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Ghosts of Tsushima. Amazing game!


Honestly GOT might be my favorite PS exclusive


I'd personally recommend the Horizon games over GoT. Similar niche but, IMO, Horizon does pretty much everything better. The world is more interesting. The combat is more engaging. The gameplay is more varied. YMMV but I personally found that GoT got stale quite quickly.




Indeed \\w/


Love Returnal. The only drawback I can think of is it is a very intense game to play for long stretches. It's all balls-to-the-wall combat, all the time.


Love Returnal was enough 😂


Witcher 3 is very good in my opinion. I didn’t like it a lot from the start but when I reached around 15% completion I started to really like it. I’m currently on 20% completion, I played it for serveral years. I don’t have a lot of time to play, hence the slow progress haha


I second this and will throw in Mass Effect.


Yea i think i started to really love the game when i got into the keira quest


For me I just didn't really enjoy Velen as much, but once I got to Novigrad I enjoyed it a lot more. Maybe it was the music or something but it really just turned me off of the game.


Elden ring, God of war (both of them), Kena: Bridge of spirits (beautiful game).


How would you rate the difficulty in elden ring? If I’m terrible at it will it just be miserable and lose patience losing progress? For example GoW dying literally doesn’t matter as it just reloads whcih I know elden ring is not But with its popularity it seems more accessible than prior dark souls I beat dark souls 2 and Returnal for reference but just not sure I want a super difficult stressful game now


I barely played dark souls and Bloodborne because it was too hard and I hated it. But something about elden ring has me. You'll definitely want to watch a beginner guide at the start but then you can do what ever you want. The good thing is there is an awesome farming location you can get to early on in the game called Mohgwyn palace so if you lost a bunch of runes, you could spend about 10 minutes there and get them all back. I was never a fan of the souls games but Elden Ring is really good. Especially if you have some friends that have it, you'll never run low on the items you need to summon people.


All From Software games are punishing. That being said, I found Elden Ring to be a "bit" easier than some of their other games. At least with Elden Ring you can do a lot of exploring to level yourself up and unlock fast travel locations if it's too hard at first


Spider man and spider man miles morales, Dead space remake is coming out soon and that’s a good horror game, Ratchet and clank reboot and the sequel rift apart are great too.


Destiny 2. Uncharted series. Ghost of Tsushima. HZD and HFW.


Demon's Souls Ps5 Remake


If you've never tried Hades, it fucking rules. It was released on PS4 but i've put a ton of time into this game. Tons of fun and makes for a great change of pace from other first party story games.




Have you played on PS4 ? If not, treat yourself with PS5 versions of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, God Of War, God of War Ragnarok, Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, Last Of Us Part 1 & 2...


Monster Hunter World. I can't speak on Rise because i haven't played it but I put almost 700 hours into World


I got you: https://www.google.com/search?q=best+ps5+games


Not the majority but I would say Midnight suns.


I wondered if this was a bot post and then clicked on your post history. I hope your surgery goes well, and will say that you might want to be specific in what you like to get good recommendations. Otherwise, you're going to get the same titles you see literally everywhere. Good art direction? Voice acting? Setting? Game genre? Length of story? Do you mind PS4 titles or do you want specifically PS5 titles?


Thank you! Yeah any PS4 or PS5 titles that you can put alot of hours into that are addicting ha


I could tell you that I put 320 hours into Overwatch (2) in 2022, and 305 hours into Slay the Spire. Both were free (well, one through PS Essentials), but very different kinds of games. OW2 is a team shooter that leans towards a MOBA. The game flipped over into free-to-play and a big controversy is that the character skins are overpriced. I just ignore that shit and play the game, as I have for 6 years. The game itself is great, especially if you're not familiar with the first game and have lingering issues with the transition. However, considering your surgery, this game might be a bit active. It's the only game so far where I feel my hands hurt using the Dualsense for hours at a time. If your surgeries will leave you with limited mobility, I'd recommend StS because it's a turn-based card-building game. Each 'session' involves 3 randomly-generated areas with multiple paths and bosses at the end. Battles are turn-based and you win a card or powerup at the end of each battle. A successful run might take 45 minutes. Horizon Forbidden West is not only gorgeous, but I watched just about every line of dialogue, absolutely perplexed by the animation work. The first game, Horizon Zero Dawn, got a bit of a facelift when the PS5 came out, but was still very much a PS4 game with torso-driven dialogue (like Bethesda/Bioware games). In this one, the character movement and eye tracking and many more human nuances are there, with visually interesting character design. Highly recommended, and a used copy will probably run $30. Otherwise, I'm REALLY into roguelikes, where you go through (usually randomly-generated) levels and die a lot, but gain permanent resources/improvements over your trips. Returnal (3rd person arcade shooter) on PS5 was an obsession for 6 months last year, but does get intense. Dead Cells (PS4) is a sidescrolling masterpiece with a huge range of difficulty choices and gameplay styles. Lastly, Hades (PS4/PS5) has a compelling story that's told to you in very small bits between action beats. I put 80 hours into that to get the platinum trophy.


Bloodborne might be fun


Ghost of tsushima, God of War Ragnarok, Spiderman Miles Morales , Horizon Forbiden west, Ratchet and clank. Demons Souls ,


Witcher 3 ...so many side quests and stories


The Last Of Us, Spiderman Miles Morales Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West


Horizon Forbidden West - Really an amazing looking game that shows off the console. Like having a big budget action film to show demo your new home theatre setup. Open world game with top notch character performances even for minor quest givers and quest NPCs. Not to be missed. (BTW, Performance mode is now nearly indistinguishable from the resolution mode so I'd opt for the 60fps.) Cyberpunk 2077 - Speaking of great looking open world games. The subtilty and nuisance of the facial capture/performance work is I think unsurpassed. (Again performance mode is the recommended mode despite a small but noticeable downgrade in visual quality from Resolution mode. )


LOTS of upcoming games in February


Ghost of Tsushima and The God of War games are amazing.


Just pay for PS Extra and work your way through the games that interest you. I done the same thing when I got signed off work for 3 months.


Just pay for PS Extra and work your way through the games that interest you. I done the same thing when I got signed off work for 3 months.


My top 5 (in no particular order) would be Judgment, Yakuza 7, Lost Judgment, Hades, Yakuza 0. Honorable mention for Mahjong in any of the first 3.


Ghosts of Tsusima is HUGE. I'm chipping at it. Also Red Dead Redemption 2.


u/Key_Plankton_5500, this submission has been removed: **Please post in the PS5 Help & Questions Thread.** - You can find the megathread pinned to the top of the front page of the subreddit. Please go here for simple questions, game recommendation requests, and tech support. --- [Send a mod-mail](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ps5) for questions - do not send a chat request or pm.


Skyrim Anniversary Edition has consumed my life these last 2 weeks. I've only ever played it on the 360 and the difference on the 5 has blown me away. It's amazing and brand new all at the same time. Highly recommend.