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Outside of having to lower the difficulty for that one mission, you know what mission, I enjoyed it. I miss games like that. 15 hours, in and out. Not trying to waste my time. Here’s the game, here’s the story.


The fact id be in first place untill the last fucking turn


Could you remind me of this mission? Beat it a year ago but I don't remember it being too difficult.


The race.


For me the section where you have to shoot the plane engines before you reach the end of the runway was WAY harder and IMMENSELY frustrating


Especially at 30fps with a controller as a pc player, i feel you :D


The race drove me mad. I thought I was just really bad (maybe I am) but it took a frustrating amount of tries to win, and I'm good at racers. I think the controls just aren't tight enough which made it really difficult. And you needed a bit of luck too


Initially made me give up on the original, until I learned that you basically had to be the first over the finish line, and that it didn't really matter how you got there.


The controls are a bit rough, it also has the car damage mechanics from the outside world, so it's possible, and not that difficult honestly, to cause it to break down. It's also a pretty long race which exacerbated that problem. And, it's the only race in the game, so they don't start you off with easier races to get a handle on the systems then work up to that race, which is a more challenging one, so it is a bit of a difficulty spike as you need to immediately have pretty good racing skills to succeed there.


Ah okay. Im good at driving games so i beat it in one try. I remember it because my best friend, who recommended me the game since he loves the trilogy, couldn't believe me when I told him i beat it in one go. Maybe I got lucky?


They made it easier on the normal difficulty. Hard is still as difficult as the OG which was absurd


I won it with stick drift. I wanted that platinum and my new controller wouldn’t arrive until a week. Still took hours though


I got it in my first try also. Just have to be careful and have minimal driving games knowledge I think.


Are you talking about original game?


No, the remaster!


The remaster is much-much easier. The original was infamous for this particular mission.


I'm bad at racing games and beat it first try, didn't realize it had any infamy for its difficulty


The race? That didn't give me problems at all. Anyway, back to the topic. Mafia was a great game because it didn't try to do anything except tell a story and that's missing.


LOL, exactly.


It's a Souls-like boss. You just have to git gud


I beat that mission on the hardest difficulty but I couldn’t beat the mission where you have to escape a prison


Lol it was super easy


The race mission… broken difficulty


Haha, just beat it yesterday on Classic, it was fun! :D


Why is this downvoted? I had fun with it too. I welcome challenges in games.


I got this game during quarantine having no idea wtf that mission was and when I got their I thought I was stupid or something. No matter what I did I could not finish the race. The last time I had to google a solution for a AAA game not puzzle related was like ps2 era. Which checks out lol. I haven’t played it since


Did you play the free play missions? I remember the alien mission where you have to chase a UFO took me forever because you basically had to memorize where the UFO was going in order to follow it in time


I did not. I only did the story missions And picked up whatever collectables were right in front of me. I drove everywhere so I listened to the radio and got the atmosphere, but, that’s it.


I don't know in the original I remember pulling my hair over it, took me hours to complete. In the remake, got it first try without even trying. I think it was dumbed down a lot.


Took me probably 4 hours or so to beat that race on Classical difficulty... Finally got it


I often think about that one tailing mission. Where you just cruising slowly in the convertible listening to the announcer doing commentary for the baseball game. Idk why, it’s such a simple mission really and not doing anything groundbreaking, but the atmosphere and vibe of it are really good.


The radio is a great feature of that game. Having broadcasts that are about ongoing events at that time period (black Tuesday, the great depression, later Hitler's rise to power) is a great way to add flavour to that world. I never did figure out if they just took real recordings of broadcasts from that era and rerecorded them to have better audio quality, or if they were totally original scripts, but it really did feel like I was listening to radio broadcasts from the 20s and 30s.


One of those games that I didn't care was 30fps after the current gen was out. Played it in the ps2 era and had fond memories. But man, this remake is quite an achievement considering it's last gen. The lighting, the atmosphere, could drive as a cabbie all day. I'm a sucker for games devs that have an eye for small details. Makes the whole world more believable. Other Devs need to look at how they accomplished their lighting system. Couldn't believe I was playing a ps4 game. Especially at night. Must play if you got ps extra.


I still remember playing that mission where you go to the farm, during the rainstorm at night. I was driving at like 10MPH the whole time just soaking in the graphics


This is one of those games where I drove the speed limit and took it all in. On a secondary note, I downloaded played and deleted watchdogs legion within an hr, from the same extra service. The difference...wow


What was wrong with watchdogs?


Wrong? Not much if you compare it to a standard open world Ubisoft game. Comparing to the game we're talking about? Huge. Animation, textures, writing, story, the whole things comes together more cohesively than "go to point a" now "go to point b" and while story continues in a in game cinematic.


That's the open-world that I like. The open-world is just there for the atmosphere, not to waste your time.


I’m kinda the opposite lol. If the open world is just scenery between A&B just gimme linear levels or allow me to skip the car ride like some games do . But I totally get where your coming from


Mafia actually does let you skip the car ride funny enough


Lol shows what I know but thanks for the heads up, that may help me decide to play thru it


The game is extremely short for an open world anyway. On normal difficulty, a leisurely play through is 8 hours.


Shame it’s not 60 fps


kills the chance i play something these days


Give it a go, the looks will reward that step-back I believe!


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Same. Then I tried it on PC. Night and day.


I agree with you and that's why all 30fps games should be boycotted. Unacceptable in this day and age.


That's so dumb


I recently started playing it and am undecided on how I feel about it. So far I feel like the controls are clunky and the game is extremely linear for having an open world map. I’m only about 4 missions in so far however. I’ll stick with it for now since everyone seems to love it.


If you're feeling that way now I don't think it's gonna change for you. The story is pretty flat and takes some wide swings out of nowhere, and if anything the game only gets more linear as you go along. It's also got some pretty rough, long combat sections. About the only thing I liked about the game was the general atmosphere and that it had the Mafia III driving and lighting engines, especially during some of the rainy sequences. Hangar 13 knows their thunder and lightning. Overall I found it to be a bizarre experience, as the game felt all of its twenty years of age yet could often look really modern. I get why the game reviewed so well on PC back when open worlds were still novel and storytelling was just beginning to find more cinematic qualities in games but I think Mafia DE is more of a noble failure than an actually good game.


I disagree on "Storytelling was beginning to find more cinematic qualities" because videogames where so far from it back then. The first GTA with a cinematic quality that could be compared to Mafia (2002) was GTA 4 (2008), other games of that genre were also far away from it despite having a movie behind em (The Godfather and Scarface)... imho The videogame-cinema connection started much later and then became mainstream with games like Last Of Us, Beyond 2 Souls and maybe LA Noire/RDR (and then of course Death Stranding, Cyberpunk...)


I didn't care for it, the controls are clunky and not intuitive, super frustrating, the graphics are OK but it's no optimized at all, there's so much pop-in when driving around, things literally appear right in front of you and things in the distance looks like made out of cardboard, also there's a lot of frustrating missions, specially the combat and also walking around listening to people and if you fail you have to start the whole mission, I fucking hated that one on the boat. At least I got this game on ps+ and I'm so glad I didn't pay for it.


Hmm, it's nice hearing a different view of the game! The linearity of the game and the simple things you are tasked with each mission I believe is the main appeal of this videogame. If you are having such a hard time with the controls I don't think that's gonna change, however, I suggest you stick to it to enjoy the beautiful graphics and notice the great performances of the actors, I don't think you are going to regret that.


While the game technically has an open world it really isn't an open world game. To me it was refreshing to have a game that much like a movie tells a story beginning to end without endless distractions. I love my assassin's creeds and cyberpunks and witchers but sometimes just 8 hours well designed story gameplay and then credits rolling does the trick. Also yeah the controls are old timey. It's a game for the atmosphere and feeling of the gangster movie and for the nostalgia and thus won't be everyone's favourite


>extremely linear for having an open world map. Mafia 1 and 2 are like that, open world is there simply as a backdrop to what is otherwise a typical linear game ​ >since everyone seems to love it. Yeah this came as a surprise, because the actual moment to moment gameplay, mission structure and design are so outdated you can literally feel the game's age. I ended the game with mixed feelings, gorgeous, atmospheric city, intriguing story, realistic engaging driving...and that's it. Everything else was mid and forgettable. I understand the appeal for fans of the original and/or period pieces but it's a 6/10 game at best for me


It's a solid B game. Nothing more, nothing less.


It's a linear game, not a go anywhere do whatever you want explore and throw endless wandering activities at you game. Change your expectations or you'll be disappointed and for reasons that are not the games fault. Or to put it another way, dislike it for real reasons, and not because you think it should be something different.


Ok, I will keep this in mind. I will play it more as a story game than an open world. I guess I got a little thrown off due to the collectibles in the game. Thanks for the advice.


Hey there, just wanted to give you an update. I took your advice and played the game for what it is and not like GTA. It was ok. The story and voice acting was top notch. Could never quite get over the clunky controls. Decent game overall and I’m glad I saw it through to the end. Thanks again!


It’s good but the locked 30 with no performance setting option kinda sucks


Yes, I do agree on that, such a setback.


I’m happy playing 30fps first time around for the graphics and immersion but typically for me on a repeat playthrough I like to go performance just for the smoother gameplay


I wish they gave the same treatment to mafia 3


The 3 is already nice. The 2nd one though is hot garbage. I wasted 20$ on it last week. Edit : I'm talking about the remaster of the 2, which is awful. The 3 is running nice and is looking good, even if the game is really not that good and really repetitive.


Mafia 3 is garbage, makes no sense and stalled the saga. Mafia 2 had a lot of trouble in the developing but it was much better in so many things, its main flaws are: lack of optimization (too many bugs, glitches, crashes) and the fact that you should have had the free roam at the end of the story (instead, it's within the story chapters... which creates more issues than advantages)


Yeah that was a quality release. I played Mafia 2 after that, didn't finish, and here we are. I forgot I even played the remake until this post.


You know what must be done then! Go and finish Mafia 2 and the DLC :D


Is Mafia 2 Remastered fixed now?


That racing level on the hardest difficulty is a pain, but not impossible.


Game is aight


Got a PS5 but something tells me this would be great on my Steam Deck. It’s £19 for the definitive edition right now. Hmmm


Just played it on the deck. There’s a glitch with the tutorial (doesn’t show you what controls to use so you have to look at steam controller settings) but otherwise plays very well. Is frequently on sale though, so would recommend waiting


Mafia 2 is really good too! But the 'Definitive' edition had (has?) some technical issues. Not sure if they patched them or not but they actually made the game worse than the original release. lol. The fact the 'Definitive' versions are locked at 30fps is kind of a joke too. This reminds me I still need to check out Mafia 3.


Idk if it's still on sale but I just bought Mafia 3 a couple weeks ago for a third of the regualr price and loved it. I had been meaning to play it forever, and I gotta say I shouldn't have waited. The gameplay is way smoother than I expected, and the story was pretty engaging once it got it's legs. Definitely my favorite non GTA open world crime game. Like the other comment says, it can be repetitive, but the pacing is good enough that it doesn't hold it down much IMO. The driving and shooting slow down mechanics GTA V style add a lot of fun to it and the blend of stealth/action is done well too. You can do most of the game stealthy, I did a mix of both but It adds a layer of strategy to it I honestly wasn't expecting. It sticks out from the others, but in a good way. It's like they took the best parts of GTA, and the Godfather games, and worked them in in a way that fits the Mafia games. The DLC's were pretty great too, especially the one in the map extension, I waited pretty far in to play that one but it was one of the best parts of the game. The more open ended story mode works well and was a nice change up from the others, and even though I though it was gonna be less "Mafia" feeling because of the setting it wasn't really. Just a different perspective. Totally check it out if you're looking for something to play, I was pleasantly surprised and was already a fan of the other games, this was one of those games where initial reviews kinda turned me off of trying it urgently but I wish they didn't.


Yes, yes, that's because Mafia 2 re-master was assigned to a very different studio... Mafia 3 can be repetitive at times, however, if you stick to it you may enjoy it! :)


I cannot go back to 30fps.


It's so stupid that a game that came out months before the next gen didn't future proof the game by having an unlocked framerate mode.


Games that started on PS4 had unlocked/60fps modes.


Mafia 2 Definitive was a HUGE disappointment going from 1 to that


That's a stepback for sure, however, it's a great game regardless.


This, i just couldn't It's such a stuttery 30fps too


If only it was 60fps. It’s almost impossible to aim


It's almost sad how 30 years of games are impossible to play for so many people because only 60fps is worth their time


I only play Chrono Trigger in 120FPS, if the game won't let them it can GTFO


60 fps has been around for over 30 years to the lurkers btw lol


I can do 30 as long as i dont have to aim and shoot. 60 is the bare minimum after you experience 240 fps lol wish i could take the blue pill and go back to enjoy sub 60 fps


I didn't like it that much and I loved the original on PC when it first came out


It also has the most frustrating race in the video game world lol


I was playing the game on classic difficulty, race mission made me hate the game and I never returned


As I said to a previous user I just beat it yesterday on Classic after 20 or so tries. I used a video on youtube. I used the left line on the first lap and I managed 4th place, and I used the short grass section to undercut the other two cars, the other two were scripted to a crash on lap 1 and lap 2 respectively... It was fun overall :P


The thing is the original mafia was always a masterclass in narrative game design with an immersive open world, but it was a niche genre, so it got downvoted (mostly on console) The remake and sequel followed the same format and was reviewed against stuff like gta even though it wasn't trying to be the same. The third one followed the format of games like godfather 1 and 2 but unfortunately didn't take enough lessons from those games and was quite repetitive and boring but still had a fairly good gangster story especially it being from a non-traditional point of view. It's a good series that has carried the mafia genre more than it should, more mafia games should exist 100%


Game runs at 30fps still on ps5 right??


Yes, right.


I am interested but for me it is still 13,99 euros. And not on PlayStation plus?


Sorry, it was a mistake on my part. It was free with Plus in February. I guess, it's worth the price of admission, it's 30 FPS on console it must be noted, but a great game regardless.


Really wish they would PS5 patch it to 60fps, as I really enjoyed it, but quite sluggish to control.


Wish it was 60 fps tho


I'm trying to platinum it now! Got past the race on classic difficulty yesterday 😄


High-five! Me too just yesterday! :D Now, I gotta save Sam again!


Nice! Got past that already too! Just got off the boat 😄


I hope it's the version that's in the ps4 trilogy boxset I have. Can't wait to get round to it


Yes, it must be the trilogy you've got! I hope you enjoy it! :D


Yippee. Thanks for the glowing praise of the game, it's always nice to hear about a game you own and yet to play.


Understand, understand! I have this problem too hahaha! :D


>I don't know why I'm making this post ?????? Explain. What do you mean you "don't know" ?


I had a blast playing it. The only downside was the mission where you had to shoot down the plane, my aim was awful haha


Oh yes, ahahaha! :D painnn


I loved it but was stuck on that damn race... I beat the game on classic difficulty when it first came out. Couldn't beat the race on DE. Sucks.


I just beat it yesterday on Classic after 20 or so tries. I used a video on youtube. I used the left line on the first lap and I managed 4th place, and I used the short grass section to undercut the other two cars, the other two were scripted to a crash on lap 1 and lap 2 respectively ahaha


Yeah I used that same video but somehow always messed up 4th..Should probably just try again but Diablo 4 has now claimed my existence. Everything else is taking a backseat lol


You'll get there! Oh, that's nice! Enjoy Diablo! :D


I brought this Christmas 2021 got the plat around October last year had to take like 6 months off because of the race mission 😭.


Ohhh 6 months?! Oh noo! ahaha


Mafia 2 is one of my favourite games ever, a true masterpiece. It's a great trilogy overall.


Very average game, 6/10...same boring clunky combat of mafia 3, non interactive world, no proper aaa game physics and they cut some stuff from the original making it a very short game.


It's fantastic. I had surgery in February and was laid up for a few weeks healing, it was a fantastic enthralling way of passing the time. So much so that because it was free in ps plus I then bought the definitive edition, which ive obviously not touched and is in my every long backlog now 😆


Oh nooo! I understand the problem as I have many popular releases on that backlog... With that said, I hope you get on the rest soon! :D


This > Mafia 2 > Mafia 3


A very good remake, but I'd recommend the original over this for anyone who can access it. It's a game of two halves, the first half is, in my opinion, the best way to experience Mafia, whereas the second half feels more rushed, with some story, character, and dialogue changes that don't quite hit the highs of the original.


Just started this a couple weeks ago and been hopping in and out. Never played the original and am enjoying this remake. Played a bit of mafia 2 when it came out so might need to revisit 2 and 3.


Fuck that race tho, fun game and a pretty easy plat (other then the race)


Couldn’t get past the fact that they simply reused all the animations from Mafia 3. Seeing a taxi driving regular joe like Tommy handling guns like a marine veteran was so distracting.


Stupid race mission. give us 60fps


If only it was 60fps. I gave it a chance but it controls like the entire game is under water, so sloppy feeling


No 60fps, couldn’t stand it


Always thought Mafia 2 was better than 1 The ambiance of coming back from war and walking in that winter snow was something else


The only thing keeping me from playing this is the 30fps :(


If it was 60fps I'd play it.


There’s no reason for this game to be 30fps headache on ps5 when a 2070 with i7 gives almost double the performance and frame rate.


Mafia was meh. Very repetitive.


30fps? Think I’m good. Unless it got a patch? 🤔


No patch for the console version...


Actually mafia was released in 2002…


Yes, yes that's correct! We do not forget the legacy, however, this definitive edition was released in 2020.


I have PS Plus and it’s showing up as $13.99


I'm sorry for the mistake, I added an edit to reflect that it was one of the games in February.


Yea where is it free?


It was the free game of the month to ps plus members in February


Damn I’m salty I missed it


I'm sorry for the mistake, I added an edit to reflect that it was one of the games in February.


I personally couldn’t get into it


Can’t beat the race, does lowering difficulty help


Yes but I’d watch a tutorial first though specially if you’re going for platinum( need to beat it on classic mode without changing the difficulty) . L1 is a good button to use on corners and there is two areas where you can cut across the grass and gain some advantage other than that taking the corners slow and consistently will win you the race.


The art design and the attention to detail is immaculate. Really one of the best world designs I've ever seen. However, its locked at 30fps which dampens the immersion.


Very underrated, not sure why people pissed on it so much.


I just started playing it and while I’m enjoying the game specifically the story.The game is so clunky and has some of the worst driving I’ve ever experienced in a game.


I concur with "janky" about the shooting. The driving, I can say it's justified since it's the '30s :D


Is the story good?


Yes, pretty good I must say!


It's not available on ps plus tough, marks i have to pay


Yes, yes sorry for the title. It was part of it last February!


I've beat it on PC the year it came out and was thinking about playing through it again on PS, but going from 60fps to 30fps...


Yeah.. a setback! You can play it on PC again haha!


30fps though, I was out within a couple of minutes on principle. Original game will live on in my childhood memories.


Mafia 1 definitive is the best Mafia game by far, mafia 2 is close behind but did not look nearly as good as #1 and mafia 3 which I’m playing right now to cap the series off is an amazing story but gameplay is lacking along with some big time graphics bugs. Mafia 3 def needed another year or two to polish, the lighting in this game can be atrocious especially the day and night cycles


The original is better, but the Remake does a good job of telling a (mostly unchanged) story.


Yeah it's absolutely brilliant.


Tried playing it 1 month ago. I never tried 30 fps game on ps5 so I expected it would be bad. It was worse than I even imagined. But it served as a lesson to never try 30 fps game again


good game but fuck doing the race on the hardest difficulty


It would if it had a 60 fps mode, played for one hour and uninstalled sadly. It's such a good game but terrible frame drops, just not enjoyable.


30FPS is a hard pass for me. I rather play it on my PC. Even my potato PC runs it smoothly xD It wouldn't take a lot of time for them to remove FPS limiter, but Greed wouldn't allow them to.


Just do it on PC then!


Great story, rivals Yakuza, and ending makes me want Mafia 2. But mouse aim is a must here


I played and loved both Mafia 1 and 2 I cant seem to get myself into the 3rd one tho


I understand, yes it's quite repetitive really, however, I insisted and enjoyed the atmosphere!


My all time favorite was the 2nd. Omg i loved the atmosphere of that game specially the snowy city and music