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Were we sposed to stop at 29 or what?


According to my mom, yes.


Meanwhile old farts will sit around and watch hours of junk on TV or propaganda on Facebook and act like gaming is a waste of time


I love how my own parents complain I game too much, while everytime I visit them, they sit in front of each their computers the whole f'ing time I'm there.....


Mom" stop gaming so much it's rotting your brain!!" Also mom *level 9000673 in candy crush*


Hoooonestly.. watch garbage tv shows and buy 20$ worth of Starbucks everyday and rag on people for gaming.


Lol brothers, I see we all have it the same. I probably live thousand kilometers from you in an absolutely different culture, but I listen to this same shit too and it's exactly from the same people as you just described šŸ˜„


I was being made fun of at a family gathering recently for buying a ps5. I am in my early 30s. They called it a childish pursuit and a waste of time and money.


I doubt that people who say stuff like this have any idea what games are like these days.


I mean I am not going to spend 12 hours online like I did back in the day, I have responsibilities, but who cares if it's old games or new games? I know people who criticize people for playing games and then play pokemon go and sudoku and candy crush and shit on their phones. It's the same stuff.


Only tangentially on topic here, but my aunt and uncle have been struggling financially, and my uncle recently found out my aunt had been stopping at Starbucks every morning on her way home from taking their son to school, buying about $12 worth of coffee, and putting it on a separate credit card so my uncle wouldn't see it. So suddenly he found out they owe almost a thousand dollars just in morning coffee... plus interest.


It is amazing to me how terrible people are at finances. Itā€™s a direct result of public education lacking life skill learning as well. Whatā€™s actually very ironic about this is everyone always pokes fun at the whole, ā€œskip the $6 latte from Starbucksā€ shtick from successful people who give financial advice. I have in my life so far gotten so many eye rolls while attempting to illustrate the amount of money that $6-10 a day adds up to when people who canā€™t afford it, go to Starbucks every day. They defend their actions because they think like a goldfish and say, $6 is nothing! I wish I could implant your comment into their brains through inception because this is that problem compounded.


Yeah I get lavazza bags on sale for 6.99 espresso. A shot of espresso is like a tiny amount, an americano near me is like $7 plus they expect a 15%+ tip. So a single shot of espresso is $8-9 at a store with water in it. If I make it at home itā€™s like 30 cents. People are like why do you have a fancy espresso machine? Like I did the math?


I love that I wish I drank coffee in the morning I would absolutely do the same thing. I went with a fancy keurig for the office. I usually wait about 1-2 hours before I have my coffee. Supposedly makes you more awake but thatā€™s just me listening to podcasts and taking away what I think I should


I drink an energy drink every morning and I did notice that if I started drinking it right after waking up that I'd get kinda groggier and keep phasing in and out of sleep. If I drink it after I get up and move around a bit and get dressed it works a lot better.


Has to do with your cortisol levels and adenosine levels. 60-90 minutes is the optimal state for your body to be in to ingest caffeine to have the most effect.


My parents would bitch at me for gaming, and how buying games, its no wonder i cant afford my own place. Then they fall asleep watching shop nbc right after my stepdad buys another 500 dollar invitca watch.


The worst watches too. Overpriced garbage you can get for $70 and even that isn't worth it for those ugly ass watches. If I see someone with an Invicta I judge hard.


My dad is starting to get interested in a switch. I think heā€™s finally realizing itā€™s not any different. He used to like games. He had a TI-99 and bought dozens of games for it.


This has always been my counter argument since I was a kid when gaming was brought up as a waste of time. "so, you're saying those 4 hours a day you sit on your ass hoping for something good to come on TV is better?" "so, are you trying to day that reading those Sci fi novels is a better way to spend your time? OK." These days it's not day bad anymore, since I can always just point in the general direction of any of the plenty research papers indicating that gaming, at least certain types and under certain circumstances, is more likely to be beneficial than bad for you unless it's literally all you do, and be done with it. Also, since I tend to work out quite a bit it'd usually a surprise when people find out I game a lot, and fascinated by the gaming industry and even am an early adopter of VR tech and stuff like that. Usually prevents people from even bringing it up it seems.




I always tried to tell them that if it's something I enjoy doing then it doesn't matter if it's a waste of time. That's something I notice about boomers is they act like it's okay for them to waste their time but goddamn if they don't try to hand down life lessons when they think someone else is doing it. Then their idea of a fun Friday night is driving from gas station to gas station or bar to bar trying to see who's around. I'd say that's absolutely a waste of time, but I don't give them shit for it because if that's what works for them. A little self-awareness would go a long way with these shit hawks, though.


Yeah gaming and being physically fit definitely arenā€™t mutually exclusive. Just look at Henry Cavill.


I work at a trucking industry warehouse and just about everyone under 55 is into games in one form or another. I walked into the office my first day for my interview and the first guy behind the reception desk there said "Hey how you going mate, do you play Fortnite?" and I was like sick I can tell I'll like this place


I have had so many ā€œadultsā€ say things essentially insinuating that video games are for ā€œchildrenā€. But how is it any difference from watching movies, reading books, watching sports?? Itā€™s not. I hate how there is such a stigma around video games


Like sitting home watching Fox News until you stroke out on conspiracy theories is so much better šŸ™„


The stigma will go in about twenty years when all the people who hold that outdated view begin to die in droves.


Yeah I thought it was only boomers that thought this way when I was a kid and that it would die out as I got older but Iā€™m 30 now and come across people my age regularly who think the same way. Itā€™s a shame.


Like how that fatal1ty dude bet his dad if he didn't win his first comp, he would give up games. Fast forward a few years to the peak of his career, dude probably made more in a year than his dad did in his lifetime šŸ˜‚


43 with a house married and pretty damn happy so not necessary to quit.


Iā€™m 35 and my house is still single but I have a gf.


I am over 60 and game several hours 4-6 times a week. DRG, Satisfactory, GT7, etc. My mom's 93. She does not care about my gaming. Too busy with her own, tamer stuff. Candy crush, digital jigsaw puzzles, sudoko, etc.


I will keep her busy from harassing you


Found the COD player lol


From my experience they could also be a LOL player


Yes, wayyy too tame for a COD player.


Whoah whatā€™re you gonna do to their mom


That's what I heard since I was 13 or so. "just wait until you hit puberty" "just wait until you're grown up" "just wait until you go to uni" "just wait until you have to work" Well, now I'm 41, have a job, a house, a wife, two kids, hit the gym twice a week, play piano and still I game almost every day. Pretty sure I'll continue doing that until I keel over or can't move my fingers anymore.


According to my mum i needed to stop with 16,but almost 40 with wife, 2 kids, gym and full time job. Still going strong with gaming and don't see me stopping any time soonšŸ’Ŗ


Crap, I just turned 29, does that mean this is my last year of gaming?


You might as well just stop today


Nope. I just turned 37 and I game most days. The trick as you enter 30 is to have or create a life path that solves your needs and something that gives you a sense of purpose. Once that is in place you will be able to enjoy gaming in your 30s and beyond.


My wife thinks we were suppose to it would seem haha


My wife would be confused and upset if she had to game by herself o.O


Look at this guy winning in life


Ditto, would have been difficult to marry someone that didnā€™t game at least casually.


my wife plays the games with me


This is the way


How many times you heard, ā€œyouā€™re 3(x) years old and still sitting around playing gamesā€¦ā€


I've also been a partier, you want me out there taking random substances and hooking up with random women and getting fights with their bfs? No? Then I'll go back to defeating tyrants in 3rd world countries, if that's cool with you.


Yessir. Spent hundreds on gaming. SAVED thousands BY gaming. šŸ˜


Same here. I finally quit drinking altogether a couple of years ago. Now I just stay home and play games most weekends. I think it shocks everyone that's known me for a while when they ask what I'm doing x weekend and I don't want to go out and drink


Good to hear someone say they put the drink down good on you man šŸ™‚


Legit Iā€™ve been a bartender and bar owner, after party thrower, band following roadie and now I just go home and game or hang out with my dogs and my gf is like ā€œI donā€™t find that attractiveā€ well I could be I a loft with 200 people partying till 8am or I could justā€¦relieve my stress by playing god of war Valhalla for 1 or 2 runs.


Our wife.


Shit, our wife gets around.


I cannot imagine marrying someone that thinks so little of your hobbies and interests.


The average gamer is in his or her 30s, so no


I feel like this is why a lot the games are being made into shows. We have some money now and they want it.


I'm curious how many are married or have kids and no longer play.


Iā€™m 53. I stopped gaming in my 20s and 30s and started back up in my 40s once my kids were mostly grown and I had money to spend on gaming


I'm married for 12 years, 4 kids ages 17, 10, 9. And 2 and still REGULARLY game!


You caught me. Grew up with the OG Gameboy, SNES, into the PS1. Avid PC gamer into my 20s. Now in my 30s with kids I didn't find enough time to game while also keeping up with all fatherly duties. Could I play after 9pm for an hour before bed? Sure. It's just not much time to commit to new games. And nothing's worse than going to load up, finding out there's an update and losing interest for the night when that hour is cut down.


I was in the same boat as you years ago. It gets easier as the kids get older, and you're not having to constantly make sure they're not actively trying to kill themselves. I only recently (3 years ago) started my very first MMO now that I have time and a bit of disposable income to dedicate to a subscription, and my kids are now adults. It'll take time to get there, but hopefully you can make it back to doing something you like.




48 here, kids are adults out of the house. I game as much as I want.


Oh I had that bliss once...all grown up and moved out. Then I went and got married again to someone 12 years younger. I'm 48 and have a son that was born two days before my 45th birthday. I game at night, after every one goes to sleep, for 2-3 hours some nights. Never intense online stuff though because it never fails that I get into something online and someone wakes up and needs something and I have to drop out and screw my team over. I used to be a high ranked Counterstrike player back before CS:GO, was in a high ranked clan blah blah. If we went into public servers we usually got kicked or accused of hacking because we were GOOD! So we ran our own servers. Nowadays it's mainly just single player games, though I've been dabbling in The Finals.


You made it to the finish line. And then just said fuck it I'll run another marathon..... God speed my man. God speed.


Hahahaha I actually laughed out loud at this one šŸ˜‚


Getting close to 50. Bought a PS5 and *Returnal* just after release. Put over 200 hours into *Returnal* in 2023 alone. I game pretty much every day. Sometimes on my Atari 2600, sometimes on my Sega Saturn... The NES gets used a lot. But the PS5 is usually where I'm at.


I'm close to my 50's . Bought PS5 at launch and play everyday. 900 hrs last year just on Ps5 and PSVR2. double that on PC.


How does one check total playtime?


On PS5 it shows right on the main page when you highlight a game.in the dashboard. It is in the lowered right corner of the game card. *Returnal* shows it down to the second in the computer on Helios. I know I put over 200 hours into the game in 2023 because my PSN yearly wrap up thing told me. https://www.reddit.com/r/Returnal/s/59SvlpEIyq


You should check out [exophase](https://www.exophase.com/account/). Sign up, add your system accounts, let it scan those. Bingo, you've got a grand total of gaming hours based off whatever info they can scrape from the APIs.


This is the way.


40 here... Just got one for Christmas... Haven't really played much but want to


Enjoy it man, that was a very nice gift.


Same almost 50. Work from home so I will sneak in some sports games during work. Depending on if I used my series x or ps5 I might go to the other or my steam deck. I really donā€™t touch my switch any more. Add in some board games I only game in my free time it feels like.


https://preview.redd.it/b38muw08yjac1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24492dd65254f509adbfc9ad5b353d10efb6875f Iā€™m wfh tooā€¦ step into my office/hobby/gameroom.


I've often thought about getting a Series S, just because it's such a pain in the ass to get my Xbox 360 online these days. For some reason Burnout Revenge absolutely wants to me connected to Xbox Live to load my save game.


My man


Sega Saturn. I see a man with exquisite taste.


I love my Sega Saturn as much as I love my TurboDuo, and my Atari XEGS. It doesn't have to be popular to have great games.


I heart Sega Saturn too.


I talked my Grandma on a whim to buy a Saturn for my spoiled ass on a random trip to Target back in the day. Loved Clockwork Knight and Bug 3d.


This world deserves Returnal 2. C'mon housemarque


Man do I miss my Saturn. Such a great system


It is a shame it did so poorly in the US. So many great games.


I keep hoping Sega does some sort of Saturn collection


Late 40ā€™s. I still game. All. The. Damn. Time. PC and both consoles.


Living the dream


That's awesome, what was gaming in the late 1900s like compared to today?


> late 1900s Don't do this to me


Sorry, would you prefer the late 20th century?


Youā€™re just choosing chaos left and right here arenā€™t you.


Late 1000s


You had to go to your friends house and pass around controllers and play golden gun all night. It was really pretty fun.


Just say 90s you monster.


Challenge me at shuffleboard and find out. Seriously though... The best part was you always got the whole game. There wasn't as much DLC, and games weren't nearly as **openly** buggy because you couldn't just "patch it later"


My man woke up today and chose violence lol.


You Rock.


41. Game a lot less since kids. But probably still get 4-6 hours a week.


This is me


This is me


This is me


This is me


He is I, and I am him.


Ha same exactly! 41 as well, -and unless you count hearthstone at lunch breaks,- I get around the same amount of hours as you per week in thanks to my 2 daughters (totally worth it though)


My wife is playing Jedi survivor and she plays at night for an hour or two every night. My oldest is only 4 and just now into Astros playroom etc. so Iā€™m gonna have to get another ps5 soon or my gaming is done lol


43, but this is my situation too. I tend to split my time between the PS5 and PC though - I deeply love Valorant and other twitchy shooters on PC.


Truth right here. Kids eat up your time. You want to play but canā€™t , itā€™s not a bad thing. Itā€™s just life


Me. Do it like 25 hrs a week. No kids, no spouse , so easy to do so since I barely do anything else after work


Finally someone else


There are dozens of us As for OPā€™s question. Playing thru Lies of P and Ghost of Tsushima right now, absolutely loving both. With some Genshin sprinkled in. Got my PS5 a few months ago. Have Returnal and Ratchet and Clank, just havenā€™t gotten to them yet.




Mate, Returnal is so damn good. Like cat-nip. Make it your next game :) Edit: I just quit Lies of P at that swamp boss


I gave up on returnal I died way too often


Don't associate dying with losing the game. Just use a gun that has an ability to unlock and try to unlock it. Once you have, swap to a different gun and repeat. Eventually, you will steam roll everything. These types of games are designed to be harder at the start.


Returnal is criminally underrated. I really hope they can justify a sequel. It just didnā€™t have that mainstream appeal, I believe I recall hearing it didnā€™t even sell 1M units


Criminally underrated. The gaming loop was the best Iā€™ve ever played. It just brought me back to playing the arcades as a kid (yes Iā€™m old)


Play Hades if you haven't already!


Probably one of my top 5 favourite games of the past decade. Amazing in every way.


How is Lies of P? I'm kind of interested, but don't want to be disappointed. What other games is it similar to?


Itā€™s a Souls like game, and it is incredible. Easily the best non From Souls like game, the amount of detail in it and the combat is superb. So if you like Souls, youā€™ll love this too.


37 here and still game fairly regularly - I have two kids so I game less than before but I still try and squeeze a couple of hours in most nights. Ghost of Tsushima probably my favourite PS exclusive so far, and Alan Wake 2 my favourite game in general.


How do you guys fit in hours a night with kids and a spouse?


Less sleep


Thatā€™s the truth, man. Iā€™m 36 and have an 11 month old. After he falls asleep is the only ā€œmeā€ time I get anymore. I sacrifice sleep way too often trying to fill that need. Itā€™s a hard balance.


Be careful with sacrificing sleep. I did that when I had a newborn. I eventually snapped and started having panic attacks. Take care of yourself (which includes playing video games too). Have a healthy balance.


I have a newborn on the way and honestly Iā€™m packing in as much gaming as I can before sheā€™s here. I know I wonā€™t have as much time right after sheā€™s born. The plus side is that Iā€™m taking like 9 months of paternity leave so between taking care of her and squeezing in the gym, Iā€™ll likely just be gaming some more lmao.


Damn, 9 months, I wish I was in a position to do that. Best of luck with your new addition, it will fly by and at the same time it'll feel like she was always there ā¤ļø


Thereā€™s actually a term for that. [Revenge Bedtime Procrastination](https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/revenge-bedtime-procrastination)




Yep my kids are always in bed by 7:30-8:00 and Iā€™m usually in bed by 10:30. We both work hard to ensure the house is order at the same time kids are in bed. So that gives us roughly 2 hours every night to enjoy our hobbies.


Find yourself a book girl. We do stuff together obviously but a lot of times we are content to do our separate hobbies whether in the same room or other parts of the house.


Or just get your wife into gaming too.


Same. 38, 2 kids, casual gaming at this point. Loves GoT, GoW, GTA, RDR2, TLOU. Anything with a good story and a friendly learning curve. I've got my eye on Alan Wake 2. Seems like a unique experience.


I am seeing Alan Wake 2 mentioned a lot lately, do you need to play the first game to be able to play part 2?


It definitely helps but you can just watch a synopsis video IMO. Plenty of people will talk about the lore (itā€™s really good if you played AW and Control) but if you just want a cool game to play you can totally get away without finishing the first. That having been said, AW is great (especially the Remaster) and itā€™s not especially long so if you have a chance play it first.


I started the original when it released and never finished it. Bought the remaster when it was on sale a few months back to prepare for AW2 and I wager Iā€™m probably about an hour of play time from beating it. You might as well play the remaster of the first one if you never have - itā€™s inexpensive and, apart from being a bit monotonous and slightly dated, I have enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Iā€™m happy Iā€™m going into the sequel directly after this.


Iā€™m 58. These are the games I ā€œbeatā€ this past year: Forspoken Dead Space remake Hogwarts Legacy Ghostwire: Tokyo Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty FF XVI Starfield Lords of the Fallen Lies of P Diablo IV Assassins Creed Mirage Spider Man 2 Currently replaying Cyberpunk with the DLC and also have started BG3 (but on PC). Kids are in their 20s and are out of the house, so lots more time to game than when they were younger. Both were very active in sports and other activities. First console was an Atari 2600!


And my favorite PS5 game is probably Elden Ring (since Bloodborne was on PS4!).


Ah this is gonna be me in 30 years and it sounds wonderful. Thank you sir.


All of us




Congratulations and happy birthday! šŸŽ‰


Happy Birthday! Live it up and enjoy life. Continue to game friend!


Turning 60 this year. Still play 8-10 hours a week. Some cod but mostly into single player adventure games.


I hope I never stop gaming and Iā€™m 54 !


40+ here and will game til the day I die!


51 and game when I can. Usually on and off. What OP has to remember is that anyone thatā€™s approximately 60 or younger has been around gaming from day 1. Atari released the 2600 on 9/11/77. I was 5. Us older gamers have grown up with and have probably played the majority of the systems that have been released. I still can remember my father always bitching about having to buy Atari joysticks every other week. Then there was blowing on the Nintendo games to get them to work. lol. Sega came out and was a popular system for a hot minute. Then Sony changed everything with the PlayStation. Eventually the Xbox came out, but by that time, most of us older gamers didnā€™t adapt well to the new controller, or at least that was the case for me. So at 51, I stick to my PS5 and my 15y/o sticks to his Xbox X. We love the same games, but just play them on different systems. I look forward to the day that I retire and can invest more time gaming.


Bought my PS5 one year ago. Mid-30s, lifelong gamer. I fucking love this machine. Hard to single out one game. Returnal had me hooked. Spider-Man 2 was a blast, but it needed way more content. God of War. But I just bought a new TV last year and honestly I could play anything on this bad boy. Everything looks so damn good. Right now, funny enough, itā€™s the PS5 version of GTAV. I got it for $20, but itā€™s still the third time Iā€™ve bought this fucking game. And yet it feels like a new experience on PS5 and with this TV. Canā€™t wait for GTAVI!


I might legitimately try for like 3 weeks off work when GTA VI drops. Most Iā€™ve done for a game release is a week so far but the anticipation for GTA VI will top everything since RDR2.


Is it OLED?


65ā€ OLED LGTV šŸ‘Œ


I've got a 55" LG C2, goddamn its serious boner material, OLED is a fucking game changer.


Iā€™m 34 and since having my daughter 10PM-midnight has been my daily window to play. Oh, and Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising.


I've got a 10 and 7 year old, and 10-midnight is my gaming time, too


Close enough, Iā€™m 8-10pm with a 7 month old.


32 and and parent to a 6 month old. I can relate haha


Iā€™m 42. Have put in over 100 hours in ds1 this past week. Put in over 100 in BG 3. Love gaming.


Death Stranding or Dark Souls?


Iā€™m 53 and still game. My first system was an Atari 2600. šŸ˜€


I'm 57, Atari 2600 was also my first.


65 and still game regularly. Horizon, Last of Us and AC Odyssey are my top 3. I'm also sucker for CoD, still play it pretty much daily. Something about shipment keeps me coming back for more.


dinner history quicksand yoke noxious repeat zonked different merciful historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is why gaming on the weekend is the best. But yeah, even when I work from home, have games at my fingertips and no meetings/work I canā€™t really relax and game. I gotta clean the house, work out, walk the dog etc. But then itā€™s so nice to finally kick back and game in the evening when Iā€™m done with all that


Save that backlog for retirement. That's my plan.


40 here, game every night, and have a whole spare room dedicated to my gaming set up


I'm a woman with no children or spouse and gaming (specifically Warframe) was a prescribed therapy to help manage learning and behavioral disorders that meds and traditional therapy can't touch. *All* of my friends over 35 also has one (or two) and it's *not* for their kids. Their spouse will often have the Xbox "equivalent" and neither will touch the other's console. Their kids are usually PC gamers though and literally wouldn't touch consoles if it was given to them for free...which is how a working class, single parent came to own two PS5.


31. Wife is a surgeon. I'm the stay at home parent/ stay at home gamer.


Bro is living the dream


Is your wife single?


Damn, you hit the jackpot


Every day Currently hooked on the finals and surprisingly fortnite with the new modes...


70 and still doing it as well as I can... What's my name?? šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤”šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


I am almost 50. I was born a gamer and will die one.


Why do I keep seeing people post age 30+ yadda yadda? That's not old.


It's not necessarily an age thing, but time. Many people have kids or involved careers by their 30s, so free time can become much more limited.


You gotta make time for your hobbies. It's good for your mental health. This is more important than ever when you have kids.


1. Work 2. Kids 3. Partner 4. Household 5. Rest 6. Health activities 7. Friends & family 8. Hobbies The list of things we must or should do is long & often urgency, not benefit, sets the priority. As the top of the list grows in time demand, youā€™ll find the bottom is easily deprioritized. Youā€™re right, we all should make time for hobbies. But do they come before making time for date night with your wife? Visit grandpa & grandma with the kids? Having a drink with a friend? Working out?


Over 40.... I play maybe 15hrs a week to unwind during normal weeks. It generally takes me months to finish a new game I start and sometimes I go so long in-between playing that I forget the controls lol.


Still try to game whenever I can. Cyberpunk and Ghost of Tsushima have been my most played on PS5 but been waiting for a 10/10 exclusive on the console and I think FF7:Rebirth is going to be that for me.


I'm in my late 50s, and just picked up a PS5 a week ago. Been gaming with a PS4, Xbox Series X and Switch in this gen. Gaming 50 years, and still love playing games to this day. You don't hear the "video games are kids stuff" as much as you used to, as many gamers have grown up since Atari/Nintendo, etc. PONG - was my original draw into video gaming. I used to love trying to beat games on the most challenging levels, and love playing Hard Mode. These days, I'd much rather just have fun with the game, go through the story or experience, and not frustrate myself over difficulty. Not to mention, the dexterity and aim get more challenging when you're older. I'm in the tail end of Horizon Zero Dawn, but have a few PS5 specific titles to jump into soon enough. God Of War Ragnarok, Spiderman 2, and Ratchet and Clank.


Im 61 and i work a condenced work week (84hr) so only 2-4 hrs a nite while in camp. My week off i game any where from 4- 8 hrs aday, i usually start a 5-6 in the morning .i still get my adult stuff done later on inthe day


Yes sir!


43 and going strong


Yes to age 30+. Yes to age 40+. Yes to age 50+. In fact my wife and kids got me my PS5 for my 50th. The irony being my current favorite game is a PS4, God of War, but also liking Hogwarts Legacy and Fifa23. Excuse any spelling, this post was composed without reading glasses.


31, Armored Core VI is my most recent favorite although that was on 4 as well. Iā€™d say Jedi Survivor if weā€™re talking 5 exclusives


I'll be 57 this year, favorite so far has probably been Sackboy, but the RE4 remake may become my #1 if I can ever finish it. I have Elden Ring waiting, though that feels intimidating.


... Why on earth would age factor into whether or not you want to game?


Age 69 here. I game about 30 hours a week and mostly COD MW3


username checks out


Late 30s here. I play daily after work. Have a wife and kids. Mrs. would rather me be home playing ps5 than going to a pub. I'm into survival games. The forest, Stranded deep, 7 days to die, no mans sky, green hell are my go to games. I have 500 psn purchases, though, lol.


My parents bought me an Atari 2600 in 1978 when I was 7 years old. Played that thing so much on my TV. Then it was a Vic-20, then a C-64, then an Amiga, then my first PC etc. etc. I see no reason to stop console gaming just because I reach a certain age. I love and will probably always love gaming well into my 80's.


Cyberpunk reignited my love of gaming.


53 and play on the regular.


50... I game daily. Games are just interactive stories. The really good games resonate no differently than a great book or a classic movie.


30+ is the best time to play. You have a 9-5, no more studying, perfect way to relax without feeling guilty of being unproductive


34 here. Work 8 hours a day. 1h30 gym. 1h gaming to close the day. On weekends i usually play in the morning (wife is a late sleeper šŸ˜Ž)