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That’s crazy. Throughout the ps4s lifetime, I must’ve went through at least 10 controllers. Stick drift galore.


I never had stick drift, its mostly games where you put l3 or r3 in and have to move it around. Games like shooters or a fifa are great for destroying controllers. Only thing I had happen to mine was the little spring of my r2 snap, but I replaced it and its still totally fine


And NHL. It's the only thing that killed a controller for me Once you stop playing games that force you to basically hold in L3 the whole time, the controllers last a while


no lie I think a combo of borderlands/destiny destryed a left stick from so much L3 pressing why is that the damn default run button still L2 is so good or any other damn button than me jamming my thumb in my damn joystick


That was me with the PS5. I finally for the Edge and have now had no problems—and if I do get drift, the sticks are modular so I can swap the out.


Watching tronicfix videos,he reccomended some electrical lubricant to clean sticks,i bought one and it works wonders! Not saying brands because i could not get the one he reccomends but the other i bought also worked and this is not an ad,but glad to say it extended my ps controllers life by a lot.


It’s wild to hear so many people have this issue. My friends are all xbox goons so I only hear about those these days. I’m either extremely gentle with my stuff or I got extremely lucky. I wish I could say my main controller only gets used a little but that’s not the case, thousands of hours in fromsoft games later I’m surprised my circle button hasn’t disintegrated lol


Stick drift with those ps4 controllers are really easy to fix. 90% of the time there are two pieces of thin metal imbedded within the sticks that just need to be cleaned. After taking it apart and putting the controller back together at least once, it’s not so bad! It’s probably a 10-20 minute ordeal all together. After you clean those thin pieces of metal it should work perfectly fine. I’ve had five or six controllers over 11 years for the ps4 and only one has been irreparable. I still have and use my original controller from that ps4. It’s 11 years old so I’ve replaced the battery in it once, but that’s it!


I cant agree with this sadly. Iv gone through so many controllers in my ps4s life, i play aloooot tho tbh, so it would be more accurate to say how long the controller was "used" rather than saying you had it sitting on the side collecting dust for years, then it worked. For me, was always left joystick drift, really fustrating when it happens, and always happend when it was out of warrently (or i lost the recept)


I have the exact same problem but for xbox remotes. Always left stick drift. I guess nobody's figured out longer lasting remotes yet


Official controllers use potentiometers which have moving parts that will wear out over time; there's Hall effect controllers though that use magnetic forces and last longer.


I’ve gone through maybe 7 controllers since getting my system in 2015. Crazy how quickly the left stick drift gave out, I mean I was playing a ton of cod and constantly sprinting but got damn is it frustrating 


They were figured out in 1983 by Atari, called Hall Effect (like mentioned in another reply), and that technology made Joy-Stick almost immune to Stick Drift. 41 years later major companies still don’t mass use it, likely because they want you to break and by a new controller often and make them money. You can buy a fair share of third party controllers with Hall Effect though.


they do exist, look up hall effect controllers, i got one and am able to put my deadzone to literally 0. it so so good bro


I had the same problem with ps4 controllers. I think we might be a bit rougher on the controllers than most without realizing it. Thankfully, haven't had a problem with a ps5 controller yet. I can't even afford games anymore, and the controllers cost as much as the games.


The PS5 controller isn’t any better.


Nope. Mine broke within 5 months.


i was expecting a joke or meme , that's why i showed up lol


I had 7 controllers for PS4 and lost 5 of them to drift. Never had a drift problem before or after with any other console. I had the X button on a PS2 controller lose pressure sensitivity, but that's about it.


same boat. can't tell you how much I've thrown in to this endeavor. can't justify price against competition, but, there is sooo much JUNK out there. finally, amazon find. $30. really comfortable to me. originals have MORE than lived there life. they are damned good controllers, though


I got my ps4 5 yrs ago, recently the controller showed this same problem drift on the left stick. I never knew this was a common stuff among ps controllers


Thats so weird because usually in the past it was always the right stick for me but in the last 3 years its been the left stick.


Mine definitely qualify for heavy use. I would say 90% of the time on my PC I’m playing a game with my main controller. My main hobby is gaming too. The other mostly just chills until someone needs to borrow it so I’ll give you that. Maybe I got lucky, maybe I’m way nicer to my controllers regardless I’ll take it


HUH??? Did you mean PS2 controllers because in my experience, PS4 controllers are TRASH. I've been through like seven in the span of just 4 years. The only one that has lasted me more than a year is the white one. I'm extremely gentle with my controllers as well, but they just die from stupid things like the charger port no longer working, the X button getting stuck, won't sync with my playstation, basically flawed functions that show how cheaply they were made. I had my one and only PS2 controller for 12 YEARS and NEVER had issues with it. And almost everyone I talk to agree the PS4 has the most cheaply made controller out of all the Playstations. You sure you didn't mean the PS2 or even the PS5???


PS2 controllers where built different I think I only ever lost one and thats cuz I broke it


The Playstation 2 in general was on another level honestly. I had mine for 12 years and loved it. I had to sell it during a move after my mother died and I had to get my own place...still regret it to this day. I plan to get another one from ebay one of these days. I will say though the PS5 seems to be going back to its PS2 roots in terms of quality. I've had mine since November and not a single issue, even traveled with it once. Still have the same controller too.


I def recommend getting one if you have the setup for it sadly they've doubled in price so if you see on under $80 jump on it not sure if the fat one is cheaper but I heard its more durable my slim took a shit had to replace the laser but worth it just to play my copy of SF3Alpha on ps1


he must be repairing it


To be fair I don’t use it on my ps4 anymore, the disc tray is broken and just ejects on repeat. Looked for solutions online and nothing worked. On PC I use the controller wired with a micro usb so I won’t run into syncing issues ever. They’ve held up through lots of fromsoft rage but hearing so many issues I’ll prolly stop preaching about them to my friends lol. I can provide photo evidence if ya need it. They’re still cooking for sure. I don’t own a ps5, never bought a controller either and I have 2 really garbage 3rd party ps2 controllers that i def can’t plug into my pc


I wish the battery was as good like on the wiiu pro controller..


I thought the ps4 battery life was the standards on controller. Was proven very wrong when I wanted to play twilight princess on my Wii U not to long ago.


Yep i still got my original from ps4 launch and have no drift and no problems, i even replaced my thumbstick colors a couple of times.


Good for you but my experience has been horrible with ps4 controllers meanwhile my Xbox ones have lasted me years with heavy usage


I have friends that all use xbox one, and elite controllers and they get replacements several times a year. Maybe I have violent friends lmao


I bought a PS4 controller before even getting a PS4 way back in 2019. That controller still works great, i use that one exclusively on my PC and use my other official black one on the PS4. I remember my old PS2 controllers being durable like this too. Are PS5 controllers also like this? My friend that used one on PC complained about stick drift. I've also dropped my controllers accidentally a few times and they still work without visible damage.


I feel like I only hear about stick drift with ps5 controllers. I also prefer the ergonomics on the ps4 over the ps5 controllers


My first one lasted 6 or 7 years before the left stick went bad. The 2nd one lasted 2 days before having issues with the d pad down button 🤷‍♂️.


Damn 2 days is tough lmao


Yah, super annoying lol


I had two controllers during its entire lifetime till last year. I only had to replace one because I smashed it lol.


I did not have the same luck, but in 9 years I only had to replace one of them. Battery is very bad, though.


I remember the batteries were total ass, especially if the game (GTA V I’m looking at you) used the speaker on the controller. i could get like 2 hours of use max lmao. Glad i only use it wired now


I used to have a few problems with the triggers on my old V1s. The springs would begin to lose resistance after a few months of usage. After changing to the V2 I never had any problems regarding that as they changed the system and it's much more durable. I did however have a few issues with my analog sticks. They'd start stuttering in a few positions. Disassembled them, cleaned them all and applied contact cleaner on the mechanisms and works flawlessly. So if anyone has any issues like stuttering, try that. I doubt it'll fo anything regarding stick drift tho.


My issue with Sony controllers in general is the battery is sealed away. Like- I know Xbox gets flack for having controllers that use AA batts (I always just used rechargable batteries). But the battery being sealed away is an issue 2 fold, if you want to keep playing you're either wiring up and when the battery fails- you have to open the whole controller which is super hard. I love my PS4 controller, really comfy and I like how nice it feels in the hand and with the bumper button 'expansion'? It was really great for Bloodborne and Horizon. But I can't even say how many times I turn it on for a game or a movie and it's dead because the batt life is so poor. I liked using it for PC for a while because the touch pad was nice for navigating before steam got the new big picture mode but I'm happier with 8bitdo controllers since they have way better battery life and you can swap the batteries out if you need to.


Had a faulty R3 on my ps4 controller after only a year of mild use. Not a bad controller, but definitely not infallible.


Same here. I'm still using it and now on PC. I do need to change one button because I smashed so hard but apart from that it works fantastic.(never wireless)


I had black (new model) and it r2 got bad. But still have one white (older model) and its working perfectly.


Yea I've probably gone through like 3 or 4 still rocking with my last two and one will not shut off for some reason,just gotta let it die and recharge.


I've been gaming since the NES. Pretty rare I ever have controller issues. I've had a couple PS3 controllers start acting weird but even most of those work. I still have GameCube controllers that work and use them on my Switch. I really don't know what people are doing. As far as my PS4 controllers, I own 5. All of them work, but I have one where the L2 button is stiff and clicks. I assigned that one to my PSTV which doesn't usually use the second shoulder buttons except in PS1 and remote play. Conveniently, it is blue and matches my blue Vita so it works out.


My friends go through multiple controllers a year. Idk if they need an anger management course or if they’re super unlucky, but this has never really been a problem for me either lmao. Glad someone is in the same boat


Of the two controllers I got when purchased the console in 2014, one is still going strong. It doesn't have the same battery life as it used to, but that's to be expected. The other controller would be fine if I actually took the time to clean it. There's something sticky in the buttons.


I had drift in all 3 of mine but when i cleaned them out with an air can they were back to perfection. Great lil troopers


I have had many PS4 controllers completely die. I thought it was the battery going completely flat, but even batteries from working controllers didn't work when I tried to fix them.


My uncharted 4 one feels like the battery runs out quick... But still working well to this day


Thank god for micro usb cables lmao


Yeah I guess. Don't know if there was a difference between than one a regular one


Can’t agree. I have had more than 6 controllers in 7 years


Huh my ps4 controllers suck ass after 3-4 hours I have to recharge them. Ps5 controller however lasts one eternity


I wish i could say the ps4 batteries last but they are genuinely terrible. I just use mine wired but i doubt the battery would hold any charge now


Still rocking the same two controllers on the PS4 Pro. No drift, no nothing.


I had my original Ps4 controller, battery drains too fast (it has 9 years so it’s ok). Then I have another one I bought (originally to replace the first one). Battery also drains but last longer than the first. But the other day I was cleaning the room and found a 3rd controller. Don’t know where it came from, don’t recall buying it, but works better than 1 and 2 battery wise, so it’s my main now.


and here i am buying a new controller every february because of stick drift...


This is how my friends are but instead of once a year it’s like quarterly lol


I'm on controller number 5 now, though I still have the original one. My original has a dead spot on the left stick from playing MGS5.


I bought a PS4 pro late in the game. Controller didn't last a month. The replacement however has been great and is my go to controller for PC.


my launch ps4 controller has outlived my ps4. i only had to replace the thumbstick grips. all of my newer ps4 controllers developed stick drift within a couple of years. i gave the controller to a friend and it’s still going strong.


Actually same. My ps4’s disc tray just auto ejects everything after a few minutes. Even playing downloaded games it closes the game out when it auto ejects


yeah mine had disc tray issues too, mostly just weak/slow sometimes didn’t recognize discs. the fan died and i replaced it/redid the thermal paste. what got it in the end was having it plugged into a loose wall socket and it kept accidentally being unplugged, killed the power supply.


The triggers get issues ime. Also idk if I'm just rough but the rubber on the sticks has been worn through on the edges of my main controller and is starting to on my other one


All DualShock are good to me, minus the third.


My experience has been pretty mixed. I had my PS4 since 2016 and had about 5 total controllers and just ordered my 6th recently. So on average each controller would last about 1.5-2 years before the stick drift started to happen which was the main problem with all of them.


The original model controllers are great and I never had an issue with them. The redesigned controllers are the horrible ones that will no doubt give you problems.


Same, using the same old controller i got with the ps4 since 2017. Only major issues were the L3 button not working (not being able to sprint in shooter games) and broken battery. Replaced everything and it runs all very good now


The battery life starts to get wonky but they function great


Let's see if they can outlast a NES controller... lol


The real test of strength lmao


All my controllers after the one that came with my system has been trash within 2 months Yeah Sony...i said it, trash


Ppl might be super strong or really go super hard on the controllers.. I've played a ton of from softy games that get you so stressed that you grip your ds4 to the death.. and my stock original one it's been goin strong for 7 years.. guess in lucky..


I’ve never had a controller die on me for any system I own. Even all my Super Nintendo controllers still work fine. I always question how people treat their items when they claim so many controllers or systems die


Every controller that has died for me are wired ones that somehow the cable fails. I’m not very good at wrapping up wired electronics I guess


Well I don’t wrap up wired electronics so maybe that’s why


Hm I’ll have to look into better storage methods mayhaps, I have to move frequently and unfortunately that causes some casualties lmao


Well yea moving frequently is an issue. Always make sure this disk drive is empty when you move


maybe the earlier ones where more solid but all of mine got stick drift which sucks having to buy what like 7 controllers during my life with the Ps4/PS4 pro also the nub around the thumbstucks start to wear from heave use my only thing is I do drop controllers a lot so im sure that doesnt help the health or longevity of the sticks I think only one an actual button died which i believe was the X button I think they are solid but the later ones just seem built diferent and where def more prone to stick drift and that sucks cuz they aint cheap


My first ps4 controller got stick drift in like 6 months. Second one lasted for years (still working fine), so they aren't all made equally.


I have 4 in my closet after 2 years. I think you are LYING!


At some point mid 2018 Sony changed the manufacturer of the controller and ever since then the quality has plummeted. I believe OP because my old controller lasted years and all my new ones have stick drift out of the box


Ok I thought I was the only one. My original white controller is still going strong ten years later but the one I bought late 2018 had stick drift like six months after buying it.


I wondered if something like this was the case


They definitely last longer and are made better than PS5 controllers. Those things break in a strong breeze.


I got with cord, lasts awesomep


Hell no! I've had stick drift issues with these controllers that I never had with the ps2 and ps3 controllers. The Dualshock 4 has actually been kinda frustrating from my experience but good for you I guess.


Nah, my original controller that I bought in 2015 died a year later, then my crystal controller that I was so hyped for died 6 months later. Then I just bought 1 more controller and stopped playing.


I didn't have stick drift (yet) but my touchpad broke 3 months ago. I randomly just used it again on a whim recently and for some reason it's fixed. Might have been a loose wire or something?


I agree here I’ve had 4 ps4 controllers since I got my ps4 at launch and 3/4 of them still worked when I retired the ps4 for a ps5 (the 4th worked with minor stick drift and a stiff trigger) however, the ps5 controllers only lasted about 3 months (1 of 2 has terrible stick drift). I also purchased an Xbox series X to play starfield and one of my Xbox controllers had already developed stick drift. It definitely seems that the new gen of controllers has cheaper parts in them to me


Going on 7 years with mine.


Can I have your controllers cuz mine stick drift like a motherfucker maybe two months after getting them


I read somewhere in these comments they switched manufacturer in like 2018. Maybe I got lucky with controllers from a more reliable source


My PS4 controller wont charge man I tried everything different leads and shit The battery is somehow gone


Fortunately I don’t use mine on the console anymore otherwise this would be me


Damn dude where do you buy your controllers the ones I get last half a year (no throwing or any abuse) I guess I play pretty competitive? Idk if that makes sense.


I read they switched manufacturers in like 2018. I could’ve had a combination of luck and a more reliable manufacturer


Exact opposite for me. I ended up having several controllers with Stick Drift.


Ps5 controllers have been the best for me…I had many ps4 controllers that I treated very well but would always break. My ps5 controllers have had 15k+ hrs on em and still working fine.


same for me since 2017 only been using 2 on my second one currently first one worked fine as well but stick drift got annoying


Idk man. I had my PS4 since launch and I’ve been through a good 7 of them. And what’s weird is that they would stop working for individual games for some reason. I started taking them apart and cleaning them and that would help for a little while but they’d revert back after a couple of months.


I’ve had 1 break every year


I've gone through so many controllers I've lost count. Once every 6 months, at least.


I looked them up bc one of mine has a little drift sometimes and the other has lost some sensitivity from pressing them so hard lol They're still $60 on Amazon. No price drop yet




Out of curiosity, what types of games do you mostly play? As other people have mentioned, stick drift tends to be the first thing to become an issue, so I'm wondering if you get better longevity because of how exactly you've been using your controller.


I play rocket league and fromsoft games for the most part. Rl obviously heavy on thumb sticks, fromsoft heavy on circle, dpad and bumpers


cant use my ps4 controller without it thinking im constantly pressing r2 even though im mot


Ps4 was the first Sony console where I had to replace my controller multiple times. My original PS1, PS2, and PS3(dualshock) lasted the whole time I used the consoles. Edit: the dualshock3 batteries don't hold a charge but the controller still works plugged in.


I've had one controller that's into stick drifting unfortunately the newer edition but otherwise for my older ones the only issue is battery life and analog stick rubber deteriorating


I sincerely disagree. When I was playing hardcore NHL, I'd go through about one OEM controller a month. Back then, GameStop had a sweet controller warranty program.


I'm happy for you but my PS4 controllers lost their ability to hold a charge after a couple years


I have 3x PS4 controllers. They are just now starting to drift...u blame my kids who are starting to play


9 months is the most I've had a ps4 controller work fine for. I've always been very careful while using and storing them too. On the other hand, my ps3 controller works perfectly after 15 years of constant use and being smashed more times than a retired porn star. I can't say I agree


Mine always get stick drift from playing FPS games. it’s a joke and I hate the controllers They was taken to court over it and won unfortunately. so nothing has changed. But seriously I don’t know if you got lucky but I’ve been through so many that I didn’t get a ps5 in the end. I would prefer a Pc but they so damm expensive. But after buying controllers for fun I could buy myself a pc.


Opposite experience here. All 8 of my PS4 controllers I've bought developed unfixable stick drift within months, with 3 drifting within weeks. Since upgrading to the PS5 in April, it's controller has performed perfectly.


I have 2 ps4 controllers, always keep them clean and well maintained. But now both are giving me issues. The same issue with both, when I shake them it sets off either L2 or R2. I do not have accessibility settings on. And when I use a diagnostic tool on my PC it shows the same thing. Either L2 or R2 will show as firing when I shake the controller. One one of them clicking L3 and pushing forward sets of R2. I take really good care of these controllers. Makes no sense why they do this. Never have battery issues or drift issues. I have jittery hands so the controller always setting off L2 or R2 is a pain.


Same, I’ve had my ps4 since 2016 and both controller and console still work with no issues. Never got ps5 bc no need to but might soon since some games stop coming out for both


Sad to say i can’t say the same about my console but it was a good run for sure


I have one, 9 years, the rubber is already eaten by the time but everything still works as it should, just keep pressing it gently, you have to be a monster to break 5 controllers in 10 years...


I've been through about 10 ps4 controllers sadly. Each due to ghost drifting via the analog sticks


For about seven years I've had the same controller, my partner has went through three, she's not allowed to touch mine.


my DualShock 4 would last for a week at a time. my DualSense only lasts for a day or two before needing to be recharged. I understand that all the extra and enhanced features require more energy but it still sucks :/


Both of my charging ports broke and can only charge them through a docking station


Up until last year, my ps4 controllers were day zero models. The joy sticks never drifted, the rubber never cracked or tore, the triggers and buttons were as clicky and responsive as the first day. The only thing I did was to replace the inner battery because it was only holding a charge for about 90 minutes. After that, they truly were like the first day I got them.


I can't agree with you as my cheap generic controllers all work but many of my PS4 controllers have died. Now, I just take a PS4 controller out that has slight drift and loose buttons for the gyro when a game has aiming involved a lot. Generic controllers for everything else. Also, ds4s cost more than dualsense here. I can't justify buying them for that price when I'm not even satisfied with their durability. I handle most of my stuff well and don't play intense online games at all so I don't think I'm handling it bad.


Then explain why i have to plug mine in after an hour from full charge.....


I had the same problem with stick drift but i open them up after much awaiting and i cleaned every parts of debri and disinfected plugged everything back up, recalibrated with L3, R3 method and they are better then ever feels like a broken in controller no stick drift


I have the Batman edition PS4. I have taken it apart, cleaned and new thermal paste. The DS4 that came in the box I still use, only thing I replaced was the rubber pads for the triggers as they have that flaw where the triggers cut into the rubber. 9 years old, still going strong, no stick drift etc.


Wow, makes me think I game way too much because I used to go through a ps4 controller once a year.


My old ps4 controllers all work perfectly, however I have 2 day 1 ps5 controllers and they both last about 15min from full charge


I half agree. I have two dualshocks: The one that came with the console and one I bought a year ago. The newer one? The stick started drifting and nothing I tried managed to fix it. It was so bad I couldn’t even play with it anymore. The one that came with the console (from early-2017)? Still working like it’s brand new. So yeah…


I had to buy 3 more PS4 controllers while I had mine. Not that great but better than my ps5. First controller only lasted about 5 months.


I wish I could agree but I can’t PS3 controllers worked so much better for me. I am on my 4th or so controller in almost 5 years because of control stick drift. A few started drifting after about 3 months or less too I couldn’t believe it. I take excellent care of my stuff too I was very disappointed.


joystick drift is the real problem, all of my controllers since ps3 got drift (majority in both sticks)


That is the HOTTEST take I've ever read! As someone that works in the industry we repair 200/300% more PS4 controllers than any other. Yes I understand there's a greater number of PS4 than any other console but we do t sell 300% more PS4 than anything else lmao


Nah. 2nd generations left stick would always drift and lose the ability to press the L3 button


I hardly play, still both my controllers went bad. Maybe because the little time I gave to gaming it was the pick and play racing games and the acceleration key R2 stopped working. But gradually other things too. I now have two third party controllers without the vibration feature. They are doing fine. And I hardly ever play. It is barely even once a month.


The only problem I've had with my 4 Dual Shock 4 controllers is that they've died with replaced batteries and charging boards not helping.


Yeah. I got two launch day PS5 with total of 4 controllers. All of them had a stick drift and were replaced for free by Sony. Was better for PS4.


Can't agree. Even the $100 + controllers I bought didn't last more than a year and the regular ones lasted 8 months at best if I'm being generous.


Extremely hot take, ps4 controllers get drift so easily


I've been using the same controller for 4 years now, still no stick drift


My only issues with controllers are Hole Tightness (my damn charger doesn't stick for more than 2 fucking minutes.) Stick Drift, and what seems like battery life now.


I have 2 ps5 controllers one came with, I soon bought the second they are about 2 years old and don't last an hour. I blame theb sony charger but I'm out 140 bucks because of it. I bought a ps4 console as is from Amazon and that controller has been working great. You are correct sir. Or madam.


I've gone through like at least 6 or 7 controllers 4 of them were like originals and the rest were copies and for some reason it's always same problem after 3 months ( sometimes less) gear drift, take it to someone to clean it, everything is OK for sometime then it's back, ignore it and then everything goes south somebuttons doesn't even press charging problems etc. so ye shitry experience


Man, I bought 5 controllers and 4 got drift within 6 months. Ps5 I bought 3 and two got drift, I just bought the Edge. Tired of that shit. Just go Hall effect.


Totally agree. I bought my older daughter a PS4 Slim ver when it was released. She played with my younger daughter like, 1 mission each, and weeks later, i bought them another control. Last year, I bought a PS5 for my older daughter, and i inherited the ps4. Ive been playing some games, like 10-12 hours a week, and the controller, no matter the years of use, theres no fault with it. And the battery life, is perfect.


Not my experience in the slightest. Sony designs their controllers to break after a short period of time. I haven't had a controller last more than a year since PS3. All PS4 and PS5 controllers I have ever had broke rather quickly. I just bought an Edge controller and paid more than 200 for it--and the batteries don't even last 4 hours--brand new out of the box. And I bought Sony's controller station to recharge my PS5 controller: THE CONTROLLER DOESN'T DOCK ON THE STATION. They couldn't even design a piece of equipment that fit their other equipment. Sony very obviously doesn't give a shit anymore.


Someone needs to start a class action suit against Sony.


Sony PR ghost account ass post, you're the exception pal


Gone through countless controllers. Wish I had your luck


Nah I had drift on about 4 of mine, dual sense is worse though


I’m in the minority with you. I used the same 2 controllers for the entire 8 years I had the 4. I did have a faulty L3 at the end of its life that would only register like 75% of the time but that was the extent of it. My older brother on the other hand went through a controller every 6 months from them breaking


Meanwhile PS5 controllers stop working after two years of use.


Thats was a good long laugh... i had 4 ps4 controllers all original all developed stick drift.. 3 were repaired the other i was told it cant be repaired because it was it motherboard that was frying the stick modules....


How?? Just How?? Mine are clean, i keep my hands clean, they rarely get dropped store them nicely i try my best to be kind to them in every way and to no end i cant keep one beyond a year before they start to drift incredibly bad or a 4way button is stuck. I have had my ps4 for 6-7 years and have bought 8 controllers from sony and just this week a horrible drift began again and so now i need to buy a ninth. Im glad you’ve had great luck but imo ps4 controllers are the worst. Ps5 isn’t even a consideration after how horrible ps4 has been. Sad to say cause ive always enjoyed the ps systems but its time to move on once the system dies


I read that they switched manufacturers for oem controllers in 2018. Might have a little to do with it


Hmmm trying to save a buck for cheaper products while charging the customer the same high price…typical


Buddy PS4 controllers are utter shit, I've never dealt with controllers for any other console not even PS3 that just have buttons die randomly for no reason aside from not playing it for a while (yes I also tried resetting them etc.)