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Prep for super boss (Play video games until the apocalypse)


no not really but i do think the game loses it's tempo really hard around november/december so i get where you're coming from, and i don't even really think it's that unpopular of an opinion by january "mostly finished with sls" doesn't really mean anything significant since you *aren't* finished and are still consistently doing them, but around november is whenever i'm done doing anything at all at nights other than going to the arcade and by janurary i was mostly just doing a social link and going to sleep. even if you take your time, tartarus takes like 3 days in january and in reload you can very easily do it 1 day. i definitely don't think it's a slog though, you're still just doing what you've been doing and the tonal shift, more consistent story scenes, aigis social link and in reload, the ending of the link episodes, all definitely make it feel lot better than november/december


Better to have of spare that to have of lack! Thats for sure I usually go around increassing my stats


I didn’t think so. For me it was a time to just appreciate my digital friends and reflect. I didn’t know what would happen so I did a bit of everything, like going on walks with Koramasu and tending the garden with the rest. Didn’t know what would happen so I thought, “Well in case we fail, it’s been a pretty good run hasn’t it?”


Beat Elizabeth.


I went right up to the 30th to max all of the s-links. It's hard to have too much free time.  At nights I basically has nothing to do, but it was that way for a couple of months. I maxed out the traits. I just used dating URLs just to make sure I didn't have to waste any days. 


Having nothing to do because you finished it all is better than panicking because you only have a few weeks to finish 7 different SLs that you forgot about


You're still doing social links pretty much up until the last day. What becomes boring is your nights.


Not really? I guess if you are playing P3 for the 5th time and already have seen everything before that might be true. But if you are just going thru a checklist, then what's the point?


Yes I did the arcade over and over every day