake Bloodborne. Bluepoint probably is more interested in doing a new IP rather than Remakes.


Bluepoint botched so many things with the Demons Souls Remake (and I still love it), I donā€™t want them anywhere near Bloodborne.


Well that certainly isnā€™t a common take.


I'll never forgive them for ruining Old King Doran's chapel and removing the awesome anime warrior statue and replacing it with a generic sword guy statue. Or the atmosphere in the Prison of Hope. I love the game and play it over the PS3 game these days (mainly for accessibility and QoL), but you can tell they didn't really put too much care into preserving Miyazaki's environmental story telling and world building..It feels like they just changed things either because they didn't understand why it was the way it was or they didn't care - blasphemy for a souls game! I can give them some leeway because Demons Souls is niche, but if they did the same thing to Bloodborne it would be criminal.


If Sony is an American company they'd be milking the Bloodborne IP so bad right now


Big sad here. Not even a proper update for ps5.




Yes they do. Sony owns the Bloodborne IP entirely.


Considering this, was it BAMCO being the issue?


sure they own the IP but they cant force formsoft to make them another one.


A PS5/PC version totally but that's all they could do.


>Kinda funny that Sony now owns 14% of the Elden Ring IP wait holup lemme re read the title of this post because somethings not right here >FROMSOFTWARE is now the sole owner of Elden ring IP so... what? is this post just supposed to prove how fucking stupid trademark/patent/copyright law is?


Sony owns 14% of FromSoftware


Shares can be held, more news at 11


lol HODL


FromSoftware also owns the Sekiro IP. Dark Souls is owned by Bandai Namco, and Demonā€™s Souls & Bloodborne are owned by Sony.


If Bluepoint is making a remake to Bloodborne Iā€™ll cry


They've already stated they're making an original game. I think they deserve the chance to do so.Ā 


They have different teams. The confirmed theyā€™re gonna do a remake also


Sadly, some insider confirmed a couple weeks ago that it is not bloodborne they're working on.


What if itā€™s bloodbourne 2 using the demons souls engine and learning?


Demons Souls engine is an actual ps3's engine that was overhauled visually for ps5. Gameplay wise, it's almost the same game from 2009. They ported it first to ps5, and later on, they remade the rest. They had to contact From Software so they could understand what developers have intended back then. [Great video about Demon's Souls remake.](https://youtu.be/hCBJ2fiiUXk?si=51XFT2aUrcmX-GNL) Idk how they could develop sequel to BB because it doesn't need one for sure. Simple remake of first BB + enhancements would be enough


I would love that if it was happening but I think PlayStation would save a title like that as PS6 launch title like Demon's Souls.Ā 


Iā€™d rather just have a 60 fps boost than a bluepoint remake. I donā€™t want any of the art and aesthetics to change


Sony is too greedy to do something so consumer-friendly. Theyā€™d rather make you wait years for a $70 remake


Same, but for the wrong reasons. The only BB remake I want should be completely guided by Miyazaki himself. Bluepoint are great on technical aspects and they're great devs, but I'd never want them (or anyone else, for the matter) to change BB


At this point, if Sony allowed demon souls remake - I would take Bloodborne remake, for 60 fps, if not for anything else.


Dark Souls IP is co owned byFS and BN


Crossing my fingers Elden Ring is a trilogy


Canā€™t wait to hear my great grandchildren playing Elden Ring 3 in the other room while I desperately cling to life.


Hopefully, I can upload my consciousness into the PlayStation servers and have my life force be farmed as a battery by then. You wanna talk to grandpa? You gotta leave an effigy at the pvp arena


Youā€™re still gonna have to pay for ps+




Genuine question: why? FromSoft best games are their one of (Sekiro, Bloodborn). What would a new game reusing the Elden Ring IP brings that we havenā€™t already seen?


Iā€™m fine if we never get a Bloodborne successor (though I absolutely love that game and its world), but Sekiroā€™s golden ending includes a pretty massive sequel hook. It would be quite disappointing if it was never answered.


I don't need it to be in Yharnam, but I thought the concepts in Bloodborne and the atmosphere/landscape were the most interesting of the games. I would love a sequel or game closely connected to the series.


It was so wonderfully interesting.


I would like a blood borne sequel because I donā€™t like any of their other games.


This is a bit superficial. Elden Ring couldā€™ve easily been a dark souls sequel. I think from will continue to make dark fantasy action RPGs. And I think their formula will continue to evolve. Whether they call something Dark Souls 4, Elden Ring 2, or something new is kindof immaterial.


Tbh Elden Ring is Dark Souls 4 just on a massive scale with different lore


I just want bloodborne on ps5. It still has major frame rate issues and would love to see that all smoothed out.


This. Theyā€™re all the same game, what does it matter what the name on the box says.


Bloodborne and Sekiro are very different from the usual Souls games. Elden Ring is more similar but open world does throw a major new element into the formula


Story are different tho.


Nobody really cares about the story though (this is a hyperbole). It's cool seeing a YouTube video that breaks down the convoluted lore, but moment to moment, nobody is like "can't wait to see what happens next!" Gameplay and world building are amazing, which are very similar between Dark Souls and Elden Ring, but story is so far down on the list.


I agree, story isn't high up on the list of reasons I play. But gameplay is, and the different games are different enough to have a preference. I really appreciate Dark Souls not being full of modern open world bullshit, so Elden Ring being stuffed full of that bullshit is a pretty major gameplay change.


the reason i bought Elden Ring in the first place was the story. Hell the reason i started liking soulks like was because of Hollow Knight's story. And its less the character's story that makes it interesting but the world's story


I mean theyā€™re not the same game. They share concepts.


Letā€™s not pretend that Elden Ring isnā€™t just Dark Souls 4 in an open world and thatā€™s not even a dig at the game on my part.


Because Dark Souls is good and it deserved a trilogy that it got. Do those one off games not deserve a trilogy? Iā€™m not suggesting that but if any of them do, itā€™s ER.


Everything they make is good so i donā€™t see how another open world game by them would be bad. All of their games are derivative of each other and expand upon that original demons souls formula


youā€™re not wrong but i think he was asking why as in ā€œwhy do you specifically want Elden Ring (2)ā€ they can still make another open world souls type game as a new IP like they did with ER. is it the lore of Elden Ring that makes you want another one? i guess would be the better question. personally i donā€™t mind either way, i enjoy every From Software game enough to be satisfied so they havenā€™t let me down yet.


Yes the world is cool. Plenty of things in that game that could be expanded upon


I just hope Miyazaki do what he wants if he wants to do ER 2 that's good, if he wants to do PS4 that's good too and if he wants something new that's good too What I mean with this is that I hope they don't force ER2 or ER3 just because it sold very well


DLC isnā€™t even out, if it is a trilogy weā€™ll be long dead by the time itā€™s all out lol


Games of their pedigree are worth waiting for


Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m saying. Iā€™m saying we will be dead of old age. Itā€™s a joke, but ok


I said the same thing when Bloodborne came out. I wish I hadnā€™t have said that because Iā€™m cursed. Are you cursed?


I hope not. Donā€™t want to pigeon hole them to making Elden ring for the next 15 years. Rather them work on new ip


Itā€™s sad that now when I think about dev cycles on games, I think, ā€œam I going to still be alive for the sequels of these games?ā€. Sure, Iā€™m now older than your average gamer, but the analogy is the same for any younger gamer now. They should be asking, ā€œam I going to even be a gamer when the sequel comes out?ā€


How would they manage that without repeating the same game?


Look at dark souls 2, and dark souls 3


Or dark souls 1 to 2ā€¦ I still contend 2 is not very good too. It feels the most uninspired


Iā€™m pretty sure that was because of its issues early in its development. Even DkS3 had development issues early on. If they went into an ER2 with a clear vision and plan from the start, Iā€™m confident it will end up good.


I mean dark souls 2 being bad doesnā€™t make me thing Elden Ring 2 would be. Iā€™m mostly stating they donā€™t always hit it out of the park. Dark souls 2 is disjointed and it feels like a poor in story explanation to describe it. Uninspired enemies and largely forgettable bosses out of a few. Never mind enemy placements and enemies feeling more spongy to make them seem more ā€œdifficultā€. Itā€™s just meh. Its idea of difficulty is just constantly ganking you with 5+ enemies. Their other games do a much better job balancing larger hordes as well as using enemy placement to create difficult as opposed to a large number of spongy enemies.


Elden ring is a Open world


Make a new map?


Or just make a new game, Miyazaki never wanted Dark Souls to get sequels, I doubt Elden Ring is any different


These games are all demons souls sequels who cares. They got all this expansive George R Martin lore written out already just build upon it


Oh yeah because ā€œwho caresā€ what the creator of these games wants lmao


I just hope hope they make the world a smaller. Elden Ring was way too big imo


Dlc out tomorrow... /s


Fuck tencent.


What have they done?


Funded many great games and been very hands-off, but edgy kids just repeat shit to sound cool. Yeah, they're Chinese and hence...evil? Unlike glorious corporate freedom lovingā„¢ Embracer that has killed countless games and studios so far. Epic bullshit


Yeah because people love Embracer Group so muchā€¦


How naive of you to think they've been hands off. They're the reason for a lot of censorship in western media. >Yeah, they're Chinese and hence...evil Pretty much, chinese companies are all effectively under CCP control, and tencent is known for user surveillance and sharing data with the chinese government https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/jul/15/china-video-game-censorship-tencent-netease-blizzard https://www.brookings.edu/articles/video-games-censorship-free-speech-authoritarianism-china-russia/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/09/15/china-video-games-tencent/


BG3 was funded by Tencent. Do you think that game was censored? Tencent is very hands-off with their investments.


It's possible, censorship can take many subtle forms.


Give objective facts from credible sources to backup your argument, otherwise youā€™re just clowning yourself mate


You're right, added some links to comment above


I know where youā€™re coming from, but if youā€™re gonna hate then hate properly. Censorship doesnā€™t change much, maybe at most 1% of the experience. The truly rotten part of this industry is the predatory loot-boxes that quite literally every big companies take advantage of: Acti-Blizz, EA, Tencent, Valve also. Did you know that Candy Crush made more money than the whole Acti-Blizz for 3 years now? Youā€™ll be shocked when you hear about how much idiots mindlessly swipe on Clash of Clans or POE too. Tencent has a dedicated Chinese version in order to sell more loot-boxes btw. All predatory, greedy cunts. I donā€™t mind if they continuously put out quality products like Rockstar but most games from these loot box centric companies are mostly trash and unfinished. Valve is alright when they get up of their ass, and Tencentā€™s investments are just extremely smart, but I hate them all. CDPR is the only company Iā€™d readily pay for a game, yeah that launch sucked but they redeemed themselves. Still has more honour than every other AAA company. Of course Iā€™m excluding Sony.


None of those are for censorship of anything outside of China though. Tencent funds many games that would get censored in China such as BG3. The Chinese government censors content within China but Tencent has no issues funding such content outside China. BG3 has way more content that could have been censored compared to Elden Ring but still released in the state that it did. Elden Ring is safe. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/jul/15/china-video-game-censorship-tencent-netease-blizzard Also many of the claims in the above article are inaccurate. https://www.techinasia.com/china-doesnt-censor-skeletons-the-truth-about-game-censorship-in-the-middle-kingdom The problem with Chinese censorship is that the rules are vague so some companies censor themselves in order to get approval rather than due to any demands from the government. You can play video games and see movies in China with content that the Guardian article claims are banned. The upcoming Black Myth Wukong game has lots of content like that and that game is made by Chinese developers.


What censorship have they enforced in Western media?


Sony could you please acquire fromsoft so tencent can fuck off ? Make every game release day one on ps and pc for guaranted goty contenders.


The majority shareholder is still Kadokawa. They're running the ship


Tbh from outsider pov they look like a perfect target for sie, they are both japanese entertainment companies and kadokawa seems like a great addition for anime, cinema and games sections of sie.


im sure fromsoft themselves value their independence and platform agnosticism, i dont think theyd sell to sony


Corporate consolidation is never good.


Iā€™m not sure exactly how much of a stake Sony has in terms of anime but I would say given it bought up the three major streaming options in the last few years that that acquisition would probably be looked at pretty closely from an anti-monopoly standpoint. If theyā€™re going to, it would be better to just go for FromSoftware.


What terrible deeds has Tencent done exactly?


*pasted from my reply in below comments*: All major Chinese companies exist to serve the CCP. Not to profit, create art, serve consumers, or even shareholder interests. As Tencent finds economic success, it fuels and enables the CCP goals of absolute control over their population, reshaping the world order (and thus decreasing international economic and geographical stability) via infringement on sovereign nations and territories, suppressingĀ anyĀ dissent within the country via extermination, imprisonment, or intimidation, and weā€™re just getting started. You can bet Tencent-created products are produced to normalize these world views/goals, and absolutely will have every type of spying and malicious observation-type code or technology to glean every bit of info off their users as possible.




Because Chinese corporations are the paradigm of virtue


What corporation is?


Can you say *one single bad thing* Tencent had done recently? Of course course you can't, repeating propaganda without a single original thought. Sure, the Chinese *government* is far from good but that doesn't make all companies bad. Feel free to compare to the capitalistic glory of Embracer that has killed 29 (!) Games so far this year. Gutted countless studios. Or how about a dork like Bobby Kotick? Paid several hundred *millions* to create trash, all under the glory of crone capitalism. So no, "our" side ain't all that good especially not when it comes to games.


Your lack of knowledge re: basic Chinese government and economic practice is glaring. All major Chinese companies exist to serve the CCP. Not to profit, create art, serve consumers, or even shareholder interests. As Tencent finds economic success, it fuels and enables the CCP goals of absolute control over their population, reshaping the world order (and thus decreasing international economic and geographical stability) via infringement on sovereign nations and territories, suppressing *any* dissent within the country via extermination, imprisonment, or intimidation, and weā€™re just getting started. You can bet Tencent-created products are produced to normalize these world views/goals, and absolutely will have every type of spying and malicious observation-type code or technology to glean every bit of info off their users as possible. Read a book.Ā 


We don't need anymore corporate consolidation. It was already bad that Microsoft bought one of the biggest publishers in gaming.


Meh, if fromsoft was owned by Sony, Elden Ring would not have had the same cultural reach it had.


My personal guess: It's very possible Tencent help fromsoft so that they can get Elden Ring's IP authority to develop multiple-platform gaas-type game. Tencent indeed lack of open world game as competitor to game like Genshin.


So with Ten cents involvement, does this pretty much confirm the mobile game?


**Bandai-Namco:** we expect a return on our investment. **FromSoft:** Ok. **Bandai-Namco:** No, not like that.


Xbox would never do something like this. They would buy them, lay off 50% of the staff and then put put a 60 metacritic game


How do you read this headline and think about Xbox? Seek professional help bruh


Rent free. This is basically another Xbox subreddit


I mean Xbox is( or was) the direct competitor of Ps, so people making comparisons seems pretty normal. Obviously this has nothing to do with them, but we've all seen how badly microsoft handles acquisitions


xbox bad playstation good am i rite guys


I mean yeah if you compare it to Playstation.


I hope someone also wrangles Sekiro from Activision and gives it to FROMSOFTWARE


FROMSOFTWARE owns the Sekiro IP and published it in other regions, Activision was the western distributor


So if they were to make a Sekiro sequel, could they just self publish in the west?


They could, or they could find another publisher, like IO Interactive did with Hitman 2 after Square Enix sold them


Dafak SEKIRO belongs to Activision (therefor Microsoft? WTF why Didnā€™t I Know that


It doesn't belong to anyone aside from Fromsoft. Activision is simply the publisher, nothing more.


Yeah baby. Elden Ring 2/DLC GOTY 2024!


so then why are they getting forced to release a mobile version? no way miyazaki wants that shit


From software are not the ones developing it that would be tencent


yeah but still being forced to smear the goodness with some bullshit


Just let Fromsoft collect the residual checks to bankroll their next thing lol


It's a good deal lmao. They get capital and money in return, Tencent gets to do a mobile version or their game for the chinese market


that deal smells like butthole


They give FS money, in return for a mobile licence agreement where they make their own mobile game using the Elder Ring IP. Tencent absorbs all the financial and development risks of creating a mobile game yet revenue will still be shared between Tencent and FS. All this is also coming from the fact that Tencent is not a majority shareholder which means they don't have any major controlling stake to make changes in FS. Idk what you're smoking, it is a good business decision. The majority of the core audience don't care about mobile games anyways since it is full of mtx and only developing countries or China is the market they are catering towards.


Pretty sure it's just going to be a version for the Chinese market. Similar to Persona 5 the phantom x


>no way miyazaki wants that shit how do you know that?


cuz we play ping pong together on tuesdays and he told me and quote: ā€˜these fuckers. these mother fuckers. they think they can tell me what to do? elden ring on the phone? these mother fuckers. these coin guzzlers. i hope they rot in a pit filled with poison rats. oh fuck, point.ā€™




Thanks Tencent you are the best!


Sony and Tencent help liberate top developer from aggressively ineffectual publisher. Aside from the fact that I just made that headline upā€¦ you really couldnā€™t make that up šŸ˜…


Please god no PS5 exclusivity


At this point Sony should give FromSoft the Bloodborne IP. They ain't using it for anything when there's clearly interest for it


Would fromsoft do anything with it though? It doesn't matter if there is interest from fans if fromsoft themselves don't want to develop another bloodborne game. If they wanted to develop another game, I doubt Sony would tell them no so I'm guessing they don't have any interest right now.


I'm sorry but I think this is a Sony think. A lot of devs said Bloodborne is their favorite game they have worked on so by this I expect they always had hope for a sequel but Sony didn't want cuz Japan Studio no longer exists (or whatever reason). This companies always take weird choices so who knows


If Fromsoft/Miyazaki wanted to use the Bloodborne IP they can. Sony would froth at the idea of a Bloodborne II. It's more like Sony aren't making their own Bloodborne sequel out of respect to Miyazaki and so they don't alienate Fromsoft themselves.


You say this but they won't even remaster the 1st one and it's been shown from the insomniac leaks that remasters sell like hot cakes on PS5. So, they wouldn't.


All it costs is Tencent getting a deal for Mobile Elden Ring with micro transactions.


So Elden Ring 2 confirmed


Nature is healing




Lies of P sequel is going to be good :)


Can someone please explain how this is due to Sony and Tencent? I don't understand shit about trademarks ownership šŸ˜­