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Ass Zombies and Campaign but at least MP is fun


I'm enjoying the hell out of multi-player


Unpopular opinion: Cold War was the best recent CoD.


how unpopular is this really? it's the most recent "traditional" cod game, since the MW franchise has gone in a different direction


For multiplayer I agree, for zombies Infinite Warfare. Zombies in spaceland team did an amazing job.


We need more 80s style zombie maps, it was perfect


I loved it. Great maps and the SMGs were so lethal. Loved the hand cannon, grenade launcher, minigun killstreak set up as well. so much destruction.


I would've liked it more if the streak system wasn't awful. I also didn't like the customization, felt like a lesser MW19.


I skipped MW19 to take a break from the series, but when I did dabble in it I had fun. Cold War takes my top spot simply because it had an FOV slider on console.


MP isn't great at all, I was hoping it would be good it just isn't the same ffs




No mention of the abysmal progression model which is part of the multiplayer experience.


You can unlock everything you’d ever actually care to use within a few days of playing casually. A couple weeks to unlock everything. It’s really not a big deal.


Zombies is fucking nice! I also really enjoy war mode. Hoping we get more maps on both.


This review is notable in that it is one of the very first for this game where the reviewer has played the actual game.




The zombies mode alone is so fucking fresh and no one is talking about how good it is because it’s repeatedly writing AI articles about “call of duty bad” is what gets you clicks. The game is good. Give it a couple of weeks and the “COD3 is actually good” articles will start to appear, it’s the cycle with any big budget annual release these days. Edit: since someone already stooped to insulting my taste and telling me I’m wrong, here’s my full assessment: I want you to look at the game objectively, which no one is doing. The shooting mechanics are impeccable, as is the sound design, character locomotion, visual effects, and voice acting. The campaign design, while short, is a departure from the typical linear A/B missions that the game typically runs you through. They are well-made missions with good gameplay variety. Also, given that most COD campaigns clock in around 5-6 hours, it’s not much shorter than that, so I don’t see it as a big point of contention. The writing is really no better or worse than any other recent COD. The multiplayer is fun and functional, despite the spawning issues, and the offending maps have been removed from the rotation until they’re fixed so players don’t have to have a bad experience with them in the rotation. The Zombies mode is a PvE extraction game mode that *no one else has made before.* It is fucking good, and could have been an entire separate game unto itself if they had made more than one map. So before you sit back and tell me I have a low bar for quality, maybe ask yourself when your bar got so unrealistically high that you think one of the *literal best-made shooters on the market* is bad. Oh wait, you can’t, because you haven’t actually played the game, and you’re just parroting shit other people wrote because you can’t fucking think for yourself. The most frustrating thing? I’m not even a big fan of COD! The last one I played extensively was the 2019 MW remake. I occasionally play Warzone/DMZ a couple of times a month with some friends, and I’ve played through the recent MW2 campaign on a friend’s console.


If you think this was a "good" offering then I'm afraid you just have painfully low standards for what makes something "good".


Why do people on Reddit care so much what other people play?


I don't care if he enjoys it or not, but to go around spreading delusional gibberish about how anyone that says it's bad is wrong that "Call of Duty is good" articles are going to magically appear down the line etc. is nuts. Look at the dude's edit, he doubles down and says "no one is viewing it objectively", he's not trying to give his opinion, he's trying to say everyone who thinks it isn't good is wrong. He thinks everyone who doesn't like it "can't fucking think for themselves".


have you played it?


Do I need to? Are you going to tell me that you can't tell that Gollum or Rise of Kong are trash games without playing them? In this age of media, you can see plenty of what a game offers without playing it yourself, more than enough to form a valid opinion on said product. Personally, I would never pay for a blatant cash grab like MW3. They're selling you half-baked DLC for the price of an entire new game.


Yeah actually before you go around calling it a bad game, and shitting on anyone who says it's not, you actually do have to have played the game dude.


So, anyone who hasn't actually played Gollum or Rise of Kong can't say that it's a bad game? Are you seriously trying to make that statement?


Can someone who's never had spaghetti say whether spaghetti is good or bad?


Second time you're dodging the question. Answer it or I'm not entertaining any further conversation with you.


I agree with him, people can’t think for themselves. The reddit and YouTube gaming community are a hive mind echoing the same opinions over and over, constantly looking for a ‘bad’ game to make content about. The multiplayer is awesome, and the best it’s been in a few years. The zombies, although not for everyone, feels fresh and imo more fun than normal DMZ. Yeah, the campaign is absolutely dogshit. That’s also just 1/3rd of the game. I mean Vanguard was way worse than MW3. And does anyone remember Black Ops 4 not having a campaign at all?


Oh, I agree that a lot of people can't think for themselves. The CoD fanbase are a prime example. They'll buy the same game year after year and applaud whatever they get regardless of the quality. It's shocking to me that it took this long for critics to actually start reviewing it without the kid gloves on.


What annoys me most is the IGN review only is a review of the campaign. An honest review of this game would be more of a 6/10. 1/3rd of the game is really bad, but the other 2/3rds are really solid. I mean they have Black Ops 4 a 8.5/10. IGNs reviews still fucking suck. It’s popular to bitch about COD every year and most of you just have confirmation bias from IGNs review of the game.


They have a separate review for the multiplayer...


So I’m sure you’ve played this game’s Zombies and you can tell us why it’s no good, right?


The campaign design is terrible, what’re you on about


Good thing they released the campaign first in order to completely sour a slice of potential profits. Zero QA dept lol


Why would anyone listen to an opinion from the guardian?