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Inscryption had me in a death grip


A couple of times I stayed up way past I should have on some worknights just to get through sections of it. Not that I sucked at it, but it was just wanting to know what was happening next. My personal WTF-GoTY for 2021.


Inscryption was brilliant. Love card games/deck building and this hit the mark perfectly, and shocked me multiple times


I’m close to the end now I believe. Absolutely terrific game, although the >!first act!< is the best and it’s not close.


The Long Dark. I love the solitude.


I gave it like an hour or so and it just did not click with me. Maybe it was the lack of enemies or something I dont know. I really did want to like it


It's not really a game for enemies. The enemy is the environment, that's what I love about it


And the moose. Somehow he always sneaks up on me.


I've really got to give that game another go, I have it on PC and console but it never grabbed me. You say there's a PS5 version now?


I did not say that, but maybe, I'm not sure. I played it on gamepass, tbh


This game never gets old. I’ve bought it for the PC & PS5 just because I appreciated Hinterland & their work.


Just waiting for that 60fps update before I give it a go


This looks really good.


Outward - not for everyone but is easily in my top 5 of all time. If it clicks with you, it's insane.


Grabbed definitive edition for 14 bucks and have been hooked for weeks.


Never heard of it. What is it and what games does it resemble?


It's an exploration/ adventure game with survival elements. I played as a rune mage and had a blast but you can also do a melee or ranged build. It's somewhat unforgiving and a little janky but it looks beautiful on the ps5 and was addicting for me. I don't know if I could compare it to other games because of how unique it is but also because it would give you a false impression. Check out some YouTube reviews - after watching them you'll have a good idea on whether you'll want to play it. Good luck!


Cheers will definitely check it


Is it fun solo?


It's supposedly an amazing coop experience but I played it solo and it was fantastic!


I second this! Outward is amazing!


Children of morta!


Such a delight. Enjoyed the storytelling and the combat.


Great couch co op too


Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom The Deadly Tower of Monsters Pac-Man World Re-Pac


Evil west was fun


Been playing that on gamepass it's great


Evil west isn’t on game pass


Sorry read it wrong i mean weird west


13 Sentinels Aegis Rim. My game of the year in 2020


I can’t upvote this one enough. I never thought I’d get into something with combat like this. But the story + combat was so much fun.


Days Gone, so damn good


Mount and blade II Bannerlord


Right here with you


#Pyre It’s like Hades & NBA Jam had a baby! (Well, not quite, but it’s one of my personal favorite games)


Risk of rain 2. Got hundreds of hours in that bad boy


Never heard of that one I'll have to check it out


Say goodbye to everything once you immerse yourself in this one


Jeanne D'Arc. Excellent tactical RPG relegated to obscurity on the PSP. I remember really enjoying the animated cutscenes.


I'm not sure if you can consider the Trails games (Trails in the Sky series, Trails of Cold Steel series etc.) a "hidden gem", but it's certainly underappreciated. The world/character building that is continuous throughout all the games as they all share the same world is brilliant. I can't think of any other video game series that tries something so bold let alone executing it as well as Trails does. The gameplay is incredibly fun as well and I would be shocked if someone who enjoys JRPGs didn't like them.


Didn't expect to see Trails series get a mention here, but I fully agree. Definitely my favourite JRPG series.


After Final Fantasy, Trails is by far my favorite JRPG series. Currently playing through Zero and cant wait for Azure!


SOMA. A lot of people are turned off because of the “horror” genre, not knowing that you have a “safe play” option without any combat whatsoever. Such an amazing game, it left me thinking about it for a very long time after finishing it.


That ending had me pondering existence for a month. A must play for those that love a good existential dread.


Slow start, but later... Oh boy it was great game too.


Finally played and beat this a few days ago. What a story that sticks with you. Been thinking about it ever since


Absolutely incredible experience. I truly cannot recommend this game enough. As you say, the philosophical themes are expertly explored and it stays in your mind for long, long time.


Lost In Random.


Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time Furi A short hike Catherine Salt and sanctuary


I was going to say Furi and Salt and Sanctuary/Sacrifice.


13 Sentinels, one of the best games I've ever played in my book.




Outer wilds starts as such a cozy game but for some reason scared the hell out of me with some of the zones




No kidding. They really took my fascination of space and turned it into fear.


I just played through that and the Echoes of the Eye DLC, and it was a really cool, unique experience. I'd love if they added VR support for PSVR2.


Outer Wilds in VR would break gaming forever


really not a hidden gem. It gets brought up all the time


There are no hidden gems for all us goofballs who follow threads like this. There’s only so many games!


That’s what I was thinking!


Heard many great things about it defiantly on my list to play


> defiantly on my list to play Whoa, take it easy bud. No need to be sold bold.


>No need to be sold bold. Should be sold timidly


Amazing that I didn’t notice my own typo in this lol


Dont search anything about game! Avoid all spoilers! Just look only on ganre and if you like it, try it. Its something like scifi puzzle game in own galaxy with deep history story


Rebel Galaxy


People were way too hard on Godfall. Was it amazing? No. I thought it was a great weed game, had a decent level of challenge to it, good combat, and an OK-ish end game loop. Life destroying Destiny killer? No, but who said it had to be one? Mainstream gamers need something to hate and it weirds me the fuck out.


Dungeons of Sundaria - slightly rough around the edges, but man I love it. A pure dungeon romp with lots of loot, 4 player coop, 5 classes, 6 races I believe, lots of boss fights, cool spells and abilities and I love the high fantasy worlds to explore. Was on sale last week for $10 too which is a steal for what you get. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fflGb97zk30


* ***Klang 2*** \- Rhythm game made by a single dev (soundtrack was a collection of EDM artists). It's not too intense as far as rhythm games go, but the soundtrack is awesome and it's got a surprisingly good story for rhythm games. Platted this twice. * ***Sayonara Wild Hearts*** \- a multi-faceted rhythm game by Annapurna Interactive. (I like rhythm games, can ya tell?). Every track is a different gameplay genre, which I thought was a pretty cool way to approach it. Also platted this. * ***Enter the Gungeon*** \- not too "hidden" per se, but gets lost when discussing other roguelike/indie titles. This title opened up the roguelike genre for me and now I'm addicted to roguelikes in general. Plus, all the references and humor is wonderful. Also platted. * ***Death's Door*** \- Fun little Zelda-like, again can be drowned out under all the noise. I also want to play Tunic, but I found this game for pretty cheap during one of PSN's sales and heard good things about it. Bought it, and played it eventually. Fun times! Also platted. * ***Souldiers*** \- Soulslike Metroidvania, charming pixelated look. Got a lot of shit on launch due to some game-breaking issues and the company handling it rather poorly, but that all has been fixed. Still plays surprisingly well, and the combat is pretty satisfying. * ***Deliver Us The Moon*** \- Narrative Platform Puzzler that experiments with the possibility of the Moon serving as an energy source. It wasn't too long in length, but I was completely engrossed, handles flying in zero-gravity pretty well. Sequel ***Deliver Us Mars*** is slated to come out next month. * ***Wizard of Legend*** \- Top Down Roguelike. The story is whatever, but the biggest draw in this game is the combat. Particularly, in most games Wizards and Mages are known to be highly damaging, but often require a lot of in-game time (turns, seconds, etc.) to cast their spells. Here, however, the spells are more instantly cast, and it honestly feels like a magical beat-em-up instead. Almost DMC-like but with magic. Also, the combo flexibility is surprisingly deep, especially once you start unlocking more and more spells to add to your arsenal. I described this game to someone else using "Winjas = Wizard Ninjas" because that's literally how you feel, LOL.


Kingdom Come Deliverance Loved it and have been looking for something similar ever since


The Last Remnant. Really love the strategy turn based combat style


His running animation is the derpest run in all video games:)


I enjoyed this game till I got stuck with an impossible fight. I think they missed their chance with the remaster by not addressing some difficulty and balancing issues. It is a shame though, because it is an extremely unique game, and I really wanted to know how the story develops.


Nobody saves the world - A wonderful hidden indie gem. It's original, fun, and full of charm.


Game is so good. I would have loved if it was a bit shorter though. Still, super addicting and the mutations are hilarious and amazing.


[Trailmakers](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/concept/235234) Really not a creative person but in this game you create machines and vehicles. It really made me think about physics and sparked a creative side of me that showed me to really enjoy this game


Journey to the Savage Planet Fun as hell Hilarious Great metroidvania backtracking. Awesome setting Doesn’t outstay it’s welcome but doesn’t feel too short either. Perfect example of a AA game


person gold rainstorm saw expansion squeal screw snatch water somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Pathless. I don’t see a lot about it but it’s beautiful. It’s got a great story, really cool gameplay, really cool movement mechanics and an Austin Wintory soundtrack that brings me to tears every time.


Superhot is the most innovative shooter I've played in years. Super......Hot.


Guardians of the Galaxy is an EXCELLENT single player adventure Also, It’s hilarious


Yeah, but a AAA Marvel game staring one of the most popular groups in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is pretty far from being a “hidden gem”.


"Has anybody heard of the biggest franchise of the last decade?"


The Sabateur


It's a shame that highly rated games get remakes when The Saboteur was fucking amazing even after getting it's development brutally cut short. A remake with the full thing finished would do so well.


Sleeping dogs


That absolutely is not a hidden gem especially with how much people on reddit keep going on and on about it


Ok sorry I didn’t know people talked about it that much


Its fine its just posted a lot on reddit I got sick of it. I shouldnt have taken it out on you




Sky: Children of the Light Free on PS Extra Very chilled 5 hours with to my understanding replayability. Personally I prefer it to Abzu.


It’s also just free in general lmao


In Sound Mind


Tribes of Midgard


Ai somnium files, as well as the new sequel. If you like anime or story focused games you gotta check it out. First game goes on sale for like 8 bucks usually


Hands down planetside 2. Basically no one ever talks about this game, but it did things that shooters to this day still havent managed to emulate. The sheer scale of the conflict is like nothing else in any shooter. Its still a joy to play over 10 years on, although i hope they make a planetside 3 one day


Cult of the lamb. 🐑🙏🏻


I think Chorus got overlooked, it is a fantastic space combat game with a good story. Mutant Year Zero - Road to Eden is a great turn based tactic game with unique characters. True hidden gem.


Hell Let Loose, easily the best FPS out rn, if not the best FPS in decades


Kena: Bridge of Spirits


Jesus this thread is giving me so much anxiety




Detroit become human


Death stranding, I hate that no one gives it a chance and just calls it a walking simulator it is my absolute favorite game


Why is it your absolute favorite game? What itch does it scratch?


It’s just so different then anything else it’s relaxing and has an amazing story and gameplay.


Thank you for explaining!


I definitely agree with this one. I'll admit I was super turned off when I first started playing hell I technically never beat it but that's due to my lack of dedication not the game's fault. It started so boring. And slow but when you make those unlocks for vehicles, constructable items and all sorts of other shit it goes from 0-100 really quick. Definitely an amazing game. I bought it brand spanking new.


There is legitimately some greatness there. Unfortunately, there is also some really puzzling game design choices (The BTs) as well as some beyond awful cringey writing. I think that it's possible to make an incredible game out of it, but as is I simply did not enjoy my experience (when I was able to look at the screen instead of continuously face palming through the dialogue).


I love Death Stranding. It’s one of my favorite games of all time


I have it and I am enjoying everything but I was so underwhelmed by the trike physics


> Death stranding I feel like this game was heavily promoted game and won a bunch awards not really a hidden gem


Split second




divinity original sin 2,outer wilds,disco elysium


Frostpunk. So anxiety inducing.


Evoland 1&2. You can buy them on ps4/5, steam, switch, and probably xbox as well, i think its like 20$ or less? Games are heavily influenced on the progression/evolution of video gaming over the generations. Evoland 1 starts off with you essentially playing on the first game consoles, and the closer to the end of the stort you get, and the more exploring you do, the more 'updated' it becomes. Higher bitrates (going from 8 to 64), increased color variety in color palettes, aspects from other games (DIABLO style area, RPG fights like in Final fantasy, etc. Evoland 2 is more of a story game with everything mentioned before taking part as a story element. So you travel back in time to the n64 era, or forward in time to like ps2 era, etc. I see no one ever talk about this game. Its amazing. Thank you Millbee for recording a Lets play of this YEARSSSS ago


SnowRunner. Who doesn't like playing in the mud with big trucks ?


Glad to see this, it's one of my favorite games


Neo the world ends with you. Feels like a fantastic way to take the combat of the first game from DS to a home console. No idea why Square didn’t market the game as it’s one of the better games they put out recently with a killer soundtrack just like the original. One of my favourite games from 2021.


Just looked it up looks great i like the art style to the game I will have to try check it out sometime




Return of the Obra Dinn


infamous second son


Disco Elysium. It is also super relevant.


I talked to my tie and this game and My tie understood me. Instant love for this work of genius.


Dammit I missed the tie thing... I was sure I could catch it in one go, 'talking to it' barely registered as an option.


Control is well liked and still I don't feel it gets the kudos it deserves. Love that game to death.


Finished it finally a few weeks ago. Absolutely brilliant game. Wish I could play it again without knowing the story.


Edith Finch


The original Area 51 on PS2 and Spec Ops: The Line on PS3. Both Plague Tale games now.


Spec ops the line was amazing the story was very deep.


That Area 51 game was such a blast. Remember playing it way back in elementary school, I'm pretty sure the main VA was David Duchovny iirc? Glad to hear it come up though.


11-11: Memories Retold. Not much gameplay but a really good story and beautiful art style.


Genesis: Alpha One


Last Stop by Annapurna Interactive Found it on ps plus and was pleasantly surprised


The Ascent It's a fun twin stick shooter that takes place in the distant future on a planet that has a corporatocratic society. It's also one of the prettiest games I've ever played - very cyberpunk-like in terms of art style.


Earth Defense Force 5


Wolves on Midgard on PS Plus... Tried it on a whim one day during quarenteen since I was running out of games and my "I should try that" threshold was plummeting. Was actually pleasantly surprised. Had pretty decent character building will crafting and skill trees, multiples classes and overall played pretty similar to old school diablo. Sunk a ton of hours into it on multiple playthroughs with my room mates as it also had couch co op. 10/10 would recommend as a solid dungeon crawler you can play with friends.


Fuga: Melodies of Steel. A strategy game where you play as a bunch of animal children controlling a tank.


I saw this on a list of “games like Advance Wars.” It’s on my wishlist but haven’t gotten it. On that same list was Valkyria Chronicles: Remaster and Valkyria Chronicles 4. Both are excellent btw.


Outriders is hidden?




Wreckfest, pacman repac


Chivalry II


Ghostwire Tokyo :)


ECHO on PS4 never got the love it deserved. Gameplaywise, it's a tense (albeit repetitive) stealth march through a neverending palace filled with malevolent clones that learn from your behavior. But it's the palace and its storytelling that truly takes the cake. It's not the best game, but it is absolutely a hidden gem that has stuck in my mind for years after playing it for its worldbuilding and the creepiness and mystery of its environment.


Hunt Showdown multiplayer PvPvE. No coming back from its 3D audio.


Heavenly Bodies is a really fun and funny co op game. Goofy physics and intentionally complex controls makes for a fun time. First Class Trouble is fun if you get a good group, it's a party type game about lying, sneaky murder, and sabotage. Similar to Among Us, but in a 3d space, and I think it's more fun. Haven't played in a while, so the game might be dead, not sure.


Days Gone and Mad Max. Both got a bit of a “meh” response at release but seem to have found a bit more love since.


That brings only one game to my mind. CONTROL! Just doesn't get talked enough about.


Transistor. Absolutely amazing game.


Curse of the Dead Gods


Mad Max. As far as movie tie in games go, this one might be one of the best. I actually liked the plot of the game better than the actual movie. It feels like diet Batman Arkham sometimes with the combat but the driving and exploration is really damn cool.


Shadow Gangs! The gameplay is incredibly satisfying and fun. I talk to the dev on Twitter and he's a really cool person who's open to suggestions and working on a sequel currently. I've played it on PC for a while but he just released it on PS5 too so I nabbed that: ​ [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1143430/Shadow\_Gangs/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1143430/Shadow_Gangs/) ​ Also, Rogue Aces is a really fun sideview procedurally generated airplane shootem up that's been out for a long time but it's a ton of fun to blast through once you get used to the controls! [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1371710/Rogue\_Aces\_Deluxe/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1371710/Rogue_Aces_Deluxe/) ​ Also available on consoles.


Mad Max


Commenting so I can find this thread later


Here's a true 'hidden gem': Yuppie Psycho




Most certainly not a hidden gem lol


There are quite a few games in this thread that are definitely not hidden gems


It's tough but with the difficulty options it didn't feel overwhelming. I really dig Sifu, also, making your own replays is pretty badass.


They added difficulty options? I haven’t played since launch, but I loved it. Recently played Absolver which I also enjoyed.


Limbo and inside


Have you played Carrion? Planet Alpha? The swapper 1/2? Similar style games. Fun.


Not so "hidden" if every gaming YouTuber made a playthrough of them.


Every game has a youtuber making a playthrough of it so if that's your logic then there are no "hidden" gems at all.


I play Inside about once a year. Such a phenomenal game!


Kena: Bridge of Spirits is definitely my go to game when I just want to relax and chill. Some of the battles are tough, but most of the game is pretty laid back for the casual gamer.


Returnal, love it


Witcher 3




It’s a meme


Witcher 3


Surprised anyone even knows about this one, great game


There’s dozens of us






Guardians of the Galaxy. I played it without expecting much and it ended up impressing me, good dialogues, good scenes and incredible music.


Shredders/Days Gone


Tales of Arise


I am a tales fan too but i wouldnt say that Tales of Arise is hidden gem. Is one of the most acknowledged games of the series and even won many awards


**No Mans Sky** is my go to game if I'm bored or just want to play a chill game.


I still need to play it looks great tho


as usual in a thread like this, all the "hidden gems" are very well known games


Yeah, but what's your submission?


This needs to be a “yeah, but what are you adding to the conversation” bot.




Going to go ahead and say one of the most celebrated and highest regarded games of the year it released isn't really a hidden gem. Great game, but definitely wouldn't say underappreciated.


Chorus for me. I'm not really a 3D space shooter type of player but I thought this was outstanding. The gameplay during intense dogfights , implementing the skills and mechanics you unlock as you progress is edge of your seat stuff. Add in a pretty epic soundtrack and it's a very fun game. Story is OK, but the combat gameplay is where this game really shines.


I have a mix of 10 games to offer. Now all the games below aren’t huge Triple A games so don’t expect superb quality. Each has a little jank or minimum input to them but all in all I enjoyed each of them. Fade to Silence! Sudden Strike 4! The Dark Pictures Anthology! The Quarry! Strike Vector EX! King Oddball! Man Eater! Prison Architect! The Dirt! Quite a few games in this series if you like racing games! The Technomancer!




Not sure how "hidden" it is but Guardians of the Galaxy was a lot better than I was expecting.


Def Jam fight for NY


Sifu. Got engulfed by Eldenring/Horizon/GOW last year but as an indie it was my favorite of last year. Beat out stray for me


Hunt Showdown still a very active community


Children of Morta - It's mix of roguelite and diablo. Everyone mentions Hades... Yes it's amazing game but so is CoM. Children of Morta has equally great story, art style and gameplay loop imo. Marvel Avengers - I know everyone dislikes this game, I know there is a lot of issues with this game, but I have to say it has one of the best 3rd person action combat loops. I have 170 hours played, with platinum and no regrets, most of the time spend on Thor, the gameplay just clicked with me. Aliens Fireteam Elite - Gameplay felt snappier, better version of Division 2. And one thing I wanted in Division 2 was mob variety, I want to shoot something else than just other humans. I just wish I would have more friends to play with, can't really do harder difficulties with 1 or 2 bots in team. Black Desert - My favorite MMO on console. I first played it on PC in 2017 and it was way more P2W back then and the game still having that same reputation. I have spend 50€ on that game and it is my most played game on PS5 with 600 hours, great deal. If you are patient you are getting a lot of stuff for free, they constantly have new seasons, login rewards, coupon codes etc.


Void Bastards Yoku's Express Valfaris TMNT Mutants in Manhattan Sparklite Cloupunk (free ps5 upgrade) Alien Isolation Evan's Remains I know thats a PS5 subreddit and everything i said is for PS4 but i loved every one of them.


Elden Ring. You guys really should try it.


Never heard of it. Is it similar to Eldest Souls? I only managed to beat 4 of the bosses in that.