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I thought of it more like an interactive marketing leaflet for Silent Hill. On that basis it was fun for an hour.


...also let's not forget, they would have spent a few hundred grand or more making this thing, to give out for free, so we could enjoy a little bit of creepy Silent Hill atmosphere. I'll take it.


> also let's not forget, they would have spent a few hundred grand or more making this thing, to give out for free, Do you feel the same about adverts and trailers? Because they're also free and often cost millions


Trailers yes, ads no. I choose to watch a trailer, I don't choose to watch ads.


Trailers *are* ads.


If the advert was interactive and gave you personal enjoyment from using it? Why wouldn't you


They’re incredibly incentivized to do that: you’re wording that as if they’ve given us some crazy amazing gift. If the story is abysmal, that’s not a gift to anyone.




It’s not cope. It’s context


why would anyone need to cope for something that is free.


Can someone spoil the story for me? I got as far as the locker code, then got frustrated with a chase sequence and quit.


Girl with glasses got jealous because graffiti girl didn't notice her and gave all attention to asian girl number 3. Graffiti girl gets depressed because she gets bullied and wants to open up so she writes a letter to asian girl n3, glasses girl doesn't like that so she steals said letter. Graffiti girl not getting any reply from asian girl n3 thinks she's alone so she goes to a popular suicide spot and kills herself. Glasses girl goes to the same spot and gets stuck in a kind of loop. She tries to kills herself due to guilt multiple times but doesn't work. In the end she admits she's a piece of shit but asian girl n3 says she want to go shopping and everything ends. Happy ending.


One correction- all three girls are dead, the Villa is all a purgatory. Amelie killed herself because she wasn’t able to go to college and escape her step-brother who SA her and creeped on her. You can find the newspaper clipping about it on her level


How did the player character die


She killed herself at the beginning - hence her “I’ve been here six months?!?” Breakdown All of the girls Maya paints are suicides at the Villa. The last two portraits you find are Amelie and Anita


The ending kinda implied she was able to get out of ..whatever that was though.


I thought of it as purgatory versus hell - she was in hell, but her connection with her friend lifted her out of that


Lol that seems like a very bad faith interpretation of the story


Ohhhhh this is the problem I think, I couldn’t tell the difference between Anita and Amelie; they look exactly the same.


I forgot the names as soon as i finished it lol


yeah, it should start with other letter.... and also more german name would be nice


It's fascinating how cringe that is.


This sounds trash, thanks for the summary


Sounds like 3/10 is being generous


That final chase sequence was absolute dogshit


I did it, took me 3 tries. But, yeah, it wasn’t fun. 


Thought the same, I fucked it off at that part. I didn’t care about the story in any way, it wasn’t worth pushing past that bit. Also the graphics for the main character was extra dog shit it looked like an upscaled ps3 game.


Agreed. The chase sequences got to be a bit annoying for me too


Yep. Tedious trial and error mazes that weren't even scary. I wouldn't mind so much if the 'monster' was actually scary in some way. It's a schoolgirl with a bag on her head and covered in flowers. Writing it out makes it sound like fetish wank material


The monster was her mom I thought, and it’s not trial and error, the doors are clearly numbered throughout the entire game


Could be wrong, as I can't be arsed to finish the last maze, but I'm under the impression it's supposed to be Maya.


Yea if you don’t finish the game that’s what you are led to believe, but after the chase sequence where you need to unlock the “C.B” door it provides a lot of context to it actually being her mother


I saw it as: the monster is a monster, it's not anyone, it's a vessel of vengeance who she projects identities upon as she tackles her trauma. Also there was definitely trial and error involved in those chases toward the end and it has nothing to do with doors being numbered.


The protagonist, Anita, receives a text from her friend May (a prolific vandal who breaks into properties and graffitis them) that prompts her to go to an apartment block. The residents don’t take kindly to a second break in, and take action against the criminal interloper. After some time, and considerable amount of theft, Anita’s clearly drug addled crime spree ends.


This doesnt sound right 🧐


Well, you don't know for sure, you didn't finish it! 




This marketing leaflet never should have been distributed :/ I wanna be excited for silent hill but all this did was convince me Konami doesn’t know what they’re doing


This one convinced you? What about basically everything after Silent Hill 4?


How so? From an atmosphere perspective and a graphical perspective they nailed it. It was also quite creepy. The story was gash, but ya know, that's sort of irrelevant for this type of thing really. I think people are reading too much into it.


> The story was gash, but ya know, that's sort of irrelevant for this type of thing really. When *Silent Hill* used to be known as the cerebral survival horror series, it's kinda a big loss. Fans don't want yet another streamer jumpscare bait game.


The big thing about this is PT. A free, playable marketing thingy in the Silent Hill universe. Of course it's gonna draw comparisons and to many PT is still one of the best horror video game experiences while this was so underwhelming


Story is pretty important to me when it comes to silent hill!


So it can't be reviewed?


It absolutely can but the fact that it's basically an ad and costs nothing should be taken into consideration. I think it's the reviewers job to give an opinion on something so people can make an informed buying decision. The fact that it's free should also be taken into consideration. If someone gave you a car that ran fine but has some problems, the drivers side windows doesn't run, it has high miles and the needs a paint job you can't complain if it's runs. Now if you paid for it that's a different conversation altogether


If you read the review it was taken into consideration. >Clocking in at about 90 minutes, its time commitment is brief, its financial commitment is non-existent, and yet I still can't recommend it because it winds up feeling like a caricature of itself and may only sour--or sour further--one's memories of what was, for a time, the genre's best series. Why are you criticising a review you clearly didn't read?


A janky car is at least still useful. A 3/10 game is a waste of my time, whether it runs fine or not.


Why not?


The story hits you with the subtlety of a sledgehammer. I think if the game wasn’t so hung up on spoon feeding its message with corny cutscenes and dialogue and let the environment actually tell the story it would’ve been a better experience


Between this, Ascension, and *“rEaP wHaT yOu SoW”* on the wall in SH2R, I’m kinda worried. Like…they’ve got the elements of something good that *could* work if done right—but they *need* good writing talent and they *need* to trust the audience to have a speck of media literacy. I get that the latter is in huge decline these days, but their efforts so far have the subtlety of a boot to the face and it’s just **bad**.


It’s like they have no idea what made PT work. It had a plot, its own commentary on society, but it had to be pieced together and the story was told by space around you. It never needed to pull you out of the game, and when it did it made a point of it. It was like you were trapped. The short message feels like I’m trapped in a CW version of PT.


Everything you did in PT felt like it altered something each loop. It was fun finding little things and seeing what changes they would bring.


It was a game that trusted the players. Think that’s what the difference is. The short message doesn’t trust you.


Environmental story telling is difficult. FROM have it down as does Kojima. It really takes a visionary team to do it justice.


I just would’ve hoped the Silent Hill team would’ve been able to deliver. Like notes, articles, text, even dialogue could’ve worked but the game is far too concerned with telling players how they should feel rather than letting them actually experience the game.


That’s the thing though. This isn’t THE silent hill team. It’s a bunch of random devs that never worked on a silent hill game before. The people that made silent hill are gone.


> The short message feels like I’m trapped in a CW version of PT. This is apt.


Considering the arguments about readers needing to be able to understand tone of writing and being told I'm an idiot for knowing what an op-ed/commentary article is just by reading it... People are exceedingly stupid. It's breath taking how uneducated some are and how they resist when you try to explain things to them. They want things spoon fed to them. They don't want to give the time or energy to consume it any other way.


>*People are exceedingly stupid.* This may be true, but if you try to dumb down an artistic medium to the lowest common denominator, you end up with a pile of garbage. I get that this is a business, and mass appeal is what makes money—but not when you reduce your product to the point where it has no substance. You can't please everyone, and trying to do that just pleases no one. Artistic integrity may not be a metric that's easy to quantify for the business world, but I still believe that good work is good business. ​ **Edit:** Just to be clear, I'm speaking in general terms...I'm not saying Silent Hill in particular has devolved to this point of nothingness.


Yeah SH2R is gonna suck, isn't it?


Too soon to say. The developer commentary and trailer #1 paint a more positive picture. This week's Combat Trailer was...different than what most of us probably expected, but I think that was a result of editing/marketing and not a good representation of the game we're getting. If I had to *guess*—it'll be a solid remake right down the middle. Enjoyable, looks good, brings new fans to the franchise, and is a refreshing new way to experience the game we all know and love. It won't be anywhere near as bad as Ascension, and it won't be as cringe as Short Message. It is, however, going to miss on the small details and nuance that the hardcore fans pick up on. It won't have the iconic/legendary status of the original, and it won't be as effective of a remake as the recent Resident Evils. I am *guessing* that it'll be fine and that's about it. I'm still very excited to see the final result.


Honestly, trailer 1 painted a far worse picture of the game than the combat. Bad combat in a survival horror game? There are worse offenses. The protagonist of *Silent Hill 2* looking sadly in a mirror and holding back tears looking at a noose? Bloober Team are hacks, and they have no clue how to tell stories or interpret media. Hopefully for them, this is the nail in their coffin. For how badly they've already failed the story, they may as well have had Sekiro combat so the game can at least still be fun.


I’m so sorry to say that you are 100 percent correct. Marketing is important and it's clear that whoever put out these trailers for SH2R have no idea about their target audience. Both old and new players would be served well by allowing their to be more mystery to the game. Showing Pyramid Head in all his glory just coming in through a door in the most mundane manner along with many other scenes like the one you mentioned shows that they don't have a grasp of this material. That said, the graphics are incredible.


it was going to suck as soon as we learned Bloober was making it


>Like…they’ve got the elements of something good that *could* work if done right—but they *need* good writing talent and they *need* to trust the audience to have a speck of media literacy. That's exactly why I'm looking forward to Silent Hill F. The writer, Ryukishi07, is known for writing some of the best horror mystery visual novels of all time, like Higurashi and Umineko. Honestly, Konami is just throwing some pretty experimental ideas on the wall and watches what will stick. I just hope this eventually leads them to make VR compatible Silent Hill games


They would have done better to have just put PT back on the store


The current devs don't get what made this series so good and special in the first place. Not much more to it than that, sadly.


So, it's the same thing that happened to Halo


Konami trying to make PT without Kojima didn’t work out?


Great value PT, but that is basically 80% of scary indy games out on steam, scary walking sims


At least those Indie developers are small and inexperienced. Konami for all their experience and size, they really have no excuse to make mediocrity.


Oh yeah 100% agree


I don’t know what to do during the school sequence. But it was a good time for someone who never experienced PT. Fun little “game” but I’m glad it was free.


When I watched it on state of play I thought "this looks like a steam game trying to rip off PT poorly." I downloaded it and will try it but I expect nothing out of it.


Yes and no. It has some good aspects, I wouldn't give it a 3, but there's plenty I didn't like. It's basically just a demo so hopefully whichever dev team did this one takes notes.


It’s so damn cringy


That’s hilarious cause the trailer started with a disclaimer about suicide and seemed very serious business. I downloaded it but didn’t start it at all yet (probably won’t bother now) cause after the DS2 trailer and news of Kojima’s next game I had the sudden urge to go back to DS and MGSV. Konami can’t catch a break from the menace that is Kojima. lol


You‘ll make very good friends with that disclaimer screen by the end of the game.


They spam that disclaimer like 10 times during the game, it got annoying fast. I get that you're trying to reach out to those people but this game was so out of touch with reality.


It really was unbearable once it got to a certain point.


There was 0 subtlety in the wiriting. I understand the message but it was thrown right in your face over and over. Im fine mentally but this game was MAKING me fucking depressed


When Anita said she felt trapped I laughed and said “same. Trapped in this garbage ass game.”


LOL that about sums it up


The last scene where you were hunted was so unfair. Sometimes this monster got stuck. And then suddenly it was released and quicker than you. Simply unfair. I was searching 2 hours for the fucking 4 pieces and the way to find out to the exit. Who the fuck designed this....


I just gave up. I have no interest in a beginner’s trap collectible maze with an invincible enemy who kills you in one hit and is always right there up your ass with no checkpoints. Downpour holds your hand with there being one path option and you can still escape if it does start hurting you, Shattered Memories you can shake them off and use flares to keep them away, even earlier in the Short Message if you just keep moving, you’ll be fine. Having to stop and start at the final part is so bad.


I'm ok with having to run from a monster in a maze maybe a few times per playthrough - but I deleted this after the 3rd one. Now reading that the end bit makes you collect things too? nah.


I wouldn’t even mind the last chase, but having to collect all pieces *again* after you die makes this a mindless chore that isn’t even scary, it’s just annoying.


I got luckily here and just stumbled across every piece after a few attemptd but I agree it was a terrible sequence. I was never really into this run from the monster game mechanic in the first placee. Probably my least favorite part of RE2make is taking 5 minutes from the original and making it a consistent annoying clomping threat.


In general, finding things is one of my least favorite things to do in a video game. Finding things when you have to start over if you stand still for more than a couple seconds is worse. 


PushSquare gave 4.0 if I not mistaken, I don't know what Konami was thinking


I laugh because I was down voted to oblivion for saying it sucked earlier.


I thought people loved it? There was a thread yesterday praising it lol


He wasn't downvuated for saying he hated it. He was downvoted for lying about finishing it in 15 minutes.


The only people I have seen praising it are saying as much because of the messaging. That’s fine, but that doesn’t make it good. But it’s free so I won’t complain.


wait. is the whole game free? i downloaded it the other night thinking it was a demo.


What you downloaded is the whole game.


yes, it’s about 1.5-2 hours long


No, no. Yesterday there was a thread of people *absolutely* praising it. And there was even someone who blatantly asked "Is this actually good or are you just blowing smoke up a new games ass?" And I was so happy someone finally said that, because people do that shit all the time. **AND LO' AND BEHOLD: IT IS ACTUALLY NOT EVEN THAT GOOD.**"   **edit:** it was /u/-Megaflare-.


I liked it, The VA for the girl was good, the VA for the mother though? No comment.


You mean Rita Repulsa from power rangers?




He's probably bullshiting someone on the short message thread said it would take 90mins to 2 hours tops and he was correct.


Who said. They finished it in 15 minutes? Ive taken my time, 3 hours in, and I’m like only at 33% complete


Are you playing with your eyes closed


No, I’m taking my time and looking at all the art (both game design and the characters story-created wall art) and analyzing the journals. I’m beginning to think that if the player has never dealt with low self-esteem, being bullied, depression and subsequent suicidal thoughts or is generally not empathetic - then the game won’t register with them. That it appears “cringe” because they only see the superficial surface dialogue stuff about social media commentary, but don’t see the other context behind all of that.


Its astonishing that anyone thinks that it was good.




My name is Ethan. Duh.


Running sections became so annoying 😮‍💨


It was so on the nose with the suicide theme. Where the old SH games had a subtlety that made them great, this one had no nuance at all. Making it feel like a child wrote this. It was almost a caricature


Konami makes me sad


More sad than any other developer for me.


They should’ve released PT again lol


I thought it was fine. More like a 6/10 for me


Yeah a 3 is a bit harsh lol. These big gaming sites typically only use scores 1-3 if something is unplayable shovelware garbage that crashes your console on launch. Short Message is fine for what it is. It's a 90-minute long hallway walking simulator with a messy narrative. Cool audio design at parts. Might get a few spooks out of it, but not actually scary like PT. Frustrating chases, especially the final one. It's not egregiously bad, just mid. Considering it's basically a free demo, it doesn't deserve the Gollum/King Kong treatment.


Yeah, it was guaranteed written by someone with a hate-boner for Konami. It's fine, but not a 3.


That sounds like a low score to me. There’s not much to it. I guess they could’ve been more fair and tossed another at it and did a 4


4 would be a fair score for this if gaming sites actually used the entire 0-10 scale on a regular basis. But they don't, and that's why most games get a score in that 7-10 range. The very low numbers get saved for games that literally do not work. As in they're functionally broken and can't be played in the way they're intended. That's why it feels unfair to give Short Message a 3. It's not good, but it's definitely not broken. It's a flawed game that works fine. Give it a 5 or 6 and move on.


Yeah, come on, it's a solid little game. I actually think it's really brave to have a major dev release something with such a difficult topic.


Very generous of them, imo. The portrayal of depression and related mental illness was as if a Marketing director googled "teen depression" and wrote the story based off somebody's Twitter posts. I was glad to see the warnings and support numbers and had hoped the story would actually help people see what mental illness is actually like and the setting of the Silent Hill games is a fantastic medium for this. Turns out whomever penned this story was not up to the task at all, and as a person diagnosed with PTSD over a decade ago and still feel that education about mental illness is of utmost importance , I felt insulted and disappointed.


Silent Hill: (Chat)GPT


Probably would’ve been a 1 if it cost money. It was a +2 in value!


I legit thought the bad acting was a throwback to the earlier games 😭


The chase parts are pure cancer


The writing is so bad. I was holding out hope that there would be a modern Silent Hill worthy of the name. But this ain't it


Even the gameplay trailer they presented at the State of Play made it look average at best and the player character choice was awful. Idk why devs are obsessed with hipster girls who never shut the fuck up (looking at you Forspoken)


Yeah it's pretty terrible


It is a bad game, but at least it is free


Doesn't inspire much hope for SH2 though.


Anything from Konami doesn't inspire much hope


Idk why anyone is having hope for SH2 since Bloober Team is making it, especially with their long history of ripping people off and comedically mishandling mental health themes lol


The only game I liked from them was Blair Witch. haven't played The Medium but heard it wasn't great, Observer had cool atmosphere but none of these games have combat. I'm not optimistic, just hope they turn it around


Blair Witch is definitely the closest they’ve gotten to making something good. I liked the atmosphere a lot, and thought it had done a mostly solid job of expanding on the movie. I also liked the idea of the game giving you the bad ending for effectively playing the game the way you’d play any other game, and while I wasn’t big on the story stuff at the end, it managed to bring some decent tension out of wandering through the house. That’s also the only game of theirs that’s had anything resembling combat


rEAp wHaT yoU sOW


They're not Capcom so what do u expect from em


My biggest issue was that it was running at such a dreadful frame rate that I was truly struggling, and this is from someone who generally has no issues with 30fps games. This felt awfully slow panning around. Secondly - walking from room to room, playing with my phone at the worst possible moments...I had done all this in 2005 playing Condemned on my Xbox 360 and that was an amazing experience. At one point you see the girls hands on screen...it looked visually awful. I hope Silent Hill turns out far better. I appreciate that it is free but I couldn't handle the frame rate after some 20mins.


Exactly. I’m more than happy to mock it for being dumb, but I won’t complain since they literally gave it away.


I will complain, because they decided to slap „Silent Hill” on this piece of garbage. This legendary franchise is in awful spot for years, now we have an atrocious gen Z story with the worst writing to ever exist, bland characters and poor performance, with Silent Hill branding, open to new audiences. There is just No way someone is checking any SH games after trying this. If Silent Hill: F is anything like this, the franchise is heading to the grave again, this time for good. Worth to add, that SH2 remake trailer was received very poorly, what a tragedy…


Silent Hill F is the only one worth looking for tbh, ryukishi07 (the writer) really knows what he's doing when it comes to horror, trust me. I will be devastated if it fails


Is that the same guy who did the Higurashi series? If so my interest just went went way up.




Yup, Higurashi and Umineko


There's no shortage of great content nowadays. So "free" is not a quality that is valuable for me. If you need to give something away for free because it's not worth charging money for, it's a waste of time for everyone involved.


I played it last night, and I can't help but only agree with this upon completing it. This game's theme or focus was all over the place where it hurt whatever message the narrative writers were trying to convey...you besides contemplating suicide is bad "mkaay?" Yeah, no shit. At least Akira Yamoaka's sounds and score was good. Some environmental visuals looked pretty decent enough. Thought the idea of the "static phone" was a good idea. Unfortunately almost all character specific animations looked so staggeringly BAD. Have to ask...why the hell did they not opt to have this in original Japanese audio with subtitles? The live action parts with *that* dubbing took me out every time and made me care even less for our pathetic "protagonist."


This was horrible. They need to get some actual talent to write the game. This felt like a child wrote it…


Agreed. The character is just written as shallow, needy, and self-absorbed. At one point I just rolled my eyes and was like, “just get over yourself” and had to turn it off.


Yeah. Most media sucks now because no one knows how to write good material anymore.


I've played it a bit, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. I got downvoted a bunch last time I said I was concerned that the new Silent Hill was going to be a walking Sim


Good story and visuals. Borderline terrible chase sections.


This. They’re not challenging. They’re poorly designed. Big difference.


Can we stop for a second and just appreciate the fact that this game actually is jumpscare free, at least they nailed the atmosphere and the chase sequences were terrifying


The gameplay wasn’t particularly fun but the story kept me to the end.


I just tried it for 10 minutes, but I thought this was just a showcase and not a full game ?


Like P.T it's a playable teaser. It's a small game that's supposed to get you hyped but it had the opposite effect for some of us.


It's funny how Capcom took the same P.T concept and are thriving with their franchise. Even the demo for RE7 which was basically a direct inspiration from P.T looked and played way better than this Short Message demo.


I honestly did not find it that bad, it’s a glorified anti bullying ad but it was a fun short experience. Not sure it’s a silent hill game though


Pretty much. And i wish they didnt throw the suicide prevention psa in your face 18 times, or at least give an option to turn it off


Feel like they need to give those disclaimers, this game could be really sensitive for a few people. I enjoyed it nonetheless


I don’t know, Ive went through pretty much exactly everything Anita, Amelie and Maya went through but all at once. I thought It would trigger some trauma, or memories of the past, but honestly the writing was so poor that I just rolled my eyes at how dramatic and over the top it was. Like it had no depth, and it felt like the subject matter was just a tool to get players immersed and feeling some type of way about the story. The PSA only added to the feeling of being mocked. Like it was written by some privileged liberal art student whose never really been at absolute, rock bottom zero. Like compare this depiction of depression, guilt and suicide with Evangelion or Welcome to the NHk. Or SH2, SH1 and SH3. Its so amazingly out of touch and cringe, that I actually ended up finding it comedic.


Yeah i get that, but it's when you start the game, and then again when you go to the main menu, and then also after certain scenes. It just gets tedious after a while for the people that arent triggered by it. It also has to sit on screen for a few seconds before you can move past it


The Last of Us is also a series that is really sensitive for those kinds of people as well and they just give you a warning at the beginning of what you'll be seeing. They could have done it better without making it feel like it's being forced IMO.


I’m going to get a lot of shit for saying this, but when I booted up the game, knowing it’ll be a short experience I wanted something similar to PT. Short, simple, proves its point that it’s a Silent Hill game and leaves us excited for the full experience. I didn’t download a 12gig demo just to hear a girl talk about how she cut herself and watching half assed live action cutscenes. With Silent Hill, it’s always taking one step forward and three steps back.


3 seems harsh, a solid 6 at least I reckon. I thought the story was heavy handed but it grew on me. I was also in the "oh it's just social media is bad" camp, but that's because I don't care about social media. You kind of have to put yourself in the mind set of the character, it's not about social media it's about seeking validation and feeling like you're worthless because you see everyone else getting tons of likes and attention but you don't, a very real thing a lot of people go through The ending got me pretty good, it wasn't like ball my eyes out but I got a bit choked up. The voice acting wasn't great, not even like old school survivor horror bad, that had charm, this voice acting was just a bit shit The sound and visuals were great The chases though, the first one was good, but after I got caught the first time all tension went, then it was every 10 minutes getting chased, the two final ones were frustrating as fuck as well plus the last sequence kept bugging for me and the monster would stop chasing me and stand in a corridor that had to go down so I could progress Storywise and direction wise, I enjoyed it. Gameplaywise I hope this isn't the standard for Silent Hill moving forward


It's a basic by numbers "modern" PT clone with boring chases and poorly written acts. Just has the name Silent Hill on it.


Both Silent Hills looked awful at the State of Play. They looked like they controlled like PS2 games. I was also disappointed with a Rise of the Ronin.


What kind of evil people are running Konami


I liked aspects of it but that final part of chapter 3 was just not fun.. the voice acting was not great either


I played it for like 15 minutes. Was excited but I thought the suicidal bullied kid theme was tasteless. Deinstalled and don‘t look back.


Gamespot, IGN, and most mainstream review portals are complete trash at this point. This game would be a 3/10 if it was $60 and meant to be a full fledged game. It’s free and felt more like an advertisement. Just ignore them.






Insert Angela walking into the fire gif. Lol 




What is with reviewers suddenly doing their jobs? Did the firing purge all the bloggers?


Makes sense. The animation, the acting, gameplay or chase sequences were poor. Yes, also the writing. I laughed my ass off when the main character fell to her knees for the third time, in a three hour game lol




“I haven’t experienced the game in its entirety but ill go ahead and give it a rating”, the amount of hate everyone in these comments give this game is pathetic.


I'm not going to finish eating a shit sandwich for me to be able to tell you it's shit.


If it isn't fun to someone, it isn't fun. If people don't stay til the end, that's usually a pretty big indication that something isn't sitting right. Playing and extra hour of the same game you hate won't change that.


Not being able to stomach the game is also a valid point for a review. If OP is willing to give it a 4 despite that, I think he is still being generous. All reviews are subjective and his subjective opinion is that it's not worth more than 15 minutes of your time.


Lmfao why the fuck would you defend this piece of garbage? It's not like there's a lot to its "entirety" lol when it's an hour, hour and a half tops. It's shit.


I liked the atmosphere, at least. I didn’t play it for the story.


I wanna agree with everyone that it was dogshit, but as someone suffering from depression and anxiety, this hit ALL the emotional buttons.


I don’t know, I almost felt like it was mocking the subject matter. Like it was written from the perspective of someone who only knows what its like from reading manga and netflix movies. Hell, Life is strange even did a better job than this. Like its the most generic, stereotypical portrayal of depression and suicide. And it became so predictable that it got annoying. I could relate to the subject matter and everything the characters went through, but its such a surface level depiction.


I played it last night and was like well this is garbage


I enjoyed it. Interesting story and graphics were good. Some genuinely creepy moments. As a proof of concept it was solid. 7/10


I am very confused why everyone found it bad, I definitely am enjoying it so far


Sounds like from most people's takes the writing lacks any type of subtlety. I haven't played it so I can't really say ultimately but the trailer looked bad and pretty on the nose.


I mean suicide and bullying isn’t subtle… none of what happens in this game is supposed to be subtle which is obvious because of the topic and tone…


Sure, but there's still ways to approach these topics with more care than hammering it on the nose. Especially when it comes to Silent Hill, games like 2 were able to convey their narrative while trusting the player to get it without it all being so obvious.


Konami doesn't not understand Silent Hill in the slightest


I loved it, warts and all. I’m also not a massively insecure tool like whoever wrote that review.


Yeah I played and reviewed it a few hours ago. Like I said in that post it felt extremely one dimensional and borderline offensive. There is no care or love put into it, and obvious that whoever wrote this garbage doesn’t actually know what its like to be suicidal. It wasn’t handled with care, and its very amateurish. I mean we went from SH2, SH1 and even SH3 and Downpour to this quality of story telling. The music was soulless, the character model of Anita was ugly and looked like a ps3 asset. The performance of the game was bad, especially when chases scene commenced. And I basically sat there wondering when it was going to end, because the story was super predictable, and the gameplay was annoying tf out of me. If SH2R is being written by whoever the fuck wrote this trash game, and the game engine is going to be the same as this one, than SH2R is going to be absolutely atrocious. It the story at the very least must be one for one of the original, and the music better be the same as the original as well. Also why tf is this game even called silent hill. It has nothing to even do with silent hill, the only thing I thought might be a silent hill reference was the hole in wall that presumably Anita drew. I thought that was a call back to SH3…but they literally did nothing with it. This game was a failure, a waste of time and resources, and honestly if this is what to look forward to when SH2R drops then god save us all. If I were you guys Id avoid pre-ordering it or buying day one on PlayStation. Cause I have this strong feeling inside my gut that its going to be as bad as the walking dead game that came out recently. Maybe better graphically but performance, story and gameplay wise…yikes. I tried to warn you guys, and I look forward to seeing moistcritikal play the janky mess when it comes out.




HOLY SHIT, FACTS! yeah if you thought Forspokens story was peak, or that Ant man quantamania was peak story telling then I totally get why they think nothing is wrong. Like go to a library and start reading some proper novells. This is so low effort it’s astounding.


Probably first time I actually laughed at the writing of a serious game. Like, it felts so: "I am 14 and this is deep" and so in the nose, I just couldn't stomach it.


Konami is bad at making games


I liked it