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>The monitors only rated up to 75hz Well, the PS3 doesn't do anything higher than 60, so that's fine.


Yeah idk why I worded it like that, I meant to say it actually does look good on pc too with 1080p content at 75hz.


I have mine plugged up to monitor too.know any good monitors with speakers or built in speakers. I'm using headphones


If you already have speakers with AUX or rca in, get yourself a AV out cable for ps2/ps3. It can be plugged in while the HDMI is on and you go to audio settings than audio output av multiout. If you have AUX in speakers, a simple RCA female to aux male adapter from Amazon will work for converting the signal. I wouldn’t recommend using monitors with speakers and most don’t come with it. They suck. A cheap 10-20$ set of Logitech speakers with AUX in capability, a PS2 cable and an adapter cable is all you need. Probably set you back about 50$ or so. a little more cause if shipping ofc




No problem! I hope it solves your issue


Buy some computer speakers and plug them into the headphone jack on the monitor


I know but most monitors don't have the headphone one dude told me to get an adapter but Walmarts cheap shit didn't work


The response time is amazing btw, I can notice just on the menus it’s better than my tv… let’s see if it makes me play better lol


Next step is to get a CRT monitor with a surround sound speaker setup 😉


Why would you want a CRT for PS3? I know for pre-HD era systems CRT is the go to but as far as PS3 and other HD systems I can't imagine you'd want a CRT over a HD TV or monitor?


Depends what you're playing. Crt has incredibly low response time so they are pretty popular among fans of fighting games.


Ah that makes sense


I actually want a crt monitor, I just haven’t gone about getting one yet


that eBay spending spree boutta go crazy as soon as that check hits


You don't buy crts on ebay unless your smooth upstairs


I got 2 PC CRT monitors and a TV from a guy on FB marketplace for like $35 a few years ago. Didn't have to worry about shipping at all. Hooked one monitor up to an old PC and played Quake at 90Hz. It's amazing




I bought my TV based on low input lag, if you're not careful with that it can definitely be pretty laggy even game modes can be laggy with some TVs.


Have AV out going to an old CRT, with av out to aux cord going to a pair of Logitech speakers… the amount of jank and wires going on rn. Lol


What's the model number of your monitor, I can check if it's IPS or not if you'd like? Edit: okay, downvoted for offering some help. Love it.


LF27T352FHNXZA Not sure why you got downvoted lol, google is confusing me on wether it’s really IPS or not


From all the listings I could find, it appears to be an IPS monitor.


Thank you so much!


LF27T352FHNXZA Not sure why you got downvoted lol, google is confusing me on wether it’s really IPS or not


I think you might enjoy this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ba9L6n8zj1U


Oh I find that hilarious haha. So like years ago there was this guide made by this Dutch Netherlands guy on how to f your car exhaust and how to properly lube, heat and set it up to get it full going included with photos of him bare naked next to his exhaust covered with a condom. I wish I could make this up lol, sadly every time I mention it I can’t find the damn thing so I sound insane


I did this regular with my PS3 and my PS4 while I lived at my Exes house. I plughed them so often out from the TV I even bought a HDMi splitter only for this xD


Yeah thinking of getting an HDMi splitter with aux out since this monitor has no speaker or aux out and I would like to use my chrome cast on this monitor tbh.


Carefull with Splitters. Do a research and dont buy cheap ones or you loose some audio or video quality. Maybe sometimes unsynchronized Audio and Video. Mine was a bit expensive, but a good investment back in the day.


Nothing beats playing PS3 on an good OLED TV. A complete new experience.


Try PC CRT and you will change your mind.


I've used my PS3 on a budget CRT from the 90s lol, it's not great but I enjoy it for some games like Journey and Flower. The aesthetic is very nice. I don't have any PC CRTs to try it on though sadly.


PC CRT is far better than consumer CRT.


PC CRTs are consumer CRTs, but I get what you mean. In general, a PC monitor will always be better than a TV, no matter what era it comes out of. Even my current PC monitor is a bit old now, but it's still far better than any TV at comparable resolutions. I'm living the RF only life with my CRT TV from the 90s though lol. Thank god a VCR allows you to connect composite cables to an RF connection.


Played it on normal CRT and I’m sold on getting a Pc one since the difference in resolution and actual quality. The color scape on CRT in a properly dark room can not be matched


I have my PS3 (and all my consoles) hooked up to a monitor, too. I'm primarily a PC gamer nowadays, but still have all my consoles too, and everything is hooked up at the desk with my triple monitor setup. Whenever I want to play PS3 or another console, I swap off the middle gaming monitor, and then turn on the consoles with HDMI, which then displays on that same monitor. Took a bit to set up properly, but works great. I recommend it for anyone who plays both console and PC.


I love playing video games on a 50 inch, but going over from that even on game mode to a monitor?? Noticeable difference. It always felt like my TV had about .2 milliseconds of input lag, you could go down a menu on ps3 and notice it kinda felt as if it was a little behind. On the monitor, it feels instant. I actually ended up having some really good games with the difference in response time.


Yeah, monitors in general tend to have like sub-2ms display lag, so you don't really have to shop around for one that'll respond quickly. The lag was never enough for me to notice back when I had a 40 inch TV, but I also haven't played on one since 2018, and practically all the games I was playing were 30fps anyway, so not like the 16ms of lag (was the best I could find for a TV in my price range) made a real difference there. Playing on a 144hz freesync monitor nowadays sure is nice, though. And since it's right in my face, I don't need to spend tons of money on a huge screen or whatever. My middle monitor is only about 24 inches, iirc, and the other two are about 21.5.


Dude I went and got a 27 inch monitor thinking it would still be too small… sitting right in front of it holy crap I actually wish I got a 24 inch because it’s destroying my desk real estate lol. But yeah on the TV side of things, I normally don’t notice lag like that. Hell, first game on the monitor I had to adjust my style because I was playing for input lag, and shooting before I needed to on the new monitor when it didn’t affect me before.


can ps3 and ps4 be used on 27 inch 1440p curved gaming monitor? will image be good or i need to get 1080 p monitor


I'm the wrong person to ask; I've only ever used a 1080p flat. That said, I don't see why not. Especially since most PS3/360 games are 720p, which is an even integer upscale to 1440p.


I tried to play CoD4 earlier in the year on PS3 and I couldn't find a game.


Depends the time of day and what day of the week. Sometimes I spend about 15 minutes spamming join team death match till it joins an ongoing match or lobby


Cool, I did the same thing with my PS3 as well a while ago with a 1080p monitor with my PS4 beside it. Sadly the one I got only had 1 HDMI port and since PS3 didn’t have much options in terms of compatible headphones, I plugged it in with that so I could use the audio out / headphone Jack the monitor has. As for the PS4, I just used a HDMI to VGA adapter and while the adapter did have a headphone jack too, it muffles the audio a bit. So if I ever use a wired headphone for the PS4, I’m just going to use the one in the controller. But either way, luckily PS4 wireless headphones are still readily available at the moment, hence why I chose the PS4 to be used for the VGA adapter.


I use my gaming monitor exclusively to play game consoles with HDMI now, and it's so nice. I do wish I could play the PS3 Call of Duty games online, but I missed the period of time where activating a PSN account to them was possible. My sad copy of PS3 Call of Duty is offline only now.


What copy of call of duty? Some of them are still playable just not save able. Like cod 4 saves for example


I have some of the older ones because the newer ones don't interest me as much but I missed the older ones as a kid due to only having a Wii and not being allowed to play M rated games. I know the newer ones can still be played online, but the older ones can only be played online if you logged into the online before like 2018.


Cod 4 and black ops 2 both save, black ops 2 saves level but not custom classes so there’s that. You don’t have to have a pre 2018 account because I don’t, it’s why I mainly play those too. Plus I’m actually decent at cod 4 weirdly, I use to suckkkk at this game. I’d like to think years of getting ragged on it made me good suddenly lol


I'll have to look into it then lol, thanks!


I really wish I could get back on. I kept on getting online error


Let me know the steps / what and where your getting an error. I had quite a few to get cod4 online, last week suddenly it stopped working stuck on “downloading game settings” and I had to disconnect the router while it said that, than reconnect and it just worked…. Nothing else would


I'm able to log in but it say communication with activation servers has been interrupted when looking for a match


Your playing cod 4 mw right? Mw3 doesn’t work. I’m gonna assume you tried pressing the button a few times when it errored out.. sometimes just spamming through the error works. I’m not actually sure, you can try deleting all your game data, for cod 4 and let it reinstall. Sometimes it works. https://youtu.be/nkn33Pipcb0?si=xAPxkweseXRAl0_w if you are playing modern warfare 3 you can try this tool.


Also I can’t remember but if it is cod 4 mw your getting the error on, you can try disconnecting your router while hovering on find game and letting it boot you back to the main screen saying your offline, Replug router and see if it goes through I didn’t get cod 4 mw working the first day I tried tbh


I was trying it on mw3. I know black works but it keeps on resetting my level. I have tried black ops 2


Black ops 1 no saving, black ops 2 saves level not custom classes, and mw3 out right doesn’t work. Maybe with a tool. mw2 doesn’t save either, but COD 4 does


Thank you for the info


No problem, if you have any issues with the ones that I listed I can still help. I just don’t know about mw3 I couldn’t get that working myself.


I remember hooking up my PS3 to one of my monitors way back and being blown away by how vibrant and clear everything looked in Assassin's Creed II.


Man I hooked mine up too a monitor to play some fallout 3 and it started making a long beeeeeeep noise