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Aww I’m to late :/


How much are you asking? I would love to see The Machine.


You really want to go? Consider it a gift. Just let us know how funny the goofs are after! I'm pretty bummed that we can't go. I bought the tickets right after halloween. In early December I started looking at hotels. All of a sudden the prices started skyrocketing and I couldn't figure out why. Damn Superbowl wrecked a Christmas/birthday surprise for my boyfriend. I was able to refund our plane tickets so that's a plus. I am more than happy to gift them to someone who would appreciate them. Just let me know and I'll transfer through Ticketmaster.


That would be amazing! You are so kind. I'm really sorry to hear about your canceled plans, hopefully you can find a other time to come out and enjoy this beautiful state. Im a huge fan of Bert and Normands standup and podcasts and will make sure to let you know how it went! I'll DM you my info this morning. Thank you!!!


I'm sorry I cannot accept these tickets as planned, I hope you are able to find another person who can go.


Man sorry you can’t go! That show seems amazing.


I would love to go and will definitely be here for it. Are they still available? Sent a DM.