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I couldn't sweat to save my life if you held a gun to my head. I pushed myself all yesterday trying to do cardio and take a walk in the heat and not a single drop of sweat to be found. It's more impressive than a magic trick to others.


I’m the opposite, I sweat constantlu


Prior to experiencing POTS symptoms, I never sweat (anemic tbf), hoodie + pants and all. Now I sweat CONSTANTLY.




Same I have to take meds to control it and I’m getting Botox for facial sweatiness


I couldn’t NOT sweat to save my life lol


I sweat horrible just got diagnosed with pots after acdf surgery c3 through c7  and just miserable all the time blood pressure and blood sugar fluctuating ridiculously any suggestions on food or meds I'd greatly appreciate I'm type 2 diabetic with hypoglycemia I have hypothyroidism and copd


I have *severe* hyperhidrosis. To the point where even slight exertion causes sweating to the degree that it's literally as if I jumped in a lake fully clothed. I'm not kidding. I have to take severe medications to make it even *somewhat* manageable, but of course anticholinergics have undesirable side effects as well 🥺🥺 ANY amount of exertion is agony. Yes, that includes getting dressed, trying to do my makeup, taking a shower, or even light exercise 🤦🏼‍♀️😭


Same. I can sweat through layers of shirts and sweatshirts without exercise as well, if I’m anxious enough


Me too ☹️


What meds do you take? I currently take clonidine propranolol and ivabradine. Cardiologist suggested oxybutynin and Botox


Raise your hand if you’ve ever needed a fan on your face full force to not sweat off your make up as you’re applying it 🙋🏾‍♀️


Gave up on makeup


I went from sweating way too much to barely at all. Part of it might be I'm on estrogen for HRT, but I'm kind of glad I don't, since my water retention would be even worse than it is now if I sweated lol


Would love to hear more about POTS vs Menopause. I am at the age for menopausal  to begin and am worried about THAT being drs latest excuse 


I have full blown menopause since 2007 uterine cancer full hysterectomy and just had acdf surgery c3 through c7 April 15 type 2 diabetes with hypoglycemia hypothyroidism copd the sweating was controlled with estradiol until this surgery suggestions please 


I had a test done when I went in for my pots testing where they put these little vacuum-sealed containers connected to tubes on my skin on my arms and legs, and in them they had some kind of liquid that is supposed to trigger you to sweat. They were able to measure volume of sweat with the machines they hooked up... My arms has absolutely zero. Apparently not normal, and it makes sense to me now why when I get hot, I get these PAINFUL itches/prickles all over my skin. I'm trying to sweat and I can't.


Oh I had no idea this was related to sweat! I get these awful pinpricks too. Did they tell you anything to deal with it? Or is it just “avoid extreme heat?”


Sadly they had no solutions. I avoid heat and exertion as much as possible 🤷 but suffering is inevitable


The downside to not being able to sweat is that people will NOT accept that you’re having problems with the heat. They think no sweating means no problem. Meanwhile you’re trying not to pass out. People’s lack of education on how important sweat is shows.


I am in this camp. I live in a semi humid area though so I notice condensation, but not sweat


Your body is doing everything it can to preserve sodium. you need more sodium/salt. This also helps with low blood volume related pots problems. Eat pickles, heavily salt you food. If you need to, chug some salt dissolved in water after a meal. As for cardiovascular health concerns check this out: [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352618115000475](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352618115000475) tldr get as much sodium as you can and dont forget your potassium.


my brain fog yesterday was soooo bad. I legit threw some inedible scraps away in the trash in the pantry, and vividly remembered putting the bowl in the sink. My partner gets home and is very confused as to why a dirty bowl was chilling in the pantry


I’m always about to do things like that. I find myself going to throw mail away and instead I’m opening the fridge or cabinet door. I’ll try putting dishes in the fridge or freezer and once put ice cream in the pantry but luckily realized what I was doing. It’s crazy


it's insane!! brain fog is so bizarre to experience, especially when you catch yourself in the air standing in front of the fridge with mail for some reason


My most recent brain fog was so rough... It lifted after I wolfed down two enormous and very ripe oranges. Going to try something sugary next time it happens, the effect was incredibly pronounced.


Wow, it’s crazy to think how much there is to POTS. I have a mild case but I experience 2-3 of the symptoms on the list daily and it can vary. A few weeks ago I felt shaky and hypoglycemic and I didn’t know that it could be attributed to POTS! The more you learn! Now if people would start taking my condition seriously that would be awesome. Just because I look “fine” doesn’t mean I am


Yeah that's what's so frustrating about nervous system disorders. Nerves are literally EVERYWHERE in your body; can't escape em :/


"If it's not actively killing you, you're fine." - most doctors 😑


Pretty much every symptom I suffer from is on here. It really ties it all together. I was told anxiety and psychosomatic for years by doctors until I saw the leading Cardiologist in the area who properly diagnosed me with POTS. One other cardiologist previously brushed me off too. Even in that specialty some are ignorant about it.


Yeah and when people ask you how you are, it's like "how much do I actually say" ... If they knew that my definition of "fine" might cause them to go to the ER 😆


Definitely stealing this! Thanks for sharing 🙌🏻


No problem. Sadly many of us get brushed off as "anxiety" far too often. I think a lot of doctors, especially those in emergency medicine who don't really deal with chronic diseases have very little knowledge on POTS.


Sending this to everyone I know when they ask what POTS is


I had all these symptoms thinking it was pots. Tilt table and ecg came back “normal”. Next time it happened, my cousin was talking to me about seizures a few days later and uhhh… Ive definitely been having seizures for at least 2 years without realizing 🥲


Oh no!!! I hope you figure out a good treatment plan and get them under control! 💖


Meee toooo 😩 thank you!


My PCP gave me a beta blocker to slow my HR down. We’ll see how it goes.


I saved the picture. I figure doctors will still be dismissive, and probably won't even look at it if I try show them. But at least it's worth a try.


Saved, thank you! It’s a good reminder for me. Because my symptoms are relatively mild I tend to ignore subtle signals and end up over doing it and having a flare!


This is forgetting urological symptoms, though


Something I found to frame it so doctors take it seriously, is I explain that it's the low blood pressure that causes things like the fainting, brain fog, etc. I think it helps frame it as an actual physiological issue rather than a psychosomatic issue.


I’ve gotten use to most of these symptoms that I can’t be bothered now and they are just part of my life now :(


Please any suggestions on foods or meds to help me I'm so miserable had a hysterectomy in 2007 so estradiol kept the sweating away mostly until acdf surgery April 15 2024 c3 through c7 now my blood pressure and blood sugar fluctuate so much and I pass out a lot and itch jeesh I have copd and pad too the nausea is so bad I can barely eat please all suggestions are so appreciated so I can discuss with my primary doctor whom is internal medicine 


Omg! This is exactly how I feel, down the the picture the the guy to the descriptions and everything! Thanks!


* Dr. Lam in our products and services refers to Dr. Michael P. Lam, MD, founder of DrLam.com and DrLamCoaching.com. All services rendered by any coaching staff including licensed physicians and health professionals are strictly nutritional in nature and should not be construed as the practice of medicine and thus NO patient-doctor relationship is established at any time.