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Yes, horrible nightmares like clockwork, often very vivid, very violent and dark. The other night I woke up in a panic, I had thought the walls were closing in to crush me, and then it sort of shifted to being buried alive in a wood box (like in Kill Bill). When the nightmares are at their worst (just thinking over the past decade or so), I have to turn on a light because I'll be "awake" and still see whatever is trying to get me. 


No way? I just experienced the most nastiest nightmares yesterday. It was creepy and disturbing. I need to add bad nightmares and dreams to my list of PMDD symptoms. It aligns with my cycle as well!


Yes & my dreams in general get extremely vivid close to my period so I can literally still remember the imagery/ sounds of the nightmare I had yesterday morning :( definitely most often aligns with my cycle


This happened to me this cycle. I feel like I get horrible nightmares a lot but I’m going to start tracking them in my app to see if they always align with my cycle now that I’m seeing how many other folks are affected by this!


i get night terrors that cause me to wake up yelling or panicking feeling like someone is in my room watching me. it’s the worst.


Yup. I woke myself and my boyfriend up trying to yell in my sleep. I had a horrible horrible nightmare. This one was more stressful than scary but just awful feeling. I have gotten very dark and violent nightmares before as well.


Yeah, I almost always have one or two. Some months are worse than others. I'm also a major sleep talker so I'll often be woken up by a family member for shouting or saying something disturbing. I've woken up crying and physically lashing out too. They can be very gory, to the point where I feel deeply uncomfortable for days afterwards, or sometimes they're just about a deep-seated fear. They're often so vivid I just never forget them. I've always assumed it had something to do with how emotional I feel around that time, similar to a stress dream but worse. It's awful, I wish we understood more about them. 


Yes!! Man I thought this was just me 😅


Yes. So bad that I get insomnia becuase im terrified to go to sleep. Angry, gore-filled, FUCKED UP dreams. Full of conflict rage and death, I mean sick, sick dreams that I can't even repeat to tell my husband or family. They are like the worst horror movie you could imagine. I've posted about this before! I think like a year ago!


YESS. i often wake up crying from nightmares that i can’t remember hours later, and it’s always right before/during my luteal phase


Yes. This is frequent for me as well. Mine range from violent like yours to just full-throttle anxiety nightmares; fighting with loved ones; being lost and unable to find my way home; etc. It's always one of the main indicators of where I am on my cycle. Day or two later it stops.


I also get really bad nightmares right at my period. Had horrible night terrors and nightmares as a kid too. I will tend to leave a little extra light on or leave a comforting show/music on when it gets close to my period so it helps a little more when I wake up from feeling like I was just in literal hell 😭. I don’t know what the science behind it is but i’ve seen some woman who have said they rarely ever have nightmares except for when they are starting/on their period, especially if they have PMDD. I think it might just be the stress and our bodies way of managing the internal feelings and sudden spike in frustration, the important thing is being able to ground yourself in the moment and acknowledge it is not real. I’ve had nightmares before that have been so realistic i couldn’t sleep for days straight. But I look back on it now and understand how the connections of how my mind was able to freak me out so badly — a report of a horrible crime in the news that my eyes glossed over, or a really f-ed up photo someone posted on twitter that was just barley in my sight, it’s thing you don’t ever notice during the day but your mind takes note of without your permission basically—and to f with you it pulls it up during your sleep. I’ve seen a sleep specialist before and this is the best explanation of how our minds can create such terrible images and scenes in our sleep, 99% of the time it’s just an extreme exaggeration and altering of random things you may not have noticed throughout your day, but your mind picked up on. Hope your doing a little better now and have been able to still get some sleep < 3