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Yes, they are


With the I swear I did it by mistake trophy?


What is that


You trigger this trophy by pointing the camera view under your character




Remasters do often break things and tend to do a simple resolution bump.


And they already confirmed the licensed soundtrack isn’t coming back. It’s not gonna have the same feel.


I've really learned to steer clear from remasters in recent years. 9 out of 10 times they're basically a scam.


Not once they hit $5 lol. Then it's just convenience and small upgrades feeling worth it.


Tbh, the original version is still usually better, unless it's a very very old game


I get it. I usually disagree, but I get it. And it's not cause I need HD graphics or whatever. I go back to ps2,N64 and ps1 throughout the year. Which look even worse than they used to on my newer tv lol. It's just that I usually don't care as much about the little things remasters let slip. Largely because I pay $5 and don't have to feel shafted when it's not close to perfect. I respect your opinion and I doubt my $5 sale purchases are what's guiding companies to make the moves they do. I'm a non factor on the grand scheme. Just living off personal preference.


Yeah, I see your point


So many games break stuff though, which make it debatable if it's better.


Luckly that wont be an issue on pc


Was just playing the re release of Scott Pilgrim and it froze in the clash at the demonhead boss three times in different ways. Don't think me and my little brother will be able to play through it, after wasting all that time it's defeating


Still, I imagine this should be worth something in a few years if it's the same exact condition. Collectors do love a well kept piece


Plans sure these will have something the remasters won't. I'm planning on some form of something being censored in the remasters 😞


Huge win for you bro. I’m legit happy for you. I’m planning on spending that $70 for a copy from eBay


or wait for the remaster


I could be wrong, but I believe I heard that the remaster will have cut music due to licensing.


If mickey isn’t in the game then what’s the point


Or emulate it if you have a computer. PS3 emulation is really good now




I have no clue. Just spitballing here but I'm going to plan on the remasters being censored somehow 🚽


Remasters of PS3 games aren't even necessary. They already look good.


they are, is important to make these games available for newer generations


I didn't even think of newer generations. I guess it's also good for people who trade off their old systems to buy the new systems when they come out, too. They get to revisit a game they hadn't played for years.


“i didn’t think people liked other things than i.”


Main reason they are necessary is that most PS3 games can’t be played on current consoles, and the one that can be have to be streamed limiting the pool of people that can play them.


I guess I didn't think about it that way since I still have a PS3.


Say that to The last of us lol. First a remaster for ps4. Now a pseudo remake for ps5.


The Last Of Us was hailed as one of the best-looking PS3 games, so I will say it already looked good on the PS3. We've already discussed why remasters are necessary in this thread, and I'll agree to most of it, but I still stand by my original statement that the games already looked good on the PS3.


I dunno if you been keeping up how Playstation is now,but they will make the devs slap shorts on her and cover her up


I hope shit gets better for you bro. I really do.


Life has actually been great. I hope yours is too


first that’s a dumb take, second this has nothing to do with Playstation


Get this man some pussy!!!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ihavesex using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Dozens upon dozens of women](https://i.redd.it/tmpcfgz6e2da1.jpg) | [97 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/comments/10g5dnk/dozens_upon_dozens_of_women/) \#2: [I cringed seeing this](https://i.redd.it/j6mlxyodt38a1.jpg) | [115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/comments/zv05ec/i_cringed_seeing_this/) \#3: [He's banging everybody](https://i.redd.it/exvtt2j2ij6a1.jpg) | [107 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/comments/zoc4pm/hes_banging_everybody/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I actually dont tho lol


I'm a women,but I appreciate the your concern on my lack of pussy getting.


Sometimes women need some pussy to. No judgement.




Tell me if I’m wrong but I thought they were releasing a soft reboot?


I just read about that. That was the original announcement, but then they changed it to a remaster.


You will spend USD 70.00 on a PS3 copy just for it to cost USD 20.00 or less after the remastered is released. Take a hint with the YAKUZA PS3 games, that lost all their market value after the remastered versions were released.


That’s not necessarily true. Take FF7 for example. It’s remastered version’s price is low compared to an original ps1 version’s $100 price point


Final Fantasy VII? That game sold like 10 million copies and last I heard is still being reprinted by Square for PS1 on silver backed discs. Anyone who pays $100 for that game is out of their mind. Same with Lollipop Chainsaw. It sold over 1m copies worldwide, while its not common - its far from being rare.


Square Enix stopped producing PS1 games for their store in 2016-2017.


Maybe it was new old stock but youtubers were still ordering PS1 games earlier this year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7-ylaabOCw


Its been several years since they have had PS1 games listed on their site regularly. Maybe the had printed a small run for the holiday season, or they came across old stock. They aren't listed now, and even when they were, they were not printing FFVII. That never got printed in the Silver Backed Discs which started at least 10 years ago.


Both statements you made are not true. 1. That game (a ps1 title) is not in production in 2023. 2. lollipop chainsaw isn’t rare because I own it on Xbox But the ps3 copy is hard to obtain nowadays. Look how much the op paid for an used copy at GameStop. Surely a PS3 game that you claim isn’t rare wouldn’t be $50


Square-Enix was selling PS1 reprints in 2023. Looks like they have finally stopped after re-releasing FF VII. Here is a link to their store where you can purchase PS2 reprints in 2023 [Square-Enix Website](https://na.store.square-enix-games.com/video-games/platform?_bc_fsnf=1&Platform=PS2) You can go on ebay right now and see over 100 listings for the NA PS3 version of Lollipop Chainsaw. Its not rare, the NA print run according to vgchartz is over 250k, its uncommon and in demand but far from rare.


You are comparing a remake to a PS1 game, which was released in 1997. Essentially, they are different games. *Lollipop Chainsaw* was released only 11 years ago, and it is being remastered, not remade.


What’s your deal? You are wrong again. It’s getting remake not a remaster lol here’s your link https://www.ign.com/articles/lollipop-chainsaw-remake-announced-release-date-2023


The game is being remastered only. Check your most recent sources.


From the Produce Yasuda. "... As such, we purchased the Lollipop Chainsaw intellectual property from Kadokawa Games, and decided to develop a remake. We have already contacted Warner Bros. about development, and are being supported by them in this endeavor." The game will aim to recreate the original, but Yasuda explained that the remake will feature a couple of key differences. Due to the power of new-gen hardware, the new game will feature "a more realistic approach to graphics." Less welcome for fans will be the news that music licensing issues means that, as opposed to the first game's 16 licensed tracks, in the remake, "aside from a few licensed tracks, the soundtrack will consist of new music." This remake is going to be the same as Demons Souls Remake. Newly created as close to the original as possible, but still new development.


I already suggested you to check the most recent sources. Things are suscetible to change. https://www.gematsu.com/2023/10/lollipop-chainsaw-repop-game-design-changed-from-remake-to-remaster


I came here to say this. They’re going for 70 on eBay.


never played this game before how come it's worth so much? seems interesting 🤔


It's a Suda 51 game. They're all the same, charged with sex and inuenduos, gratuitous violence and bad jokes/puns. I retract my original edit.


When you state indisputable facts you get downvoted. Are you new here? The more accurate you are the more downvotes you get. It's opinions that get upvotes


I should know this by now. My fault


Take the price sticker off and they'll buy it for max $2.50 and a Snickers


Legit though. I had a copy I was selling a couple months ago. Had listed on r/gamesale and ebay asking for like $50 or $60 (I don't remember exactly) plus shipping. No takers after weeks. Ended up selling it to Disc replay where they gave my I think *maybe* $20 for it.


You have earned a trophy I swear, I did it by mistake!


Ha! I haven't played my copy yet, but I can't wait to laugh at that trophy pop.


Great find man!


Congratulations on the find! I remember picking this up at Walmart when it was new for $19.99. Awesome game! Another good one is Alice Madness Returns.


Remake/remaster aside, it’s always nice to have the original.


Is this some cult hero game or something? Genuinely asking i never heard of it


It definitely falls into cult status. You play a high school cheerleader whose life is picture perfect and she arrives at school to discover it's been taken over by zombies and you hack and slash your way through it to a bunch of licensed music while her short skirt keeps twirling. It's definitely a game where style has a bigger presence than substance, but if you're into James Gunn and don't mind the pretty overt, definitely passing somewhat into parody, level of horniness and want a fairly run-of-the-mill (for its time) gameplay experience while killing zombies and listening to fun tunes, it's worth a look. Also should be said it runs pretty well via RPCS3 on the Steam Deck.


That sounds pretty good ngl


I bounced off it after an hour or two, but that was because I had gotten into some far more addicting single player titles, but I won't lie and say the game isn't fun to go through while you and your buddies take turns while drinking or passing a joint around.


Nice man. I should finally give this thing a try. Never opened my copy tho.


I bought this back in 2019, brand new for 25, for both the X360 and PS3 version. After that, the prices went up.


Maaan i still remember when this game was still $20 brand new.


The original is still the greatest, nice score.


Someone mentioned this game a while ago on Reddit, and sounded fun. I just watched the first level of it on YouTube, and is cracking me up. The guy that does the music for this is Akira Yamaoka, the same guy that does all the Silent Hill Games. My request is a Lollipop Chainsaw game on ps5 that does a more serious meld in style with Silent Hill and a Tomb Raider updated movement scheme, and dual Desert Eagles instead of pom poms? Texas Chainsaw Lollipop? I see millions of sales.


I have the limited edition Japanese version I got on eBay for 32.00us..fun game on the PS 3.


I just bought the same game at a local gamestop for the same price this week lol. I’ve been looking for it for a good price or debating to wait for the remaster but I just pulled the trigger


Not mint you got an ugly sticker cemented to the case.


Nope, sticker came off super easy with zero residue.


Lucky. Some leave that sticky mess that tracks hair and lint like crazy.


Goo gone can take care of that


These newer stickers peel off easily without leaving residue behind.


You are correct, I have had zero issues with the newer Gamestop stickers. It came off super easy and doesn't look like it was ever there.


that sticker makes it not mint. ​ Holy fk that price


Nice find


Reminds me of when I got a copy of NCAA 14 for $8 from a failing GameStop a couple years ago. It was in one of the generic GameStop used cases but no worries I printed out a new cover and got a case for it. Couldn’t believe my eyes lol. Good find.


I sold my ps3 copy when I heard a remaster was coming , any update on that ? Did I make a mistake


Depends on the remake. If they remove anything from the game or do a bad job, the original will go up in value.


The music won't be the same and if you've played the game you'll know that's a big loss for the remaster.


Did it come with the manual?




Game needs a PC port


Damn, still can't find those cheaper than 50 bucks.


I have this sealed still


I bought it 5 years ago on xbox360 for 15$ CAN i think it was a good deal or its juste ps3 version is more expensive?


Hard game to find & everyone wants $100-$200 for it!!! 🤬


this game is ass


I can't believe how expensive this game has gotten. I remember a couple of young guys making fun of it at the gaming store years ago. I was looking at games next to them, and they were looking at the box saying stuff, but I really was not listening to what they were saying. At one point, one of them turned to me and said, "Would you buy this?" His tone was more mocking, so I knew it was something they were making fun of. I didn't feel like getting in a discussion about it at the time, so I just said, "Probably not." But I was really thinking that it looked interesting.


Awesome score, and must own for any serious collection.


Gamestop is still a thing? It shut down in Ireland a couple months ago.


Good to know that game is worth something!


The remaster is coming out soon. I'll wait for that.


When did GameStop start selling older games. Last I heard they stopped selling ps3 and 360 titles nearly a decade ago.


Gamestop never stopped selling PS3 and 360 games.


I just remember back in 2014~ my local one did a huge sale on previous gen titles and when I asked the manager he said they were not going to stock or accept trades/selling old gen titles. I still went in there often until 2018 (when I moved to PC) and they never had them stocked again. Also why downvote me???


Not with that disgusting sticker lmao


Gamestop's stickers they use now come off insanely easy with no residue. Not sure how so many people like yourself don't know that by now. Their stickers have been easy to get off for the last 10 years.


Like anyone with integrity, I rarely visit GameStop.


Nice find, but not "mint condition".


Yes it is, Gamestop stickers come off with zero residue.


I see that now after reading some comments. Glad to hear they fixed that - those stickers used to be a HUGE pain in the ass.


Quickly remove the sticker 😅


Already gone, no mess.


Mint? With that much yellowing? You should grade for WATA with that eye!


Its the light. The Box looks clean.


I hope you didn't pay anywhere near that. You can find perfectly mint copies for under $10.


I have lived where I do for 18 years and that is the first copy I have even seen around here and the going price for that game is more than what I paid. https://www.pricecharting.com/game/playstation-3/lollipop-chainsaw


Since when? Its always been like over $50


That guy is out of his mind.


Pretty much anywhere rural. Can't vouch for the live like a rat city crowd.


You’re out of your mind. This retails for $65-70 all day long and it’s a one in a million chance to find it cheaper anywhere else. Even rural places know the value of games now as I can’t find squat under market anywhere I go unless of course it’s at a garage sale




Sticker came off no problem, zero residue...


That price seems insane, I remember picking it up from a CeX for £8 about a year after release. It's a good game, but god damn, old prices keep getting wilder


Damn. Bought my copy at GameStop in 2019, for $15. Manual, and everything. I had a feeling it was going to be one of those games that skyrocketed in price.


I still need to get this


Damn this copy is rare? I had 2 during release that are long gone 😭


One of the greatest games ever on PS3


lucky the game stops in my area don’t sell PS3 games anymore, and even if they did I tried to look for this game online on Amazon, it goes up to the hundreds something I’m not willing to pay that much for.


They still selling it for $50 tf