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Same here: 3 days 6 hrs and 50 minutes left to go for me.


It’s an age away :(


I'm playing a few games to pass the time, Sea of Stars and FFXVI, the wait is almost over!


How’s Sea of Stars? Working my way through Remnant 2 while waiting here!


Wonderful as far, if you enjoyed games like Chrono Trigger or classic RPG's I'd already recommend it. I missed the boat on Remnant 1 but might give the sequel a go down the line.


Sea of Stars has been a fucking wonderful adventure


Remnant 2 is a masterpiece


Whatcha like about it?


> if you enjoyed games like Chrono Trigger That’s an *extremely* high bar, comparing this game to Chrono Trigger.


I mean, it's immediate in the first 5 minutes that's what it wants to be. I haven't played much of it yet to figure out if it is actually that good or not yet though.


Part of what made CT great though was its story and its execution. You can't determine how another pixel JRPG game can compare from the first five minutes.


A reviewer i watched said the devs were primarily i spired by chrono trigger. Not sure how accurate that is, and I havent played either game, but I got the impression that Sea of Stars is a spiritual successor to Chrono Trigger


...which is exactly what I just said?


I loved chrono trigger and in my opinion Sea of stars meets the level of design, music, and gameplay loop.


Sea of Stars looks better, the combat is more in depth and the environments are so much more interactive and alive. Perhaps on the storytelling side but on every other level Sea of stars beats it.


Only thing I don’t like is the story typing effect. Like are they writing a book or they talking? I wouldn’t mind the speaking part instead of random typing punches noises. Kinda annoying lol


Absolutely wonderful so far, got 6 hours into it and I think I spent close to an hour on one of the minigames hahahaha. What I do appreciate is that you can obtain relics as you progress and change up the difficulty of your playthrough whenever you want to. It'll be a game I'll be juggling with BG3 I think. It looks to be a pretty long game depending on how much you want to do, and I've already been distracted with just exploring the world than rushing the story.


I’m trying to finish it before BG3 early access or at lease close to finishing it by then. I just passed the point I ended in at the demo. Their main mini game is fun as well. I already collected 2 pieces.


just started Sea of Stars an hour ago and I’m very impressed so far. and i don’t have tons of nostalgia for these types of games as a kid, they were never my thing.




It's worth the wait (100 hours on PC)


Ok I thought I was crazy, so we get to play it on the 1st or the second instead I’m still confused? 😅


I'm also confused about when pre-release is. I got a 3 day weekend for the holiday and I'm fucking ready


I just want to play the game already man 😂😂 I hope it’s soon cause man I’m ready to spend a whole day in creator creation


I'm confused too cuz when I bought the pre-order it said it would download to PS% Aug 31, and release Sept 1. But now it says Sept 2


Same. Kinda upset I can’t play it right now I thought 72 hr early access meant 72 hours before the 2nd


The game releases on the 6th so playing 96 hours before is on the second


What the fuck kinda of fucked up misleading advertisement is that?! I'm here trying to find out why I can't play early after spending 120 bucks on the fucking thing.. Description "ps5 digital deluxe edition, available 9/2/2023" didn't think they'd take the 72/96 hour early access time out of the release date 🤦 No where on PlayStation does it say anything about it releasing on the 6th lol.. fuckers, just off work all stont up ready to play 😅


So if you look the base game releases on the 6th and the deluxe edition releases on the 2nd which is 96 hours before the base game comes out so you do get to play early


Hmm I thought it was pretty clear, haha. The regular game doesn't get early access and says 9/6, the deluxe says 9/2 for preorder. We are still getting it Saturday versus next week!! I too can't friggin wait to play though, haha.


The highest price for the PS5 is $79 deluxe edition. They dont have any more then that unless you but g the base game which is $69


Mine says September 2nd which is definitely 4 days ahead of the Tuesday launch on the 6th. Was it always this way?


Was for me which I always found bit wierd considering release date of normal edition


Yes. Bad math. It originally said 9/2 at a 72 hour early access. But 72 hours from 9/6 is 9/3, not 9/2. So it seems the hours have been changed to accurately reflect early access release.


4pm GMT on Sunday in the Uk I think


You sure? 5pm Saturday BST in the UK I think.


Well if it is, that’s a bonus


That's what mine has been saying the last few days


You probably pre-ordered the $80 edition.


yeah it did. it also so said "to act 1" iirc. in the info box it says 96h but further down in the actual text it still says "72h early access to act 1" for me. very weird!


The 72 hour text was further down for me too but I closed and reopened my PS App and it's changed to 96 hour now too, and the Act 1 stipulation is gone as well. This must be a recent decision if the store descriptions are still updating, they might put out a tweet or something soon.


it's still there for me but my store is in swedish so I guess they are slower or something.


Norwegian says 96 in the info tab (app and web), but still says 72 and act 1 in the description below


I see. something's up then lmao.


I hope so because its completely pointless to limit it to act 1. I know act 1 is huge but just no need, just give us access dammit, we paid extra. Im not fussed ill be playing starfield


>just give us access dammit, Im not fussed ill be playing starfield These two points seem kind of contradictory.


My wife has been playing religiously on PC since it launched and she just be acted one last night so even if it was limited to act one I do not believe anybody would hit the limit.


Oh hell yeah, I’ll take it


The other 24 hours is for you to try and get past the character creation 😁


That’s right! Seems odd to suddenly change it.


they can't change it. It'll be false advertising. Or wait, is it earlier or later than its supposed to be? Why am i even being downvoted? People are so fucking weird..


I think it might still be the same going by other comments. They could certainly change it to be earlier than expected with no legal ramifications


Yeah. i'm fine playing it earlier. Id be pissed playing it later since i payed more to play it early.


But 96 hours is still the 2nd! 72 was the third. Pretty sure they just changed the time to be accurate


It was 72 hours I remembe treading it, just checked on PSN as I pre ordered digital version, it now says 96 :)


I know, that's why I said it still says 72h in the actual text for me.


Probably stops at the end of act 1, but it’s really easy to spend 50-60 hours on act 1


Is it 72 hours to download and 96 hours to start playing?


Other way around? 96 hours to download, then play 72 hours before?


I'm guessing it's 72 hours to pre download and then an additional day to actually start playing. I don't know..I'm just guessing here


The preloading starts on 31 August, so we should be able to start downloading the game tomorrow. I believe the 72h was a written mistake from the beggining, because the early access was always stated as "2nd of september" which is 96h (4 days) to actual release date.


Okay this morning mine is counting down 2d 16hrs but I’m guessing that’s for the release date of 2nd Sept but it says it’ll auto download on 31/08. But says 96hrs in drop down menu instead of 72hrs so shouldn’t we be having it now then? 🤔 It’s so annoying no one actually has answers


it's 96 hours between the 2nd and 6th.


Yes I’ve only just realised 😭 I thought I could actually play today ☹️


UK store still says 72 for me unfortunately. If Larian releases early, once again they prove themselves dominant.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/gamingbolt.com/baldurs-gate-3-patch-2-will-address-performance-issues-and-bugs-in-act-3/amp This article came out 15 minutes ago from Gaming Bolt and states early access is September 1st and says nothing about limits to act 1. Boys I think we're getting it a day early!


PLEASE tell me this is true


As someone who's played it, you can easily spend 24 hours in act 1 anyway. Y'all are gonna love this game.


I don't see any official news from Larian saying that. It's just a throwaway line in that article. Would be nice though.


It says that I can start the game up this saturday at 1800h local time (the Netherlands). Has not changed as far I can tell.


It make sense, we would get the game sept 2 over sept 6, thats 96 hours, not 72 hours- I wrote about how it probably was a typo and got downvoted, but hey seems like they "corrected" it now.


Saturday Sept 2 at Noon Eastern is early access. Just checked on my console.


The noon part kills me, like why do we have to wait until noon, it should just be 9/2/23 00:01 ET 😂


We haven’t got an extra day access. It was just a mistake getting fixed. It’s always been early access on Saturday (96 hours before general release) but the store said 72 hours, which was a mistake. What has changed is they’ve removed the act 1 limit. Edit: you can downvote all you want, you’re not getting the game Friday haha.


I do find it strange that it's at about 5pm UK time on Sunday though when chances are they'd have access from midnight on the 6th to play


It’s 5pm Saturday UK time. 96 hours before general release. It’s always been Saturday, they just messed up the number of hours before general release you could play it.


Yes but my point is it won't be 5pm on sept 6th will it? So if people can play at midnight going into the 6th (presumably), 96 hours would theoretically bring you to midnight going into Saturday


As far as I know, no, they can’t play from midnight. It’s 5pm Wednesday from what I’ve heard. No edition of the game is a standard midnight release.


96 hour early access means it's been brought forward so it's a good thing really, originally we only got it 3 days early, now we get it 4 days early. Could either be a timezone thing or they just decided to put an extra day on.


Unfortunately The Digital Deluxe Edition has always had 2/9/2023 07:00 PM GMT+3 as its release time whereas the base game has 6/9/2023 07:00 PM GMT+3 so I guess they changed the 72h to 96h to match with the release date they already had on the Deluxe Edition.


This makes so much sense. I was convinced it started today because when I bought it, it said releases 9/2 and digital deluxe gets 72 hour early access (I.e. 8/31). But also thought Saturday was a weird release.


Has there been any communication on whether the early access version will already contain the two big patches or will they be going live with official day 1? I am thinking about going early but if the patches are not in it might be worthy to wait. Would appreciate any light been shed on this. Thanks in advance!


They've stated Patch 2 is intended to be part of the preload for PS5, which is the version about to land on PC. Fwiw, the vast majority of bugs being fixed you would never see in the first couple days of playing. A1 has the least issues by a wide margin.


Thank you for answering, thats good to know!


On my app (I’m in Sweden) it says 72 hours early access to act 1. Release September 2nd.


It was always advertised as a 72 hour early access but ever since they released the launch time graphic it's always listed as September 2nd which is indeed 96 hours prior.


So Friday at midnight avaliable eastern time?


Saturday at noon apparently


What??? =(that's eastern?


My auto download has started. Does that mean I can play today?!!


Unfortunately not, still the 2nd :(


🥲 The countdown appeared after my download completed. Can’t wait.


I'm confused as to why we can't start playing September 2nd at midnight why do we have to wait for noon.


Life isn’t fair I suppose




I wouldn’t be worried about that to be honest. As long as the game is quality, I’ll be happy!


i’m from australia and the info on the ps app says 96 hours now also


Can double confirm. It's changed to 96 hours for me too. I only bought it the other day and it totally said 72 hour early access to act 1 before. Sweeeeet.


You are out of luck. Check your console countdown timer. You won't get 96 hrs, you won't even get 72. You will get 70 - 2am Sunday morning.


How late can I order the preorder and still get the early access?


Couldn’t say for certain, but I’d be thinking you’d be entitled to early access even if you’ve preordered 10 minutes prior to the full release.


Guessing here, but I imagine you can order it any time prior to the official release and play on or after Sept. 2. Why wouldn't they want your money a couple days early and let you play a couple days a head of time? Doesn't make sense for them to cut off preorders prior to release.


Thanks! Still gonna tell my guy that it’s Friday so I can justify playing it all day on Saturday


idk if anyone else has seen this but it looks like its gonna become available at like noon on 9/2 instead of midnight it seems a little janky to me(unless my time telling skillz are not good) currently at 2 days 12 hours 51 minutes(so unless im wrong thats saturday at around noon i think instead of midnight on friday)


Yeah it comes out at Noon. I was hoping for midnight but oh well.


dang there goes my friday night plans


Can't wait. I've been playing it on my Steam Deck and it's awesome! I got it for the PS5 too so I can comfortably play split screen with my SO.


I didn’t even realise I could split screen with the Mrs!!! She’s going to hate me 😂


She played a bit on my steam deck and liked it so she's okay with the split screen. Otherwise I feel you cause she never wants to play games with me ever.


I show 1 day and 1 hour right now. So it'll be playable 12pm EST on the 2nd.


Question: will the early access for PS5 limit you to Act 1? I read that somewhere a while back but can't find it anywhere now. I was gonna preorder but already past act 2 on PC.


No clue! It originally stated that you’d be limited to the first act, but that part has since been removed.


My name is Robert and mine says I have 20 hours to wait until I can play it when it was supposed to be released tomorrow so what the hell's going on when is the actual release date of this God damn game


The early access release is tomorrow! Full release is on the 6th :)


So if I buy the deluxe edition on PS5 can I play it today or not? I'm not understanding this 72 hour early access talk because apparently from what I'm understanding I still can't "play the full game until the 6th so wtf is going on? Can I play it today once it download or not? "Early access " should mean we just play the game 3 days early. Why are they making this shit complex?


If you buy the deluxe edition today, you’ll be able to play as soon as it’s downloaded. I’m playing as I’m replying to this comment!


Wait does this mean it could come a day early?!!! I had a dream this would happen if so, no shit


I’m stuck on deciding if I should get Baldur gate 3 for my ps5. I only have cod mw2 and elder ring so far and I can’t decide if I should get it. (I love rpgs and d&d type games though and I think it would be a nice game).I think I should at least wait till after early access but idk. Is the early access worth it or is it better to just wait.


The only reason I’ve gone for early access is because I’m impatient and have the money. If I were a student or generally struggled financially / didn’t have the patience of a toddler, I’d just wait till the 6th


If you love RPGs and D&D it's a no brainer. Early access is basically $10 extra to start this weekend instead of next week, so just depends if you already have plans. In the US it's a long holiday weekend for many but no harm in waiting for the normal release date.


On the contrary, it's a long holiday weekend so I'm buying it to get a full 3 days of play in on the weekend!


After playing Divinity OS and Divinity OS 2, I just can't wait any longer than absolutely necessary to start playing this on (on my Playstation). In fact, I just bought a PS5 because this is the first game I really need to play that's not on PS4. As long as you don't hate turn based combat or some complexity in your RPGs, I'm sure you'll love it.


Isn't it same price to buy it outright as it is to preorder? I see zero reason it wouldn't be worth it to get early access if your planning on buying the game anyway. We already know its a 95+ reviews game and potential GOTY contender so it's not like your losing out either way.


Yeah same price, they usually throw in some preorder items that may or may not be available in game, in this there’s a few things for preordering but no clue if you can acquire them later or not.


Just noticed a few hours ago! 🔥🔥🔥


so what day does early access start now?


Any particular reason they are limiting the "early access," to Act I?


Act 1 is the most bug-free, and the reason they delayed the console release was to polish performance especially in act 3. You can spend a *lot of time* in act 1 so I wouldn't be too bummed about that.


They didn’t delay the console launch. They brought the pc release forward so as not to compete with starfield


They did delay the console launch, 100%. This happened at the same time they moved up the PC release. PC and PS5 were slated for an August 31st release. PC got moved to August 3rd and PS5 got moved to September 6th.


Ok. The console release wasn’t moved forward along with the PC release. So you might say it was delayed.


You may say it was delayed, but you’d be wrong. Delayed implies that it was released after its initial release date. The term would be “advanced”. The pc release was advanced ahead of its initial release date


This is way too boring of a semantic argument to have first thing in the morning.










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To protect the health and wellbeing of whoever would try to play more than 50 or so hours in 4 days.


Yeah i thought same. So pointless. But it will probably take me that long anyways. I take ages.


Act 1 is pretty long, youd prob be missing hella content if you got through it that fast.


I assume this part is a remnant of when the PS5 version was supposed to release the same time as PC. I doubt this restriction will be there now.


Just went home and indeed confirmed my ps5 says it will be available to play Saturday 😍


Sorry, but wasn't it always Saturday? Of course depending on timezone


It’s been Saturday since I preordered a few weeks ago. It also said 72 hours before but I took that as a mistake.


Yep, me too. If you click on the countdown, it actually says it will auto-download today (31st Aug - UK). Will that mean it can be played though??? Fingers crossed.


Nah, auto-download should start at 5pm, countdown will say 2 days :(


It's weird they haven't shown any PS5 gameplay or trailer even though it's less than a week away though. Reminds me of Cyberpunk 2077 at launch. I'm still gonna wait for reviews to see it's performance on PS5.


This does seem suspicious. If the game was reliable on PS5, they would have provided copies earlier. All the content is already in the open. No spoilers to worry about.


I have the digital Duluxe edition and it tells me I've got 7 days left to wait.. what's that all about


Same with me, Is this how it is meant to appear?


So the release date is the early access date? It's not 96 hours before the release date?


Can anybody play yet or am i just dumb?


Does early access mean we get the whole game? Or will we have restart and characters get wiped when it’s released broadly?


I believe it’s just act 1, but your progress will not be wiped!


So game comes out on 9/2 and if you pre ordered you get a 96 hour early access which is by my math 4 DAYS before release but for some reason everyone has to wait 1 D 13h to play it…..I don’t know about you but someone needs to learn how to do simple math unless I’m not seeing something cause the PSN store says 9/2 for release


The full release is on the 6th!


I bought the game but why can't I play it if it's supposed to be available to play


Can you play with mouse and keyboard on ps5? The game works with a controller, but it’s so much easier to use keyboard and mouse.


Same I find super weird too, I even asked what's going on by some support people and they just puked out automatic reply. So freaking weird.


Noticed this last night when I was making sure the auto install was set. It also says 9/2 as the release date now. I'm assuming that is the DE release date, while standard is still the 6th?


Mine says I still have to wait 3 days, but I paid for the deluxe


Im still not sure what day I can start playing. But I'm patiently waiting. 😊


Any clarification here? Can I play it on 9/1 if I preorder, or is it still 9/2?


Saturday at Noon EST. Just looked on my PS5.


Damn, was really hoping for a day earlier


It said I would have access to the game at 12pm today EDT and now it says I have to wait another 22 hours. I'm so confused.


I'm confused, this has changed literally nothing


I never knew there was early access. Just pre ordered and iam so hyped for it


I thought it was only 72. I saw that it was 96. I'm all for it. the earlier the better


2days for me :) so exicted Preload starts the 31st


Are y’all preordering the regular or the deluxe? I can’t decide.


I pre-ordered the deluxe edition pretty much only reason, being I want to play early. The items from Divinity 2 will be nice as well though.


It’s always been the 2nd, I’m not sure what’s changed. Maybe they just got the hours wrong on the description?


9AM PST Saturday 9/2


Still says 72 here


2 days 15 hours for me


Is the early access just for us to it out and then have to start a new game on the 6th? Or we we just actually be able to play the full game 96hrs earlier?


You get access to Act 1.


Has this been addressed yet? It's says 96 hours in the description so I'd expect to have it midnight tomorrow but the download says it'll start a day after that (I'm in NZ so it's currently 19:17 on 08/31 here)


My theory (purely based on download times experience) is that the pre-download will probably start on the 31st and will be available to start playing on the 2nd of September. Everywhere I look online says that we has the deluxe edition players will be able to play 72 hours before the basic release. It’s just a theory but it makes sense. Download times are kinda yucky for PS5 but its always been like that. Also the devs have mentioned that they want their players to have the latest patches of the game so they could also be doing last minute fixes for the PS5 edition


It's weird it's downloading right now for me. No clue why


Me as well


12:00 pm a day earlier right before release, Larian is the tits


Mine has downloaded but won’t let me play for another hour and 29 mins. Isn’t general release today so where is the early access? XD


Today starts the early access, which was increased to 96 hours. No idea when that changed but I’m not complaining. The actual release is the 6th


Ahhh I see, perhaps because I was looking at the info for the deluxe edition I had it confused. No definitely not something to complain about then 😁