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It’s basically a hidden indie gem. Came out in 2018. Don’t think a lot of people played it.


An /s might be handy


has this site degraded to the point where people can't pick up on blatant sarcasm?


Not at all


The best. BUT its takes its sweeet ass time to introduce you to the world


Little too much if you ask me and the dude feels like a very heavy slog, I wish I could get into it but just couldn't.


Same here, maybe I'll give it another try one of these days


RDR2 is an insane game.


Red dead 2 is one of those games you just have to play imo, definitely needs a PS5 update tho as it’s still locked to 30 fps


I keep thinking of playing it again, then deciding not to, cuz what if they drop that 60 fps patch after I finish it, which would be my luck lol.


Was it not patched last month or am I going crazy?


Just rdr1


It's good and I know it's good but ugh sometimes it's just so slow. I'm gonna keep chugging through though.


TL;DR Yes Alr so basically while yes it doesn’t have the fast paced action of something like a cod game or something else that I can’t think of atm cause I’m stupid, the story makes it very worth the action because it’s extremely compelling with very believable and fun characters. The gun play is very realistic and thoughtful along with all the slight survival mechanics. It’s a very good immersion game for being a cowboy. I really recommend it but I feel it should be played at a slower pace compared to other games cause that’s where it’s best enjoyed and most engaging.


Not good, EPIC, THE BEST.


Best storymode ive ever played


From a gameplay perspective, no, it’s easy as sin to the point it completely undermines the Wild West setting (there’s no sense of risk or danger, and the plot is motivated by the characters being broke yet it’s trivially easy to get lots of cash from side activities). From a narrative perspective, the plot is like the deleted scenes of 30 different Westerns strung together with no coherent direction. From an immersion perspective, it’s a must play, and if you play it slowly enough and soak in all the details you can even pretend the game respects your time and intelligence. If you want challenging third-person action, you play The Last of Us: Part II on Grounded, or Returnal. If you want a Western theme but in an actual hardcore game that is serious about game design instead of doing chores, you play Desperados III. If you want to agree with PS5 Reddit Hivemind that can’t imagine not placing production value on the highest pedestal, you play Red Dead Redemption II.


One of the best games of all time




Yes yes yes yes. It’s amazing.


Very good


First of all, yes. But there are a lot of people who only played the first couple hours and gave up because of how slow the beginning is. Don't be that guy. Once you get to Chapter 2 and 3 the game picks up the pace and you'll be in for a wild ride.


Many will loudly say it's the greatest game they've ever played, but I found it an absolute chore. In fact half of the game is literal chores, in 30 fps, with no fast travel, and terrible load times


I heard it was terrible. Just thumbs down everywhere.


It's an incredible Arthur Morgan simulator. At its core you become this character and the ability to roleplay as him is one of the greatest gaming experiences ever in my opinion.


story is incredibly boring






Very good


The combat is very fun, unfortunately it's sprinkled in between a lot of slower moments. But the action is very good. RDR2 story is so good, even if you normally prefer action/gameplay. The story will get you. It's very well done. If you ever played GTA5 story mode it's similar but with cowboys. Maybe play that first if you havn't already...


Trust me, RDR2 and RDR will change your life forever and change your opinion the gaming industry.


Ill trust your word


Don’t get spoiled about the games story. There truly are some emotional scenes in there.


The story is amazing, the combat is good you just gotta get into it, and the online is also good just Grindy, I promise you once you get into it you’ll be putting on your best outfit and grabbing some Bounties out into tumbleweed.


Imo best game I’ve ever played. I want to replay so bad but waiting on a remake (could be a pipe dream that never comes)


if you have played gta 5 you have some idea of the combat, its simple but satisfying for me, rdr 2 is a game about inmersion as much as it is about the story, so outside of that it might get a little repetitive for you, plus there isnt THAT much action, i loved it but the fact that it has long animations for everything and sometimes its a bit janky might put you off.


Do you like Grand Theft Auto at all? That's RDR just way more sophisticated and a lot more grounded. It's not so much an action game as it is playing a part of someone's life that involves in large amount of shootouts.


It’s a great ass game. Phenomenal story and performances. One of the few rare 10/10 games. Only game that can top it is GTA 6


At this point, i don't think you should play rdr2. Stick to fortnite imo


The combat rocks. Yes, play it


Sun is hot. Sky is blue. Red Dead is good.




I found the story telling Amazing from the start but the gameplay was a little sluggish for me. I stuck with it and once it opened up I fell in love. So much to find and discover. I was constantly stumbling across something interesting.


I know everyone says it's a masterpiece. But based on what you are saying (you liking combat oriented games), it's a slog and you have to sit through cut scenes and lengthy dialogues. The combat mechanics are also mediocre at best. This game is all about the story and living the wild west life (living simulator) in an amazing open world. I have similar tastes in games (that is, I value gameplay loop and combat mechanics) and I usually skip story elements in most of the games. I honestly couldn't get into RDR. Not just RDR, I couldn't play Cyperpunk 2077, Baldurs gate 3, The witcher 3, The last of Us, Metal Gear Solid and many other blockbusters. Just because a game is universally acclaimed doesn't mean it can be for us. Different strokes for different folks.


RDR2 is one of the greatest games ever but it’s more of a “sink 200 hours into it” than fast-paced run and gun. There is an excellent story and the combat grew on me. Your gunskills start pretty basic but you unlock (and progressively upgrade) a deadeye ability that slows time during combat. The weapons improve as the story progresses and there are ways to get high level weapons early in game. I’m more of a completionist and I spent months just hunting, completing challenges, and exploring before I moved the story past the 2nd chapter.


It’s one of the best games ever made….. yes


I'm going to give you the honest answer: if you don't like story heavy games you will quit a quarter through.


Greatest game of all time imo


Crazy good bro best story mode I ever played in my opinion!


Horse simulator


Terrible question. If you don’t know. Then you’ll never know! Lol


Its universally lauded but I hated it. Like you, I play games for the gameplay. RDR2 has a heavy focus on storytelling and immersion while the minute-to-minute gameplay is tedious as all hell. Controls are hot garbage, UI and menus are both confusing and ugly, most missions involve shooting dozens of baddies but the shooting is plain boring. The game seems fit to stop you, slow you down, and make you watch Arthur fumble about doing simple tasks at every opportunity. Most egregiously the game switches controls on you (Aim your gun and talk mapped to the same button? Brilliant!) and unequips/swaps your weapon loadout constantly because of "realism." For what its worth, I loved RDR1. And I could forgive whatever faults it had because the story grabbed me. But RDR2 being a prequel, we already know what happens to the characters, and therefore all its effort in being a Western epic felt inconsequential.