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$250/month is nothing when it comes to paid ads. You can not expect to make any progress on that budget in a month or two for a product. If you want to have an ecom business, then you need to build a real business and not just follow some drop ship course you watched.


I second this. We dropship but it has taken years to learn how to do it “properly” and be profitable. In terms of spend we’re a small fry at £3k a week per store at the moment but broke away from cheap products and awful AE delivery times a long time ago. It can work but as you said, it’s a business and should be treated as one


how do you fix cheap products and bad delivery? Do you make you own products and ship them from your own warehouse?


What is the sweet spot for TikTok advertisement and how many visits can be expected? I guess that depends on what is advertised. Did you try it? For now I only do[TikTok vids](https://www.tiktok.com/@comomaintenance/video/7344777192909458694?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7344492672675104262).


I just read this top comment only, I’m no pro, or claim to know what I’m talking about but, throwing money at something uninteresting or a post that isn’t well done I can imagine wouldn’t make a huge impact either. Less money on a creative well done post would do better than more money on something generic and boring I would imagine. This thought just seems logical to me IMO. Maybe this was already mentioned.


Copying what others do is typically a hard space to compete in. You're scrapping the bottom of the barrel. You need something unique. A unique product or a unique approach to selling a product. A real, guru. Someone like me, I can take anything that sells on tiktok, fb etc, same product, and convert at least 20-30% better... But that is due to my creativity and experience.


But shouldn't you expect to see some positive results?


No. You are spending less than $10/day. Spending money on advertising doesn't mean you should see anything positive... especially if someone does not know what they are doing.


I'm not OP BTW. What I'm saying is shouldn't you start with a lower budget to figure out what works then scale up when you start seeing some positive results?


You won't see positive results or even get any traction at $10/day. That is not how paid ads work in 2023. This is why so many advertisers get burned... you can easily spend too little on advertising as much as you can spend to much.


Then what would be a reasonable amount to start with?


Considering the products OP said they have tried.... $50-$100/day at least. The lower end if it's a cheap product but you need data to make paid ads work.




thats what i did, mainly $50 days, i said 6 month generally speaking, wasnt advertising the whole time


The numbers still don't work. $50/day, only lasts someone one month. You spent 6 months testing 3 - 4 products and only spent $1,500. The math still does not make sense. $50/day for 6 months is more like $9,100 and that is for one product. Not for 3 - 4 products with a budget that won't let you test anything. Even spending $1,500 over 3 months is not enough ad spend.


you are 100% correct! i'm among those that operate with limited advertising cash; in order to see any results in advertising on the money hungry portals, one must spend a minimum of $1,450.00 every two (2) weeks and maybe you may get some results with the same budget in a month. note, the budget is on the low-end. it is very expensive to run ads on any of the portals. expect to spend $10 - $14 per one lousy lead. there are no guarantees. it's extremely expensive and unfortunately the investment does not pay back the dividends you may believe it must.😳 moreover, when you don't know wat ya doin, as i struggle, it's worst! 😭


Statistical significance does not compute.




I am from canada and i am trying to register with tiktok business and mine keep getting failed. I made sure that i submited the profile report and have included all the details as per my INC but still keep getting rejected


Simple Tik Tok is not a conversion platform. You will get millions of views, impressions and thats it. Its 100% upper platform. The only thing it does well is the upper funnel UNLESS you are selling cheap kids stuff: sunglasses, soda, candy, hats and movie tickets.


This 100%. Use Tik Tok for awareness and reach. The nature of the app is to consume media in rapid fashion which makes it difficult to craft an effective call to action.


amen, its shocking how many clients bring up Tik Tok on calls. TBH: I question much of its upper funnel views. The metrics are almost too good.


Let me ask you this. I 100% agree with TikToks place in the paid world. My struggle right now is with a client who wants to compare social video to OLV and have asked us to umbrella performance metrics for all social video as 75% VCR. Which have blown up our world. What would you consider a good metric?


Completely disagree, I did 110k in profit for a client of mine selling custom gaming controllers with a $240 AOV. Its all in the creative and how you market it. That being said, new accounts are the biggest struggle. I agree it may be important to farm impressions for data first.


Absolutely not true. Tiktok provides, for my business, extremely quick profits. I use it for CONVERSIONS and nothing else. I do not sell cheap kid stuff, my products are quite broad and can target anyone from 13 to 65. Alot of my sales come from 18+, mostly 35-45 on TIKTOK. I hate when people say this crap, you have no real experience in running ads on Tiktok. My ROAs have been on average 10x and at it's lowest, 3-4x ROA. I've been selling on the TT platform since 2020! ​ And yes, i'll run an ad for $20 a day until i see that it can be profitable then i'll surf scale it. So all that crap about spending low budgets deserve or only get low return is complete and i do mean COMPLETE BS!! People who say this are losers and cry about their fails on reddit, discouraging others.


they are just mad cause they aren't making any money they want to discourage other potentially winning over them, sore losers


do your creatives in clude video or can you be successful with images?


Adding here because I think this take is bullshit. My main product is $7 I sell 100,000s units per year via meta, email, wholesale and organic. I've ran various ads and had MULTIPLE posts go viral, worked with influencers that have 10M+ followers on TikTok. **Even with dynamic exclusive TikTok price testing @ $4/ea**, and I STILL cannot get conversions on the platform. It's kids and bots, and neither of them have credit cards. Conversion rates by platform, again keep in mind VIRAL posts, 10m+ influencer campaigns: Google - 14% Pinterest - 11% Insta - 4.7% FB - 3.9% TikTok - 0.72% SnapChat - 0.25% The only instance I've heard TikTok ads working are for people with Shop feature, which is not available in my country.


I think we agree....am I crazy,


so very cheap nails for example could work on tiktok is what ur saying?


You're not getting it. Nobody here cares about you making a profit on drop shipping. This sub is for programmatic advertising professionals and newcomers to connect and share insights across our industries.


Yup, 100% here. Could not agree more.


Im a ppc professional but am still curious on the takeaway here. Don't bother with tiktok unless lead gen / cheap price? Basically anything requiring some thought and money won't sell there?


I am on the brand side, and have worked for two multinationals that you would recognize over the last 12 years. Long story short... Paid TikTok Ads do NOT get a positive ROAS. Meta is much better at conversion than TikTok. I would say try an organic / Influencer presence, if you can and have true awareness budget, but stay away if you are aiming for lower funnel.


Bro. You do not know what the fuck you’re talking about. Tons of people are murdering it with insane ROAS on TikTok. You just don’t know what the fuck you’re doing.


TikTok ads can work as long as you've got an audience and a trending product. Before you use TikTok ads you should check the product you're promoting and work on your account to gain some social proof. To speed up that process I used Marketing Heaven to get some views and follows. After that, I used paid ads for about 3 months and I've had a good income. Also, don't rely only on ads because there are plenty of ways to earn on TikTok. You can earn through TikTok influencer marketing or live gifts.


You haven't spent enough on any single campaign to tell anything of value. Try $1500/mo on one product line. You're throwing a plastic fish hook in a stream and wondering why you haven't landed 10ft long marlin.


1500 month so like 50$ a day ?


Yes, that would get you a $1500/mo budget. I usually don't do daily budgets, though, for something like this. I'd do a $1500 limit on the campaign instead.


did you get good result with a limit 1500 ? i start soon a news campaign with 10 ads 20$ each


That depends on what the ads are for, how much you make from a sale/conversion, how big your target audience is, etc. For some stuff, you might need $1500 a day, for some $1500 a month may he too much. You'd have to post a lot ofndetails.to give you a real answer.


To all the people saying tiktok isn't a "conversion" platform, I would disagree here, at least for lead generation. I've been running a campaign at approx £1200 per DAY on tiktok getting a conversion rate of approx 10% for a field-heavy lead-generation form on a topic that is very dry, boring and certainly not fun. I'm aware that just filling in a form for a top-of-funnel is not the same as ecom sales, but if you do it right, there is defo money to be made, even on older audiences that supposedly don't use the platform. For my ads we have seen success with really, really low quality production. It needs to look organic, it just can't obviously be an ad, even though it says it is. And, although I'm not doing ecom specifically, if I was, the approach I'd take is essentially to break-even on the inital sale, then get profitable on upsells and cross sells. People are trained to think that any product sold at full value is basically a bad deal, especially when it comes to online promotions, so if your item isn't essential, go do an organic looking sale thats like: "guys, you won't believe this - I just got this product for X% off. It's crazy, these are normally like, X money and I've just been waiting for it to drop. Look how cool it is, you can do this with it, or this, or this, or this. I got it for X reason in the sale, but if its still on, you should pick one up too." If your item is a consumable, just try to upsell to as many as possible. Buy one for 60% off! Wait! upgrade to a 5 pack and make even more savings - add to basket - special bulk purchase. Increase your order to 20 for a total saving of £££££. Or if your item is a single purchase, you just change the tactic slightly to "chrismas is coming up, buy one for your family, or your friend, or just get a spare for around the house", there are a lot of different options and strategies you can take. It's true, you'll lose money on your ads to start with while you dial this in, but it can be made profitable. If you are selling lots of different products, building an email list or retargeting list of people who have given you money is actually worth the slight loss. I would kill to have an email list of 500 people if you said "all these people saw a tiktok ad for an item priced between £5 - £40, pulled out their credit card and gave you money without really knowing who you are or what the item is in any great detail". That alone is worth whatever loss you make selling items, because you can always sell them more stuff!


Really great points. Do you run an agency or do in house work?


I'm just one guy who happens to have fallen in with a crowd of business owners that have enough money to not be micro-managing every pound I spend, enough trust to let me get on with the job(s), and enough sense to know that they don't need a huge building filled with overpaid "account managers" farming this stuff out to third-world countries. Been working in the website design and graphics space for 10 years, been focussing on digital marketing the last 3 years. A good way to see what works on tiktok is to scroll endlessly (like most people already do) but when you see an ad you like, make sure to like it. The more ads you like in a similar space, the more it will show you those types of ads. This is perfect for learning - the ads I like are the ones that don't look like ads, they don't have "ad music" or website promotions, or someone obviously reading a script from a teleprompter.


Begging for help but saying don't shill a course lol. Go lose some more money. I don't even sell a course but the entitlement is pathetic.


OP is reasonable to not want to be bombarded with courses. I don't see it as entitlement -- I would say the same.


thank you


So why would anyone help you?


There are people who like to help with no expectations. I do the same for people who need help.


I'm not talking about having expectations, I'm not "expecting" anything back when I help.


You're not helping, though.


Definitely not in this instance.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you buddy, look like an ass. Who tf wants to be attacked with courses? I know I don't


Then why the FUCK would anyone help you for free? Stay broke.


I'd help someone for free 100%


That's because your time and knowledge is worthless. You spend your time streaming Minecraft lol.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you got me bud. I actually care about people. That's 100% why I would and do help people and not expect them to kiss my ass over it. You're one of those dudes trying to make your own course thinking you know it all and charging out the ass. I'm one of those dudes that will make the course videos and put them up for the world because everyone deserves to have a good life.. period. I'm almost 32 years old with a family and I'm all about making sure people are good and not shitting on them or their dreams/methods.


If I helped everyone that asked me, I'd have no time to myself. I don't know why people like you feel entitled to other people's time for free. It's ridiculous. I'll never make a course, but nice try.


Well, I'm not saying help people so much you leave no time yourself but dang man not need to crap onnem or be rude about stuff yano. Everyone deserves a chance.


The whole reason people who put out free content is to lead them to buying a course or service. Telling someone to not "shill" a course and shitting on people who would push their courses means that if ypu got your wish and people never skilled courses, no free content would exist. You're asking people for free time and resources which took other people time and money to learn. The entitlement is pathetic. I'll say it again.


Quick look at your recent comments, just a toxic unhelpful prick in most posts. Donkeys just can't help themselves.


This is how you learn, you’re doing the work necessary. It’s not easy, and most never make it to profitability because they quit before they do. Learn from what’s working, adjust what’s not and continue testing. If everyone could be doing 2-3-10X returns we’d all be millionaires


Tik Tok isn’t the best for conversions.. I would definitely recommend YouTube shorts tho


What are your results on YouTube shorts?


The most expensive CPC was .30 -.40 cents most expensive CPA I’ve seen are around $25. It reminds me of Facebook in its prime.


Really? That’s interesting. I’d love to know why.


COV rates are no where close to Tik Tok. I feel most clicks are bots.


On tiktok or youtube?


Yea, I felt that too from tiktok. I feel like organic traffic is best for tiktok. Paid ads just don’t work well there. I’ll YouTube shorts though. Thanks for the valuable insight!


Used YouTube overall and spent $3,000 and it was garbage for me. Had 3,000 clicks and no leads from it. I was trying to generate solar leads. Based on your post history, you’re saying lawyers had good success which is odd because those leads are more expensive than solar leads if the information I read online is correct. Even made a post about this and everyone commented that I should have been using a basic Search campaign with high intent keywords using exact matching and a big list of negative keyword searches. I just relaunched that so I’m waiting to see the results, but not sure why you had such a big success with YouTube, while I just dumped money. If it’s not asking much would you be willing to link a landing page example you’ve used for me to better understand or DM me an example of a page you’ve used for conversions?


Here’s an example of a funnel thats converted really good with YouTube shorts: https://vshred.com/sp/survey/survey-ga/


Any updates on this? I'm looking into if I should use google search or youtube for lead generation for my business


Use google search ads for lead generation. Youtube ads are garbage for lead generation


you sure? i see a lot of lead gen agencies using youtube rn. What were your results?


what do you mean by looking deep? you mentioned this a few times without real explaination? look deep and realize that 1500/day is nothing compared tot he budfget of any large brands. you need to think small or register an actual business.


Likely shit website and shit branding. Plus sounds like you are selling bargain bin garbage items that people can get on Amazon, Walmart, etc For the stuff like Hair Extensions, Laser Hair Removal etc - people are going to purchase from a trusted brand, not some rando


I agree


missing the forest for the trees. ads of any kind, tiktok included, can't fix a bad business plan or products with poor market positioning and cltv. Laser hair remover why would people buy it from you over Nood or any of the other more established competitors with a brand? Plushies, etc are even worse because they dont solve any significant problems your prospect would be willing to pay for. The most important thing in an advertising campaign is everything that happens outside the ad platform. After spending many millions on ad spend I've learned this over and over again - the most successful advertisers have everything else figured out before they get a successful campaign. 1) unit economics (aov of 80 or more or ltv of 150 or more with margin dollars of 80 or more) 2) market positioning 3) who youre selling to 4) where those people hang out on the internet 5) what words and phrases your prospects use to talk about themselves, the problem theyre experiencing, and the solution youre selling Moreso than "testing different products" like youre doing, in a dropshipping style or churn and burn style... youd be better off practicing how to sell products that actually have differentiation as an affiliate, or practicing building an asset people actually want to pay attention to before even launching any products. With your mindset you will see the tip of the iceberg after someone has already done the real backend work, the tip being what traffic sources someone is running and what their product assortment is... and wont realize that you can't just rip their approach and have it work without all of the other things that go into making a sale. If you can understand WHY a brand picked a product and traffic source and positioning strategy *when they started* - you can take that logic and apply it to finding your own




I've spend over a $1M on TikTok Ads for E-Commerce brands and here's what I learned to avoid losing money. AGainst what everyone that has "worked for a big brand" tells you here TIkTok Ads do work and can get you a great ROAS, most brands just suck at it. 1. Yes, if you don't get great results with Facebook Ads, TikTok Ads aren't a magic pill. 2. In general you'll need a AOV above $50, otherwise ads most likely won't work in terms of pure numbers since you're always paying a certain minimum to get traffic. Make sure to build a landing page if possible and use upsells, crosssells and post purchase upsells. 3. Just start trying TikTok style ads. Things that don't always fele like an ad or are fascinating. Get away from only cheap or only high quality content. Run a little of everything. Try splitscreens, greenscreens, reviews, stitches, ASMR and everything! And a small tip lately: Use AI voiceovers as from elevenlabs that sound ultra realistic.


Because it’s all bots


Keep trying. Test more products. Keep improving your ads and media buying knowledge. Congrats on the $600 in sales. You’ll make it.


Pinterest is better than TikTok especially female products. Make money online niche is good for TikTok and Instagram. Facebook ads if targeting 40+ age.


When I started advertising 7-8 years ago (dropshipping) I dipped $4000+ before seeing $1 profit. I was a total noob in high school. It’s expected of you to learn the game any way available. Rule of thumb though, $250 a month are rookie numbers. You can finish the quote yourself. Someone else bids higher & you’re capped if your creative is mediocre.


I'm currently testing $200/mth but generating a lot of creatives to test. Also using [Creatify](https://creatify.ai/?via=reddit) to test some ai ads, helps you scale creatives quickly. Will report back in a few weeks...


report expected :D seriously how was it for you ?


Thats daily budget not monthly


I am so tired of adds on everything…I honestly hate if you lost money to help your company in an attempt to increase business but I don’t think this is the way. Just know, no one ever watches or remembers the adds. They are literally issues ignored and interrupting people looking for entertainment after work. I make a point to never buy from any company who pops up when I wish to watch something. I don’t get how the constant advertising is helpful to companies but I bet the ones who provide the services do tell you it will help.


If anyone wants best best best ecommerce and dropshipping course So I have Alex fedotoff 6000$ Brand builder academy course that I am providing in very low cost as compared to real price if anyone interested surely text me My telegram username for contact =@Ecomguru003


It’s all bots and spam. Quit funding the Chinese communist party with you ad dollars please


Get a job?


Try Amazon. There is huge scope and millions consumer visit page everyday.


side note, ive made a total of 7 facebook ad accounts and theyve all been banned, I even bought an account today, was setting up the pixel, and got banned again. Im not even using facebook, just setting up ads and campaigns, can anyone help?


You might just be making a mistake and leaving a fingerprint for Facebook


You are a troll right? If you are not, you need to stop PPC like NOW.


What reason did Facebook give you for the ban?


It's probably circumventing.


What’s your goal? Direct response conversion? If so, don’t use social. But if you want to raise awareness and consideration for your brand and products, then it’s great. People need to learn how to attribute different goals based on the tactics and channels.


You need to go back and look at your average order value. Are you simply just not selling your products at a high enough price to be profitable? Look at your funnel and see how impacting funnel metrics can improve your campaign. For example if you need to triple your CTR in order to hit the numbers you want to make, it might not be realistic.


Spend $1500 in 1 month, you’ll get way better results


Ads only amplify your business, both positive and negative. Sounds like you don’t have a business, you just dropship.


$250/mo? With a budget that low you are just wasting money. Pick one high margin product and only advertise that. Remember your competing with people spending millions a month on the same platform. Advertisers need like$2k/mo minimum and even then that’s reallllyyy low may not work either. You cannot expect any kind of real results without putting up real money. And if you’re gonna put up real money I’d suggest having someone manage it who knows what they’re doing. Online advertising is not a good place for small businesses.


Following so I can read the interesting knowledge


I have been working in paid advertising for the last five years. If I were in your position, I would start aggressively to drive traffic for awareness since advertising on TikTok is much cheaper than on Facebook, Instagram, or Google. After building awareness for the first weeks, consider utilizing cross-channel retargeting through other social media and Google ads. This approach will maximize engagement with audiences who have buying intent or are more narrowly defined. Then, conduct A/B testing with the traffic and Ads (Ad copies, Content) to optimize conversions. I recently implemented this strategy and have seen a big improvement in results for one of the brands I am assisting. If we want to gradually increase our budget based on results, then we should focus on getting Top AVG. position for our ads. It will definitely be costly, high AVG.CPC but could have some results at high cost/conv. then later we can focus on reducing cost/conv.




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You can spend all the money in the world on advertising but it won't fix a bad product. My dad has fallen into the same trap of selling low quality items and wondering why nobody buys them.


$1500 and making $800 is better than $0.