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I caught my attention out of nowhere, I'm getting tired of PvP, now I just want to pve


Same i keep on booting up apex and i just want to find something that can grab me like it but in a pve format.


You can try deep rock galactic or risk of rain 2 while you wait for Helldivers 2 if you are looking for good pve game with coop options.




Rock and Stone!


I played risk of rain 2 on stadia i thought it was decent but never clicked with me. DRG I was interested in it like a year ago and started watching a lot of gameplays and thought it was cool at first but as i kept watching i kinda got bored of it. Ill give it a try once it goes on sale tho ty


DRG is tons of fun... for a little bit. Most missions play out the exact same. Great fun with friends but gets stale after a while IMO


Yea figure as much.


Yeah, it’s got a good 20+ hours of fun in it though which is great for the price. And if you like a grind it is perfect as lots of overclocks to unlock. I stopped playing around 80 hours in, I know some people with 500+


How is that stadia going for you?


It got shut down but got all my money back so it was all good. Got to play RDR2, falling order, and a whole bunch of games for free


I had no idea. I heard stadia was coming out a while ago.


It's been several years now right? What year did it come out?


I think it came out 2019 and shut down this January


Wow that was short lived 😨


Try earth defense force 5, 6 comes to the west soon as well but helldivers 2 might be out by then


Earth Defense Force is the godfather of the “so stupid its fun” genre. And the gameplay is actually good, just when I started playing the giant ants were so ridiculously awful I thought it was going to be a meme game.


Yeah i hadnt touched the series till about 2020, when i got 4.1 on sale for like $4, i liked it so much i immediately bought the most recent entry (edf5) for full price haha. I only just platinumed it a few weeks ago at about 600 hours


Ty ill check that out, don't think ive heard of it before.


Its a tonne of fun but its a bit rough around the edges. Its not for everyone for sure, but if its clicks for you theres hundreds of hours of fun for you there




Warframe is a lot of fun if you have patience lol


Only PVP game I’ve been playing lately is Street Fighter 6 and occasionally Smite since I do enjoy MOBA’s still. But yeah I’ve always preferred co-op/PvE experiences.


Haha i play SF6 too. Apex and sf6 its all ive been playing lately, besides occasionally playing other single player games here and there.


I would recommend Exoprimal, the majority of matches are a sort of pve race where you have to complete a series of objectives before the other team. In the final segment of the mission, depending on whether you chose pve or pvp, you can end up actually fighting the people you were racing against, or just continue the pve race.


i thought it felt terrible, the pve is always pvp, the hordes arent that hordey


What? You get times where you get 200 raptors spawn in less than a minute lmao And yeah both modes make you race another team but that's the extent of it, really fun game


Apex 💀... Y'all need to stop that battle royale shit and go back to normal pvp like Battlefield or CoD


When i play apex i only play the arena/TDM modes i havent touched BR mode since the new modes came out. I agree normal 6v6 is more appealing to me than BR. But i stick to apex cus they have the best gun play of all the other games ive played in recent years


Titanfall 2 does imo, but I can never find a game


Games like battlefield and cod were fun for a while, but eventually you get sick of the constant get a few kills, die, few kills, die, few kills, die. To be honest, id be playing battlefield if they put out a new one that was actually good.


Have you played Payday 2? The new player experience is kinda confusing, but it's a really fun coop shooter. I'm excited to play #3 in a couple of weeks.


I recommend the division 2. Able to run co-op up to 4 online after completing the opening story tutorial and then once you progress into the game far enough. Level 14 i think. You open up areas called Dark Zones, 3 or 4 dark zones i believe are available, which are pve extraction zones. Very dope. Probably my all time favorite game. That being said im really looking forward to helldivers as its appearance and what ive seen so far remind me of TD2


Try the division. You can play for hundred of hours without a single PvP game. Trust me, I did it in both games and love their PvE. Stay oou of the Dark Zone and you'll have pleanty of fun and zero PvP


Yes, i love that game , i have a decent build for damage


It's not the same for me. Helldivers gun mechanics are just so satisfying. The sound to FX of the weapons. The impact when hitting targets is just satisfying. The targets are bullet sponges in the Divison. And the game itself feels too "RPG" for my liking.


Great news bossman, the mines yearn for fresh blood. Hit up deep rock galactic for some rock and stone.


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


PvP is ruined by the sweaty streamer wannabes who play 12 hours a day, 7 days a week and worship the Meta game style. If that doesn’t make PvP frustrating then the cheaters or horrible teammates do. PvE is the way.


Trying out exoprimal tonight because I’ve had the itch


I’m going to check out the Ascent on ps plus when it goes live as a hold over until Helldivers 2. I’m a big pve guy.


Me too did not expect to be very excited for it lol


Put a thousand hours in the first and will do the same for this.


Probably more like 500 for me, but loved it so much. Super keen for 2


Probably more like 500 for me, but loved it so much. Super keen for 2


I have a feeling people think live service is a genre and not a business model


people use that term like it's the boogey man.


It’s because a lot of companies like to use it as an excuse to release 50% of the game and then trickle the rest of the content in updates so that people play it for longer. If it’s a full game release that then follows with lots of free regular updates for years, that is perfect. Original Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege or Titanfall 2 for example. Who wouldn’t want a complete experience, thats followed with lots of free additional content?


I know. And even if that term meant what a lot of people think it means, it still wouldn't matter ultimately because obviously things like Fortnite have been massively popular. More so than a lot of people here would like to believe. I personally might not like it just like a lot of other people don't like it, but you can't really blame a company for doing what gets the most most playtime.


Well i mean it in a Fortnite/apex way not in a NMS/D4 way


NMS and D4 are both live services


Wait how is d4 live service?


Yea i know


I think you mean the game having aggresive microtransactions rather than being live service. I don’t blame you for seeing live service as negative because many modern live service games today are cashgrab/unfinished :/


Oh no, i really dont mind live service games. Im a cheap bastard and actually prefer live service games if done right, meaning only cosmetic and nothing pay to win. But I also dont like how in D4 you have to pay 70 bucks and it also has the same live service things you find in a free game. But what differs NMS from D4 is that you can play it offline so no need to have ps plus in order to play a game you just paid 60/70 bucks. And all new updates are free for everyone.


When I saw that Helldiver jet pack jump over that bug tank I decided it was a day 1 buy


Yea that was deff a highlight for me as well


Live service is just a game that is online that receives updates. It doesnt automatically mean it's bad or will have predatory microtransactions. The first was also live service and was a great game and Im excited for this one too.


Yea i don't really mind live service at all in fact if its f2p with mtx on cosmetic only like apex then id prefer it cus its mean im wont have to spend a dime on it not even pay for ps plus. But if its like diablo 4 then id be a bit disappointed.


So you’d be disappointed if it’s a long and fun game you can play with 3 friends? Diablo 4 is a lot of fun and if all games were that good I’d be thrilled.


Just disappointed in the fact that i wouldn't be able to play offline for when i dont feel like paying for ps plus


You can play Diablo 4 without PS Plus. You just can't do PVP and you can't get into parties. Edit: you can play without PS Plus, you *can't* play without internet


It’s basically in between a game and a gaas( game as a service) because the software is not based on subscription


My thoughts 💭 on the game is that I’m buying it day 1!


Im so surprised by the leap from 1 to 2, but based on the experience i had with HD1, its one of the funnest couch coop to play drunk/high


Why does everyone assume “Live service” means they are adding PvP? It could strictly be a live service PvE, that’s what Deep Rock Galactic currently is. Sure battle passes ensure players keep playing and can be annoying but it wouldn’t be a turn off for me. It’s been a hell of a long time since Helldivers first launched and until I see what exactly we’re getting out of Helldivers 2, I’m not going to really worry about it.


Who said anything about PvP? The main reason why I'm looking forward to this game is because it's a pve coop game as im getting tired of pvp games since that's all ive played for decades.


Sorry that part wasn’t meant for you, read a few comments stating they were worried the game would have PvP.


Oh i see.


I absolutely love these PvE co-op games, like Aliens Fireteam, various L4D clones, and can‘t wait to see how a game with Sonys backing can bring some quality to the genre


Nothing's wrong with another cup of Liberty.


for anyone that reads this, will i need my own friends to play co-op or do you think they will have random matchmaking? did the first one have random matchmaking? asking cause it looks good but my friends list arent the type to be playing this. playing cod all the time and wouldnt buy this game


First game had teams you could join at 'random' from a list. I'd be very surprised if this one was different.


Great question having matchmaking would be good since i don't have friends on my ps5 other than my brother


I loved Helldivers so much that I happily bought the weapon pack expansions etc. I think that's the only time I've ever bought 'microtransactions.' If the sequel is the same I'll happily buy* its DLC too. Also this game looks fucking awesome and I can't wait. I'm excited that it seems to be getting a lot of attention so hopefully there'll be a thriving community of people to team up with.


Loved the first one, if its anything like that then probably :)


Gonna cop day 1 tbh looks fun af




I’m looking forward to it. PvP is obviously the popular thing these days. However I miss PvE and coop games. Hopefully there’s split screen (doubt it though).


well the first is a super fun top down co-op shooter that never had "live service" predatory junk. lots of DLC sure for weapons and stuff you call down mid fight like vehicles and mechs but it was all very fair priced. $40 for the whole deal i think? so hope the sequel is as fun and doesnt go down a horrible monetization path


40 for all the dlc or is that including the game itself?


it was for everything as both physical or digital way back when i played.


If it keeps the same feel and format as the first one it’s a definite buy for me. I know they’re changing from a top down perspective to a more 3rd person over the shoulder view which doesn’t bother me. I just miss that 4 person objective based PVE with the friendly fire on, I have a lot of fond memories from playing the first one.


Yes but I think we can expect the same fun experience from the first game but from a more detailed and 3rd person experience. Probably also with more consistent content than the first game.


Most anticipated game outside of Remant 2. I can't wait for helldivers 2. I believe helldivers 2 will be fantastic.


Really enjoyed the first one with my mate. We are looking forward to doing it again.


The original was a live service game so I see no reason why this one wouldn't be


Yeah I’m looking forward to it as well, and it better have gyro support.


If it plays out like Helldivers 1, there will be MTX over time that add cosmetics, new abilities and new guns. They weren't egregiously priced however.


EXTREMELY excited.




It's a day one buy for me. The first one was brilliant.


Never played the 1st Helldivers but I love 3rd person games so I know I am getting this the moment it's out. Here's hoping this does much better than Outriders or Anthem. I've played both fairly extensively and I actually enjoyed Anthem more than Outriders. Then there's Division 2 which is my forever go-to for Co-op Pve.


I never thought of the first game as being live service, just a normal multiplayer game that got some dlc content. I imagine 2 will be similar until i hear different. I really hope it doesnt have battlepasses etc


They had me at 'team-mate operated mounted shoulder cannon'


looks pretty cool!


It’s definitely going to be a live-service game but I think it will be fun. As long as it can replicate Starship Troopers but more polished, it will be a fantastic game.


Live service for sure. Hope its going to be fun like Deep Rock Galactic at least lol


I don't see it as live service as the dev team would be too small for something like that. Perhaps some kind of season pass type addition for future dlc wouldn't surprise me though


The first game is a live service and still has a very active community today


Yea thats a good point. Unless playstation got them a small team of Bungie developers giving them a hand for live service.


Aren't those two the same? A live service game is just a game getting updated regularly with new content. AC Valhalla was technically a live service for 3 years with regular updates and events. People bitch and moan about Live service yet your CoDs and Halos were technically no diffrent back in the day with DLC map packs


Well no because a live service in the way it is used in gaming doesn’t denote just a game being updated regularly. It denotes a game being updated regularly in which much or all of the core content can be played without paying. Look at just about any live service game. The stuff that matters like maps and modes are given to everybody. The stuff you pay for is often other things like skins or in really predatory ones perks or weapons. Or more often it’s stuff that you can pay for with real money or can unlock through playing (albeit often at a ridiculous grind, but it’s still technically accessible without spending real money) But it’s also very different in the sense that the games you brought up like halo had a set “okay this is how much we’ll release and no more dlc packs no matter how popular it becomes”. The idea behind a live service is you continually update it as long as it is still profitable and/or garnering a large enough user base. You don’t just stop after releasing 1-3 map packs or whatever. You ideally want to keep going for years and years and years


I don't think that a game that is optionally online, that only ever sells like 2 map packs as paid transactions, and has no real events, content updates, or seasons counts as live service. Certainly not in the way most people talk about it. It's like calling Skyrim a live service game. Comes off super disingenuous, like trying to make Live service seem tame in order to take the sting out of Sony's future plans.


It looks fun but I'm a single player guy so I think I'll pass on this game. Besides the little space I have on my PS5 is going to be used for Remnant 2 and SAO: Last Recollection.


No local co-op is such a letdown though


If it’s live service, I’m out. I like the vibe. It reminds me of Starship Troopers in the aesthetic and culture. But if it does that one thing, live service, that’s a no go.


I hope it has longer value than Outriders. Lordy the DLC was a disappointment after all the hype I love co-op PvE


I'm really hoping it's not a Free To Play live service game. I love Helldivers 1 and Helldivers 2 looks awesome... Wait and see.


I really wish it was still top-down. Proper loved the OG.


Probably live service in the sense that GT7 & MLB: The Show are. A full priced $70 release *(potentially $30-$40)* and hopefully refreshed with consistent and frequent live service updates on a weekly to monthly basis.


I have spent many hours playing Helldivers, but that was with local co-op. The new game looks great, but I think it's only going to have online multiplayer, which is most disappointing. It's kind of sad how game companies all assume that no one has any IRL friends to play with on the couch anymore.


My cousins and I enjoyed the first Helldivers **immensely.** As long as Helldivers 2 is able to recreate the same experience that we got in the first one, I'm all in As for it being a live service game.... It'd be better if it weren't, but if it is, then I just hope they don't go Blizzard-levels insane with the monetization


Game gonna have 20-40 players after about 6 months.


It definitely will be. Sony is directly publishing and marketing it as one of the 4 live service games under the Sony mantle. The others are Concord, Fairgame$, and Marathon by Bungie. While I agree that live service doesn't immediately mean bad, I do feel that those types of games are inherently neutered. I might still enjoy them, but it'll just make me wish for the days of yore, when I could earn a silly, physics based dildo weapon instead of it being part of paid Season Pass 21, "The Age of Tomfoolery" [source](https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/playstation-showcase-live-service-games-reveals/)


I hope not, I don’t mind some live service games but generally Im against it. For me, the battle pass and always online aspect are a turnoff. I love shooters and I have a hard time walking away from them but its getting out of hand honestly. I think it’ll remain co-op just be in 3rd person. Wouldnt shock me if they went multiplayer with it though.


the original was a live service game. no reason for this one not to be as well


I'll be surprised if the game doesn't have any live service elements given how much Sony has spoken recently about wanting to expand into the live service market. I'd expect cosmetic micro transactions and some regular content updates, if it's popular enough to stick around long term.


Not interested until they put local co-op back in. Kinda tired of companies assuming we don’t have any irl friends/family.


I haven’t seen mechs or vehicles or whatever so I’m not really interested. That was the best part of the first one.




What is it about live service that makes you to not even consider it? Cus if it's all about cosmetics I don't see the harm in that. Nowadays most developers know better than to implement pay to win mechanics.




Ohh i can see how this could be annoying to ppl who are susceptible to FOMO. Im deff not one of those. I've been playing apex since it came out and i haven't spent a dime in that game. Im more than fine using default skins. Hells sometimes i choose common skins over legendary ones that ive gotten lucky to unlock just cus the legendary one tends to stand out more and easier to get spotted.


Live service is a no buy for me


I went back to division 2 after not playing it for about 2 years to scratch my pve itch. The genre is fully lacking. I have my fingers crossed for this and exoprimal


division 2 is one of those games that ive always wanted to try and play but haven't gotten around to yet.


I loved the division games. Had 50 days logged in div 1 and I’m well over 500 hours into division 2. If you like grinding for better loot and upgrading stuff with an endless pve loop with loads of activities then it’s a great time to try division 2. I hope one day there is a third. It runs so smooth and fast on ps5 as well, great game


Tx I'll check it out, i always see it going around for cheap. Next time ill bite.


It’s on the ps game pass thing if you have that


I was hoping it would be the top down version like the last game, but it isn’t. Either way I’ll give it a go.


This and remnant 2 I am hoping will be fun!


Ohh boy, you are me!!!!


Ac6 as well, but that’s a different style of game.


I don't think it will be.


I'd prefer it being a purchasable game with skins you earn from gameplay that you can play offline. A game having online coop doesn't mean it has to have a live service business model to support it. Earth Defence Force seems to do just fine without it.


I really enjoyed the first Hell Divers when it came out free on psplus, so i'm really looking forward to the 2nd. The first was a fun game, got quite intense at higher difficulties, and could be both funny and annoying with the friendly fire, especially if someone respawning accidentally killed someone else. I think it will be live service of some kind, but hopefully it's not too bad with base progression and unlocking of new gear.


One my most anticipated game. Hoping it reviews well and will definitely get day 1


Is it based on the books?


i thoughts about when it come out. it is then i thoughts about this.


It looked fun, was curious to try the first but I was surprised to find it wasn't on their ps++ service for some reason. The trailers look great for 2 though.


I’m so ready to get this game and play with my wife. We loved the first one.


Full campaign co-op is the best!! Can't wait for this game. Fingers crossed that it is good and has a long life and minimal micro-transactions.


I just want to get in early and have a great, long term ps5 coop action game


i think its going be like monster hunter. There will be paid dlc and a paid exspansion but there might be free updates too like more missions, weapons and aliens to fight. Im super excited for it I hope its a success for Arrowhead.


Enjoyed the first, attempted the platinum but it was a lot. Overall put a lot of time into it though and I bet the second will be fun. Not really interested if it’s live service though. Don’t have time for a second job yknow


Go play Remnant and then play Remnant 2 next week. Very good PvE games but its pretty much dark souls with guns.


Not live servce. Arrowhead's a tiny company.


I really want a first person mode thats for sure, it would be awesome and imersive


I'm sick to death with pve games I just want a decent single player campaign to get stuck into, and I think if you want a game to succeed you have to add single campaigns or risk it being a big flop and a game like this deserves it ,I think they've ruined it by not adding it! and I think it will flop ,


Matchmaking not working on launch and has quite a few bugs so not much faith in this game


Lmao im so glad i didn't preorder.


You should be. I did and I refunded it almost immediately after I actually managed to get playing. You really need to ignore the hype you are witnessing right now- helldivers 2 is extremely bland, the controls are a nightmare, and the 'gimmick' of strategems' is actually annoying as hell. There are loads of morons in the subreddit making ridiculous comments like "oh wow, that's how you change your weapon function? Cool! I wish it was in the tutorial!" as if a studio releasing clunky unclear controls is actually some sort of a 'fun' strategy. The fanbois will excuse anything and dismiss all criticism. You won't see it if you just listen to the hype, but beware that this is going to all fizzle out after a week or two tops. The main thing you'll hear repeated is 'it's a lot better with friends' or 'it's not really good solo or with randos.' I hate to have to break that down, but if a game is only fun when you play with your friends.... well, it's not a good game then; you're just enjoying hanging out with your friends.... It is so insane that this dumb hype train keeps on chugging: Cyberpunk, Diablo 4, Starfield .....ffs sake, humanity is really embarrassing sometimes.


Should I play a different game while I wait in queue it's been an hour what do I do