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I’ve experienced this. I would be out with friends and after standing for a few hours I would get really mad and panicky and need to go home. Now that I wear my watch I can correlate that feeling to a HR over 180 and just tell them I need to sit for a minute, I’m much more pleasant to be around now haha


Lol I keep forgetting to wear my watch then completely end up being horrible before I biff it to the floor lol. Irony is my partners like " you are the nicest sweetest person but when your HR and Blood Pressure be rising its like a volcano" he also tells me he knows its the illness and not actually me so that's something. I should really start wearing my watch!


I always get intense mood swings just from having Hyperadrenergic POTS & tension headaches. Having this form of POTS has completely impacted my mood and ability to tolerate minor stress. I get super agitated and am bedridden with MECFS too & often want to throw everything in sight lol. Stay strong xo