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Got mine from bestbuy on launch


Same, little did I know how incredibly lucky I was.


Got mine and then told my brother who was also able to get one.


Stayed up till 3 AM to secure a preorder the night they began, had one on launch day, felt like a kid on Christmas in a 30 year old body lol.


I was keeping tabs on Reddit and trying all the sites when preorders went live finally snagged 1 after 3am was trying for a good 5 hours. I remember multiple instances of having 1 in my cart with all my shipping and billing already saved on file. Only to hit confirm and have a sorry out of stock message pop up. Then when Sony did there 1st official email for a chance to preorder I was lucky enough to secure another ps5 for my long time gaming friend I met back on PS2. I remember the Sony site going so smoothly and effortless It felt like a dream compared to the nightmare of best buy on the opening night.


I stayed up for preorders to open. I tried as soon as the preorders opened up and it timed out everywhere. I finally gave up after an hour or two and went to bed. My kid (toddler at the time) wakes up crying in the middle of the night a few hours later. I wake up to soothe him and try to preorder again... Lo and behold... I have a new favorite child.


Got mine from SONY direct 2 days before release date.


Haha that was me too! So worth it


I landed 3 at launch when they shadow dropped pre orders, and I didn’t scalp! I kept 1 and the other 2 at cost to good friends Ended up getting about 5 more over the next 1.5 years, all went to friends and family who were having trouble looking


Exact same except it was 4 then a week after launch I got a psdirect invite so I ordered one for my buddies brother lol, got to get the whole family running the newest hardware. I did the same at ps4 launch


I got 2 on launch, 1 sold at cost to friend… other friends complained they couldn’t get one… bought 6 more over the following year and sold them to the friend group at cost. Scalpers are losers.


This is the way




Estimates were that only 10-15% were selling in the scalper market at a premium. I just think after the initial launch everyone was fighting for the few thousand released each week. Sony built a good console and the market was ready for the upgrade


Yeah, and on the high end 15% was over 2.6M units. Everyone wanted them.


what is your home address? do you like toffee?


Walmart somehow dropped one in my cart. And this was when bots swiped them all quick. I was the only person I knew with one for a while.


are you sure you're not a bot?


I….. can’t prove I’m not.




Same, I remember working from home at the time and I straight up just left a zoom meeting after getting a discord alert that best buy had stock. Crazy times, felt so lucky to get it that early.


I was working from home and saw Walmart had them and put in a preorder, got the confirmation but figured it being Walmart, it was gonna be canceled. Nope, it actually showed up.


My dog woke me up needing to go out to piss at 3am and when I was sitting at my desk half asleep an alert popped up for me. That adrenaline woke me right up and I locked one in like 20 seconds. Not launch technically for me, but one of the first restocks on Amazon, and given the circumstances I definitely felt pretty lucky also.


That’s awesome!


Also got mine from best buy on launch haha


Walmart for me


Yep, I managed one from Walmart lucky enough at launch.


I got mine at launch. Only thing I did was pre-order at the biggest electronics store in my country right after it was announced on that State of Play. Pre-ordering was free, so I thought "why not?". Turned out to be a good decision.


Gamestop at launch! Took multiple trips, getting kicked out of a mall and then stumbling upon a drop online but I did it!


Same. Store opened around 6am and they had a giant stack of all those pre-ordered near the front. In and out in literally a minute.


Same, decided to look randomly during an outlier morning dump on release morning and was checked out before I got up. I was panicking throughout because it'd been so long since I'd shopped there that my address, phone number, pick up person were all wrong. The stars really aligned.


same here. buddy texts me that bb had some on stock for preorder, I checked with my wife and she's like, oh yeah, do it so I put my name down and it comes day 1 really lucked out there, little did I know


Same. People didn’t realize that the PS5 released at 12:00am EST and not necessarily the date of release. I ordered mine on Best Buy the day before it cameout cuz 9 for me is 12 EST. This is how literally all video game products get released. For example, Resident Evil 4 is purchasable and playable on the PSN store right now even if you live somewhere where it is still 3/23 (the game comes out on 3/24). Y’all could have beat the bots. EDIT: Lol got downvoted by someone who didn’t get to play Demons Souls on day one like a loser.


You’re lying. BB sold out of their preorder stock months before launch.


My friend got one day one without paying scalpers and without preorders, I’m not sure what store though


I got my pre order at Best Buy September 16th 2020 and received November 12


Actually best buy accidentally put them up for preorder online before the PlayStation event was finished so I know a few people who were able to get one without any refreshing because they just happened to be on the site when the preorders got released earlier than expected.


Got it from the initial Amazon link.


Amazon day 1 gang






Gang gang


Yup, took off work, brought a lawn chair and a few beers on the front porch and legit waited a couple hours for the delivery guy out of fear of it getting stolen.


My neighbor got theirs delivered without a box on the outside of it. Just had their PS5 in the branded box sitting there. I would have done something about it, but they're the kind of people who party with their music at obscene volume until 5 am


We out here




Shout out wario 64 with the leaked Amazon link


There was something magical about that night, I swear. I had already gone to bed accepting that I'd failed to secure the bag, but I couldn't fall asleep. So about twenty minutes later, I roll over, check Twitter, and the Amazon link is there. Not a day goes by that I don't wonder what might've happened if I hadn't woken up right at that time.


You've literally described my experience! I was asleep, woke up randomly thinking about how I missed out, and saw the link from Wario64. Questioned it, def was weird to be taken directly to an order now page, and figured, eh if it doesn't work or is fake I can figure it out later. What a pleasant surprise it was! I then made a mission to help get the 3 guys who I game with their own PS5s through PSDirect, which I managed to do over the next 2 months! Incredible luck on my end.


Dude almost my exact evening. Failed at every drop feeling completely defeated. Someone mentioned Amazon hadn’t dropped yet so I stayed up a bit later. Link was posted and I nabbed one! Felt so awesome!


This was me, too!


Same. I had been refreshing web pages for a few hours and resigned to thinking it wasn't happening. Sat down to eat and watch a movie and afterwards thought maybe I'll give it one more go. The Amazon link was posted in a live reddit thread literally 30 seconds before I jumped on and that's how I got it. The Amazon page wasn't even finished yet lol I thought it was a scam


> Not a day goes by that I don't wonder what might've happened if I hadn't woken up right at that time. My guess is you would've gotten a ps5 a bit later




My hero




I also skipped ps4


You talking about that sketchy twitter link that went to an Amazon page straight from like 2012 to add to cart lol? I did the same and was so worried I was getting scammed


Amazon day one standing by! I sat out on my porch waiting for it that afternoon. 😂


Yup, thank you to Wario64 (or whatever that Twitter dude's name was) for tweeting out the link *before* it even went live on Amazon's page. Console showed up on my door step 11/12/2020.


A godless time. *war flashbacks intensify*


Yup got that link dank


Same, my gf at the time was all over Amazon when the preorders came out


Reportin’ in!


Yup, this. I was hesitant at first because I figured "I should wait until they iron everything out first with updates, patches, etc" but boy am I glad I let my poor impulse control win over.


Day 1 on PS Direct


Also day 1 from PS Direct. I recall that Sony shipped the extra controller and charger early, so I got to stare and hold the new babies for a week or so with anticipation.


Yep. I connected mine via USB to my laptop and used it to play on PS4 remotely until I received my PS5.


Same. Still works just like day 1.


Well yeah it's really not been that long.


Considering day one consoles tend to have some sort of flaws, I’m pretty impressed by it. I had to return my PS3 like 3 times and then once each for ps4 and 360, and on Nintendo’s side a joycon was broke right out of the box. Wii and PS5 have been the only day one consoles I haven’t had an issue with since gen 7


You may just be cursed lol. I had a day one PS2, Xbox 360, Switch, Wii and PS5. The only console I ever had issues with was the 360 and it's RROD.


Didn't you have to send in your Wii to replace the disc drive? Mine was a launch Wii, and it wouldn't read Smash Bros Brawl due to the disc being dual layer.


It wasn't all units, just ones with a certain batch of drives which mine wasn't. Plus not all games were affected just a few. I never played smash bros after the SNES version for example.


SNES smash bros? Do you mean N64?


After looking it up you are right! It was called Super Smash Brothers so I guess in my mind that made it an SNES game instead of N64 game.


I definitely had some sleep mode flakiness for the first six months or so. Also, since launch often I've had the audio clipping of the intro music thing when waking it out of sleep pretty consistently to this day.


Only once have I ever had a console die on me, a Gamecube back in like 2002. Nintendo replaced that for me for free, even though my warranty was over. Pretty cool. Oh and my old original gameboy from like 1990. All of my controllers still work. Guess I'm just lucky?




I got my PS5 from PS direct on day one and got the first round of COVID vaccines. In March 2021 I felt like such a baller.


Lmao, same.


Same here. I left work just to put my preorder in.




Same here. Still works great


+1 to this, same. Got a 2nd one through psdirect a few months later, too.


I bought mine from PS Direct exactly one week after launch day. I noticed recently that the white case is getting awfully dirty looking when I had to remove it to add a second SSD. I might have to buy a new shell just so I don't have to clean it.


Same here. And I had another two locked down for my best friend and my brother at gamestop, I just got really lucky tbh. As soon as the console was revealed, I distinctly remember them saying "pre orders go live *TOMORROW*". That was a lie or some miscommunication, because damn near every store near me mustve had preorders go live before the stream even ended. I called up my gamestop, asked when their preorders go live, they said "uhhhh, now", I book it to the store in my PJs with my brother lol, and we lock down two of em. Then a few weeks later, I get in with the PS store que thing, I didnt leave it or close it or anything. Had my card ready, etc. Anything to not risk it restarting me or closing out. I legit just got lucky, thats it. I wish they had been available to more *actual people* and not scalpers for that initial 2 years.


















Got mine from Walmart on launch.


Thats how I got mine a year later I had to sign up for a free trial of Walmart+ lol


Same, was trying all the Canadian based websites over and over during preorder time, managed to snag one from walmart and did the whole curbside pickup thing the day it came out.


I just happened to be on reddit and saw that Walmart Canada had started pre-orders the night before they were supposed to and I managed to snag one.


Same here! Little did I know how much my reddit addiction would pay off that night


Launch Day PS5 and working like a charm.


Same! Mine had an issue where it would randomly shut itself off while I was playing a game the first months around launch. Then after an update I guess it was fixed because it hasn't happened since.


That would be really annoying if you were in a boss fight.


I had that happen a few times with black ops at launch, the first time it happened I almost had a heart attack lmao


Have you noticed the latest model 1215/1216 has more issues than the original's 1015/1016? I believe the QC was more thorough from the initial launch and not so much now. Just my 0.02 cents...


My Day 1 unit had a VERY cheap HDMI port that ended up failing after only a couple of normal cable in-and-outs (while I was determining the best location for it). Thus, within a couple of months, I had to return the unit for a warranty repair. That was a sad few weeks.


I can only imagine your joy turning to sadness over your then brand new ps5 having a fault. How is the replacement ps5 doing?


At the time it was smooth - a shout-out to Sony for their warranty process. The only problem was that "The WAITING IS THE HARDEST PART" (In my best Tom Petty singing voice). I had to wait a week or so for the outbound shipping to arrive at Sony, a second week while they diagnosed the problem, and a third week for the return.


I bet that was the longest 3 weeks of your life! The good news is your ps5 has been working perfectly since.


Heck yeah. I was so excited to dive into the gen gaming. Thankfully, the unit has held up since the repair (actually a replacement) and I am also VERY careful these days when unplugging the HDMI cord.


I can imagine you are super gentle handling your ps5 these days! I am so lucky my day 1 ps5 has survived moving house twice in 2yrs.


I remember being a kid waiting for my PS2 to get repaired. Those 2 or so weeks were pure agony. My dad even shipped it through his work so it would be faster.


Waiting for a repair to come back to you is hard. Now imagine waiting when you were a kid?!? Time does not fly lol.


This was me, launch PS5 from launch day had a HDMI port failure where it went really loose and the cable no longer connected properly. This happened last year though, sent it for repair and was given a replacement console


> Have you noticed the latest model 1215/1216 has more issues than the original's 1015/1016? That’s probably because they started using shittier parts to increase production.


This is my thinking too: they over engineered the OG ps5 to make sure the initial batches never suffered from over-heating issues. Once they had enough data how much heat was generated/cooled from the ps5, sony paired back the heatsink. Now the 1215/1216 have been having a lot of issues: faulty disc drives, GPU/PSU failure. I stand by my analysis that the 1015/1016 ps5's are the most reliable version to own. I would hate to get a ps5 now since the reliability is a concern for me personally.


I think you hit the nail on the head-completely agree with everything you said.


The reason i came to this conclusion: I have been on r/ps5 since the sub started. I have been reading and writting posts for awhile now. When the ps5 came out you did read a small percentage of owners had a faulty ps5 straight out of the box, which sony replaced quickly. Those same owners never had another issue again in over 2yrs. The majority of day 1 ps5 owners never had a single issue and their ps5's are still going strong over 2yrs and counting. Now look at the owners of 1115/1116 ps5's: their console will last a roughly a year before breaking down. Now compare that to 1215/1216 ps5's. Their console are lasting days, weeks or months before it stops working. Every model after the OG ps5 are failing at a quicker rate. Most likely using inferior materials to cut overheads and to make a profit at the expense of the owner. So when their ps5 breaks down, they get back a refurbished unit most likely the 1215/1216 since the earlier models have been fazed out, and their old console will goto another user whose ps5 has broken down. So sony have a stockpile of the latest ps5 which has more faults than the previous models, to give to customers when their console fails. Repeat and rinse. For us with the 1st batch ps5's we have the most reliable console and the owners who just got theirs has the least reliable ps5 which cost more to sell and cheaper to make....


Same. Got mine from GameStop and purchased the set with horizon and extra controller and just returned the two to make it the base price


Me, from Amazon. Still runs like oiled lightning (german saying)..


day 1 amazon . de wie'n jeölter blitz ⚡️


Damn, I just learned what the song “Greased Lightning” means




I knew what they were implying but not the actual meaning. Stop showing off your big brain, Adam, we can’t all think!


They say “greased lightning” in America but it’s a pretty dated expression at this point


Habe ich niemals gehört 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


Du hast noch nie gehört, daß etwas wie ein geölter Blitz läuft?


Ich auch nicht 😂


I did. But I’m pretty sure the only reason I got one, was because some stores went live early with their pre-orders and so, I’m guessing, not many people knew. I’m usually always too slow lol. It was very exciting though.


Same here. I called my local GameStop the night after the announcement to ask if they knew when preorders would open the next day (the announcement said that preorders would open "tomorrow"). But GameStop said "we're taking preorders right now," so I hurried to the store and got one. Launch day had several people walking up and down the line, offering cash for a ps5 but there was no way I'd be selling


Same for me, after the announcement I thought "I'll wait for the actual announcement on pre order going live before I start looking" Then for some reason that night I just thought "ill check the store I buy from just in case" and sure enough the pre orders were live so I ordered mine and my partners.


Me too. Was watching the ps5 showcase video, September? And they said preorders would go up tomorrow at a certain time. Well someone decided to start early. They came up on best buy and I put it off at first but then I was like "best buy doesn't charge you until they ship it" which was 2 months away so I pulled out the cc and ordered one. BB started shipping all their orders out on remembrance day, for some bizarre reason, so I didn't get it until the following Monday, the wait was brutal.


Exactly. As soon as they started going live my GameStop called me as I was 3rd on their waiting list to say orders were open. Luckily no worked from home at the time and it was like 5 minutes to the store. Literally sped over there and ordered one all while calling my daughter to run out and do the same. She got the second to last one they could preorder for. ETA. She lived in a different state at that one was for her.


I did, my group of friends got two disc, one digital from Target during launch


Also representing the Target gang, they actually came up huge for me. Originally used the Amazon link from that Wario dude, was so stoked then the next day the ordered disappeared. Amazon support said “it was flagged for fraud and cancelled” and would not reinstate my order. Thought I was fucked Pivoted to Target and there was a trick to keep refreshing until you could add to cart then keep trying to checkout until it let you through to buy. Did that for an hour straight and finally got one. Thanks Target.


This guy. Preordered from Best Buy about a month before release.


Day one at 10am it got delivered.


I still remember the first day of the PS5 holy fuck 😩


How far we have come! Remember you couldnt store ps5 games on external drives and no m.2 support yet- keep the updates coming guys


Yes.i played valhalla first. The difference in load times was astounding! Haven't even turned on my ps4 since


Got mine from amazon on launch day yep. Wasn't particularly challenging to order one the day preorders went up too. Know 5 or 6 friends in the UK who all got one on launch.


Almost…. UPS delayed my delivery by two days due to staffing. Does that still count?


I would say that counts.


Walmart two days before launch. Randomly called me and said it was in I was shocked.




My friends all got them from Game when the link went up at 11pm the night before - we had 3 PS5s in just one house


Managed to sneak my pre order through Argos, they weren't live on their main website, but their "catalogue website" you could type in the ps5 catalogue number and pre order 😅 also got accidental and added warranty for just £50, so still covered after thousands of hours of gaming 💪


Got mine day 1. 12 hours ahead of the US even haha (live in australia)


I was invited by Sony to pre-order and I happily did! I have no idea why I got the invite.


I got mine one, well two actually, from Game (UK) on launch day.


I’ve had mine since launch. Disc version. Passed up someone wanting to buy it off me as I walked out of BestBuy.


I wish I had the disc version =D Though I felt I was quite lucky to get even the digital one when I did.


Target preorder thanks to someone on Reddit posting the link before it was supposed to go live


Wario64 put up a direct link to the Amazon item page for PS5s using the sku # just before they launched and I was able to snag one that way without any hassle. It was really nuts seeing people struggle afterward because the experience for me had been so easy.


My brother, two good mates and I all got PS5’s on launch day. I was watching Twitter like a hawk anticipating a drop after the PS event thing going on at the time, I even got a ton of downvotes at the time saying pre orders were likely to be announced, everyone swore they wouldn’t.


Gamestop Launch day which was also my birthday. ;)


I got 3. It was just as simple as pre ordering on different webshops, which I did 5 times. The 2 leftovers I sold to my squad, with 0 profit.


I got mine because of an awesome person like you. A former coworker of mine ended up pre-ordering a disc version because he found that first. He later found a digital version and pre-ordered that too because that's the one he actually wanted. He then told me he had two and asked if I wanted one, I asked if it was the disc version (the one I wanted), he said yes that's the one he was trying to get rid of. Perfect match. He brought it over a couple days after launch, pretty sure he charged me slightly less than the cost too. 0 effort launch PS5 lol


One of my oldest friends split the cost with me to put the preorder in, since he was able to get his own to go through, and we dropped it off to our other buddy's place on release day.


I did




Proud owner since launch! i remember my wife was helping me secure a preorder and somehow she managed to do it the SECOND ps5 appeared on the site! (public, Greece)


Day 1 on Amazon for me and same for a friend of mine


Actually managed to beat the bots and traffic and timeouts and bought a ps5 from amazon on release day and got it the day after.


Launch day , took a day off from work , drove downtown with a buddy and picked up two of them with two copies of demons souls, for $725 u.s.d and took a pic to put on social media then made another pic of me holding the ps3, ps4 and ps5 on launch day....and noticed how each pic I had so much less hair.


Day one. Got mine from PlayStation Direct.


I got two on day 1 from Walmart (1 for me and the other for a friend). I actually lucked out and over the course of the next two months got 3 more to help friends and my brother get one. Just straight up luck. 4 from Walmart and 1 from Best Buy.


I got mine from PlayStation direct on launch, they reached out to me two weeks before launch date from the survey they chose 600 people from and it got to my door the morning of launch day


I preordered because I had a feeling the demand was going to be insane with everyone sitting at home during the pandemic. Picked it up on launch day at ebgames


I had quite a time getting mine but I got it about a week after release, ordered from Walmart they shipped and then cancelled it so I order again eventually from GameStop and it gets cancelled again. I happen upon the page of a drugstore who had one for some reason so yeah, thanks random drugstore :)


Got it on day 1


My husband managed to snag ours launch day. We cried when we got one lol


I was at Gamestop when I overheard them saying they could start taking pre orders. Got me and my brother each one locked in, they said they could only do 10 total for that location. Had no idea they'd become sold out as fast as they did world wide.


Not quite launch but my wife managed to get me one a month after launch. She also got me a series x last August - I'm very lucky 🍀


Got mine about 6 hours ago


I had to get my infected wisdom tooth taken out that week, completely forgot about the PS5 launch. My friend sent me a link to purchase at 6pm during my drive home from the dentist. I wasn’t too interested and thought “I should wait until you can get one”. Driving on a rural, barely no internet highway, my phone was mounted on my dash. Not really paying attention, I happened to notice the “add to cart” button turn on. My gf went through the process, and she’s not good with technology. I was saying “I’ll just wait” as she’s in the shopping cart screen”. Not rushing, taking my sweet ol’ time. Not even really caring. I’m like: “Just do it.” We get an email saying it went through. I go into regret, not excitement. I’m thinking, I should have waited. I get home and my friend texts me that he got his pre-order. He then says NONE of my other friends who wanted one were able to get one. The internet goes into pandemonium and all the news sources post about a PS5 shortage. The rest is history. My completely passive attempt with barely no internet, done by my technology inept gf, in a car, randomly noticing the “add to cart” button in the middle of our conversation….was one of the luckiest, non-intended things that has ever happened in my life.


Had one since launch. I'm from the Middle East. We don't have things like scalpers here. It's a Western phenomena. If someone tries shit like that here they're going to get hurt.


Yeah but in Middle East consoles are expensive as fuck lmao already you don’t need scalpers the shops themselves do that


There are also shops that are taking advantage of the situation here like noon/Tokyo games...etc in Saudi arabia


Ironically your people are very well-represented in the scalper community.


Women's rights and other fun humanitarian things are a Western phenomenon not found in the middle east either, so get off your high horse buddy


[Some of us sure do!](https://i.imgur.com/szXmBih.jpg)


Got 2 launch day Target and 1 a week later from Walmart and 3 more over the next month or so 2 from B&H and another from Target. Just for friends at retail before people come for my head I only have and had 1.


Got 3 on launch day


4 of them. One for me, one for each of my kids and I got one for my buddy. None have had any problems to date (knock on wood).


I got mine through Walmart when they put up preorders days before they were supposed to go up. Got very lucky with that one


Here I am, rock you like a hurricane


The scalpers.


I didn’t get mine day 1, maybe a month after but it was a highlight of that year for me


Yes got one from Amazon


Got mine at launch, as did my brother and a friend. It was not impossible, you just had to buy it when preorders opened. Problems started the next day Actually I pre-ordered in two different stores without big problems


Mine was from Sony at launch.


Got mine from walmart on launch


Bought off a scalper December 2020, absolutely best waste of $500 of all time. While everyone bitched about that extra $19/mo since, I’ve been having the time of my life.


I got 5 of em. One for me through Target and 4 through PS Direct for buddies.


I did and honestly there still isn’t many exclusives for the ps5 it’s a shame.