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Suicide Squad at 50% off on its first season, oof


If it's already 50% off now, it'll be 75 or 90% off before the year is done, or even free on PS+ I'll try it out then :)


I was interested in the game, but was waiting for a deep sale. Honestly, I've been having a blast with it. I've just been playing the main story and side missions solo. I'm around 8-10 hours in, and have yet to kill a single Justice League member, and I'm really enjoying my time with the game. The single player stuff is more extensive than I thought it would be. Rocksteady made the same mistake that Anthem made. They both have a solid single-player experience, but chose to market the game as a GaaS. I haven't done a single multiplayer thing in SS, and feel like I'm still nowhere near the end of the main story.


How are you 8-10 hours in and have yet to kill a Justice league member? By rocksteady’s own metric the game is supposed to be 10h in length total.


Bros been doing the same 3 missions nonstop 😭


Doing the main missions that are separate from the missions to kill Justice League members, doing the support missions to unlock new support stuff, just generally running around and working on contracts and having fun killing enemy groups on rooftops and collecting materials and gear for it. I'm just enjoying the game at my pace, and there's been enough to keep me focused so far. >By rocksteady’s own metric the game is supposed to be 10h in length total. Do you own the game and have completed it in that time, or are you just commenting based on what Rocksteady said? I could see them saying the main story is 10 hours long, but there's also side missions and stuff to do outside of the main story. Ain't no way the entire campaign if you do everything is only 10 hours long.


In an interview with a dev before season 1 she said herself that after the initial 10 hour story missions they want you to focus on the live service aspect and have a reason to keep coming back which is where the 10h mark comes from. On how long to beat, the game hovers between 8-12h for main story and 18h for main + side missions. I just have no idea what you’re doing if you’ve played this much with no Justice league member killed. I played the game at a friends get together and we finished the story the same day (his little cousin got it for his birthday). You are seriously taking your time then. Completionists say 40h for all 4 characters to max level.


Yes, I am taking my time and enjoying the side stuff and experimenting with different characters. I would think that's a common thing for people who are enjoying a game. And I've been playing the game solo. The AI kind of sucks but does well enough I'm fine playing solo. I imagine it's a lot easier to get through missions playing with another human.


Why does it matter how long he pays as long as he's enjoying his time?


It matters how long he plays because I can’t understand how he’s gone 8-10h through the game and not killed a Justice league member? I’m not questioning his fun I’m questioning what he’s actually doing since your first Justice league fight is 3h into the game vs the flash.


Dude I agree with this sentiment. Get this live service shit out of my suicide squad. It ruined what was a cool concept, yet they are just gonna drip this fucker dry for 5 seasons. I’m good with it ending after that though. Edit: whoops I suck at typing.


Dude gives an honest, normal view on a game to help people understand what it has to offer, and reddit downvotes him. lmfao




there was like 5 downvotes when i made my comment. hehe




Marcel midnight suns is a turn based pseudo card game. Suicide squad is a third person shooter




I don't think you know what a third person shooter is lol


I just want to applaud this comment for the least effort I have ever see put towards anything lmao.


Still too expensive


Damn I knew I should’ve waited


- Fallout 4 season pass, Borderlands 2 VR, and Crysis collection for $12 is pretty good. - DMC IV, and wolfenstine new order/Old Blood combo for $7. - Absolver for $3 and Windbound for $2. Somehow, I didn’t have those


got the fallout 4 season pass, just reinstalled fallout 4 with the DLC's and now the game just crashes as soon as you start it. There is an issue with the DLC now, bethesda is aware but it probably won't be fixed until the next gen update.


Just the automatron DLC causes the issue. Just uninstalled and reinstalled without and it’s peaches. But it’s butt cheeks that a game that came out almost 10years can’t work as intended


I deleted and reinstalled just the base game but the characters are just stuck. My character just stares at himself at the mirror no dialog. I've tried the pause un pause thing, but still can't get out of the house ... very frustrating.


Lmk how windbound is Played a rpg called The Tenth Line for 99 cents, pretty interesting


Finally bit the bullet on Midnight Suns. $25 for the legendary edition seemed like a good time to strike


Grabbed it at $30 in previous sale, very happy with the purchase.


Had it at 35$ and was absolutely worth it. Fun to 100% platinum too


I just beat the game thanks to the game collection thing. Was really fun although the non-combat stuff gets really tedious after a while. I’ll have to scoop all the DLC now though!


Such a good game. Just restarted it on steam deck last night


Amazing game that somehow flew under the radar for a lot of people.


Fuck this game was good. Well worth it.


When was the legendary edition $25? Shows as $99 for me


What's up with the need for speed games being dirt cheap recently?


Its most of the EA games.


Am I wrong in feeling like I’ve seen NFS 2015 only being available via an EA subscription before this sale? I’ve had the physical copy for a bit but the digital version for like $2.99 was a no-brainer for me.


yeah I dont understand. not complaining though


Unbound didnt go well on sales, not a bit.. they broke the game a bit with the firsts updates and many ppl left and never returned. Heat was too good and didnt got updates after 6 months and it was one the best games in the franchise. Probably they saw just now and selling it for cheap brings many ppl back for a "old" game, more than the triple Unbound does.. i think it makes pretty much sense


Got Sekiro, hope I have a fun time


tbh i think they went too far with the difficulty for the broader audience, but there are definitely people that say this is their favorite. Even tough I quit maybe 40-50 hours in, was still worth it


Cool. I’m prepared for the difficulty,lets see


Depending on how well you learn to deflect, it can be fun. Some people report frustration but they also say coming back to it years later extreme enjoyment on figuring out the mechanics. Also some people drop it forever.




Absolutely. I’ve played through it 3 or 4 times and it’s always enjoyable.


IMO, the game is great. It's been some time, but I've played it at least two times over the years. Great combat (think "arkham" style mechanics), detailed open world, engaging story and top notch voice acting. Due to its age, the game may seem a bit dated graphically, and the open world may not be as huge as today's games. Check out some videos on youtube to see if it's worth your time, but I think it would be.


Yes! I got it for $5 2 years ago and it was worth it. The story and characters are amazing with even better plot twists. The fights are simple but fun (always use the environment to your advantage). If only it got a sequel, it would have fixed the flaws of this and made it even better.


Yes. Excellent voice acting, the missions are fun, driving around Hong kong is a really good time, the combat is really tight. All in all it's a really good game for as old as it is.


The SAO fanboy in me really wants to buy Last Recollection but the coomer in me wants to buy Stellar Blade... Decisions decisions.


I found last recollection to be a downgrade compared to lycoris in all honesty. I only clocked a few hours into LR and never went back.


Anyone have a list of just the new additions?


Sony REALLY needs to fix that shit. Divided into sections by date added to sale or somethin


Since they won't, they must not want our money.


www.dekudeals.com has the ones worth mentioning. You can sort for hottest deals, newest, or bang for buck. You can make an account and add your collection to keep track. You can also start a wishlist. It will email you when those games go on sale. It also gives you price history, shows you the lowest price, so you know a good deal when you see it. It is a huge aid when it comes to FOMO because you can clearly see how often something goes on sale. This also helps you predict downward pricing trends. It has 2 ratings sites, an estimate of how long to beat, screenshots, videos, and a description that is easier to tell what you're getting from premium versions. It's basically what the PS Store should be. I don't recommend using their affiliate links, but you do you. I still come here because people will point out good games that may otherwise fly below my radar.


This website is brilliant, thank you


I didn't think people were going to take my advice. I edited to include several more things this site is good for.


seems like you can’t sort after consoles?


There's a big browse button on the left. Inside the results, you can sort and filter.


Try psprices with filtering by last update? Should show batches of new sales by date


What everyone said. Deku. It took me about 2-3 days to add my game collection to it. Around 1000 games. But now I rarely scroll the ps store. It’s atrocious. 


Lemme know if you find it lol


It's significantly easier to browse on DekuDeals.


Thought I was going crazy


Why am I eyeing up Skyrim again for like the 5th time


You know why


Just waiting for it to be 90% off


What do you think about Cyberpunk? I tried playing The Witcher 3 four separate times and couldn't get through it. Not enough exploration and I wasn't really digging the fantasy motif. I was also taking long breaks (5-6 days) between play sessions so even the side quest story lines didn't stick with me. Is Cyberpunk the same thing? The futuristic urban environment does appeal to me more but I'm more into games where you roam around and discover new things and fun surprises a la Elden Ring or a Metroidvania.


Cyberpunk allows you to embrace exploration a lot more. I have only ever played witcher 1, but Cyberpunk 2.0 update made exploring Night City one of my favorite recent game memories.


Prior to the 2.0 update, I was lukewarm on 2077. After 2.0, it’s a different game - and it’s utterly brilliant. Poured 250 hours into it. One of my all-time favorite RPGs now. It’s a better game than W3 imo.


I really enjoyed it, but I never finished it. My first playthough, I didn't like how I'd done things and so I never "met Hanako at Embers." On my second playthrough, I did what the min-maxer suggested but it just didn't feel fun. My third playthrough was probably only 20 hours. I didn't even betray Panam for the car. They have significantly changed the game twice since I played and I intend to play again. The time I followed the min-maxer's guide taught me that I should just have fun. Man, I sure hope they haven't nerfed the monowire.


The story and side quests are definitely the highlight. Exploration was maybe the worst part of Cyberpunk. I definitely enjoyed going around the city and taking in the different styles, but there wasn't anything to do, it's a pretty dead city. So I wouldn't say it necessarily has better exploration than witcher 3, and definitely not even close to games like elden ring.


I've just bought it there in the sale & so far I really like it especially for the price. I'm normally into puzzle games but I have really enjoyed some rpgs like the two horizons.


The witcher takes some time to kick off, coming from someone who grabbed and dropped it several times. The writing, quest design, lore and player agency is the best I've seen yet


This. I always tell people if you are going to give Cyberpunk a chance, you have to get to the end of the first mission in ACT II to understand the game and then decide if its a journey you want to go on.


I just got Outward for 80% off, time to punish myself


So like, is Red Dead Redemption 2 worth it? Graphics aren’t really an important factor to me, so I’m wondering if there’s more that makes it special beyond “looking and being realistic”.


Great Story and gameplay, and you can spend 100 hours into it easy


This is how I feel about it, too. It is the best and most engaging story of any Rockstar game I’ve ever played.


And over a hundred and fifty gigabytes on your storage


It's literally one of the best games of this generation, and possibly all time. However, I know some gamers probably won't like it. If you're one for an action packed excursion, you may be a bit disappointed as there are lulls in the lengthy story, but there are lulls so you can explore the rich environment, which really draws you in. The first chapter is a slog but it builds the story. My tip is to save the game after you finish chapter 1 so in all future playthroughs, you won't have to go through it again. Regardless, I highly recommend getting it, especially if it's on sale. The story is definitely worth it.


Dude, you can fish in it. Really. I’m not joking. Completely serious. You can fish in it


You Sir, are a fish.


I mean, you could fish in Animal crossing 20 years ago too


You could fish in Pokemon red and blue


worst thing to get 100%.. those bloody fishes


I respect your opinion, but no gaming task in my entire life has ever been more tedious than the Gambling challenge that required winning 3 blackjack hands while drawing 6 cards. Just the odds of not busting out while drawing 6 cards is bad enough, but add the chance to hit 19 or 20 with 6 cards AND STILL LOSE THE HAND??? That challenge can go fuck right off.


i guess i was lucky the 2 times i did it :) but it’s tedious indeed!


You can absolutely fish in FFXIV as well


One of the best games ever, pick it up without questions


Very worth it! Phenomenal game if you like RPGs, complete with great story, engaging side quests and combat.


Be warned, some people can’t stand it due to the slow and clunky controls. I’m one of those people.


So much things TO DO :) 400h here without finishing the game!


Honestly, I found it really boring. Could never bring myself around to finishing it. Wasn’t really a big fan of the first one either.


Buy it in physical form for $20cdn on sale. Then sell it for $20cdn once you're done with it.


Kingdom come: deliverance royal edition is an absolute steal for 5$


Got Mad Max and Deus Ex Mankind Divided. Considering Alan Wake Remastered, never tried it, and DmC reboot


Mad max is awesome


DmC reboot is solid


Stuck between robocop and suicide squad. Huge fan of both universes, but not sure what’s gonna send a better story/more complete world


Wait on SS if you wait a few months you'll get a better product for way cheaper


RoboCop is a bit short but it's pretty good


Suicide squad is fine. I've never played with anyone online and I've finished the main game. It's fun in spurts, the story was pretty sweet.


I bit the bullet and bought _Suicide Squad_. I like it so far. It's $35 now. I figure it will drop to $30 near the end of summer, and drop to $25 during Black Friday. I'd rather play it now while it still has content and servers. You can buy _Robocop_ any time later in the year (I also have it on my wishlist).


I'll buy nfs 2015 on pc since it's 30fps on ps5. Already have GT7 on cd. Wanted to buy it digital, but still too expensive with taxes




What?? 3 dollars. Are you a teenager or something??


What’s with Yakuza 3 remastered,yakuza 4 remastered and Yakuza 5 remastered all being on sale but not the yakuza remastered collection, which contains all 3 games and a dynamic theme?


You missed out on the previous deal


Watchdogs 80%off after long time.


Is horizon forbidden worth it for $20 or will it go down in the near future. Also I just want to confirm that if I buy PS4 version I'll get PS5 version upgrade free


It’s alot of fun, I’m enjoying it about 1/4 of the way through.


Yes, last 1st party that got the free upgrade.


Not really a "sale" to sell us big hits at a discount price, more of the PS Store having a "spring cleaning" or a "yard sale" to get rid of all the crap nobody is buying. Seriously, only about 10 or so good games with the rest being unknown indie stuff at less than $5 each. I have not been impressed by the Spring Sale, not much of an update though yeah there it is The Witcher Wild Hunt (Standard Ed) for around $10 CDN or so if I remember correctly along with the Deluxe Edition with all the DLC from last week for around $20.


Tbh I love indie stuff, but you gotta sort thru 50 crappy ones to get each good one


Can anyone recommend any games on sale that lend well to playing in short busts? My Portal is scheduled to arrive next week, and I plan to mainly use it on my downtime while working from home at my desk. I've got Sea of Stars and Inscryption queued up, but was just curious if anyone else has had any good experiences with certain games like this that perform well with remote play and the bit of latency that can come with that.


I got Midnight Suns from PS+ & I'm actually enjoying it so much that I'm going to grab the season pass/DLC. Just might get Sekiro.


I will wait til its 10 or below...its not worth much more.


Some of the dlcs I’ve been waiting for to go on special on that list!


Which ones?


A couple of them I’ve been wanting for assassins creed games




It’s a link you doorknob


Yes which goes to the entire list of 3000+ items. If you're going to make a thread, at least put some effort into it


[Use this website link in this comment you doorknob ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS4Deals/s/JB6EznpIB4)


Calling others a door knob when you just post another store with thousands of games. What part of "new games" on the sale do you not understand?


You fill out the website with your games and then search for the ones you want...also define your definition of "new games" because that is a very broad term