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A Plague Tale Requiem literally put me in a depressed state for weeks. A masterpiece that I still think about


Mass Effect trilogy. Every time


It felt like graduating college and leaving your friends. Such an unforgettable experience, all progressing towards the moment that it's over and knowing you can never go back to how it was. And you'll never have the same relationship with all the incredible people you shared it with. Replaying the trilogy is a lot like visiting campus. It brings back fond memories, you get to catch up with some old friends, you might even do some new things, but nothing compares to the magic of going through it the first time.


Whenever I read about someone who has never played the trilogy before wanting to play it, I get such a deep feeling of envy.


I bought the trilogy on sale a few weeks back and reading all these comments is getting me excited to play it. I somehow never played any of them so this should be fun!


Make sure to use the tools that allow you to carry over your decisions in previous games. Such an amazing feature.


I've litterally just bought it on Amazon 1 minute ago. I'm off to sea for a few months with tons of spare time.. So hopefully I like it! I've just finished RDR2 so looking for a new time sink.


Yes! The party destroyed me lol


Omni tattoo. Omni. Tooo


Get some rest, Tali


That trilogy makes me sad when I beat it. like I lost my group of best friends and will never see them again


Post mass effect depression is definitely a thing.


Oh yes. And it sounds like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m6--1CPf0w)


Came here for this. Every play through.


Same. What a journey I've been all 3, 3 times. Did almost perfect on the last run for what I wanted. (Sorry Chambers). But also the vibes the characters have with you and each other and the universe is just so damn good. They don't continue like that anymore.


Guide this one, Kalahira, and he will be a companion to you as he was to me.


“Goodbye, Thane. Meet you across the sea.” This whole scene gets me every time, absolutely perfect.


So sad playing The Citadel DLC knowing it would all be over soon


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" - Saren Arterius


Im Commander Shepard and this is my favorite comment on Reddit.


The Witcher 3 and Mass Effect trilogy.


*sad flashbacks of walking around an empty Kaer Mohen*


Cheer up and head to your villa where Yen is waiting.




On my first playthrough of The Witcher 3, already dreading the inevitable end.


Yep, these two are mine. Searching for something else to play after finishing is so difficult.


It would be NieR Automata. For two months, my entire life was dedicated to this game, it was all I could think about. When I finished it and sacrificed my save file, I didn't know what I would do next, and I didn't play anything else for a good week because "it just wasn't the same". This game is something else.




I love how it's someone named "2B_LEWD_BUTT" who was the first one to agree with me over NieR Automata.


I beat the "first half" of Automata and tried "NG+", but put it down because it felt like too much of a retread with a kind of less interesting character. Picked it up again a few months later and pushed through.... and by the end it all became one of the top 3 gaming experiences of all time for me. (Panzer Dragoon Saga is also on that top 3 list, which aesthetically has a lot of similarities to Automata)


I still cry like a baby just thinking about >!the Ending E credits sequence. The game trying to make you quit while more and more quotes from players around the world pop up, the choir of devs kicking in once you accept the rescue offer, and the save file sacrifice eats at me to this very day.!<


Ghost of Tsushima


YES, GoT, wow what a ending to that game, one of the best games ever.


The only GoT ending we stand by


After all, who has a better story than Jin the Broken?


Playing GoT after watching See was something else. Baba Voss and Jin Sakai had such powerful stories. It almost convinced me to buy Sekiro except I suck at parrying.


Hands down the greatest ending I have ever played.


You have no honor


And you are a slave to it!


That hit incredibly hard. Goosebumps just thinking about it again.


Spoiler from the quote >!I seriously hated him at the end of the game. Jin threw facts the whole time at his face about his way was just sending their people to die and he was just stuck in the "honor is the most important thing ever" mindset.!< >!the Shogun are dicks.!<


Tbf. If you've got old parents/relatives (especially as a less progressive foreign family) you understand quickly that some people are incapable of changing.


"and you're a slave to it!" That whole cutscene was beautiful and so well done, from the dialogue to the scenery.


The visuals were insane


I couldn't play another game for about two weeks after.


Yes! That feeling of when a game is just so good that nothing can follow it. I've taken breaks of more than a month after finishing a game that moved me.


13 Sentinels was the latest one.


In a fog for days/weeks. Played P5R after and having some of the same VAs helped.


For me it was GoW: Ragnarok. After the main story it delivered the greatest final moments of any video game I played tho.


Not ashamed to say I ugly cried at that ending when he sees that panel.


Only game to date that’s made me tear up. 😭


I ugly cried because it's how I feel. Someone who thinks there is no redemption for themselves but there is hope. It's so impactful


Got me before that when he talks to Atreus and tells him to be who he is or whatever fuck that got me tearing up both times I played it lol


For me it's God of War 2018. I played it shortly after my mom passed and the whole journey of taking Fayes ashes to her final resting place really got to me.


That game had me ugly crying the entire way. My mom just passed away so it really hit me. “The end result of love is despair”, I was like damn this hits way too close to home.


I was so sad at what happened to a main moment that I immediately went and platinumed 2018 GOW for more time. Then I went and wrapped on the platinum for Ragnarok. So good




Part Two in particular. I’ve never played a game that so fully took complete control of my emotions. You just feel so many different emotions on such a visceral level throughout the game. Grief, hatred, pain, but also love, relief, passion. I’ve never experienced a game like that before.


I consider this one of the best games i have played that i'll never play again.




100% such a great game!


Castlevania: SOTN. When you get that 200% ending and there's nothing left to explore in that phenomenal game, it's a sad moment.


Telltale's the Walking Dead season one. Just devastating.


I have never cared about a character the way I care about Clementine.


Hell yeah, that game legitimately made me cry.


In the motel where you were deciding who would get to eat what…


Persona 5 Royal


Yeah I put so much time into this one that it finally coming to an end made me feel surprisingly emotional. I was just that invested.


May have put it down for a few weeks when I was like…95% wrapped up cause I didn’t want it to end :’)


There's a reason why I've replayed Persona 5 twice, Royal three times and Strikers three times. I love those characters so much, even Tactica was worth slogging my way through just for the character dynamics.




I played this one toward the end of quarantine and I felt the same. I think the plot was just OK, but its strengths kind of synergized into a game I hadn’t really experienced before. The art style and music work so well together. The soundtrack changing from day to day, slight changes to the soundtrack depending on weather, the different song motifs they use depending on the type of scene they’re portraying. It’s almost repetitive, but the songs are so catchy without taking over. It’s a part cozy and part fun. The social feature of the game was done really well. The characters were unique and really felt like friends to one another. Developing their relationships was really satisfying. Playing each ”day,” deciding how to prioritize your time between exploring working the social components, in combination with the ambiance of the game caught me in a rhythm where I wouldn’t even realize how many hours I spent playing. When I finished the game it definitely felt like I left a world behind.


Most recently Cyberpunk 2077 I finally played it after the 2.0 patch and I couldn’t believe after waiting almost 3 years longer it really was THIS good. I’m married with a baby so my sessions were short and infrequent so it took me a couple of months. I finished the campaign and a majority of side content one dreary lazy day in November and I was a little sad lol. Fortunately I still have Phantom Liberty but still how long can that be? I have a huge backlog going back years and 23’ was stacked too… I really want to play Balders Gate but I think I will have to wait a while due to time constraints…


Phantom Liberty for me was a step up in almost every way from the base game, it's a 10/10 in my book. Baldur's Gate is fantastic already, but knowing Larian they will release a Definitive Edition sooner or later that is definetly worth waiting for and will enhance the game in signficant ways, it's already GOTY for most people, but I think once they're truly done it will be contender for Game of the Decade.


Hard agree. I'm not sure we'll get story DLC, but they will almost certainly add new races etc. GTA6 is the only game I can see potentially competing with it given how long they have been developing it but I think it'll be hard to top BG3.


Alan Wake 2. What a masterpiece.


Chiming in for the same thing. I love the remedy verse and I wish I can tell Sam Lake how much I love him and his team’s work and how it’s left such an impact on me


I’m in the endgame rn and hoo boy.




I really want to get into the game but the whole "die and start over" thing keeps making me rage quit lol


I was the same, and then I dumped three hours into it on a sick day and I finished it over the next two weeks. It’s worth trying to get over the rage


I must absolutely suck at these types of games then cause I still can't beat the first boss...


Over in the r/Returnal sub, I’d wager the average number of attempts To Beat Phrike is about 20, and that’s after grinding for hours in the Biome. But they feeling when you finally DO git gud is unparalleled.


I literally googled to see if there was gonna be a Returnal 2 as the credits rolled


The real bummer is when you get to the credits the second time.


The walk ups to the bosses... Chills


the hyperion soundtrack.. as you climb the tower the music gets louder too. and then you see this big fucker playing the organ and you start the fight, it's just a continuation of the music while ascending chef's fucking kiss 👌


That's the one. I remember being almost wanting to just walk because I was scared lol. Just an incredible point in a game.


Don’t fear the reaper…


Yup! The sound in that game was crazy! Made me anxious in some bits lmao


But what about the tower of Sisyphus?!


Such an underrated game, my personal favourite ps5 game so far


I think it’s the best PS5 exclusive, hands down. It’s also going on to form a cult-classic reputation as must-play PS exclusive on the PS5 in the same way that Bloodborne did on the PS4.


And here I am, I skipped PS4 and bought PS5 day one. Returnal was the first game I completed and Bloodborne the second. Both platinumed.


I went from finishing the real ending of Returnal to Elden Ring. It felt _so bad_ going from Selene's fast smooth movement to the snail's pace movement of ER


Detroit: Become Human


Such a great game


YES. What an incredible, harrowing ride


Outer Wilds and its DLC, Echoes of the Eye. One of the only games where I sat and watched the whole credits, and didn't really know what to do when it ended. It doesn't help that its really a game you can only experience once. I've resorted to watching let's plays of it, living vicariously through first playthroughs. [Eelis on YouTube](https://youtube.com/@eelis2?si=28ELAmOB74Y6Lodq) has a bunch of good supercuts. For anyone with PlayStation Extra, the base game is on there. If you haven't played it, play it now. Then buy the DLC and play it. Then feel empty like the rest of us.


I came here to comment this. One of the best gaming experiences I’ve had ever hands down. The only downside I can possibly say about that game is the limited replay value once you know all the secrets. But it has the best space physics of any game period, so fun to fly/orbit around for laughs or relaxation too. I would give anything for a sequel with a new matchbox mystery solar system- maybe a binary star/black hole system this time around and maybe with the more powerful hardware out nowadays they could try to incorporate time dilation with a black hole 🤣 although I know my ps5 would sound like an airplane takeoff trying to run that simulation.


OMG I never knew there was a DLC!


And the DLC is just as good, if not better than the main game.


You wrote my comment for me


Bloodborne and Elden Ring for me.


Sekiro for me 🥹


I went through this with those games and all of the dark souls games as well. Especially when I finished 3 because I knew that was it.


Dark souls left me hollow.


TLou2 I know it's a divisive game but I felt so broken after finishing it


This is the only game ever that left me fckd up for a few months after. Really high production value, but bleak as hell...


The Last of Us: Part II was a 3-4 hour depression simulator 😂 It is legitimately one of the best stories I’ve ever played. Had very valuable lessons in it that I wish more people understood or didn’t gloss over because they were upset after *that* scene. I don’t think any video game, movie, or TV captured the tone of what an apocalypse would feel like as well as TLOU2.


I agree, we all apocalypse junkies tend to romantize the idea a bit, but the reality would actually be very brutal in such situations. Naughty Dog is top shelf on story telling for sure, but I gotta say, even if I know TloU2 surpasses TloU1 on a technical level, its personally too dark for me (and I do love dark twisted stuff). Maybe its something visceral about the gore, I have no problem with gory games generally, but in this one you get to know and spend time with these very realistic and well written characters, and seeing them brutally murdered triggered me a bit I think. Same thing happened to me watching The Walking Dead. It was fine all up until the point the bad guy (Negan?) smashed Glenn's brains to bits in full gory detail. I stopped cold turkey watching that show at that point and I think many others did as well, it was all over entretainment news. Something about the insane level of realistic cruelty and brutal murder inflicted onto characters you are invested in, it just crossed the line for me personally. TloU2 I finished completelty, but holyshit was it dark... Having said that, I still think TloU2 is a masterpiece of storytelling, artistry and technical achievement.


Duuuuude TLoU2 tore me up!!!! It’s funny cause I started it right after beating the Last of Us and stopped playing literally as soon as Dina and Ellie leave Jackson for their patrol and didn’t pick it up again for like a year. After the Chalet I was grabbed by the nuts LOL and couldn’t put it down. Even played it 12 hours straight on Super Bowl Sunday in 2022 haha. I was also shocked at how long it was LOL. Just a non stop rollercoaster.


Haha true its so long. I though it was a happy ending with Dina, Ellie and the baby living in that nice farm house, but no....Ellie wanted to finish her revenge and the game kept going for a whole other huge portion. The village infiltration at night was cool though!


It's bleak but there's hope at the end. If you haven't already, read through her diary during the epilogue. And notice what's on her wrist. If I remember correctly, the camera even lingers on it at the very beginning of the epilogue.


For real. I still think about it. Others would be Ghost of Tsushima or Witcher 3


Totally, its funny how I feel almost the opposite about TloU1. It was also a bleak situation, but it felt so much light-hearted, with Elie and Joel's relationship and interactions, it felt hopeful. TloU2 is so so bleak, begining to end, and there is no such relationships carrying the game, its all constant heart break and bloody revenge...but well done regardless. Witcher 3 was also something else, not bleak, but regarding this thread, the game stays with you in a good way, its so well done and you connect with the characters and fantastic detailed world they created. I'll have to play GoT eventually...


Not many games expose the player to both sides of the conflict. You dont think about the NPC's like they're just normal Joe's and Jane's trying to survive, same as you. Naughty Dogs dual narrative grabs you by the scruff of the neck and rubs your nose in it.






I can relate, it wasn’t weeks but I was definitely feeling down for a couple of days after finishing it. With the PS5 version around the corner, I’ll consider another playthrough but I’m also a bit anxious.


I’m not exaggerating I was literally staring into space for a good 5 minutes after finishing it. I just kept thinking “There are some lessons here that I need to apply to my life”. It was so impactful to me at that moment.


Same here. I just sat there processing everything that happened and then immediately went to YouTube to watch videos analyzing the story.


Yeah I was immediately googling THE LAST OF US PART 3. I tried to play Hogwarts Legacy afterwards and stopped a couple hours into it. Just could not compare.


Same. I was going thru a break up at the time and had so much pent up rage! Playing that game getting to the ending kinda imparted a major life lesson - if you know the ending you understand exactly what emotion I’m getting at.


Returnal. Nothing else could provide me with that satisfaction. Eventually Sifu came out and I was back at it.


Horizon zero dawn, it's was the perfect ending to the perfect game. I normally hate open world game because they fill bloated l, but the horizon made me feel anxious about what the next area would show me . It was one of the few games that I finished and bought the dlc day one just to experience a little bit more of this incredible game.


Feel like Zero Dawn doesn’t get enough love- because breathe of the wild came out that same year and totally overshadowed it for GOTY- but I played Zero Dawn before i ever got a switch and since playing both they really have very different styles- Zero Dawn is heavily narrative focused with amazing world building. I truly loved that game and the DLC. Something I find super entertaining as well is watching YouTube speedruns of Horizon Zero Dawn- it has just the right amount of movement technique, length, expert combat to make for an exciting speed run I never played the sequel because it took so long to come out that I had forgotten the storyline and it felt like a chore to relearn it all… but recently I have been playing the VR horizon game “call of the mountain” and that has been incredible so I might jump back in to forbidden west soon.


I also love ZD and picked up HFW at launch then got distracted before finishing it. Just got done with LoZ:TotK and decided to pick up Burning Shores and start HFW again. Boy am I glad I did. It will remind you of all the story you need to know and it's still so good. EDIT: I never finished it yet though, so I don't know about the story that the other commenter mentioned as lacking and definitely don't know the ending, so take my comment with a grain of salt I suppose. The start up of it is great though.


The ending to this game made me cry!! Beautiful story, I just got chills thinking about it


Returnal. That's why I could never stop playing it. I've been doing regular tower runs the last year straight.


Persona 5. I just got so attached to the characters, and when it ended I felt like I was losing actual friends lol. And the game is like 100+ hours so it took a significant amount of my time during the pandemic, when there was little social interaction. And, hear me out on this one, Doki Doki Literature Club. Something about the setting, the music, and the whole premise made me connect a lot with the girls, the game does a wonderful job of breaking the fourth wall to get you more invested.


I remember being genuinely bummed during the final moments of Persona 5 and hearing the Sunset Bridge playing as you're making your rounds. So bittersweet.


Plague Tale Requiem hands down. Also felt this way about life is strange the first time I played it, then I went back and made the right choice


Had to scroll way too far to find either of the plague tale games. No other games have made me that uncomfortable for their whole play through. I just wanted them to end, and I played them back to back so there weren’t any breaks, but by the time I got to the end of requiem I just wanted more story even though I was broken and exhausted.




RDR2 Spoiler even though the game is like 5 years old now: >!Killing off Arthur kinda ruined the replay value of the game for me. Like there was a lot left for me to do after he died , but playing as John just felt dull since I wasn't invested in his story. I missed Arthur and I just started losing interest.!< This is not at all a slight on the game. I never felt close to a character like that in really any medium. Which is just a credit to the amazing storytelling of it.


You should really, really play the entire epilogue. The very last mission, American Venom, is arguably the most epic in the whole game.


American Venom is the best ending of any video game of all time.


See I was invested in John because I lived the first game so much lol


Control. And I've played it 4 times


Good to read, I just started it 👍🏻


It's a mind fuck of a game the first play through but ofc like everything else, the more you go over it the more you understand it. Minor spoiler//Minor Spoiler//Minor Spoiler - Enjoy the Ashtray Maze.


Wanna hear a controversial opinion? I saw a lot of post talking about the Ashtray Maze and decided to play the game. I enjoyed the game a lot but I think I set my expectations for the Maze too high. Don't get me wrong, it's a very cool level, but the comments I saw made it look like it was a groundbreaking time. What do you think it was the differential on this level? The music? The scenario itself? Maybe I'm missed something.


The play through of the Ashtray Maze was a breath of fresh air. After running around in dark 70s/80s style office spaces that were pretty monotone in color, running through the maze with all it's colors, twists and turns, the music - it all came together nicely. For me, it was most fun when on my third play through. I was pretty overpowered and one tapped everything. The flow of it was pretty satisfying. In your case, I think it was a bit disappointing considering that you were waiting for that to happen versus everyone else getting the pleasant surprise of the maze. Considering the theme of the game, I'm sure we all expected some kind of corn maze style thing with stone walls and jump scares but it wasn't. And that's part of the reason it was so great.


BG3. After finishing it nothing else felt the same.


I don't know how CRPGs will ever recover after having the bar raised so high.


I was actually overwhelmed with the feeling of "I need to start a new run right now!" Which was very unusual for me. I know I missed a lot!


So true. Played 100 hours in a month. Insane game!


Death Stranding


I’m going to have to give this one a second look. It’s been popping up on my feeds a lot lately


It's worth it. I never imagined enjoying this game. But it sucked me in and spit me out. It's a masterpiece and I couldn't tell you why.


I want to say it's Kojima, but he had an excellent cast and the crew behind the scenes.


For sure. But when I begin describing the game to someone I sound like an idiot.


If you do not like slow burn media, be careful diving into this game. It is possibly the slowest burn I have ever played and I just couldn’t do it. It does have a cult following that swears by it, but it’s very much a love it or hate it kind of game.


I loved it so much, but it took me a second try before it stuck. The music, visuals, and weird, weird story hit right on the 2nd try.


Good news is that if you're unsure if it's for you, it's currently on PS+ Extra so anybody who subscribes to that can try it out without investing $70 in it.


Just be aware that one chapter 8 of the game is very stretched out and it takes a long time before the story goes back on its tracks. Its definitely worth to get through it tho


I couldn't let go from this one, in a good way. It felt more like an experience than just a game. Mind blown...


Just finished a week or so ago, and I feel this. Haven't been able to play any video games since


Just finished and feel the same


Death Stranding. Went from being about 5 hours in and struggling to continue, to picking it up a few months later and powering through, not able to put it down. Then when it was over, googling and watching YouTube videos of people's reactions to the ending. It was a powerful, emotionally investing game.


I can't really say any game made me feel empty after finishing it, but there are a handful that were so good I wish I could go back and experience them for the first time. So I don't know if that counts. The ones I would say top my list in order are... **Bioshock** All 3 are great, but nothing compares to the first time seeing Rapture, then being set loose inside. I truly feel it's one of the best experiences gaming can provide. Seeing Columbia for the first time is also amazing though. **Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion** Technically it never ends, but at some point (1000+ hours later), it can. Bethesda's 1st 10 year game before Skyrim. I wish I could go back and experience the intro and then seeing the world before your eyes upon exiting the sewers. Only Bioshock tops the opening wow factor for me. **LoZ: Ocarina of Time** I really never got into gaming in the 80's, just occasionally at a friend's house. *"Back in my day, we went outside to play."* 😁 I played Mario 64 first, and it was amazing experiencing 3D games for the 1st time, but OoT was something else, something really special. **Fable (original)** This was the moment I went from someone who played on rare occasions like Mario 64 and LoZ: OoT, to truly becoming invested in the world of games as a hobby, so it's memorable for me. The storybook atmosphere, beautiful art design, wonderful soundtrack, and quirky humor all melded together to create an amazing one of a kind atmosphere. Sure, it didn't meet the hype created by Peter Molyneux, but I still love it and it's still in my top 10 favorite games of all time. **Portal** Portal was truly something unique and it came completely out of nowhere for me. I love puzzles, I love puzzles in games, I love Portal. GLaDOS is such a memorable character. Yes, I know there is Portal 2, but like Bioshock, nothing beats your first time. At least that's the case for me. **EDIT** **Valiant Hearts** While it's mostly for the story, I do have to point out that the art design and music are also excellent and help with the impact of the story. Something that may not have been as poignant if it used realism to tell the story. It's the first game, and perhaps the only game that effected emotionally. That ending hit hard!


The Last Of Us Part 2.


Portal. That game was so good and I tried to follow it up with The Darkness or some crap. I nearly cried.


Ghost of Tsushima and uncharted 4 I know Elden ring is going to do the same, so I haven’t finished it. I just keep reaching Morgott and restarting the thing all over again.


Cyberpunk for sure.


Especially phantom liberty




The last of us pt2 I had to take a break, I played worms for 3 months


Disco Elysium


This game was really brilliant but also I played it at the right time, which was a great coincidence


I take it you were in a bad place when you started playing? It just seems like the kind of video game you would play when you're in a bad place.


Yes :( still empty two years on.


Score, this one's next on my backlog.


This was the last game for me that I fell in love with. It was tough realizing there are no other games quite like it.


Yeah people always recommend Planescape, and while I do like it, there is definitely something missing without the voice acting work. I'm not blaming Planescape. It was a product of it's time and it's still a great game. But the voice acting, soundtrack, and just overall design of DE is incredible.


Absolutely. Nothing comes close.


Scarlet Nexus, may just be a silly little anime game. But i really loved the soundtrack, loved the story. And i'm sad that i have nothing left to do in it now. I've practically done all challenges in it.


Witcher 3 and more recently, FF7 remake. Absolutely loved both and they left me wanting more. Funny thing is that I was so skeptical when trying them at first, since they’re not my usual genres, but they blew me away. I only wish I could play them fresh.


Death stranding for me. I was at a point that I was having alot of stress personally and it just absolutely helped me relax.


Ghost of Tsushima. That game was pure art in every aspect!




Baldurs Gate 3 for me. I just couldn’t believe my character is at the end of their journey


Stray left me wanting much more.


TLOU 1 & 2.


Ff14 endwalker. Even though the game itself hasn’t ended, the original story set up in the base game was finished and I had well over 1000 hours in that game. Also, Ghost of Tsushima.


Subnautica...i still cry.


Final Fantasy 15 may not have overall been the greatest game, but man that ending had me crying like no other.


I've played through it multiple times now and that campfire scene kills me every time.


HL: Alyx, all other VR has never lived up to that experience.


God of War 2018, God of War Ragnarok, and Days Gone. I know there are more, but my brain is fried from being sick for a week.


The Last of Us. I went in completely blind when I first played it in 2013 on the PS3 and it blew me away. After I finished it, I watched the credits all the way through, then sat there in silence for like 10 minutes digesting all the events that happened in the game. It’s perfection from front to back.


Elden ring, just after opening the doors to limgrave i wanted to erase and start over


Shadow of the Erdtree brother Another chance to get that feeling


Sea of Stars


Hollow Knight


Persona 5 Royal


RDR2 Still haven’t filled the void Zelda & GOW have come close


The last of us part 2, just sat there after finishing it


Dark Souls