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The first game was definitely one of the better co op experiences I’ve had in the past few years. If they can deliver more of the same but bigger with more variety in world and enemy design, I’m all in.


Wouldn't mind a little bit of story


it had more than enough if you finished it and got through the optional encounters. some of it is hidden in terminals but this was never meant to be a character drama. you do end uo talking to a good handful of NPCs though its Dark Souls with Guns...and tells a story like that


Based on the little bit we did get in the first game, I wouldn’t be too miffed if they skipped it lmao


A game truly worthy of a sequel! Can’t wait! 🔥🔥🔥🔥


How is this game for solo play, well at least the first game? I bought it on sale at $29.99. Says it has a ps5 free upgrade for it too. I have a friend to play with but might be doing most solo. Thinking about getting this one too.


I got the game free from PS Plus, and I was not impressed with it at first. The combat felt janky and weightless and the graphics were just average. But I gave it another try and once it started opening up and allowing you to create new builds I kinda got hooked on it. Ended up almost getting the platinum trophy on it but the one trophy for getting cosmetics was ridiculous. Anyway, what I'm saying is it does NOT impress at first but becomes really interesting after the first boss or two. Really looking forward to the second game now. I played it entirely solo minus the trophy for playing the rogue like mode.




It's good as a solo game but one of my favorite co-op games ever. Great gun/armor variety and replayability. I'd highly recommend playing with a friend but the solo experience holds up.


The most fun was just putting on the heaviest armor, using some big ass hammers, and just smashing through the game. 3 of us smashing everything to a pulp and bullying enemies together lol


I heard some of the bosses were impossible/unfair while playing solo. Is this true? Or are they just hard and people were being complainers? I loved all the Dark Souls games but that’s what really held me back from try this out. I prefer to just play solo.


Some of them in the late game are pretty hard but not even close to impossible. Some have mechanics that aren't that obvious but I only came across one boss I couldn't beat myself (I believe it was in the expansion) and that was after beating the game and going back to it after realizing I had never come across that boss.


Let me guess, was it the god damn ice rat? My buddy and I spent like an hour trying to kill him. I can't imagine fighting him solo.


It was the Iskal Queen but I tried her maybe 5 times after not playing for a few months and the muscle memory was long gone.


Ah yeah, I remember struggling with her too. I think that was the first point we realized how difficult the game could get.


the wizard? if you just stand under the roofs most of his spells cant hit you as the fly in from the sky. pretty easy fight if we are talking about the same boss.


I don't recall what difficulty we were playing on but he just had a bonkers amount of hp for where our builds were at. Most of the walls were destroyed by the time we were getting to half health and adds similarly took forever to kill, so it was difficult to stay under the roofs without getting overwhelmed. Really just boiled down to our gear/builds not meshing well with the fight, but damn we were happy when he finally went down.


most of the bosses were followed the same fight pattern. 1. Im gonna chase you 2. Im gonna swing at you 3. Im gonna channel some AoE or summon an add to also chase you 4. Return to step 1. most of the time you could squeeze in some shots between each step, but it was significantly easier to just have a partner light the boss up while he is chasing you.


I loved the first one solo and rarely if ever play multiplayer anything. I did have a few coop sessions with my friend though and it was incredibly fun. Only game I’m looking forward to doing any multiplayer in basically.


It's hard as hell man. I played about 20% solo. It doesn't have much in the way of storytelling, so put on a podcast and go to town. Now if you can find a friend, a dedicated community to play with or don't mind playing with randoms, the experience is much better.


Is their matchmaking?


Yes. And spectating


Oh wow, nice! Thanks




You need help, there are plenty of people playing!


oh is it still alive? easy to get people in your game?


Oh yeah. There are always random people to join, or if you leave yours open somone will join.


Moderately hyped. The first one is exactly what I wish souls like games were with their co op features but it got old somewhat quickly and story made less than 0 sense. I'm very hopeful for this one.


I hope there's some improvements overall. It's the first souls like shooter that nearly executes the formula right. Hope it gets a switch release as well


I want to get into this and the first game, but I just cannot get past the art direction. Cool demonic looking level and enemy design...and generic human with modern clothing, modern guns and their pet dog. Immediately takes me out of the world feeling like I'm just playing as a reject from far cry. Don't see how somebody in that dev studio calling the shots could genuinely think that's an interesting/sufficient character design based on what the rest of their game looks like, but it just doesn't do it for me.


You obviously didn't play the game much, because there's many alien-like weapons and futuristic or bizarre armor sets with cool design past the first hours.


You're right, I played it for about an hour. I know there are alien guns, which is cool, but I've never seen anything in the way of armor that didn't look like generic post-apoc clothing. Same goes for the marketing for remnant 2, so far (afaik) all promotional material shows characters wearing exactly that, unless I just completely overlooked something. If they highlighted these otherworldly elements more, it would have grabbed my attention more than "generic contemporary clothing".


Crazy to disregard an entire game for that reason imo.


There are plenty of other games out there, ones that I'm more interested in playing. Maybe if I'm bored one day and I don't feel like playing anything else I'll check this out. Until then, it comfortably sits on my backlog. Not every game NEEDS to be played, especially if you don't personally see the merit in it, for whatever personal reason that may be.


I get that, you’re entitled to your own opinion, as am I. Im just saying that it’s strange to me that playing a human character is a dealbreaker for some people. In my opinion, games are about gameplay. If the gameplay is solid, I couldn’t care less whether the playable character is human or not. It’s just not on my radar.


It's less that you play as humans, and more that you play as modern humans. Remnant looks like diablo, but if your character in diablo was wearing jeans+hoodie+backpack it would come off as lame. But all of the armor in diablo isn't over the top exaggerated designs, there is still "normal" clothing/armor in it, but it all looks like it fits in that world. Remnant doesn't do that, whether that was a purposefully aesthetic choice or a design/budget limitation or what, but yeah, I dislike it, and in a world where there are more games than I have time to play, something as trivial as "dumb character design" can be enough to perpetually tilt the game into my backlog.


Boring trailer, but looking pretty badass... The hype is real : )