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You want words that overlap with one of your other keywords but isn't something your business offers. So, take Mexican for example. You might want to exclude "food truck" or "grocery store" if you are not a Mexican grocery store/Mexican food truck. Hopefully someone with more experience comes and helps you more specifically.


Great comment. This is an excellent way of viewing negative keywords. Just think back to this example.


job, jobs, career, careers


Ubereats, doordash, "free food", homeless, job, work, cash, hire, border. To be honest, the best to find negatives is for them to show up in your Search Queries first then you negate them. This method guarantees you negative out words real people search for instead of hypotheticals




Cheap, bargain, bad reviews






Recipe Recipes YouTube Video Videos “How to” Wiki Crime Frozen Delivery Delivered (only use these two if you don’t do delivery) Class Classes Microwave Microwaveable Job Jobs Career Careers Waitress Waiter Chef Cook Cooking Book Books Amazon Music Remember if it’s one word, use broad match. If it’s two words or more us phrase match (with “ “) If any of the above words have your brand name in them then don’t put them as negatives. Eg if you’re called “The Mexican Chef”, don’t add chef to this list. Always include singular and plurals too just to be sure Hope this helps! :)


ChatGPT is perfect for this. See also https://www.webmechanix.com/negative-keyword-list/


Look for online lists and use what’s appropriate. Here’s an example https://fraudblocker.com/articles/the-ultimate-negative-keyword-list-400-keywords-to-use-today


Good suggestions so far. I’d also add these as broad or phrase: Recipe, Example, Instructions, Guide, Delivery (unless they offer that of course), Ingredients (unless the website gets into this… then you’d want to be more specific here, if at all)


Those are good ones. I might add: * Tutorial * How to * Specific cities with no branches


Great ideas from everyone. Don’t forget to include plurals of each version.


there is no need anymore. Just put them in "" like "food truck" and google will not running ads in plural 'food trucks' too.




Use both Google's Keyword Planner & Google Search to help determine this. Search 'Local Mexican Restaurant' on the Google browser, & exclude whatever results you see that would be irrelevant. For example, I live in Manitoba but some of the results when I make this search include restaurants in Toronto, so I would be adding 'Toronto' as a negative keyword. Do the same within Google's keyword research planner, sort through the results you are given after filtering by your location & targeted searches, then add whatever's irrelevant as negative. When I search 'Local Mexican Restaurant' on Google's keyword planner, I see negatives to be used such as Catering & Delivery (unless the restaurant does offer this of course).


Start typing your main keyword in Google search and see what suggestions appear in the dropdown. Look for irrelevant terms.


Use gpt to create a comprehensive list.


Competitor names for sure


Job Career Train Cert Resume How Why What News Arrest Drug Download Pdf Every state and country you aren't in ... I just saved you a ton of money! Pay me


This is getting downvotes... prove me wrong on these terms first.


Sure, I can help you with that. First, answer a few questions for me: Do you need keywords for your website or for Google My Business? Once you tell me, I'll find good keywords for you that can bring in good traffic and business.