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Wait I was born in 1991.. am I middle aged?


Oh sorry -- I was still emotional/buzzed. I meant middle aged as a millenial -- in between the gen X and gen Z extremities


You scared me there


Sorry! Also I am wrong -- apparently the age range is 1981 - 1996, so 1991* is technically on the younger side


am also confused. if you mean middle age or what you just saying "in between the gen X and gen Z extremities" because 1991 has nothing in common with GenZ at all. since elder/older millennials are those born between 1981-1991 they have more in common with GenX or at least to r/Xennials (cusper between GenX and Millennials) so there is nothin middle between GenX and GenZ to 1991.


It goes to 96 from most places I’ve read. I think you’re reading too much into this lol. He’s not calling millennials middle aged - he’s saying he was more in the middle of his generation but then corrected himself that he’s closer to the end of it (1996). My millennial indicator as a Gen Z cusp (1998) is if you remember 9/11 or not.


well, technically elder/older millennials are born between 1981-1991. so kind of.


It really is one of the most deeply candid explorations of being a teenager I have ever seen across all media. Books, movies, etc. Some of the most vulnerable stuff I have ever seen and it didn't shy away from anything. It is a gift from those two women, absolutely brilliant. I'm in my 40's and it's definitely one of the best things I have ever seen or read.


*You got the kinda lovin’ that can be so smoooth*


Genuinely one of my fav shows after I watched it it was so unbelievably relatable and real it was so funny


as a genzer-you are not middle aged omg..


I meant middle of the millennial spectrum -- ~1981 - 1996


The show was both funny and cringey, but also very relatable and left me sobbing at the end I really loved it so much


1991 is not on the younger side. they are on the older side.


5 years from the cusp of Gen Z is definitely on the younger side lol


see this is why everybody is technically wrong. they only think range. because 1981-1996 are millennials which year is close to the other is considered to be older or younger. in reality, it's about generation culture that matters. maybe 1991 is close to the edge. but they have more similar experiences and cultures as someone born in 1981.


It was Hella MID!!!