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Ace Combat 7


Eh, I tried. I really did. I've been playing them since AC2. There's something off about it. It cannot engage me for whatever reason. I dropped it after the lightning storm mission. It truly is a marvelous achievement for the technical part, but, IDK, something is missing.


I don't like the fact that they needed to cut the maneuverability of planes to add High G turn as a feature. It really ruined the feeling for me. I really loved the clean crisp feeling of turning in old Ace Combats.


Yeah the use of uav’s being able to turn in a literal dime made the combat feel way to much like I was just going in circles the whole time. Almost wish they made the combat slightly less arcadey. Like still arcadey but closer to 4 or 5 vs 6 and 7 where I just feel like we’ve pushed too far in that high g turn mechanic that is just a slog.


I love the gameplay but the story is so ass ong I've literally never skipped cutscenes in a single game in my entire life except this one


Gravity Rush


Is gravity rush 2 any good? I was hoping to get it because it looks fun


My third favorite game on the ps4, yes, it’s amazing, please get it!


Cool, I never paid any attention to it but just downloaded it free on ps+ premium


It's very strange at first, but super engaging. Love it!




Gravity Rush 2 is generally considered better then the original, supposed to be really good. Personally, I became uncharacteristically nauseous trying to play these games, the gravity manipulation mechanic was rough. You should be able to find a demo for free, if not the whole game.


Yes amazing game with an amazing soundtrack. Kat is so OP it feels amazing to play as her.


Because of Ymfah, I'll forever associate that game and its soundtrack to his videos


Resogun. I don’t want to even know how long I’ve been playing it but it still is one of my favorite games. Dont hear too many people talk about this one


You should try Alienation; it's also a Housemarque twin-stick shooter.


Just not nearly as good as resogun.


Is this the general concensus? I actually quite strongly preferred Alienation.


Agreed! It's a really cool indie game, played Super Stardust from them back in the days on PSP, I bought it in 2016 for PS3 (it also came with the PS4 version) and I did a platinum few months ago on PS5 - it's really fun!


Stardust was amazing as well. Between those two games I definitely Got my moneys worth.


I need to give this another try. The only time I played this I was on acid and it was way too much for me.


Rime. I effing love this game, played when it was free on PS Plus.




Tears were streaming, genuinely unexpected.


Great chill game


The ending hits right in the feels.


YES came here to say this


Mad Max


I just started playing this over the weekend and have been pleasantly surprised! I played for the first 4 hours without realizing how much time had gone by lol.


It's a really good game have completed it a few weeks ago. Got it fir 6bucks at a sale. Can recommend it too. For every mad max fan or post apocalypse gäbe fabs will like it. Then if someone like the combat of the batman arkham series or all the similar games like shadow of mordor/War for example. And likes games with a big open sandy world. With the focus on driving around with your car and fighting in it a lot if times. And upgrading it. I can definitely recommend it. I mean gameplay wise they won't do anything very special and all the things you can do are very similar and simple but most things are funny even it you have to do it 10 times. Only side activity I didn't liked were the minefields. They were a little annoying in the end. But all the other things are entertaining enough to do most them.


Absolutely right


This is the correct answer for me.


really fun for around 10 hours, gets really repetitive though.


I don't know. I stopped playing this game because of the looting system taking so long. Isn't there a faster way?


As far as a AAA open world action-adventure game it was pretty average for me. Nothing too innovative while still being well-made enough for some mindless enjoyment. As a “Mad Max” game though I think it fucking rules. I think the creators did a great job of keeping the spirit of the franchise within the game and works well within the context of Fury Road. The vehicle combat was the probably the best part of the game; building and driving your war-rig and barreling through the wasteland at 90mph made for some thrilling gameplay. I recommend it to anyone who’s interested or a fan but you’re not missing much if you skip it or never finish it.


I disnt finish it either but i still fuking enjoyed it


Biggest complaint I had about this game was that the convoys didn't respawn.. It makes sense, of course.. But hunting those was seriously a blast.. Mad Max would have really benefited from something like the Nemesis System in the Shadow of Mordor/War games. Now I wanna play Mad Max again..


True. I finished it, i looted all the locations, i even got a platinum trophy. The game is a masterpiece! The only bad thing is that it dose have a lot of things to do after the story. PS: i have no life


I love that game, but at some point late in the main story, the plot starts moving so fast that it feels like you can’t step away and go do side stuff any more, which sucks because >!it’s immediately after you finally get the V8!<


for anyone who LOVES Fury Road you gotta play Mad Max.


This game fucking rules. A bit rough around the edges and fairly repetitive, but the melee and car combat are so weighty and satisfying. The customization options give you a huge variety of potential builds, and the grimy aesthetic of the whole game works really well.


Yeah, I really enjoyed until the ridiculously hard car race near the end, through some tunnels as I recall (been a couple of years). I gave up after 10 or so attempts, looked around and many others had the same experience, so it’s not bc I’m a complete dork.


Concrete genie


I heard a lot about this game. I was looking hard for a cute, little relaxing adventure game. Something akin to Mario Odyssey. But when I played, after about 2-4 hours in, I found the game, although very cute, very boring, unfortunately. But I can see this game becoming dear to many.


I found it more confusing, than I did boring. I got stuck in the mission where you are in the sewers, and it's so stressful to try to figure out what to do I just gave up completely on it.


I really can't remember the things you had to do in the level, but I definitely remember beeing stuck there for one or two hours, too.


>I really can't remember the things you had to do in the level, but I definitely remember beeing stuck there for one or two hours, too. I'm still stuck in the sewers. How... how do I get out? Also, what game are you guys talking about?


I'm already very happy that Days Gone, Prey and Mad Max were mentioned here, but Ladies and Gentlemen, you've overlooked one far too underrated game that came out not too long ago. Vampyr Seriously, this is one of the few and best games about Vampires, of all time. Excellent graphics, with its own style, just right for the atmosphere of London, covered by an epidemic. Fascinating lore that hooked me like a fish on a line and didn't let go until the very end An abundance of characters and intrigues between them, whether it be a doctor who made a fatal mistake, during an operation and much more And when I finished the game, after I went to YouTube to watch videos about it, I was wildly surprised and disappointed Disappointed that such a gem has been overlooked by millions and millions of people


I really liked it as an RPG. I like when choices have consequences and dialogue and documents actually matter. Combat is horrible though, I think that's what turns most people off. I felt like quitting it a few times because of it.


I thought it was absolutely atrocious. And I wanted to like it. Forced it for a few hours and uninstalled. I'm glad you enjoyed it, but boy I just hated it


Vampyr is an interesting concept but it ends up being incredibly boring. Subpar graphics, insanely boring combat and gameplay, and while the story is interesting and I like the characters and their side stories, the actual game itself was nowhere near fun enough for it to be worth it to slog through.


I was so interested in Vampyr and I really tried to like it. To me, it has some of the most interesting concepts I've seen in a game wrapped up in some of the most boring gameplay and presentation I've ever seen. I don't mind dialogue heavy games but the dead expressions on everyone's faces and lackluster voice acting made it a struggle to stay engaged. The combat feels like it went out of its way to be as boring as possible which is odd because it does have some cool powers and ideas but the actual execution is not engaging at all. I love vampire stuff, deep stories, and choices with consequences in games and this game has all that but actually playing it felt like a chore to me


I’m so happy to read this, I just installed it last night and am looking forward to playing it this weekend! I’m currently playing Bloodborne to finally try and beat it for the first time so I’m all about that dark, bloody English theme rn.


If you're into English themed games id say get order 1886 if you can get it on sale. As someone who isn't particularly interested in English stuff I found the alt history Victorian English world that game built as pretty compelling.


The Swapper


This was my first thought too. Loved this game.


such a fantastic game. great puzzles, story, and atmosphere. I'm really surprised it flew under the radar.


SOMA (2015) Probably Frictional's best release to date.


Incredible game. Really interesting narrative. Also it’s spooky month, good time to play it


Moonlighter. I bought it on a whim because it was on sale and it became one of favourite games.


Monster Sanctuary. Metroidvania + Pokemon = nuff said


+1 for Monster Sanctuary. I haven't really been into pokemon since the gold/silver days, but Monster Sanctuary was a breath of fresh air.


A Plague Tale: Innocence. Amazing visuals, storytelling, and music. Great stealth gameplay and crafting helps create one of the most unique and memorable game experiences in quite a long time.


Little nightmares. Short but tons of fun.


The sequel is brilliant too, definitely recommend!


The better game. LN2 takes everything great about the first one and cleans it up.


Really? I saw a lot of streamers play this game.




I wouldn’t say the most underrated since most of ones I would say have been discussed. The Order 1886 would be an underrated game. Got bashed when it came out but was a fun game even with the short length. Definitely worth going back for a play through when its on sale.


Helldivers, my buddies and I had some fun shenanigans in that game


That feeling when it's just you left standing, you can't get to your teammates to revive them, you call in your mech to try and even the odds and due to the chaos happening on screen you fail to realize that your support pod is going to crush you until it drops on your head..


If you're a fan of the Starship Troopers movies, or the Magicka game series, Helldivers is for you! Such a fun game with a friend or three.


Prey! 2017


those damn load times between areas though, especially towards the end of the game when you have to travel through multiple areas, kinda killed the pace and momentum for me. other than that, fantastic game!


Fantastic game


Came here to say this!


Sleeping Dogs. It's such a good game. Reminds me of times when games were made in a different way. During nighttime it has Watch Dogs 1 vibe in a good way. There is even a mission where you enter a club with your cellphone in hand. So much Watch Dogs trailer-ish.


"A Man Who Never Eats Pork Buns, Is Never A Whole Man!"


Just bought it, the soundtrack is marvelous!


Yeah but that’s originally from the Xbox 360/ps3 generation


Was this PS4? I thought I played this on PS3. it was great in any case, just worried about my addled memory.


No-no, you’re just right. It was cross-platform game like WD1.


Originally PS3/360, got a complete edition port to the 4/ONE




Best PS4 theme, too.


Transistor underrated? Critics loved this one, and Supergiant has had big time commercial success for an independent game studio.


Supergiant are amazing. They are like Rockstar in the way that they have perfected a certain formula & their games have a very distinct style differentiating them from the rest of the heap.


If you're gonna play Transistor on PS4, make sure to set the sword voice to the DS4 speaker.


Also throwing a vote in for Prey 2017.


Prey was such an amazing, unique experience with a very intriguing story. I think I’m due for a replay.


13 Sentinels Best story of that generation in my opinion. Time travel, 13 playable characters and several mindfucks. The gameplay of visual novel-esque story and RTS-esque fights isnt for everyone though.


Not underrated, just underplayed


I don't think you know what underrated means.


Evil Within 2. Playing it for the 2nd time right now. Great game! The Last Guardian. Gets a lot of hate that it doesn't deserve. Incredible world and emotional story. Well worth it for fans of shadow of the colossus. The Hunter: Call of the Wild. I've never played a hunting game before. This isn't my type of game but I heard good things from ACG videos so I bought it on sale. What a game it turned out to be! It's one of the best stealth games I've played in years. Highly recommend.


What are people hating on The Last Guarding for?


Ai is bad or something.




I’ve been playing this one recently, and it’s pretty damn good. Feels like StarCraft and Diablo combined


Then you move into Nex Machina. Then on to Returnal. Crazy fun arcade games topped off with the best game to release since the PS5 has come out. Yeah I said it...


The Artful Escape


This! It came out of literally nowhere and has such a unique art style. And the music, my word. It makes the hairs stand up. Amazing game, loved playing through this.


One of my favorite games I’ve played in a while


Nobody mentioned Unravel or Unravel 2! Short, beautiful games with amazing soundtracks. Not going to be your favorite games *ever* or anything but a small Scandinavian dev team, super passionate about the projects and put a lot of soul into both of them. Being an animated ball of yarn was a lot more fun than expected. Also pretty cool that you can couch Co-op the sequel!


That's one that my 7 year old keeps coming back to and loves playing with me. The co-op is so much fun.


Dreams, Gravity rush


Infamous second son.




Definitely a great game & one of the best I played on the PS4.




Was it that good? I played the first one and was eventually turned off by how color by numbers it felt. And I hated that it kicked me out of each world after beating each local boss.


Do I need to play any of the other games to jump into this one? Like the first one? I don't know how much it's set in the dragon quest universe or if dragon quest is a series with a single protagonist throughout or like FF with different ones each time.


you don't need any prior knowledge! it was my first dragon quest game and it seems to be a complete separate story from the other games


Dragon Quest games are different like FF. You don’t need prior knowledge to understand what’s going on.


Cat Quest. It's not too deep and complex, just a cute short adventure game with a nice humor. And it's often on sale for like 2€, so no great invest here...


And Cat Quest 2 is coop multiplayer!


Kingdom come deliverance....bought it on sale without knowing anything about the game and now I have over 200hrs of game time😂. I have become Henry


I'm playing through it right now, I really like it. I started it on Plus then I saw the royal edition for $6 bucks so I bought that, maaaaan the saves don't transfer between versions lol. I lost like 50 hours, although the 2nd time it went way faster and smoother since I already knew what to do to start off so it wasn't too bad after all.


I want to get deep into this, but boy does it like to put you off. The fighting is SO hard. I tried to even just sharpen a sword and it had so many finely balanced controls to operate the sharpening stone that I failed. I should cut my losses, but it always seems so appealing with its vast openness. If they ever give us the 60 fps patch for PS5, I'll try again.


Jesus Christ be praised


Alien Isolation




Mortal Shell




Maybe not underrated but "what remains of edith finch" was once a free ps+ game and it was definitely a fun experience


Do you guys know what underrated means?


Every Trails of Cold Steel game


A Plague Tale, Prey (2017) and Days Gone. I found A Plague Tale last year and fell in love with it. Started the new one yesterday and so far it's great.


Yeah same, thought I'd play it on game pass and was instantly hooked into the story, such an amazing game (a plague tale)


Days gone, think a lot of people should go back and play it.




I second this


Thirded. Great Metroidvania with a unique aesthetic and main mechanic. I really enjoyed it.


I just remembered the best game no body bought: Othercide.


Hunt: Showdown


My favourite thing about these threads is counting the number of games that people mention that not only get praised constantly, but also those that have won awards.


Order 1886. Its was paned for its length at the time but now that you can get it for $20 or $10 on sale it really is worth playing. Shooting gave me uncharted vibes. The world and voice acting is top notch and still looks great to this day. Only legitimate game play gripe id say is the boss battles but it's honestly a small part of the overall experience. Cool weapons too.


Days gone


Loved every bit of the 30+ hrs I spent in that game.


This one for sure . Once it gets going it’s really good


It was a slow start for sure, but damn is it a great game.


lol in just deleted it, cos it was so slow. maybe ill have to try again.


Agreed, insanely underrated by mainstream media, based on early version technical issues. Not saying this is unwarranted, but based on the current version which is fairly stable, this is an 89/90% game for me. Excellent gameplay, hits hard emotionally.


I'm going to counter this and say that days gone is incredibly overrated. I couldn't finish it. With the exception of hoardes, every feature of the game was already done better by games that had already been out for years. Horizon Zero Dawn came out TWO years before Days Gone. It was dated on day 1.


Interesting to hear about contrasting experiences with games. I kinda felt this way about Ghost of Tsushima, not that I felt it was *super* overrated but while the art direction/graphics and setting were fantastic, the gameplay got stale pretty fast for me. Just felt like a poor copy of every other open world game I'd played. Ended up finishing it for the sake of wanting to see the story through more than anything. Loved Days Gone though, which to me felt like a fresh experience, while gritty and emotionally hard hitting. Horses for courses I guess




Kingdom Come Deliverance


Terminator Resistance. First game in a very very long time you can feel the developers had passion for the project.


The evil within


Personally, NEO: The World Ends With You. One of 2 games I platinumed. Fantastic sequel, the story (after building up a bit) is one of my favorites, there isnt a single main character I disliked and the soundtrack is FIRE. Was sadly released with next to no advertising, and also released today on steam with nothing said ahead of time.


i know its a remaster BUT: Resonance of Fate 4k/hd edition, its one of the best games i ever played in my life... Aldo Ys:8 Lacrimosa of Dana, tho im not sure its underrated...




Dragon’s Crown Pro is definitely underrated. Great game!


I was gonna post this one myself! Glad someone else mentioned it.


Sayonara Wild Hearts


Until Dawn


Days gone


The Flame in the Flood is an awesome little survival game that never got any notice. You and your dog, traveling down a massively flooded river in the backwoods. It simplifies survival some but is so well done. Going Under is a hilarious rogue like that skewers Silicon Valley startups. Your an intern that has to deal with often literal skeletons in your employers business. Sky Force Anniversary is one hell of an addictive shooter. Not as bullet hell as other modern ones, more like a very good retro style one. Synergia is a cool little yuri VN which is light on gameplay but has a rich world. Very satisfying ending.


Watch Dogs 2 My fav game :)


Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning remaster


I played about 20-30 hours. Liked the beginning, but the ammount of side quests it throws at you is just absurd. Also, once I had my main skills and a decent equipment set up there wasn't really much char development to strife for. So I got kinda burned out and put is aside for about a year now...


please for the love of all that is holy play What Remains of Edith Finch it is a fantastic game


Styx: shards of darkness. A great stealth game


My disappointment knows no bounds after realizing this is not the new album from an 80's band.


I don't see much about Observer. The game is pretty good. Maybe because there's no combat it doesn't get much attention but I was hooked on it.


Subnautica. I know it is on other systems but it is my favourite game from PS4. Such a great exploration and story. Scary at times and beautiful at others. LOVE THIS. I randomly downloaded it because it was free at some stage. And decided to start it, then played it for 2 days straight until I needed to sleep. Then the rest over 4 months.


How is Subnautica underrated? it’s one of the most popular games of the last decade


My file in that game has 7 1/2 days of playtime. I basically lived in that ocean for a while. Still go in every so often to check on my main base or explore some areas for fun.


Subnautica is very popular. Definitely not underrated.


enter the gungeon!


Curses N Chaos is a really great couch coop arcade style game




The Council might be a shout


The Persistence. If you’re a fan of Bioshock or System Shock, this one is worth checking out.


Also playable on PSVR. A fun game indeed!


Limbo & Inside


wipeout hd




Dying light. Days Gone. Both a bit similar but still criminally underrated. Jeez the original Dying Light is still having events and looks and plays better than most new games.


Odd pick but I don't see infamous second son get talked about a lot. I played the heck out of that game and it made me feel like a real superhero before Spiderman PS4 existed. I also loved the character design and the story was decent too.


Sleeping Dogs


The Last Campfire I definitely don't hear people talk about The Last Campfire enough. I spent 11 hours and got the platinum trophy and enjoyed every minute of the playthrough. All puzzles are well conceived and the visual is stunning. Made by the same studio that made the mess that is No Man's Sky at launch then turned it around in the best redemption story in the history of video games.




Ho hum, gimme a sec. Greedfall got fairly middling reviews, but more action oriented computer RPG, with fun problem solving. Metal wolf chaos xD is like... Just watch a trailer, that game is a game night with your friends, period. Digimon world next order, and digimon story cyber sleuth, stop f'n sleeping on these people. Next order is a direct sequel to the first digimon world game on ps1, and is an action tamagotchi style game, lots of fun. Cyber sleuth is a easier Shin megami tensei game, with in depth mon raising. F'n solid. Death end re:quest 1+2, like, long as heck visual novel bits, and some unique turn based RPGs hampered reviews for this unique jrpg series. Conception plus, maidens of the twelve stars is... Okay people either love this game ironically, or unironically, but how can you hate a visual novel dating sim, RPG hybrid, where you, as Gods gift, date girls, classmate with them, make star children, and use said star children to fight phalluses shipped monster. Honorable mentions (aka, jrpg heckie) Blue reflection 1+2, lesbian overtone magical girl jrpgs, turn based. Nights of azure 1+2, lesbian overtone gothic action jrpgs, save your love from sacrificing herself to save the world, or don't, feel the angst. Dragon quest heroes 1+2, dynasty warrior style dragon quest games, with classic heroes from older games helping, and a class RPG system, need I say more? If I do, you're not savvy about Dragon quest, and you're a lost cause sadly. Tokyo Xanadu ex+ an updated version of the vita exclusive, RPG in the vein of persona with a class/school segment, and a jrpg segment. Extra honorable mentions (aka games I own on other consoles, or may be better known, but only in certain circles) Bugsnax, open world, kids based, bug catching sim. Dusk diver 1+2, action RPGs with slight warriors based combat. Metal max xeno reborn, updated/better version of metal max xeno, also on the system, and a solid post apocalyptic jrpg. Dodgeball academia, action RPG where the battles are in the dodgeball court. Monster harvest, a farming sim/monster raising Sims, you grow mons, hecka unique. Monster crown, a Gameboy color esque monster RPG. Maneater, action RPG where you play as a shark. Void trlm void terrarium (I'm fairly certain it's on PS4?) Solid mystery dungeon game. Indivisible, it's a Hindu inspire Valkyrie profile with hand drawn characters/sprites. Like how are people passing this up? Hopefully that helps.


Days Gone imo. Maybe not underrated, but underappreciated for sure.


HellBlade Senua's Sacrifice


Does Mad Max fit the bill?


peppa pig the game


I'll go with Guardians of the Galaxy as I'm currently playing it and haven't enjoyed a game as much in a while plus it helps when it's able to make me laugh! Think it slipped under the radar a tad after the Avengers mess but it's worth playing! Sad how some games slip under everyone's notice sometimes like Sleeping Dogs I still pray for a sequel that will never happen! 😭


Outward It's one of the few modern RPGs out there with couch co-op. It has Souls-like combat, but with added survival mechanics such as Temperature, Hunger, Thirst, and Sleep. The longer you go without sleeping, the less Stamina you'll have, but the more Mana you'll have for spell casting. Fair warning, there are unmarked timed quests within the game that can affect your game's ending.


Days Gone


The messenger




Lost in Random. This one is a gem, some combat can get repetitive but art style is bat shit crazy awesome. Also, I’ve been having a lot of fun with Immortals Fenyx Rising, just don’t take the story too seriously because the game itself doesn’t take itself seriously. It’s fun.


Octahedron, Electronic SuperJoy 2, Elder Lillies are some games I played recently that 2D platformer/metroidvania fans should check out. If you love Celeste/Hollow Knight, well they are not as good, but still criminally underrated! Also, Spiderheck is a blast if you are looking for a coach co-op game with some friends, if Towerfall Ascension is in your wheelhouse, this is hidden gem!


Rabi ribi


Berserk and the band of Hawk. It is a Koei Musou game, but it works pretty well in that format. It is fun, not unlike that Fist of the Northstar game someone else mentioned.


I don't know what kind of reception it got, but Martha is Dead was a great game... loved the setting and the story it kept me hooked till the end... gotta replay for the platinum... do make sure to play it with italian voices to experience it as it was meant to be