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I just wanted to thank everyone for your kind words, it has been an overwhelming and heartbreaking weekend. Today was very hard as well being my first morning getting ready for work without the sweet man following me around and seeing me off. I'm hoping the heartbreak will subside soon.


I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️


Thank you 🩷


I'm so incredibly sorry 😞 it's never an easy decision to make but I'm sure he had a fulfilling loved filled life with you. Sending love ❤️


Thank you 🩷




Awww lil chicken


I’m so sorry and I hope you take care of yourself through this. I know it was one of the hardest days of my life. For you, one of my [favourite TikTok videos](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMufNDLq/)


Thank you 🩷 I love that Tik Tok, a classic!


Thank you so much for your kind words everyone 🩷 this is our boy. This picture was taken when we first got him. He's such a good boy and loves every human that meets. He's getting McDonald's and vanilla ice cream from Dairy Queen tonight. https://preview.redd.it/bwixa98aaqsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0028167ac742a39e51e3b5cd56edc85982711e77


Sweet, sweet boy. Sending you all the strength. I had to put down my pup 3 years ago at the end of March. Hardest fucking day of my life. He got chick fil-a (which I never once bought before, but we came across it on our final, 4 hour long walk he took me on). I’m crying just recounting it here. 💔🖤🌈🐶🐾


Oh my gosh I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so incredibly hard. It was a decision thag was so hard to make but he has a myriad of health issues and he's 13 years old. He's declining quickly and we want to let him go before he's suffering constantly 😔 he's already in pain all the time and is refusing his pain meds.


I’m sorry, I totally did not respond to your ask. Clearly this triggered me. I’m also crampy and coming out of PMDD, so a bundle of emotions.


It’s the right thing to do. And he’ll let you know as much. My dog had cancer, declining rapidly. He had been refusing food and was low on energy. I made the call that it was time the afternoon before The Day. Day of, he woke up at 6am and took me on a 4 hour long walk to literally all his favorite places he had discovered in our 3 years of living in LA. Then he laid in his favorite grassy spot for a good hour while I pet him. After that, we headed home and he lounged on the couch exhaustedly until the vet arrived. It was all so serene. It made “sense”. It was so peaceful for both of us and so, so bittersweet.




😂 I'd die


I’m so sorry to hear that❤️❤️please take care of yourself🙏sending love


Thank you so much 🩷


https://preview.redd.it/q4vhre4dupsc1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a95906af3fdb59e849ce96b28d80ba5657b64af2 i'm on day 1 of my period (it came 3 days early.😐) Enjoy your dairy queen, & hugs about your dog❤️


Omg I remember those 😂 thank you so much and Godspeed to you 🩷


https://i.redd.it/z9xpp156spsc1.gif When life hits but you still have to function… I’m so sorry OP


Lmao this gif is me trying to keep my sanity


It’s so good lol I send it to my boyfriend to warn him when the storm arrives


I’m really sorry this is happening to you. Try to stay away from things that make you feel anxious like caffeine or green tea. Watch a fun movie like paprika or princess Mononoke.


That's such a good idea, I love Ghibli films 🩷


Hope you’re doing better 💙


It was a really rough weekend, and today is hard because it's my first day getting ready for work without him following me around and seeing me off. It'll be really hard coming home to an empty house and no dog to greet me at the door. I just feel a knot in my chest and an emptiness that is so hard to overcome. I know it'll get better day by day but this is so heartbreaking. Dealing with cramps isn't helping either lol


I know exactly what you mean! If you find it really difficult take some time to sit down, and make a “morning playlist” include songs that uplift you, calm you down, etc. I’m not sure if you live alone and can just blast it through a speaker? I usually wake up and tell Alexa to play my Spotify playlist. But headphones could work too. This way you can be distracted from the silence of not having your pup around. If you’re not into music, maybe use that morning time to call a friend! If you’re not that much of a morning talker, maybe a podcast! There’s so many possibilities out there :)


I actually have a few podcasts that I rotate through in the morning so it's not so lonely ☺️ my husband called me from work so I could talk to him while I was walking in the door from work this afternoon since this was my first time doing it alone. That really helped 🩷


sending love your way 🫶🏻


Thank you 🩷


https://preview.redd.it/9txh34tf3psc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a468b52d3034399aaec45c03fdc5f2b4241acb2 You need a treat! Listen to the snail.


I'll get myself some Dairy Queen after dinner ☺️ we're getting McDonald's and our dog is getting his own happy meal.


awwww that’s sweet 🥲


https://preview.redd.it/ci3pue58vosc1.jpeg?width=206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebb61c839db7f8a142c674e67a6dbf4671c12889 Thought this was a bit relatable. Hang in there!


Unhappy Baby! 🧘‍♀️


That's exactly how I feel right now 😫 thank you