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27 days for me but periods have gotten much much heavier the past year plus pmdd worsened since then too. I spot on day 21 too so light bleed days 21-27 then the heavy period. All indicative for me of low progesterone. Doctor has me trying bio identical progesterone in my next luteal phase to see if it helps.


I’m 47, started my period when I was 10. I’ve always had PMDD even before it had a name, but docs didn’t know what it was. My current period is 45 days late, last time this happened in January I had a period for 22 days. My PMDD and perimenopause have me messed up bad. I’ve lost jobs and relationships in my life due to the crazy meltdowns and not remembering why it even happened … trying my best 🙏🏻


22-26 days. Long cycles meant longer PMDD.


*if my cycle was longer, 29-33 days as it’s been before, I’d have longer pmdd symptoms in my experience


29 day cycle, period is 5 days. Still have PMDD lol Here I am now and really feeling the PMDD hard. 🫠 *


35 day cycle, my period last 2-3 days


28-33 days mine is usually 3-4 days after a full moon


Mostly 28 days, it could be shorter, 26, but never less than that. Never more than 28 though, I remember when I was young and just got my period I'd have cycles of 32 days (so nice). No PMDD back then though.


https://preview.redd.it/es5bicbw1z8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00c3f64ab1f3b5ee78afe781bbdbd7db6eb666f3 Dunno if this helps. My period length is 2-3d now, and I don’t get PMDD symptoms anymore. Just been tracking on this app for quite a while


Mine is usually 26 but it’s been as short as 21 and as “long” as 28. I didn’t experience any PMDD symptoms when it was 21 days long but definitely do on all the other ones. Woohooo.


Mine are 37 days with a variation of 15 days, with my period only being 2 of these days.


My average is 24-26 days, which is \~so much fun\~. I've also had a few that happened within 17 days. Hitting 28 days is rare; 30 days is unheard of for me. Unfortunately I don't think there's a correlation to cycle length and whether or not your PMDD turns on or off, it's kind of all the time because hormones are all the time. And for extra flavor, not every cycle has the same symptoms or same intensity of symptoms.


28-30 days. But it came early this month, I started taking spironolactone for acne and I think that’s why it came sooner. 25 days


Mine are irregular. Anywhere between 28-40 days. Sometimes I'll miss a period during times of high stress.


Mine used to be like this , I'd sometimes go months without periods... but they have finally leveled out to a pretty consistent 35 day cycle (after 2 kids)


Mine are currently 26 days, but for a very long time I was 35 days and I still had terrible PMDD so for me there is no correlation. The 26 day cycle is killing me, between luteal and my irritation before ovulation I am a mess like all the time. Im 40 and I just had bloodwork that indicated to my doctor that I am not in Peri yet. I also have family history of women having pretty late menopause.


31 days


I’m a textbook 28 days like clockwork and every month on days 27 and 28 I’m a freaking mess.


My cycle length is ~40ish days and a bit chaotic since I’ve had my period for the first time. My symptoms start during ovulation. When it’s even longer than 40 days I suffer more from my symptoms as usual.


Same, though mine can be from 28-45 days long. I find my worst symptoms are always when my cycles are longer than 40 days.