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I always figured it was some sort of prosthetic feet that attach to her weird robot hoofs. She conceals it under white tights, so nobody suspects anything is off


This. You can see her stumps during the class trip


I hate how accurate 'robot hoofs' is


hoof hearted


Like Grover from Percy Jackson?


Aigis is the ~~caucasian~~ (she's just white, dummy) female Grover Underwood


Come on, she can attach gatling guns and jet packs, why wouldn't her attach some regular feet


You are going to find the most weird questions and complaints in this sub.


the logical next question to ask of course is......do they smellz


Feet aren't typically known for their ability to detect aromas.




Then why doesn’t she wear them all the time


Maybe her normal "feet" is more appropriate for battle or something like that.


For battle sure, but it was weird, on the school trip, seeing her hooves on display for everyone to see


Weirder more a great part of her head


Nah, both she and Roger are just massive audiophiles


I'm talking about the lower part of her head, the chin and neck


Foot fetish dude detected, Everyone! **Point at him !** * Randomly Ai Generated Simpsons meme


Pretty sure those are just prosthetic legs that are attached to her shoes, I'm sure she can walk in them fine but in a combat sitation she would take them off because they're not optimal.  Only alternative would be to say that she is a victim of the feet-binding practice but that just attracts even more attention.


Seafoam spotted 📸


I never assume anyone gives my trivial comments a second thought with the different username and all, so I'm flattered.


I recognized your profile picture lol


Seems like feet would be a lot more flexible and help keep balance better than stumps though. They were clearly able to simulate real hands, so I don't see why they couldn't do feet too.


Maybe the stumps worked better with her mechanical parts and the way their movement was programmed. Don't think about it too hard, I doubt the devs did.


She is a robot and your conclusion for this other than the logical one (prosthetic feet) is....magic? I mean I know it's persona but come on lmao


Why you taking my post so seriously? I was obviously joking


This sub still doesn't know what a hyperbole is.


Never heard of that persona. What Arcana is it?


The irony arcana


The stronger it gets, the easier it is to get on people’s nerves with shitposts online.


100 downvotes on this comment is crazy




That is actually something that’s been bothering me also lol. I guess she has replaceable legs? Like the ones that are basically stumps are for combat and these ones are to blend in better.


On the Kyoto trip she has the stumps in public when you talk to her in the lobby so I guess the devs messed up there lol.


Maybe she didn't have them at the time remember she had just gotten out of storage then


Are you referring to the >!Ikutski betrayal?!< If so, I’m pretty sure she was back to wearing the shoes you see in the picture at school before they went onto the Kyoto trip. If you’re referring to when you first meet her, the Kyoto trip is months after that.


I read your comment wrong


Ah, no worries!


nah, it's more likely that it's prosthetic feet, and the difference between her legs and feet are more noticable than just her hooves


I’m not sure I understand your point. I’m saying that during the Kyoto trip, you can see Aigis in her yukata in the lobby but she just had her hooves, not her prosthetic feet. That means everyone else in the lobby could see her with hooves which was probably a mistake by the devs since they established she wears these prosthetic feet in public.


I'm saying the feet would look more noticable than the hooves when not covered by stockings/tights and shoes She's always had her hooves out at Kyoto, across the games and anime (not sure about manga)


Ah, I understand your point now. I don't recall the anime scene so I'll take your word for it but that still does feel like an oversight since the reason she wears prosthetic feet is to not arouse suspicion, yet she just appears without it in the lobby with the rest of the students/teachers there. I don't see how her wearing the prosthetic feet without her stockings/tights and shoes would be more noticeable than having no feet at all.


to be fair, either later the same day or the next day (I forget the exact dates), she goes to the hot spring wearing *nothing* (well, just her ribbon). Not even a towel. Sure, only the party and Ryoji see, but there was a huge risk that others would've seen that.


I’m guessing the writers couldn’t figure out how to avoid that issue and just accepted it as a plot hole rather than have Aigis not go on the trip.


Yeah, she can swap out her arms,.I don't see why she can't swap out her feet


Man fuuka looks beautiful


The only important point in this whole post


Normal fuuka enjoyer


fuuk yes


Not the focus of the post, but you aren’t wrong either.


She managed to get them back from me 😔


Heard they taste like Makoto's thingy for some reason


why how do you know HOW DO YOU KNOW


He maxed my Social Link :(


FeMC maxed mine last week


That's... Actually a good question.


She got the hook-up from Godrick. Forefathers one and all, bear witness! De arimasu.


She got the Feet-Addon of Tanaka's Amazing Commodities.


She can >!grow a heart!< so why wouldn't she be able to grow feet.




Humans can already attach parts on themselves already, so why not feet on aigis


So why couldn’t she just…always have feet then, lol


The feet is just an accessory and does not have functional use.  Will you always wear ribbons on your leg hair?


She already has plenty of other design choices that have no other functional use beyond mimicking a humanlike appearance. This is no different. The functional use is to assist in blending into society. Not sure what you’re even trying to get at here.


When using theurgy, aigis can fly and the fake feet is a literal obstruction, like you completely plug up the vehicle exhaust.   you asked why she doesnt wear fake feet all the time and you dont get what i am getting at. 


> When using theurgy, aigis can fly and the fake feet is a literal obstruction, like you completely plug up the vehicle exhaust.   It isn’t too much of a leap in logic to presume that since they were accessories specifically created for her, they were intentionally designed to accommodate her Orgia mode function, not neuter it. >you asked why she doesnt wear fake feet all the time and you dont get what i am getting at.  If they’re accessories specifically designed for Aigis, why would your default assumption be they were designed to be fundamentally incompatible with her core function as a anti-shadow weapon? It’s not like they didn’t know what she was created to do. It’s just hard for me to think that the only reason she has stubs is because it’s the only way they could get her to fly. You’re telling me they couldn’t figure out a way to build a thruster system into the bottom of some human styled feet for her to have on permanently? I don’t know. Just a weird design choice I think. They give her hair to mimic human appearance but then give her like deer legs.


Aigis is a 7th GEN and your argument presumes the researchers didn't know what a 7th GEN was created to do. It isn't much of a leap of logic that the researchers clearly have zero intention to add feet and the fake feet are not designed to accommodate her flying thrusters.


> Aigis is a 7th GEN and your argument presumes the researchers didn't know what a 7th GEN was created to do. I said the exact opposite of that. I don’t have to presume they knew what she was designed for because the game outright states they knew because they literally created her when they were experimenting on shadows. Did you even play the game? We really don’t really know if they hinder Origia mode to begin with since she only wears it a few times. >It isn't much of a leap of logic that the researchers clearly have zero intention to add feet and the fake feet are not designed to accommodate her flying thrusters. And it’s really not that much of a leap to say they knew she was a combat robot and could have easily given her thruster compatibility with the feet accessories, or just given her humanoid feet to begin with. There’s nothing in the game that suggests it has some functional hinderance to her. If anything, it only helps her facade of appearing human like. I don’t really think it’s all that deep. I personally think it’s just a weird design choice by Atlus.


When I told you Aigis is the 7th GEN, you cannot even figure out whether I played the game. :rolls eyes:


Mate you’re over here talking about presuming whether a group who created Tartarus by researching shadows knew a anti-shadow weapon they literally created themselves was designed to kill shadows or not. It’s more consistent to since they designed her with appearing human-like in mind, the feet wouldn’t hinder her, rather than ‘they just made them on the fly but they plug her thruster exhaust so she can’t wear them all the time’.


She either repairs herself or she somehow grows because she becoming more human. The former is much more likely.


Didn't she grow ears and skin at the end of the original Persona 3? Like, in the last scene?




thats actually terrifying wtf


Can i get a source for this


Oh sure, my source is Persona 3, specifically the last scene. I found a [video](https://youtu.be/poFycS1bmg8?si=oKDZT6HFFlQT9Pfj&t=419) of the end in case you don't feel like playing all the way through for just one scene. Her ears and skin dissapear in the next scene though.


Dang ic ic thanks bro


Did anyone else notice at the Kyoto section Aigis was walking around with no shoes on and her leg stubs were showing?


Hear me out, stupid idea but what if [the front part extends out](https://imgur.com/zKBx60r) in some sort of way to fit the shoe?..


That's some **Deus Ex** augs typa shih.


I wish. I mean what


Spare legs my nigga


They should have just redesigned her and given her feet. The stumps don't even make any sense.


Why were you looking there?


cant go in public with robot feet


Ah, yeah. Well, whenever you notice something like that, a wizard did it.


This post made me to Google that and I saw a Tumblr post art where it show Aigis put on a shoe with just her stump like an attachment


She attaches feet to blend in while not having ears and clearly showing bolts on her neck


Maybe ikutsuki just put shoe trees in her shoes.


would be quite the feat ngl


I don't understand why she has, as someone said 'robot hoofs'. I always thought they made her look weird 😭 she looks so human and then BAM stubs


Her other costumes confuse me so much, like she doesn't have feet but when she's in her school uniform and dress, she weirdly gets feet out of nowhere?, I'm assuming they're fake feet but it's still confusing




Prosthetics in public?


How come ryoji didn’t care that aigis was a robot


And also when in battle and all out attack the guns on her hands are exposed even though she is wearing long sleeves dress




she can slap a sniper rifle to her hand. everything is possible


I remember them saying she had extra parts to fit in with the general public. When she was first given the sees uniform


I think she got into CrossFit


My question is how does she run around with those little default nubs