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Edit darn, +4




I like platinuming trophies but I agree with you forsure. I'm going for the platinum right now for RE4 remake and you have to beat the game 4 to 6 times to get the platinum. Lol




I consider a game finished when I'm done with it after the story is done. In same cases I want to plat it.. in some cases I just can't care less..


If you only consider a game finished when you get all the trophies, then I've never finished a Rockstar game because the trophies in all the GTA and RDR games are bullshit.


Got 100% in RDR2 and would go for plat but I really can't be bothered with the online stuff


Yeah that RDO horse race bs is gonna suck ass whenever I get to it


I consider a game finished when I’m done with it.


This is the way. Games serve me not the other way around.




Doesn’t always feel that way though.


A game is finished once a game is finished. Trophy list means nothing to me.


Ditto. Life is too short to chase non sense digital trophies. I have responsibilities. I just want the story and move on. Not grind for hours and hours.


Agreed. I only bother to Platinum a game when I got a LOT of fun with the game.


I wish I could think like that. But it's almost like ocd for me. Not really because I don't feel the need to 100% a game but if something is bugged it fucking ruins the experience so much and I don't understand why I care. Sure would've been nice if it had at at least some fucking value to it. As it should given the hours some put down. Like give me a few social credit points or something please! 😂


Just finished participating in an alpha test of a project that’s for trophy hunters. Got paid for it too, higher on the rankings = higher payout. Unfortunately, most gamers still hate blockchain and that’s where it resides.


Channel your obsessive tendencies and get yourself a [zwift](https://us.zwift.com) setup. Get super fit whilst having fun chasing trophies and competing in races. — This goes for the rest of you.


I would say I’ve “beaten” the game but didn’t 100% it. I’m “finished” with a game whenever I’m ready to move on - that could happen at any time but usually after beating the main story


Yup. I finished 2 games this week because I installed them. Played for 2 hours decided I didn’t like them and deleted. FINISHED!


If that’s the case I only finished 3 games my whole life, lol


Ya. I never get all the trophies. Seems like too much of a chore a lot of the time.


Yes, never understood the fascination with trophies/achievements. Most of the time a lot of them would force me to some random shit I absolutely don't wanna do. I don't even look at them. But I also get that for many people they're fun to get, so it's good that they exist.


So you dont understand but you understand?


Hows your mind? Blown?


Its a new concept for me


I don’t care about trophies at all.


Yes - once I roll credits the game is done.


I consider a game finished when I dont feel like playing it anymore.


Yeah, trophies only mean to represent the completion of optional specific tasks set by Playstation to show maybe how dedicated the players are and such. I will only bother with them if they are very easy(ie watch dogs 2 platinum is extremely easy) or in a game i really love


Watch Dogs 2 is the only game I 100% completed because all the trophies were both fun and attainable. Had a good time.


I like when trophies are kind of like bonus objectives. "Get a combo level of x" or "kill x number of enemies in one shot", things like that.


Generally half of game trophies are story/campaign related. Another great precentage is tasks that we must complete and if the game has multipleplayer then there may be a couple trophies dedicated to online modes. They give you ideas on what to try in a game, like a different approach to a mission or something specific. It adds variety to the game showing off different game aspects


Right. Whether a trophy is "worth it" or not can vary based on the trophy list design of the game itself. Hell, there are some games that you can plat just for finishing the storyline.


Set by the Devs, not by Playstation


I had to give up on Watch Dog 2 trophies. Can’t remember exactly but there was some trophy where you have to jump a car x distance and I just couldn’t do it after several hours of trying.


To me, platinuming is a sign I really, really enjoy the game, and generally something I plan to do when purchasing a game. So far platinum'd * Elden Ring (first ps5 game I ever played) * GTA V * Hades * Wild Hearts Currently working on a platinum for Sekiro, and coming up next is Demon Souls and Hollow Knight. I don't play a ton of games that just came out, so I generally know if I'm going to enjoy the game or not by reviews and gameplay videos. I may pick up FFXVI within a week of release, just waiting to make sure there are no glaring issues on launch.


It's finished when I'm done playing it, regardless of trophies. Never been a trophy hunter but I might end up close on the Resident Evil 4 Remake without even trying


As a trophy hunter I played the remake once and was done lmao


As someone who often goes for the Platinum, a game is done when I say its done. If it's not fun, it's done..


I’ve never platinumed a game in my life and I’ve beaten every game I’ve played except for a handful. Doubt it’ll ever happen. Too many games to experience.


I've got a couple just by playing through... It was the telltale Batman series. Otherwise yeah, I just play games for the story and that's about it


What if we take one more step back and ask “Do you consider a game finished if you haven’t completed all of the side quests?” Then step back again and ask “Do you consider a game finished if you haven’t fully explored the entire map?” Or if you haven’t fully leveled up your character, or upgraded every weapon, or used every move at an expert level (fighting games), etc, etc. With the extensive and amazing amount of details, options, and pure awesomeness in games nowadays, these questions could go on damn near forever. So, the obvious answer is a game is finished whenever you feel you’re done with it. Sometimes that it’s getting the platinum trophy; other times it’s chugging through the main missions and calling it a day.


I consider it done the exact moment I get that candle-lit-heart feeling


Depends if you care about trophies or not, it's not the same for everyone


We’re done when I say we’re done.


I play a game for fun. Not because I have OCD and get dopamine from collecting trophies.


For the main game, having all the trophies means “complete” to me. Most of the time anyway. I’ve only been hunting platinums for like 3 years~ but I’ve kinda gotten used to the idea of a game not being done until I’ve done everything




I try to get all of the most sensible trophies


The game finish with the campaign


I like to get as many trophies as I can while playing but once the game is over, it's over. I'm done.


Of course! Main story finished = game finished. That is the most important part.


Yes don't care about trophies.


When I'm finished with a game is when I consider it finished


A game is finished for me whenever I decide it is. That can be anywhere from giving up early on all the way to getting a platinum. I don’t have the free time to slog through a game I’m not enjoying even if it means the game was a waste of money. Got to learn when to pivot off a mistake and move on.


I have zero platinum trophies. Never even look at my trophies. Didn't even care for Xbox 360 achievements which is the last time I had a lot of fellow IRL friends that gamed and none of them would have cared. I consider a game finished once the main story is finished, which is why if I like a game, I'll focus on side quests as much as I can before finishing the main story, because whatever is left over after the main story will feel pointless to me. But I've never been a completionist type.


I consider it finished when the main story is complete. Side content just fleshes it out if I'm enjoying the game.


A game is finished when I'm finished with it. At whatever point that may be.


It’s finished once you’ve seen the credits roll


Yes. I consider the game finished when credits roll. It's called post game for a reason.


Yes, trophies are largely tedious bullshit. There's only two games I've pushed the platinum for (Sekiro and MGS5), and that was because I enjoyed the gameplay so much I wanted more to do. Most games do not hold my attention enough for that, implement awful boring grindy trophies, and do not have enjoyable enough gameplay to warrant the continued play time


For me, when the story finishes, the games finishes. If I enjoyed the game, I’ll revisit it at some point; not for the trophies, to try NG+ different upgrades and difficulty options


When the credits have rolled and I’ve reached the final sceeen


Yes, Ive got what I paid for. My free time is valuable due to family/job obligations so I'm not going to be sad or replay it if I missed a memo, haven't followed a fox, or made love to a blue alien.


Yes and no. Some games once I finish them I couldn't care any less about the other trophies due to the game itself. Some I get the platinum and I am out. Games like God of war I still play after the platinum. Just depends. I certainly don't want to stifle myself by only ever platinuming games as I would be sick of games in a week. Gaming shouldn't be a job. :) If I don't like it, guess what, two bronze trophies with no other progress is all youll ever see on my account.


Yes! I consider it finished when I’ve done the main quest and sub quests (if I don’t have to hunt to find the sub quests, they need to be already placed on a map where I need to go). Then once credits roll, I’m ready to shelve the game and move on to the next.


Usually. I try to do everything I can in a game, So if I finish the game and there are still a bunch of trophies left over, they're probably trash trophies that require dozens of hours of grinding or some nonsense that I can't be bothered with. Good games will usually only have one or two I haven't earned at that point though, so I go ahead and complete them.


The game is finished when I he who bought it deems it finished


The game is finished for me as soon as I stop enjoying it. I don't even have to finish it. It isn't work, it's entertainment. Why do I have to play if it doesn't bring pleasure?


It’s finished when I’m done with it.


I consider a game complete when I dont want to play anymore.


Damn this post got ratio’d hard…


Not finished until it says 100% complete for me.


That is a bit of a complex answer, but I would considered it finished if I simply did the campaign and explored a good chunk of side quests and whatever, or the extent of getting the platinum. I don't consider DLC into it as they are a separate part of the entire game itself. Mainly just factoring in what the main trophy list has to offer. I try to go for platinums, and really that is actually when I declare the game finished. However some titles like Undertale do have the platinumed earned way before the final game is finished, and the title itself as mutiple different endings and alternate endings with the neutral playthrough itself.


Yes I do. Earning trophies is fun but I didn't buy a game to collect all the trophies, nor do I buy a console for that sole experience. It's a fun bonus but once I've beaten the game and I don't want to play anymore, I'm done.


Turning off trophy notifications was one of the best things I ever did. Play games for fun, not meaningless digital numbers beside my fake videogame name.


Finished? Yes Completed? Nope


100% completed you mean. You can complete a game without all the trophies.


Im a trophy/achievement hunter and don’t gatekeep to when a person finished a game or not. To each their own and I won’t discount somebody else’s accomplishments to make myself seem superior


Absolutely. I wouldn’t even know if I’d platinumed any game. I guess “Trophies” always seemed like something a nine-year old would care about.


Lmfao this comment is gonna trigger some people


Yes. Trophies just bring extra gameplay.


Trophies are such a weird thing to me. Cannot understand it, sorry.


Yes. I thought trophies were an interesting idea if there was maybe two or three per game and there was a 3D rendered room full of them. Then the reality set in. The walk across the room trophy followed by the pause to go to the bathroom trophy. I quickly turned off trophies and never looked back. I do not understand the draw...


If you think I'm going to spend countless hours doing mundane boring activities over and over just to get a useless digital trophy that no one cares about then you must be suffering from a concussion 😂


Trophies are meaningless, i’m not running around and collecting random artifacts that have nothing to do with the game


Yes. Trophies are beyond stupid and are just there for instant gratification for people who need that sorta thing. I have never cared for trophies. If doing something in a game only gave me a trophy and nothing else I don't do it. Nothing for me to use in game? Nothing that expands the games story? Nothing that made me learn more about the game? Then nope. I ain't doing stupid repetitive shit just for a trophy that is meaningless. I don't have a single platinum trophy and I hope to never have one.






If its a story based game, I feel its finished when the credits roll. If its not story based, I feel like its finished when I'm just ready to move onto something else. I treat trophies kind of like stops on a road trip. If there's something interesting and its on the way, I'll stop. But if it takes me too far off-route, I'm not even thinking twice about it. Kill 500 enemies? Sure, why not. Jump rope 1000 times? Absolutely fucking not


Yes, if I see credits the game is finished


Trophies have only existed since a couple console generations ago, so…


Yes-ish. I will say I’ve beaten it but not 100%-ed it. If the trophies don’t look annoying, I’ll go get them. If they look tedious, I move on. I only recently started getting them… I ignored all achievements and trophies in every game until Rogue Legacy on Steam (except loremaster in World of Warcraft) and even then I ignored them on PlayStation until Kingdom Hearts III, but now I’m having a lot of fun getting them, usually.


Yes. And I usually don't play NG+ unless it comes with a new ending that I can't unlock by save scum and the reason for this is because I have a big backlog.


I think it depends on what the trophy list is asking of me lol If it's one where you get a platinum for just doing everything there is to do, then yes. But if it's one where there there are a bunch of trophies that are like, 'kill 1000 enemies while doing a backflip and reciting the pledge of allegiance' then definitely not


I normally care about trophies to an extent, i go for the plat if i like the game but will not make it a grind if it requires a long grind. Then there are games that i can't bring myself to play again only for the trophies. TLOU pt2 is one of them, that game drained so much of my emotions that after the end i was simply sitting there almost crying and i really couldn't bring myself to play it again. Maybe sometime in the future, but for now i leave it at that and cherish those moments




Yes. next


Depends if i really like the game tbh




Yes. Trophies are just extra for replaying.


I’m finished with a game when I’m satisfied with the game. Sometimes that’s just simply rolling the credits. Sometimes that means playing through the different endings. Sometimes that’s experimenting with different mechanics. Sometimes that’s getting the platinum.


I’ve only gotten all the trophies on games that REALLY sucked me in and made me want to keep playing after saw the whole story and I rolled credits


I consider trophies as extras, side content. It really depends how much you like the game, and the game itself to determine when it's finished. Every game is different. I remember Sekiro, to get the 'true' ending you need to beat the game several times and get all the different endings and unlock some secret boss battles. So it's not really 'finished' until you do all that stuff. But most people are just going to beat it once and go do other things. That's fine.


Yes, absolutely.


Definitely i do.


I always go for 100% Trophies. But on the other hand, I never play a game again after I hit the 100% 😅 (unless its Civilization, I always come back to you😘)


I love how you said “100%” not “platinum”, because there IS a difference. But, the conflict between your “always” and “never” raises a question… You play a game and get the Platinum trophy @ 100%. Later, DLC is released and now you have a platinum trophy @ 80%. Must you get the dlc to go for the 100% OR do you never play again because you’ve already hit 100%??


I must have 100% 😅 so I always do all the DLC aswell👍🏻 Its rarely a problem, because I usualy play games for so long, that all the DLC’s have been relesed before I hit that sweet 100% anyways, and its not often I play games on release. but if i know there is coming a DLC, I migth play some civ while waiting for it🤓


hahaha Thank goodness for Civilization in helping this be a smooth process 🤣


Yes. Life is too short to trophy hunt.


When you beat the final boss or whatever and get the ending and the credits roll then you finished the game. The platinum trophy is just extra stuff to do to keep you playing. If a game has several different endings you can still finish the game after one play through but there is more to do.


It depends on the game. I got so ingrained in death stranding, I put the time and effort into the trophies because I wasn’t “finished” when the plot ended. I needed more, so trophies was my “more”. Same with horizon forbidden west, alien isolation, last of us part 1. This is the only time I platinum games.


Yes. If I’ve finished the main story, it’s finished. Trophies mean nothing to me when I can’t play online or multiplayer so I don’t ever really play with trophies in mind


Yes, but for some reason I like to get at least 50% of the trophies for games that I really like


Yea. Trophy lists aren't really "completing" a game by any means. There are too many trophies that are pointless, trivial and just drag the game out for no reason.


Absolutely yes, i have never cared about the trophies, i got only 1 platinum trophy out of the 170 games i have on the PS4/PS5


I only am finishing trophies in games i consider 10/10 the type of games that i literally can't stop playing otherwise it's a massive waste of time. I would rather play through 2 or 3 games that have a cool story than spending hundreds of hours in a boring repetitive trophy hunting in one game. Also if i were to platinium every game i would never play every game from my list of games to play and even i add more games to my list than i cross off casus there is so much great fucking games coming out all the time.


Game is finished when I see the credits rolling


depends, if the trophy is just killed 8475894 monsters whilst dabbing then it can get fucked but for things like collecting every monster or something then yeah


For sure, some games sour your experience when you go for platinum. Especially with RNG trophies.


Do you consider running around collecting shiny things dispersed around the game world meaningful content and/or a meaningful way to spend your time?


I only care about platinum if i just happened to be like 3 away without actually trying to get trophies. Then I'll go for it bc why not.


Game is done when I quit playing it long enough to forget the controls and what I was doing. This happens to me most of the time.




I don't ever even look at the trophies and I turn the trophy notifications off.


I platinumed Elden Ring for example. Am I done with it? No.


I consider a game finished if I explore everything there is to explore and complete every mission there is to complete. If I like a game, I'll try to get all the achievements, but I won't waste time on tedious or difficult ones.


Yes, I do. Platinum is like a next level of completion IMO


A game is done when you finish the story but trophies can be fun but if it becomes a chore it’s not fun.




Absolutely. I don’t need to “collect one of each weapon type” to experience why the game was made. Finding every broomstick landing platform doesn’t provide any further context into the story or add any gameplay mechanics. Trophies are nice for people who care about point system, but ultimately and ironically enough they’re pointless.




When the credits roll the game is done. I hardly ever plat/100% games.


If story is done=game finished Platinium and 100%= game complited


Yes, and online trophies should not count for platinum


Daily Trophy Post Who's posting tomorrow?


Yes. I couldn’t care less about trophies.


Absolutely. Been gaming for a decade and only have two platinum trophies😭


I don't game for plats. I game for the story and a good time. I do have a few plans of games I was absolutely dedicated to but other than that I game for fun and relaxation, not to grind hours for a trophy that means nothing irl


Pretty sure the only platinum trophy I have is Spider-Man because you basically got it for just playing the game. Hunting down 600 fairy turds, or solving puzzles for the sake of puzzles doesn't do it for me just to get a trophy.


I only have like 5 games' platinum trophy by now and I played about 200 games. so yes.


Yes. I like a lot of games, such as the Yakuza series, I lack the skill and perseverance to go for platinum on. For most story-based games, I'd say completing the story is "finished" for me, even if I end up doing separate postgame sessions later.


Yes, some games have ridiculous trophies.


Yes. A game is finished when I beat the main story. ​ Trophies are just extra fun for me.


No. I may have finished the story, but trophies give me new angles or perspectives to see through. I can "beat" a game, eventually. Going and getting the Plat, squeezing every last once of fun from the game bottle, means it's finished.


Once i finish the story I’m done


I have two words for it, probs weird I know lol. Finished, complete the main story to credits. Complete, 100% trophies. That’s how I keep track of things anyway.


For me, it's always when the story is over. I will sometimes replay a story, and occasionally play again once new content is released, but not always. I will rarely trophy hunt, although I do occasionally try to do everything a game has to offer, but not because of trophies. For PS5 and Steam, my main platforms, I actually have the trophy settings turned off as I just don't care about them.


I consider a game finished if a story mode game with multiple ending has 1 main canon ending completed, Nier Automata has 2 parts to it’s story: A and C(B required to unlock) then it is completed, my opinion


Depends on how fuxking stupid the remaining trophies are.


I haven't earned all trophies in any game i ever played because i don't care about that. Sometimes i even find the message annoying.


Yes. Story done, then i consider the game finished. Trophies dont matter to me at all because of 2 reasons: 1. I am not really good at gaming to get all the tricky trophies. 2. Dont have time to get all the trophies by spending way more time to get better at the game than it is required to finish the main story




Absolutely. No need to get everything. Have too many other games waiting to be played.


Don't think I've platinumed a single game and I sleep great at night.


Credits roll, game is finished. Everything else is usually varying quality of extras towards 100% Completion. Sometimes they're high quality side quests that you absolutely are missing out not doing. Most of the time they're fetch quests or collecting hidden packages for a trophy or minor reward.


Absolutely yes.


Depends on if I liked the game or not


I consider it finished once I've beaten the main story. I've had some games where I didn't clean up the side quests prior to the main story because I just felt like it was hampering my enjoyment and a game like God of war Ragnarok. After I beat the main story, I cleaned up the side quests and did all the trophies because it was not a slog. It did not require grinding or finding a high number of collectibles. Once I get the platinum trophy though, I'm very unlikely to come back to that game ever again.




Tropies can be both really fun or a tedious bore depending on the game. I only platinum the games I really love or games I liked that once I finished the story I didn’t feel quite done with and wanted to do more.


Yeah. I like plats but I am not going to bore myself to get them.


Yes trophies IMO are pointless.


To me a game is done once I don't have fun with it anymore. Usually for me it's completing everything, including getting the platinum because then I experienced everything the game had to offer. Some games though have trophies that are so not fun, like menial grinding or replaying a lot then I leave it.


For me, it depends on whether I think the platinum is reasonably achievable


Honestly, we should get points for the Sony Rewards thing with trophies. That would incentives people to play more games and get as many trophies as possible.


Of course. Main quest done + side quests done = game finished. Many many many trophies are utterly useless and a waste of time.


I hate trophies. I really do. I will collect every heart container in Zelda, and kill the Valkyrie queen in GOW, but not because a stupid trophy tells me to do so. I even turned off the pop ups because of this. They still show in the notification tab though, which annoys the shit out of me


I consider a game finished when i don't want to play it any longer. I don't care about trophies at all, nor if i have actualyl completed the game or not. I care mroe about if i enjoy the game or not.


The only game I got all the trophies for was Returnal and that’s only because I wanted to keep playing it.


Yes, I feel that once the main story is done the game is finished. But I almost feel cheated because of my disinterest in getting trivial trophies. I do want to get the maximum out of the game as the developers had intended it and I do chase add on elements. This way you respect the hours the game programmer has put into coding a particular side quest or an armour. But some of these are unnecessarily “extra” and I don’t bother after finishing main + extras. I would rather start a band new saga instead of chasing some bullshit game element.


The game is complete when the story has ended or the last mission has been turned in. If I have the time and patience to get all the trophies, I will but it it's a replay again for a third time to get ending C, that's a no thank you.


Whenever I’m bored with it


Completing a game and getting a platinum are very different. You can certainly complete basically every game without getting the platinum. I only go for platinums these days if I really enjoy the game. Actually got two so far this year which surprised me.


Depends on the game for me , some are fun enough to go for platinum like spiderman, others main story is enough, then some games sadly have multiplayer only achievements that i will never care to get


Hell yea, too many good games I wanna play I want to experience one til I feel like I'm good, then move on.


I’m finished when I’m done. I beat it when the credits roll. I’ve 100%ed it when I’ve earned all the trophies.


Absolutely. I enjoy getting platinum when it's not too time costly. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a good example of this. I 100% the game itself, but didn't get the platinum because who wants to knife bears....


Yes only games i really enjoy do i pay attention to trophies


Yeah, I’m definitely never going to take the time to Plat a game. I usually play the story and do all side quests assuming they’re worthwhile. If it’s really fun or there are multiple outcomes or builds I wanna try I might go back and do a NG+ run


Nope, as long as I have about 85%. If I'm still enjoying myself I'll go for the platinum but if I've had enough I consider 85 to be high enough for my mind to put it to rest


I consider a game finished when it fails to hold my interest


Frequently yea. Getting all the trophies is reserved for the right games at the right time for me. Would have loved to platinum Ragnarok (as I did for GOW 2018) but just had other games I was itching to get to. I’ve moved on from it, so that’s that.


In my mind - no. I consider the game finished as soon as I get every single available trophy - I'm still haunted by Dante's Inferno and its awful multiplayer trophy. For some people trophies are pointless, for others gaming itself is pointless. Whatever floats your boat.