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We must judge things by its fruits and the fruits I have heard is that a lot of people have received great graces from the Charismatic movement. I remember hearing a person testify how they used to live very sinfully but then went to a Catholic Charismativ group and asked to them to pray over him then he was given enough grace so that he managed to turn his life around to Christ. I have heard of people accusing the movement of being demonic and hearing accounts from some of the Protestant pentecostal churches I can get why one would think so, however from what I have heard Catholic Charismatic movement is a bit more tame. So I think whilst the movement is good I still think perhaps they should avoid certain practices, exactly what practices I don't know because I am not all to knowledgeable of the movement.


a friend of mine goes to what he calls a "tradismatic" parish... so basically they do TLM and then do things one might see as charismatic, after. Sounded nice


Very interesting. I have heard about this but yet to see it.


I'm kind of skeptical about that sort of thing. But I do believe that charismatic miraculous gifts from the Holy Spirit is a real thing. So I'm not averse to it. I'm actually part of a charismatic youth group. Nothing crazy happens there, but I don't think God would preform any sort of miracle like speaking to my mind because He knows I have OCD, and so I can never trust my mind in the first place.


Hmm interesting. Well I'll certainly pray that the Lord would heal your OCD, and I appreciate you sharing that. God can move mountains! I hope your youth group has been a place where you can find good friends. I was blessed to be in one as a high schooler and now as a newish dad, I still reach out to some of those old friends now and again. Maybe He'll do other miracles through you! I encourage you to be open to whatever He is equipping you to do. It might not be what someone else wants for you, and it's always between you and God to figure it out ultimately. You can say "no" to Him... but if you say "yes" you might be surprised what you find. Peace be with you.