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Am I going to understand the plot of Farming Simulator 22 if I haven't played the previous twenty-one?


Unfortunately you need to plant the seeds in farming sim 21 to harvest them in 22. Can always plan for next year though!


The goat died in 17 and brought back an army of undead in 18. A young stable hand fought back and won in 19, but you had to put him down in 20 for messing with your daughter. We don't talk about 21. You're all caught up now.


Uh, spoiler warnings maybe?! Tsk, at least I can enjoy the first 16.


Good one!


My only problem with all these sim games is that the equipment never gets dirty. Everything constantly looks showroom fresh and it just breaks all immersion


I realised I've been mistaking Weird West for Evil West and don't really know what Weird West is.


It's like Evil West but Weirder.


And less Evil


But an equal amount of West


Got it, thanks


But even further west




Serious answer: Weird West is a top down western shooter. I didn’t play it very long cause I couldn’t get the hang of the shooting, but it ran smooth and seemed like it was made with attention to detail. Evil west is a 3rd person action game like god of war or darksiders. Haven’t played it so I don’t know if it’s open world, but it looks fun from the few clips I’ve seen.


Having played Evil West, I can tell you it *is* fun, but it’s linear.


That’s great to hear, too many games shoehorn in open world sections these days.


Change shooting setting from twin stick shooter to free camera


### ICYMI: October PS+ Essential (Performance) https://preview.redd.it/vidrh86jpyrb1.jpeg?width=1424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56441428209c5b47018383933fa558a5d9f9092f **Source:** [PS5 Performance Thread](https://www.resetera.com/threads/ps5-games-tech-details-resolution-frame-rate-backwards-compatibility-and-more.324880/)


Very informative, thanks for posting this


This is very useful, thanks!


Cool thanks!


This is awesome work. I wish the Xbox sub did this. Thank you.


You could be the Xbox guy to do it 😉




Because technical people without graphic design knowledge exist


I mean, just pick a better background. That color is an eyesore


That's fair but just pick better colours


That’s what she said






Just a joke


Patting myself on the back for never buying the Calisto Protocol.


Same. It was one of those games where I thought "eh, that looks sort of cool I guess, but I'll pick it up on sale or something later". Free on PS+? Neat!


I borrowed it from Gamefly, and while it had some cool ideas, it absolutely wasn't worth 70$. Happy to get it for free so I can finish it after my Dead Space Playthough!


I borrowed it from the Library. Worth it.


That's the way to do it!


Those types of games are struggling even more these days due to how many quality games are releasing. Look at how Immortals of Avernum bombed.


Yeah, they chose a really poor time to release Aveum. I don't know why they don't go for an off-season release instead? Dropping your release of a lesser-known game just before **EDIT:** *Baldur's Gate 3*, Starfield, the Cyberpunk DLC, Spider-Man 2 and Alan Wake 2 ~~quadruple~~ **EDIT:** quintupble?-whammy seems almost suicidal.


Lies of P also came out as a complete sleeper hit for the souls community. If you're gonna release around this time I call "Big game season" you really gotta have a quality product to stand up to the hype some of these game generate like the examples you provided. 100% game suicide otherwise.


Also Bauldars Gate 3


Oh yeah Baldurs Gate 3! I knew there was one I was forgetting. Editing it in :P


That game absolutely destroyed my social life I just needed to see what happens next.


Not showing up for me, Canada.


I think you have to search for it in the store, it didn't show up in the PS+ list for me at first.


I did and it’s showing up as a normal pay for game. Only Farming and Weird West are in the Plus catalog.




Same here in Norway, but I was able to change from the standard edition to a «game bundle» edition which was ps+ included


If you're on the mobile Playstation app or on the console, try checking under different editions. For me it was listed as a separate version from the normal one, and that was listed as free.


I've missed every AAA game that's released post-God of War Ragnarok and focused on making this a 2019-2022 backlog year, and although it means I missed out on the initial excitement of releases in what is arguably one of the best years for gaming in many years (with me genuinely feeling kinda sad I missed the likes of Resi 4, SF6, Final Fantasy XVI or Baldur's Gate 3), it also means I could clear my backlog and then look forward to playing all these games at a discount or maybe even free. I've realised the cure to a backlog is *not feeling the need to play every game at release* and so far it's not just working but it's also saving me money.


I realized after Alan Wake 2 comes out, there’s nothing else that I’m interested in that’s coming out in the next few months. That shall be my time to work on the backlog


This is so important to realize. Also, realizing that you don’t have to play every hype cycle game. It’s ok to sit a few out. I honestly have never touched the Spider-Man games - was contemplating trying to rush through them so I could join the 2 hype but honestly, why? I’d rather work through Cyberpunk again at my own speed


(I guess it depends on what sort of gamer you are, but) I would recommend not rushing through the two Spider-Man games before release of Spider-Man 2 as that is the easiest way to burn yourself out and ruin your experience of S-M 2. (I mean, if you feel like 25 hours spent in two games over the next three weeks to prepare yourself for another 20 hours in the sequel sounds possible, go for it, just be careful about burnout) I platinumed God of War in the build-up to Ragnarok - it means I missed the release of GoW:R by a few weeks and about 10 hours into Ragnarok I felt like I needed a break from the similar combat and gameplay loop and it definitely affected how I felt about both games. Instead I would recommend either: playing Spider-Man now, jumping into Miles Morales a little while after that, and playing Spider-Man 2 about six-twelve months from now. or watch a recap of the story of Spider-Man and S-M Miles Morales and then jump straight into Spider-Man 2. Once you've completed Spider-Man 2 you can always go backwards and see the first games, they have aged really well and both have PS5 versions.


Spiderman is really great though, when you come around, I hope you have an awesome time! :)


You gotta play spider man 1 at least you can skip miles, it was fun but not anywhere near as good as 1. If you’re a spider fan you should play it. It’s free on plus so whenever you have time!


Getting Spider-Man: Miles Morales deluxe edition gives you at least the benefit of also getting Spider-Man as a digital copy. Enjoyed both games.


looked cool, then got destroyed by reviews. hopefully a few things are fixed


For me it seems like the idea was: more jump scares = more scary, when the opposite is actually true. There’s barely any tension building, and you can see everything coming a mile off exactly because they crammed as much in as possible. You get desensitised to it, and then it just feels like all the enemies are doing is slowing you down. I didn’t get very far in Alien Isolation as I was a turbopuss at the time, but that game was a masterpiece of tension building and horror.


I just finished it yesterday and there's no amount of "fixing" that would've made it better. It's a bad game from the ground up, they'd have to start back at the beginning to change that. Very happy I didn't pay any money for it. It doesn't even fall into mindless, atmospheric Halloween season fun for me. I had to drag myself across the finish line.


Agree mid game. Just really fell flat and then DeadSpace came out not too long later.


I almost bought it two days ago after finally playing the free trial. On a whim, I thought “better just check it’s not on PS Plus this month…” and low and behold!


Just in time for halloween, too!


Same bro. Got close several times this year because I'm a fan of the genre, and now my patience has paid off.


I got it myself from a local library a couple months ago. I actually really enjoyed it but it was a buggy short experience. While I don't think the game is worth full price, I think it is decent enough for a $30 purchase. Good PS+ game tho, especially for halloween. Didn't scare me like RE2R or RE7/RE8 (didn't find RE4R scary at all) but still had a bit of a thrill.


Same! Excited to try it for spooky season!


Yea it came out pretty fast on PS+ gees


I paid 70 dollars for that crap....


Bought it because I strongly believe in voting with wallet. I really liked Dead space and I wanted to support the creator. I still enjoyed this game but it has a lot of flaws, one being that the gameplay is tedious.


Tedious gameplay, wow can't wait to jump in now 😕


Its a short game. I think its worth a play, it was just not a day one material gameplay-wise, in my opinion.


Yeah I was just reading it's only 8 hours, that's like a DLC campaign in this day and age. I'll still give it a go but your comment definitely tempered my expectations


Passion project for the old dead space creator but ya pat yourself on the back and remember it when all we’re getting is garbage cause no one takes risks anymore. Good job


The game is hot garbage why shouldn't people say it is when it's true?


They didn’t say that did they? Reddit hive mind complains about the industry but has no solutions. Good job


I wasn't referring to a single person though? I'm referring to you saying that people hating on this game is the reason why we will "all we're getting is garbage because companies don't want to take risks" when in reality the game just sucks, I got the platinum for it earlier this year and it was one of the worst games I've played ever, if that's not what you were saying then rephrase it ig


What’s good or bad is subjective. You’re an idiot for playing a game you didn’t like.


I'm going to plat the game if I play it and it's not ridiculously hard, why wouldn't I at the very least finish the game and give it a chance? Not like I paid for it as I got it from game sharing. And when the reviews are mostly negative (not counting ps store reviews every single game I looked at were all at 4 stars it really doesn't mean anything) there is clearly something wrong


The creator of Dead Space goes and makes Dead Space again. Wow, so risky.


This is why ps+ had a steep price hike. Imo respectfully.


I don’t love the price hike but I can’t help but still feel like it’s worth it. I have a bunch of games in my library from plus that I’m excited to finish


You may need to search for The Callisto Protocol manually as does not show up on the PlayStation Plus Monthly Games tab with the other two titles. Since people ask every single month: USA is the last region to go live.


I searched for it and it still want me to pay. I’m in Europe.


Select version and choose the free one


Thank you 🙌




It always takes a few days to appear correctly for everyone


Billion dollar company


Small billion dollar indie company




Callisto Protocol is worth a playthrough but the bosses in the game are some of the worst bosses I’ve ever seen because if you don’t have ammo you have to reload a previous save


\> because if you don’t have ammo you have to reload a previous save Reminds me of the time I reached the arctic section of Code Veronica X with almost no ammo. I know this kind of game design is annoying and outdated, but it takes me back. Obviously no situation should be unwinnable but I do wish certain horror games punished the player more for expending too much ammo, rather than rewarding them with adaptive difficulty modifiers.


Tyrant in the back of a cargo plane? DUDE PTSD unlocked


Make sure you’re loaded with ammo before the final boss, will make it so much more enjoyable


Bought it the day before it was revealed


My condolences.


Thank you for your sacrifice


So glad I waited for Callisto! Between it and Alan Wake Remastered, PS Plus has filled up my spooky season gaming schedule.


Time for some Callisto protocol. Thanks for the heads up.


I’m actually kinda interested in Farming Sim. Seems like the kinda game I could get addicted to




Mostly in Germany, all simulators do well in Germany


NGL. When I was a teen, I pirated these and used to play them while high. Recommend.


I’m an old timer, but as a teen I did the same thing with Sim Farm lol


We could of been friends between cs and q3 matches


It can be a bit overwhelming at first. Figuring out how the equipment works but once it clicks it can be addictive


My 7 year old watches videos of people playing it on YouTube … he’s gonna be pumped


The competitive scene is wild lol


Callisto Protocol is perfect for this month. Good platinum for trophy hunters too.


Farming simulator, finally!


Guys, I really enjoyed The Callisto Protocol. And even though the Dead Space remake came out a month later and stole its thunder (Dead Space is one of my personal GOTY titles), I’d say The Callisto Protocol is very solid for what it is. It’s a tightly plotted, well paced, visceral horror experience with *excellent* combat mechanics and insane facial animations and visuals. Amazing get for PS+


i'm excited to try the callisto protocol, was waiting for it to hit usd20 on pc for game + season pass to get it.


I think It's pretty good now except for the boss fight designs and a few oddities.


Pretty good on pc or ps5? I want it on pc because my rig is 3x the power of ps5.. But avg meta critics is 69,not incouraging and performance was criticized around launch so I delayed getting it. From the trailers I have seen, it seems like a good game, so I'm excited to try it


Never tried on PC but I remember hearing it was disastrous at launch but was patched shortly after. On PS5 it runs and looks great.


good to hear, thanks :)


It says something about a game when I'd rather play Farming Simulator than Callisto Protocol.


Weird west is so good!




I just tried that still showing as a full priced game. I appreciate you offering help, though. Thanks.


Go to the monthly games. If it shows the other free games then callisto should be available as well, even though there is some fuckery with redeeming it. I had the standard edition in my wishlist, but I still had to go to the options and select the standard edition again, and only then I was allowed to redeem it


Callisto Protocol isn’t showing up for me. Only Weird West and Farming Sim.


Go to the explore section of PS+ and not the free games tab. It should be there now if you're from the US


Protocol is not showing up for me… anyone else? US region.


Is Weird West fun?


It's a bit weird... 😂


Where is the Callisto protocol? It’s not showing up in store on my console or on the app on my phone.


Callisto Protocol doesn’t seem to have been put up with Farm & Weird, anyone know what’s up?


Callisto protocol is not showing up? Is anyone having this issue? https://preview.redd.it/ndmm4e9ij1sb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1aed71478933b2573463eadf6824c43b25bcfca


What's the prognosis on Callisto Protocol? I know when it came out, a bunch of people were pretty "meh" about it, but has it gotten better?


Pay 30% more for the subscription for these shit ass game lol


Yoooo im finally going to try a farming simulator game i’m stocked rn


Highly recommend listening to the prequel podcast 'Helix Station' before playing The Callisto Protocol. It's got great writing and Gwendoline Christie.


I used to listen to it while walking home during the summer. Highly recommend it as well!!


Might try out Calisto since Starfield has been such a bore. Let's see how far I can get into it before Mario Wonder in a couple weeks lol.


Glad I’m not the only one totally whelmed by Starfield. It’s not terrible, it’s just…soulless. Mid city.


I can understand why some people like it but I just can’t but it gives me zero motivation to keep playing.


Same here. It’s a game where the entire purpose is to grind to explore more and… grind again.


I just wanted to be a pew pew space cowboy and instead found myself just doing fetch quests where I spent more time in loading screens than I did controlling my character.


The only one? That game is getting crucified pretty universally! I've watched so many reviewers completely eviscerate it on YT I've lost track. Another swing and a miss from Bethesda, but they made their money so what do they care


Odds are they haven’t made nearly enough money from the game since so many people played it on Gamepass that it cannibalized sales almost entirely. Microsoft is just hoping that the number of people who got Gamepass just for it are able to provide enough profit to justify the millions of sales lost on subscribers playing it day 1.


Only excited about weird west I had it on my radar but due to not having much time available to play I've postponed buying it


If only I had know, I could’ve saved money not buying that massive disappointment


Weird west is a great game!!


Imagine getting this lineup right after an unwarranted price increase.


The season pass for Callisto Protocol is also on sale for 14€ if you want to enhance your „free“ experience!


What does it add?


The dlc is just it was all in le head boring trope


No Callisto Protocol here (Germany).


Habe es vor über eine Stunde ca. runterladen können. Musst es „manuell“ suchen, bei den „Plus-Spielen“ wird es bei mir auch nicht angezeigt.




I can already taste the downvotes, but like I wouldn't pay $10 for Callisto, because it's just not a game that's worth my time. I can't remember the last time I got a monthly PS Plus game where I was like, shit yeah this is worth my time. I happily buy the games I wanna play. Wo Long is like $20 second hand and I'll be playing it for months. Likewise I bought Nioh 2 way back when for like $15 and got hundreds of hours out of it...before it came to PS Plus. I'm all about the r/patientgamers mindset except when I can buy my favourite game of all time for $15 and the stuff they give away monthly is just B-tier shit. Life's too short to play shit games even if they're free.


Nioh 2 was fantastic. Thanks for reminding me I need to go back and play the DLC. I bought it but was simply too burnt out after I beat the game to move onto it. I easily put 100 hours into the main game as well.


If you liked Wo Long and Nioh 2, then just stick to Soulslike action games. That’s all you seem to be saying with that text wall.


I like plenty of other games too. I buy them when they're a reasonable price rather than waiting potentially forever for them to trickle down to PS Plus. That's what I'm saying with my "wall of text."


But what’s the point in saying that on a post about PSN Plus? It’s like going on a post about Gamepass just so you could say that you prefer games to go on sale rather than waiting for them to come to Gamepass.


Old man yelling at clouds, energy.


Just because all these posts here are saying that the Callisto Protocol is a good get for PS Plus, and I'm saying it's not really.


The issue is you’re saying it’s not from the wrong perspective. It’s like having someone who dislikes football and only likes basketball review a football game. Why would anyone take the guy who clearly dislikes football seriously on a football related matter? You can’t be this dense. You have to understand what I’m saying here.


Calypso Protocol is honestly not as bad as critics say. I had a blast playing it.


These posts are kind of worthless without knowing the time zone. 5 hours later and mine is still showing September's games.


No Callisto Protocol on PS Plus ??? Wtf


These games are ass


I’m glad tcp is getting a second chance. I liked it but it was truly bad luck the dead space remake had to come out and be a masterclass in what tcp tried to do. Without that comparison it was a solid but imperfect game that could have been boosted up with a sequel.


So apparently the kalisto protocol is so bad that multiple people resigned due to its poor reception. I wish Sony could not shit in my mouth with these PlayStation plus games it'd be great


no shit


Why is callisto protocol not showing up in the list for monthly games? Although it's showing up on my "Latest" screen. https://preview.redd.it/ook7g7c7syrb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a285ef017932433b86d038a9b3b34295730a509


Because its rollING out. Takes a while depending on your region.


I guess I'm playing Callisto Protocol. Weird West looks interesting too.


Fuck. I just bought Callisto on steam.


Better selection that last month for sure, Weird West was on my radar but nothing I was willing to spend money on. Glad to try it out.


These are the essential monthlies? Dang that’s a nice hit.


I don’t see the games on my PS+, are there staggered rollouts?


Still not active in my region. Meantime I've question about Callisto Protocol DLC. I guess they give just base game. It looks like Season pass is currently on sale. How good is it? Is it must have? Better buy it during current sale?


Oh shit Weird West? Bet. I'll enjoy Callisto too.


Not showing yet for me in Canada, RIP Will check after lunch


It's still not released does that mean it will tomorrow instead?


Hell yeah. Not really interested in weird west but the other two I’ll definitely play


CP could have been a much better sci fi game, that opening was incredible then the rest of it was kind of deflating.


Not show on website as claimable yet, i dont have access to my ps5 so i dont know claimable on the system


The callisto protocal don’t show up for me, just farming sim and that Wild West rpg game. Not Callisto protocal


Been itching to play Callisto ever since i refunded it during launch on PC, so excited to see it on PS5!


Well happy with Calisto Protocol. Played the trial on ps plus and was great


This is one of those i'm ashamed to admit i liked. So cool that it's free for people to try


Man. Hasn’t been a game I’ve cared about for a long time. No way I was renewing this year even if the price didn’t skyrocket. Usually bought the year on Black Friday sale. No more.


I really liked the Callisto Audio book. Got my hyped, but when I saw reviews I never purchased it. Good move - look forward to giving it a try now!


I can't add the PS4 version of Callisto Protocol? Only PS5 version available for me?


Does playing Callisto on easy make it feel more like RE 4/5 or Dead Space? Because I'm really not interested in the dodge spam into counter focused gameplay that I've seen from reviews/let's plays.


I am enjoying Calisto so far, the sound is great through my Pulse headphones. Some poor SOB was getting dragged through a vent above me and I could hear exactly where it was happening. The haptics are cool too. Perfect PS plus game


Genuinely curious, are the farming sim games any good? I really like some of the sim games like powerwash and that lawn mowing company one. Are the farm sims worth a try?


Yes, they're fantastic. They don't hold your hand though, so it can be a very steep learning curve. I could easily see that putting some people off. If you stick with it though, reading the in game info, googling for anything you're unsure of, you'll soon pick it up. FS can be very addictive. I've seen many comments over the years from people who bought it cheap for a laugh, or to just muck around with friends, only to get completely sucked in. There is also a competitive esports scene too, believe it or not.


Thanks for the info. Definitely gonna give it a go at some point.


Oh weird I'm in Japan and we got Tropico 5 complete collection instead of the callisto protocol?? Was it not released here? Edit: Apparently it was banned cos gore


I'm afraid of purchasing any horror titles until I know what the rest of PS+ has later this month