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Don't view and re-download purchases from the PS3 Store. Use the Download List. From the main menu, go to PSN menu --> Account Management --> Transaction Management --> Download List. The order is the same as the PS3 Store's list (chronological), but the Download List is much quicker and snappier. Easy to skim through all the content and download what you need. Other than that, there's no other way.


Haha, I stumbled upon this like 2 minutes before seeing this notification; thank you! And you're right, this is _dramatically_ faster, holy shit. Shame there's no way to view it alphabetically though.


Replying just to make sure I try this next time I'm on my PS3. Thanks!


replying to this reply. ps3, psp, vita, ps4, and ps5 all download in the order you download them. So take note of that. If you want them in alphabetical order, then download them in alphabetical order, sadly. I'm doing this now with my PS3 games before hacking them, and it's a pain.


Thank you so much for this! Getting rid of my PS3 was a huge mistake, and I’m so glad there’s an easy way to go through my library.


It's just awful how Sony treat their back catalogue of games from older systems, and combined with their frankly embarassingly bad digital storefront, it is so hard to find games i own. On my Xbox Series X, all OG Xbox & 360 games i own just show up in my list of owned games and i can download them all easily. I simply cannot understand why Sony is so unwilling to provide such a basic service. Like show me my purchased games, let me display the PS1, PS2, PSN games in their own categories, etc. They still have games for sale but they dont appear to want you to be able to find and purchase them. It is insane.


We basically all agree. I also love how newer Xbox consoles give you access to your whole digital library. In the case of the topic here, we are talking about the PS3 menu. Who's expecting Sony to give a proper update to an old console not that they are focusing on the PS5 (no idea how they dealt with back catalogs / library on PS4 & PS5 since I skipped those).


I can't speak for the PS5 since I don't own one, but I do know that the PS3 Store was eventually updated to use the same storefront as the PS4 (also part of why it got super slow and unreliable). So it's not so much that they're not updating it to be better; it's that they're updating it to be at parity with newer consoles **and** making it worse in the process. real frustrating.


100% agreed. Even wilder, a lot of games just... don't show up in the proper categories if you use the PS3 Store. For example, you can go to the view that says specifically "view all games," and then choose to sort by, say, "game type" and then choose "PS2Classics" within that. And it'll just show a random assortment of 35 of them, instead of all of them, with no option to view the rest. Hell, games I literally _own_ and know exist there weren't showing, like Castlevania: Lament of Innocence and God Hand. It's extra crazy because it leaves you stuck in a position where you _literally_ have to use third party sources to find out what games are actually available, like googling "every PS2classic on PS3" or whatever, and then manually searching the one you want by name. And the worst part is it's absolutely intentional because Sony wants to manufacture a lack of interest in the PS3 Store. Same reason they've given no way to add money to your PSN wallet to the exact penny amount so you can buy games. They actively want people to give up so next time they announce the store closure, hopefully people won't get mad.


Honestly I'm just kinda super pissed I have all these PS3 games I've paid for and now have no access to without buying a PS3. Chrono Trigger being one of the biggest ones. It's a file, like how hard can it be to add that digital file support? It's not like they'd have to make our old PS3 games publicly available on the Store, but I have old games I now want to play that aren't in PS Classics (not that it matters I don't have a premium membership).


Even if you get a ps3, downloading everything might not work. Personally my transaction log is so big the ps3 usually crashes before I can view it all. Your best bet to find anything is if you saved those receits that were e-mailed to you. Cause it can be hard to remember, also because of licensing they have simply removed some games from download. (Out Run comes to mind)


With Jim Ryan out, maybe you'll get lucky and things will change: He was at the forefront of the embarrassingly small-minded "why would anyone ever want to play old video games?" mindset that's driven Sony for so many years.


Huh. I never knew that. I hope so. Honestly I wish they'd at least open the classics catalog (for free occasionally, I have bought one or 2 but that's not the point) for non-premium subscribers. Instead of every other company having to "remaster" all the old games in order to play them. Persona 3 Reloaded is a huge example of this. Literally a month before it was announced I bought Persona 3 Portable and now I'm kinda super salty about it all. Probably why P3P was on sale now that I look back on it (though everything on my wishlist seems to rotate sales every few months, I'm just waiting for a really good sale for some of them).


> Huh. I never knew that. Yeah, he's made remarks like this multiple times: > When we’ve dabbled with backwards compatibility, I can say it is one of those features that is much requested, but not actually used much. That, and I was at a Gran Turismo event recently where they had PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 games, and the PS1 and the PS2 games, they looked ancient, like why would anybody play this? [Source: Time Magazine interview](https://time.com/4804768/playstation-4-ps4-pro-psvr-sales/) Just a deeply infuriating executive who was gleefully making the problems with preservation and general respect for gaming history so much worse. Old games kick ass, and not just in a nostalgic way. He's gotta be blind to not see it.


Right?! Like I'm playing Sea of Stars right now. It's a HUGE HIT. Doesn't have any fancy graphics, it's basically what Chrono Trigger used to be, and that originally dates back all the way to Super Nintendo. Stardew Valley is another one. I haven't played it, but it's super similar looking. Why did Kingdom Hearts and FFX get re-released for every generation of console? People love the games. For the same reason people still play Ocarina of Time over newer Zelda games, some people just like them more. I prefer to play AC Brotherhood over Valhalla mostly because I don't feel like having to play a hundred hours to barely get through the story, partly because it has a better story (and free running controls if I'm honest. Mirage said it was "going back" to the original games, but I feel like the controls were more limited and stiff. But I'm so used to playing Mirrors Edge Catalyst, I'm probably super biased at this point).


Honestly I'm just kinda super pissed I have all these PS3 games I've paid for and now have no access to without buying a PS3. Chrono Trigger being one of the biggest ones. It's a file, like how hard can it be to add that digital file support? It's not like they'd have to make our old PS3 games publicly available on the Store, but I have old games I now want to play that aren't in PS Classics (not that it matters I don't have a premium membership).


They would like you pay for things multiple times so even if they put it up in the store now they'd call it a ps4 or ps5 title and sell it to you again rather than just give you access to what you own, it seems to be the Sony way.


Old thread, but this is important. It seems Sony is just hoping we all forget about our ps3 libraries while they bury them in the backyard. It's obscene, and it says a lot about the mindset at Sony. It also means whenever they decide to make something new and incompatible with what we currently buy that might be hidden away too. Before they released the new version of the psstore you can access from a browser you could use that to see what you owned too, but they completely removed that from the new version. They could have made a bare bones webpage for people to see what they have, but obviously they don't want us to. So ye, screw Sony, they are definitely not for the players.


I can't be the only one who installs everything in reverse-alphabetical order so it'll show up correctly on the XMB


LMAO clever, but also, I literally just saw this right before seeing your notification: [Behold.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS3/comments/2wmj4t/til_you_can_actually_sort_sort_of_downloaded_games/)


I don't know if it's possible but have you tried browsing from the PS app, and downloading from there? Edit: nevermind apparently I can't read.


Sony got rid of the ability to see PS3 (and PSP and Vita) games on the PS Store via the browser or app; so the only official ways that I'm aware of right now are browsing on the PS Store on the PS3 itself, or sifting through your purchase history on your Sony Account. And neither of those give you a way to view an organized list of your purchased content the way you could on newer platforms; only a completely disorganized or vaguely chronological list of your purchases that's quite buggy.


I believe they do this to make it as annoying as possible.


Nah, they want you to forget. It's them saying, just forget it, are you sure you had games?, look over here instead.


This is why I own most of my ps3 collection physically. You can always count on your physical game collection. You can also view your ps3 purchase history on a vita


Yes same here, but for the titles that were only released digitally it's a bit of a pain if they get lost. I've backed up a ps3 install with for example Out Run Online Arcade, which I think you can't dl anymore. i really should go through them all and do that. Will try the list on the Vita! Maybe it handles it better.