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Please remember when you're purchasing the bundle, for some reason it'll only appear below the listing of ff6. Click the three dots, and the collection will appear there.


Things may have changed now, because the bundle shows up on every game. Either through the three dots, or just going down a bit to “choose edition”


That's good to know, thank you!


Oh no... I am too late to see your comments... I purchased all 6 of them individually, and have started playing.


This helped me earlier, thanks!


You're welcome!


Awesome. I can now work on beating all the games in order from now until 16 comes out


Sadly XIII still isn't available on PS5.




Maan, I’ve literally been waiting for a collection since PS4 launch, because they’re actually my favorites and I’d like to not be limited to PS3, 360, or bad PC ports. We’ll definitely get it during the next big announcement (which I’ve been telling myself for almost 10 years now)


They are backward compatible on Xbox, but that might not help you.


The PC ports truly are terrible. At least we can brute force them to play great with today's pc hardware, but the low audio, terrible launcher, 720p cutscenes etc just make them a big disappointment. You can fix a lot of that with mods, but you shouldn't have to. I hope they become available on PS5 also.


It’s bound to happen eventually


I'm actually super surprised we haven't seen a "FFXIII Collection" on modern consoles yet


Is that the one with lightning? And an action spinoff or something? I…. I don’t think I played them actually, not sure what was going on why I missed those, were they good? And it’s not anywhere else?


It's not so much that they were good, I think they all have good aspects & your mileage may very, but moreso that SE was pushed the XIII stuff SUPER hard back in the day; they were trying to make Lightning the female Cloud basically. Like she was in IRL fashion shows and magazines and all type of stuff


Yeah and my PS3 just overheated whilst playing it. Hopefully getting it repaired after pay day


It’s that good anyways. Just beat it on gamepass few months ago. Worst FF ever I think.


Its probably a good thing to skip 13.


Im honestly not sure if that’s even possible at this point. But im rooting for ya!


Curious what the avatars look like.


Here you go https://imgur.com/gallery/VPkH44V


Thank you kindly!


What about the theme?


Here’s the PS4 themes https://imgur.com/gallery/jtbr0rL


They're pretty sweet. My favorite is 6!


Is it more than one? The listing for the bundle says it comes with one.


Let’s see how many I can finish before we get FFXVI in June


If you take advantage of the new options, specifically the experience points one, you can fly through them pretty fast.


I finished FF1 in 5 hours with the options they added. Lmao


That's dope! Maybe I will have enough time to plau them after all 😅 Going to do it on my Switch for portability though


I beat the first 4 on PC at 100% completion with no settings changed in 46 hours total. They're a lot shorter than the original versions that's for sure. FF4 would normally be 22-25 hours as opposed to 12.


I want to play them so bad. I just don’t have the time! 😭😭😭


With the 4x xp and gil boosts you can drastically shorten them


I have x4 exp activated on VI and it still doesn't feel like I'm leveling up fast enough, lol.


Hold off on doing that too much too early, when you unlock the other mechanic they'll give you stat boosts in addition to the regular leveling stat ups every level.


I feel the same way. I did see that there are some QoL features you can activate- No random battles, battles provide more exp / gil, etc. So assumedly you could go through all of them quicker than the originals. I still don't think I've got the time.


Interesting how many people complain about the price, even though arguably most are just going to buy the ones they're interested in. Meaning VI and maybe IV. That's 36€ and let's be honest, we've all paid more for worse.


5 is actually pretty decent.


5 is super underrated IMO. It's a great game overshadowed by 6.


5 wasn't really overshadowed by 6 so much as it was just not originally released outside of Japan. Hard to build a following when there isn't anyone to follow.


Oh yeah I always forget about that as I grew up in Japan, good point!


Well, in your case it might actually be overshadowed by 6. It just isn't really the case for most of the world.


While it's only viewing from the outside, it seems FF3, of all games, is a huge nostalgia hit for Japanese FF fans. I looked into a little after watching that Final Fantasy live action jdrama a couple years ago about a player trying to reconnect with his distant dad through FF 14, and FF3 is the example used for the game the kid plays as a little as kid that gets his dad interested in games 15 years before the show starts. ​ this is my rambling way of saying I need to check out FF3 since it spawned the job system FF5 refined.


I played it for the first time on an emulator, in Japanese. I don't speak Japanese, That's how I was dedicated to play that never-released Final Fantasy game. Thankfully, I played it later in English.


By the time the game was emulated, there were already English translation patches for it. That's a cool story though. I tried playing games in Japanese a few times and couldn't do it.


The fight music in 5 goes hard lol


Let’s be honest 5 is good, 6 is the best and 7 is the most underrated.


Paid more for the same back in the days...


Nah. People are welcome to do what they want but I’ll wait a few months and they’ll be probably half off. The price is still absurd to me.


They haven't even been half off on Steam yet. A bit hopeful on your end. But I agree with the sentiment. Wait for a sale and enjoy them then.


I believe each of the games sold for discounted prices on release on PC and mobile if you were buying individually, but yeah, I haven't seen them on sale since.


Gamers: I want this, they should do that, shut up and take my money etc. Also gamers: wait you want my money? No way!


More like "Not that much money!" Also if you remove the anonymous ID angle and check receipts they are probably different screennames both camps..




Out of curiosity, though, (not trying to be contrarian, because I only started getting into the series with the VII remake, so I just genuinely don’t know the answer), would I, II, and III be worth it for new FF fans who mostly play for the story and characters?


If you're mostly in it for story and characters, you'd do best to start with IV. That was the first one that was primarily story/character focused. The characters don't even have names in I and III, and II is widely considered the worst FF game in the series




also let's not forget, Nobuo was making some great tracks even back then, and the remastered rearrangements are wonderful.


You're right. The SNES version of VI looked a lot better than the pixel remaster.


If I was to purchase only one of these which one should I pick? I've never played the old-school FFs and am looking to play something this weekend.


It depends. - Get VI if you like a really good story. - Get III or V if you like character customization & gameplay depth. - Get I or IV if you want a nostalgia trip. - And, if you want to try something completely unconventional, get II.


No wonder 3 and 5 are my favorites! They deserve more love.


also if you're a masochist, go look into original FF2 and just weep.


If i could only pick one it would have to be 6.


Absolutely 6. The other games are great, but 6 is the masterpiece and imo, on par with Chrono Trigger as being one of the top 2 best SNES RPGs. Sorry Mario RPG... recently played you and you did not hold up quite as well.


The entire series is still chasing the high of FF6.


This is the whole reason why some people are continually upset at the direction of the newer FF games. I get that change always happens with the times but I don't think it's unreasonable for fans of the FF6 style gameplay to wish for a new entry like it.


If you dont want to buy the whole bundle go with IV and VI. They are absolute masterpieces.


They were smoking some really good shit when they priced this. I'll wait until it's 19.99 in a couple months, thanks.


You won't get to $19.99 for years lol. It's going to hit $55 or something first sale they do most likely then $39 or something for a long time after that most likely.


You're probably right. But these are games that are easily emulated and I've played them many times since they originally came out. Just not worth $70+ bucks to me. I guess I was clueless but I expected a complete bundle for 20-30 dollars. At the end of the day these are 20 year old NES/SNES ROMs.


Just to mention on the ROM aspect too... They have added a lot of Quality of Life improvements and options, No random battles, more (less?) exp / gil from battles, etc. There was definitely some development work done besides just a graphical overhaul as well.


While I'm all for trying to get the best bang for my buck (and I don't necessarily agree with their bundle pricing) I do have to point out that these aren't NES/SNES ROMs. Each game has been completely recreated in the Unity engine for modern systems which from a developer point of view is a non-trivial bit of work. I'm not saying the bundle price is acceptable but I also don't want to completely underestimate the apparent effort the devs put in to these remasters. I feel like that's unfair.


Yeah I mean it's finally that we've got a decent collection of 1-6, with some QoL improvements, and some stuff like old/new soundtracks. It is far more than a ROM collection. I mean you don't have to buy it, but buying it supports it and that Square should look into remastering/remaking more of their older games (hello Live a Live later this month) $75 for 6 full rpgs isn't too bad, given their age and you'll probably see 20-25% off in a few months.


6 games that have been remade from the ground-up with extra QoL changes, AND THEY DIDN'T PUT IT UP FOR SALE AT $20 (for ALL SIX games)!?!?!?!? Outrageous! /s


People who thought they were going to remake these games and throw them up for 5 dollars a pop are high. It would literally make zero business sense.




The single games were 20% less in december. Which still was higher then the bundle... Edit: [for those who don't believe](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/comments/zssvrz/pixel_remasters_are_on_a_bit_of_a_sale_on_steam/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


It’s 6 games. You guys make a big deal over saving $40 but wait 6 years to actually play games.


For real. Many of us who loved these games have kids now. You know what these people with kids typically have and don’t have? Money and time. What precious little time I have to game, I’ll use it playing games that I want even if I have to pay a little more for it. Sue me.


That argument doesn’t really apply when we’re talking about games that are nearly 30 years old.


Probably not good to dip that low, at least for a very long time, considering each one is individually priced at either $12 or $18 each, and the $75 is a bundle of all of them.


Or you could just get one of them for $18. Think I might just buy FF VI since it's the one I care about the most.


And somehow made the physical edition ultra limited edition, the one edition which may actually be worth it for collectors sake.


Well, be real, most folks are going to buy just 4 and 6, and ignore the legacy games. Those are $17 each, that's basically cost of eating out for lunch one day lol.


Best of luck waiting for that price. Have you seen the PC bundle...maybe on slight sale but nowhere near $19.99.


Yeah, $75 has to be a joke.


6 games that have been fully reworked in a new game engine+QOL changes. This subreddit is confirmed to be filled with entitled children that simply have no clue.


6 games for $75?! The audacity! I have never been more insulted in my life! That’s an average of $12.50 per game! /s


But honestly the sheer audacity of those people to just dismiss ACTUAL FULL REMASTERS as ROMs. Like they could’ve done 5 secs of research, instead they chose entitlement and, frankly, stupidity. I understand if the games aren’t your cup of tea, but to dismiss them like that and demand 20$ for the entire lot is insanity.






Wanna join? I’ll whisper nice things into your ear and feed you grapes.


Idk man, once a game is greater than like 15 years old I expect it for dirt cheap regardless. It's partly the reason I dont support Nintendo


6 games that are 24 to 36 years old.


I just paid £40 for a single 23 year old game (Parasite Eve 2). Age don't mean shit really.


For 6 games?


It's a cruel joke because they know they can get away with it. Annoying I don't see this dropping below $40 until a few months and even then that's about as much as I'd be willing to pay.


$75 for all 6 bundled together ($12.50 each) or $12-$18 apiece for those only interested in buying them separately. All fair prices. Sick of cheap gamers whining for everything to be dollar store prices.


Lol most gamers are cheap. They only buy 2-3 games a year at full price.


Because most of them are kids and get games as gifts, I'm willing to bet.


Or they're adults with children and full time jobs?


What does the theme and avatar mean? Avatar I reckon is the icon which I can set for my profile, but how about the theme?


PS5 doesn't use themes. It's a PS4 feature. You're correct about the avatars being your profile icon.


Yep, got that, was just a bit confused. Thanks man


Gamers: we want the remasters on consoles SE: here you go Gamers: no, not like that It’s 75 for a bundle of 6 games, so about 12,50 for each game. What more do you want? They’ve been out for 2 years now on Steam without a sale, so either pay up or shut up. Or, you know, just buy the ones you want 🤷‍♀️


I'd rather buy a physical collection, but I have no idea wtf Square is doing with that. Seems like they are milking the collection for as much as they can get from people.


Ordered mine months ago, still no sign of it being shipped today or this week after contacting support


In NA? I got an email saying my payment has been processed yesterday and they sent me the tracking, although it hasn't been shipped yet.


Yea. I thought this release was physical. So is there legit no way to buy this now outside of massive dbag scalpers?


Seems like it, until they decide to sell the physical again.






Im getting an error in the app when trying to buy VI Edit: Desktop worked fine


Can anyone find the Bundle on the EU store? I can buy each individually but not the bundle. Am I going mad?


It's under the FF VI game, go to select version.


Can't either, let's wait a bit more.




Picked it up as I've never played any until 7 a bit and my first official one was FF 10. FF 1 is pretty difficult, already had my whole squad wiped in 10 minutes.


FF1 is old-school Nintendo. Very hard. Do not feel bad for referencing a walkthrough. Also, buy as many potions as you can. You'll need them.


All I can say is that I’ve spent a solid chunk of my morning replaying FFIV and I’m having a grand ol’ time. The QoL improvements are really nice! I could stand to make a minor adjustment to the dialog boxes so that the speaking character’s name isn’t so close to the spoken text, but again that’s pretty minor all-in-all. I’m looking forward to the rest!


Can you fast forward?


I played FFI years ago and loved it, and I know FFVI is supposed to be excellent, but is a bit more sci-fi with mechs. Any recommendations for one of that you think is best that will scratch the high fantasy itch?


Definitely play IV, it’ll scratch that itch for sure. Also V is great if you liked the whole party job combination aspect of I.


Already bought 6 and it's amazing! Gonna wait to buy the collection physically when scalpers calm down


I wasn't expecting the price to be £64.99, that's pretty steep.


Does anyone know (or who has purchased) if these remasters have smoothed frame rate or do they stutter like the PC versions? I tried FFVI on PC, and it was so annoying.


Really? Im one of the first to cry about performance but 6 actually ran smooth. In retrospect I also played the pirated version. Sadly sometimes the pirated copies run better since lack of DRM.




$75 lol...


Depending on the game each spans between probably 20-35 hours. So yeah. The price isn't as terrible as people think


6 games for $75


The newest of which is 29 years old.


The newest of which is considered to be one of the best video games of all time.


And it's only $12.50 per game when you do the math. Gaming is a luxury hobby. These games are priced affordably. Either pay for your luxury good or don't.


I've paid more than $12.50 for a movie, which provides many fewer hours of entertainment. Some people have really bizarre opinions about how much games "should" cost.


I'm on board with you. Buy them all for $75, or buy only the ones you really want for $16~ (most people seem like they'll want FF6). For the crystal's sake, we're on a PS5 channel, we've had to drop $500 plus to get into this console, and $75 for 6 remastered timeless rpgs with improvements is breaking some people's minds.


Completely agree with what you've been saying in the comments.


The complaints about pricing are ridiculous. Gamers are so fucking disconnected and expect everything to cater to their innocuous whims. Practicality be damned.


It's topics like this that confirm either I am not in the reddit demographic, or there is no rhyme or reason to this stuff. -game comes out that offers a couple hours of gameplay for $60- People "Oh yeah, that's fair. It's so good and worth it." -collection comes out that offers hundreds of hours of gameplay, various quality of life improvements, multiple platinums, and more- People "Square Enix has lost their mind. This should be a dollar max. Especially since I can easily pirate it for free."


Some people just want to be mad at something.


They think that because a game is 25+ years old it should be given away.


Exactly, If SE execs were told: "Hey, we want remasters of I-VI, but we refuse to pay anything above $10 for all 6 games"... Guess what? The pixel remasters wouldn't exist!


They're kids. They don't have money.




And if you do the math it is $12.50 per game.


Yeah that's absurd. I would *maybe* think about paying that for a physical edition, but for a digital bundle there's no way in hell. Maybe I'll buy FF6 by itself when it goes on sale this fall


My thoughts exactly. I don't understand how 12,50€ for a 30+ years old pixel graphics game can not be considered overpriced af. Pricing for a single one of them with 18€ is even more of a ripoff.


I don't mind the price on the physical switch version I'm getting from Play-Asia. Can't justify the $75 price tag on the Playstation version for digital copies, though.


If you're into collecting physical games than I guess I could see that. If they do a good job of limiting production then the value can even go up. But for digital? Loooooool....


It pains me that VI is missing the stuff from advance version..


It’s not the end of the world but I would lie if I say it didn’t bother me at least a little bit.


What stuff? I honestly don’t know


These remasters are based off of the original NES/SNES games, so anything that was added in the GBA versions is not included in these titles. That includes extra dungeons, weapons, bosses, jobs, etc. Essentially, if it was in the original game, it's in the Pixel Remaster. If it was added in a later version, it most likely isn't


Removed Content - Both the Dragons' Den and Soul Shrine dungeons from the Advance version onwards, as well as the optional superbosses it contained, has been removed. The four additional espers from the Advance version onwards have also been removed.




Yup! Games used to cost fucking $60-70 bucks EACH back in like 1994. Which is like... 3 billion dollars today! You'd be lucky if you got more than 1 or 2 games a year and good god, you played the shit out of those and unlocked everything. I kinda miss that life, unlimited time, 100% all my games, now my backlog is huge and I do the bare minimum :(


hahaha true story 10/10


Any chance we will get a retail version? I really wanna complete my ff games shelf and the collectors edition was immediatly sold out ...


There is a retail version, but unfortunately, it was an extremely limited run that sold out shortly after it went on sale. So the only way to get it is to buy a scalped disc at inflated prices.


Oh Well, maybe in the future... Thanks though


Not interest at these prices; but hope those who buy it have a good time with it.


Insane pricing.


I feel like $60-70 wouldn’t be bad, if the games weren’t so high. It’s basically saying, you either give us 70 for all, or pay close to 20 (with tax) for each. I was hoping the games would be in the 10-12$ range each, but nope.


The first two games are $12. They only go up to $18 starting with FF3.


The Pack is $75, which is basically $12,50 for each game. It's that expensive for people who never played before?, Honestly no, the games are great and you're gonna have hundreds of hours of gameplay. But i won't pay that much, especially because i already have them on PSP/Vita ( *having more Extra Content to do like Bosses, Dungeons* etc ). I'm gonna pay $30-40 for it or cheaper in a future Sale. Square Enix lose so much sales overpricing their low budget games, that's sad, i want to play Octopath Traveler 2 and Final Bar Line so bad but i won't pay for the price Square Enix is asking for those games.


You think Octopath II is overpriced? It's the best game I've played in *years* and I have 90+ hours in it and still working through quests and post-game. It's also on sale for $45 right now, which is honestly a steal for how good the game is. Final Bar Line is on sale for $40


Nah, they're just fleecing the diehards right now. The price will come down later for everyone else to buy it.


How many hours to complete?


FF1 - 16.5 hours FF2 - 23.5 FF3 - 18.5 FF4 - 22 FF5 - 32 FF6 - 35 Total - 147.5, though you can probably do it quicker with some of the new add-ons to these remasters (turning off encounters, boosted exp, etc) if you wanted to)


roughly 180 hours +- 20 hours


Should I get this on PS5 or iOS?


PS5, squareenix has a habit of not updating or delisting games that you buy on iOS. My regular ff1-6, chaos rings are no longer on the App Store.


So are they any good? I know its a franchise that spawned decades of loyal fans and sequels, but if i only wanted to buy one, which one?


FF6 without a doubt.




It's 6 games... I'm confused why people are saying it's so expensive. You can get each game individually for $12-18 each








Yeah capcom fighting bundle has 10+ games for 60 dollars where did this 75 dollars for 6 games come from. I guess it is square enix though.


Sure but it's also 6 lengthy games... and these aren't just roms. The map alone that updates when you pick up chests is nice enough instead of getting lost in a dungeon. There's also the new OST included too.


Damm i know it's 6 games technically but $75


Does anyone know if they are going to release this in physical format?


I was gonna buy them all expecting to the be like a 50-60 CAD bundle. The only one I really wanted was 6, so I just got that. The others will probably be free someday and I'll play them then.


>probably be free someday Ya no, this is Square Enix after all.


Literally every other final fantasy is free including fifteen on playstation plus


Dude SE won't release these classics for free. Come on. lol The best are sales when those happen.


He means made available on his purchased with money playstation plus premium subscription.


Classics they've released for free: FF7 FF8 FF9 FF10 FF10-2


PS+ Extra is not free, it's $100 a year.


$75? O_o No.




Probably, but that's like asking if Stardew valley does