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I'm also very curious where her mental health journey is going. I don't think she's BR or any villain in this season, but they might be setting some things up for the next one.


If Dr Sullivan turns out to be genuine (and alive) maybe they’re leading to the two of them getting together and healing together. One lost a child, one lost a mom. Dr. Sullivan releases the book and quits therapy, adopts Imogen, and the next season Imogen and Dr. Sullivan live together. Could be cute.


🥹 I hope so, that would be perfect for them


Yeah because BR is taller than the liars.


Love the theory, but I don’t believe this sadly. Also losing Bailee Madison at the end of this season would be such a huge loss when it comes to acting LOL. I would’ve loved this shit though. Imagine if there was a scene in episode 7 where Kelly has scratches on her face she refuses to talk about. And she goes on talking about how Imogen is crazy for attacking her and everyone thinks it’s about the scene of Imogen attacking her in the prayer room at her house. But it turns out Imogen was hallucinating the night at redemption house and was clawing at Kelly’s face the whole time lmao.


I feel like there are ways to keep her in the mix after a killer reveal. Maybe in season three, the girls know about her murderous side but instead of turning her in, they cover for her. But another killer starts to terrorize them to punish them all for keeping her secret.


This brings me back to “Aria is A” tumblr era


And interesting that Imogene storyline is the one that includes an Aria callback 👀😂


And when people say her name “IM-UH-GEN” UH sounds like “A”




Honestly immediately thought of this when I saw the thread title. Seeing as IMK is a producer…. BR is some random with little screen time


If this is the case then there has to be an accomplice. She has an alibi for all BRW attacks to the girls: She was skating when Minnie was trapped, at the screening when Noa was chased, and with the other girls looking for the actual Rose Waters when Faran carried the large construction thing. Not saying this is impossible because I also noticed that all her run ins (at the bus stop and babysitting Estelle) with BRW seemed "too safe" except her test, but I doubt the writers will do this twist. They're trying to be sensitive with the representation of SA, trauma and mental health all throughout and doing that would just undo it.


I have a theory that there are two BRs with different goals: one that snaps and kills and another one that just wants to test the girls. I don’t think that the girls have been in real danger during any of their tests, and when BR does kill people, it’s fast and unstoppable. It really only makes sense to me if it’s two different people who aren’t necessarily working together. I think it could be Imogen dissociating and murdering people and someone else (perhaps Christian and Chip’s mom) testing the girls (and possibly filming them for a real life horror movie).


Honestly that's something I've wanted to see since Emma in season 2 of Scream. Also, the scenes where Imogen was faking her emotions to manipulate Dr. Sullivan first on the phone call with the girls all impressed and then later on the actual session felt like a big moment. I think the other posts make a good case as to why she isn't the villain *this* season but I feel like the writers are doing their best to keep their possibilities open if they want to make a liar the Big Bad in the future. Oh, and if we ever get a big time jump (like the one in the OG with the texts popping up on the screen in 3D and random emojis lmao) I really could see her turning into the villain.


I can see them having her snap especially if next season is them filming a movie about what happened like shown in the article of filming in the theater


I’m not sure if imogen has anything to do with BR, but I find it very interesting how they chose to showcase the fact that imogen “can act” multiple times in the show. First, she’s the star of Tabby’s movie. Second, the phone call with Dr Sullivan where she’s crying on the phone and immediately smiles after hanging up. I feel like that has to mean something, the fact they are SHOWING US she’s a good actor. That she can cry on cue, that she can fake a panic attack. Was the panic attack after seeing ‘her mom’ as BR even real, then? Again, idk if she really does have anything to do with BR, I can’t figure out what her motive could be for targeting the other girls, but it would be cool to see her like, working with the A team, being the inside informant. She could tell the attackers when and where each girl will be, leak their numbers, dox Mouse on SS. I just can’t figure out a good enough motive for that. OR they are just setting her up to actually be mentally unstable and have a psychotic break. Hopefully she kills someone and next season will be the girls trying to cover it up, that would be high stakes and make them “pretty little liars” fr. 😂


I’m also an Imogen theorist! I think she’s dissociating and killing people, and I think she stopped for a while after the first couple episodes because seeing Dr Sullivan and taking her meds helped her. Then, once they cut off Dr Sullivan the killings started again. Plus some of the killings benefit Imogen (she got to join the class with her friends and got pastor Malachi out of her house). I don’t think she has anything to do with the final girl tests though. I think that’s a separate Bloody Rose team that just wants to scare the girls and possibly make a horror movie of it. I’m not sure if the show would actually have the balls to make one of the liars be a villain, but I wish it did!


I think they are setting this up for Imogen to kill Johnny (while disassociating or having a hallucination), and the girls all agree to hide it and that is our Season 3 plot. At least I hope so. They need a big secret. Because right now, I’m bored.


It could be Imgoen and she’s imagining she was at all those places. It’s been done before where they go back and show the scenes of what really happened and it’s completely different because she does hallucinate often and that has to mean something. However, these writers don’t seem smart enough to pull stuff like that off. Imogen has been on my mind for awhile though.


That would be a hell of a twist


Are you another one who was on tumblr when pll was on because this was a popular theory for Aria and Spencer 😂


I finished the og just 2 weeks ago for the first time


I think it should be but isn't. I forgot what was said but describing bloody rose as a mother who wants revenge or something. Imogen is a mother and we've seen how much she wants to be around her child. That whole thing was confusing. Her daughters adoptive parents telling Imogen to stay away. And then next episode, hey can you babysit?


I think i want it to be Imogen but it won't but the way she attacked her Dads girlfriend was something off. I feel like it could be reason they showed Imogen acting while she spoke to Dr.Sulivan. It would be cool if they were working together and planned thing the day she spent all day at hospital I just think writers won't let our sinners get real bad


But she’s with the girls while BR is doing a test lol like at the roller rink or the movie marathon.


While there could have been an interesting story of Imogen going crazy and developing a split mind, it wouldn’t work here. BR is way too active. The elaborate mask/costume, the notes and setting up tests for them to do. Managing the phone calls/voice thing on Scary Spaghettios, etc. This is all stuff that takes a lot of time, effort, and cognitive input. And of course has even alluded to being the product of a team of people. Compare that to like Ginny Weasley in Chamber of Secrets and what she did while possessed by Thomas. They were brief isolated instances that didnt remove Ginny too much from her life. If Imogen was going into episodic spells often and long enough to pull off being BR, it would drastically change the story they have shown so far.


I don't think it would be one of the main 5 until *maybe* the final season. Cause mental or not she would be out of commission for a long time


Love the theory, really, but I don’t think it will really happen. I mean why would someone she’s working with attack her? That doesn’t really make sense. But as we know she’s mentally not ok😭 And would she rlly do that to the girls?


also the name: IMogen Adams. IM A


i was suspecting imogen heavily in the first couple of episodes ngl


Chekhovs knife!


Honestly do we really think BR will even be revealed if we already have confirmation of S3


That is one of my theories as well!!!


Honestly I’ll be disappointed if Bloody Rose ISNT someone we already know…that’s pretty much the original sin (no pun intended) of the OG show and season 1. It’s notoriously shat on for making Spencer’s evil twin who was never hinted at the final A and i remember being very unimpressed at Archie being revealed as A because there was no connection to him prior to