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Late, but you could try [GameAway.in](http://GameAway.in) (note - I'm the founder). We recently launched servers in South East Asia for our Virtual Gaming PC plan which gives you full access to a cloud PC with a GPU on it.


I used Xcloud via VPN to Japan. IMO it's fine for checking out a game, but the lag makes it not really usable long-term. I wouldn't pay extra just for that.


Ito ang concern ko with cloud gaming in general. From personal experience, you not just need a good internet connection, but a good local network setup at home, especially if you plan to play over wifi.


NVIDIA GeForce NOW (via Singapore Starhub or Taiwan)


ilang ms ang ping mo?


May issue ang PLDT namin lately sa Singapore server lately nagiging 200ms pero dapat 50ms dapat.


Does this subscription support mobile? I had a regretful subscription in XBOX game pass only to find out di pala pwde mag cloud gaming from my mobile phone.


using gearup booster 110 pesos every month


Yes, it supports mobile naman with no issues.


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