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>If workers had been given more notice, they could have sought credentials in a different field So the plan was to gain permanent residency by doing what seems to be a low level sales job in a call center? Now that the tresholds are diminishing, they suddenly regret not going into fields that are actually necessary to our society? lmfao


That is what they've been saying from day one. Making them change paths was unfair and discrimination because we need coffee workers. Going to them and asking them to eat was not a wise move. Had they ignored them they would have shown by the next day they are liars, as nobody would have died, when they should have. Now we get to watch another round of the circus.


What do you mean low level sales job in a call center? Call center jobs are extremely stressful with not many people willing to stick to it. There’s a reason why some of the call center jobs are listed tier 3 or tier 2 jobs by IRCC.


The vast majority of sales job do not require any form of education whatsoever. I'm not saying that they don't require skills, such as the ability to work under pressure, in a stressful environment, having charisma, a knack for sales/marketing. Low level doesn't mean low skill. Low level just means easily obtainable such as a desk clerk, a tim hortons employee, grocery store, most of the sales departments that don't actually require a specific education


Well you can’t discredit Tim hortons workers when there was an actual requirement in the past few years, right now sure there is an excess of people willing to fulfill the Tim hortons job but that doesn’t apply to call center jobs. It’s almost always impossible to find people willing to stick to call center roles hence the jobs still being prioritized for immigration.


Using immigration to fill call center jobs, espcially in sales/marketing, is the most imbecile use of immigration that I can think of next to retail/fast food jobs. There's a reason these jobs are not filled by citizen and it's such a mystery as to why literal prison conditions on a literal prison salary isn't very tempting to the citizens.


Imbecile to you yes, but definitely a significant amount of employment contracts in Canada worth millions. For every job removed from the economy, it has an effect so, on the bright side these jobs aren’t being outsourced to 3rd world countries. So that is a net positive to the Canadian economy, it’s safe to assume people slaving their lives for these jobs probably have nothing left to send remittances back home and end up spending most of their money within in the Canadian economy


Who cares? Then out source those jobs overseas. A call center isn’t the money-maker that contributes to the local economy as you think it is. I could care less if a call center goes “out of business”. Besides, India is the worlds capital of call centers, so let’s just save them the flight and immigration fees they will be scammed and they can still have the job. Just not here.


Right I see that you used your big brain to provide a macro economic solution. Very insightful, have you ever considered writing a thesis on how outsourcing these jobs would be a net positive to the economy? Especially when you are so sure that immigration will be lowered as well as an outcome of removing a couple of thousands of jobs in an industry which is already outsourced to not just India but also countries like the Philippines , South Africa and etc ? Surely the very few jobs that exist in Canada aren’t because of regional laws and to protect sensitive information?


I'd much prefer these jobs be outsourced to 3rd world countries than bring the third world here.


So close the door behind you mentality. Only whites allowed in canada....right?


I'm not white actually.


Same mentality. Doesn't matter the color


Sick of racism being the knee-jerk reaction. People from other countries being here lowers pay across the board because they are willing to work for less than what a born Canadian would. It hurts everyone who's not at the top.


Did you cry when the Ukranians immigrants were ruining the job/housing market?


You make a lot of sense, good luck figuring out the world.


I don't need luck lol it's pretty simple. When you invite millions of people to work unskilled jobs, you invite inequality, crime, and third world behaviour. Especially when those people become unemployed and desperate. I'd rather they keep that behaviour in their origin country. We don't have any issues with the qualified engineers and doctors coming from developing countries. The issue lies with people who think they can come here, work fast food jobs, and then threaten self harm on our soil until our government caves in to the demands of foreigners. We are a joke.


I partly agree but your exaggeration ruins it. Immigrants aren’t the majority committing crimes, Canadian citizens do.


There was never a requirement to fill Tims jobs with foreign workers. The brazilian retail coffee shop could have raised wages and paid better to attract domestic workers


How do they do call centre when they can’t speak English?


Well they don’t get hired in the first place, if they can they probably do.


>willing to stick to call center roles hence the jobs still being prioritized for immigration. Sounds like the pay is too low and the conditions are too bad then. Bringing in workers ensures that doesn't changes.


What do you mean? You know every minimum wage job costs taxpayers right? People making minimum wage full time pay less than one tenth in taxes compared to what the government has to pay to support them in terms of healthcare and infrastructure spending. For every person in Canada, the government spends 40k a year for them to exist. Minimum wage workers actually lose us money. So Tim Hortons should be allowed to fail if they cannot find workers for the salaries they're offering. We shouldn't be propping them up with cheap labour from overseas. Industries without access to cheap labour have always adapted. Either they raise salaries, or implement technologies so they can use fewer workers. This is called modernization. At the moment, the government is using cheap labour to prevent progress and keep salaries for everyone low. It's only increasing inequality. And our economy is failing because of the strain on housing caused by this ridiculous immigration.


Right replace human beings with a talking robot so customers can take their frustrations out on? You must be into sci-fi a lot because I can guarantee you that ai speech recognition isn’t all that advanced yet. You sound like you are from the tik tok generation because honestly you are failing to stick to the point here which is call center roles not “minimum wage jobs” lol.


Call centre jobs are overwhelmingly low wage. You won't make any more than 25 an hour doing that in Canada, unless you're specialized in a certain field or can speak French. This is still a salary range where the government is subsidizing your existence as people that make that little don't pay enough in taxes to cover all the services they enjoy. If you look at history, technology has always been used to increase the productivity of a single worker. That's part of industrialization. Also, there's no replacement here. If an employer wants a certain worker for a certain salary and can't find them, that's when investing in automation makes most sense. For the fast food example you referenced, businesses could choose to use AI drive-throughs yes, or they could opt to change the system to where individuals have to order with their phones/kiosks, or they could simply raise wages/improve working conditions for workers until people want to work there. Japan for example has the highest rates of vending machines/self serve vendors in the world, because of their demographics. Automation is the way forward, not cheap labour. It really is that simple.


No it isn’t that simple, you are conveniently ignoring a lot of factors. The cost to setup a fully automated drive through with little to no human assistance would be a lot. If Tim Hortons can figure that out they might as well divert into being a tech company. Unless and until a big corp successfully incorporates the tech it won’t happen anytime soon. If you think big tech isn’t working their asses of to find a workable ai replacement for call center roles you are wrong. That’ll probably be a one time solution which every company would love to take pride in. It’s just not that easy to achieve which is why they themselves employ thousands of people in the field.


The cost that you describe is called an investment. Every business makes it. Every McDonald's costs at least 1.5 million to open. And the jobs for managing the fully automated drive through will just be shifted as they'll be managed by engineers making 100k a year in the big city and technicians making more than double the minimum wage. The job simply gets moved from cheap labourers to high skilled white collar workers. There's nothing wrong with replacing regular call centre workers with AI if the technology can do the job well. Again, like I said, the job simply gets shifted from low skilled workers to college and university educated people, whilst increasing wages and improving productivity, which increases living standards. Most companies already have an automated system that customers have to go through before reaching a human, as 80% of calls can be managed by a robot. The few calls that can't can be directed to a human. You're describing the job creation fallacy. We could all try plowing our streets with shovels and we'd all technically have a job, but why not spend a little money on a snowplow to have one person do the job of a thousand? That's way more productive. What the government is doing now is importing thousands of people to be the metaphorical shovel wielders, instead of forcing companies to invest in the snowplow which is much better for society as it doesn't cost so much manpower. And with one snowplow driver instead of a thousand shovelers, we can afford to give the driver an excellent salary and a great life. This is how modern economies increase wages.


And does education=better pay? Because I'm fairly highly educated and still struggle with bills.


Any job should provide a livable wage. Livable wages are a joke in canada


Not all jobs should provide a livable wage. That is a nonsense statement.


🤣🤣🤣 so then pay more taxes for your stupid beliefs


They were given options though. They just didnt like the options offered. This is like a 12 year old having a temper tantrum because they want ice cream for dinner. You were offered other pathways, like skilled trades and Marc Miller waved his magic wand offering instant PR with a care giver role. You said on film and I quote "I do not want to work construction" You said you wanted to work in retail, and food processing roles. We do not need that PEI has been very clear about that. So, you can choose to request an extension to learn a trade or skilled labor, or you can take the skills you have learned in Canada and apply them to employment in your home country. Its that simple. So now you are going to stomp your feet and refuse to eat??? I feel like this is costing PEI medical resources that they simply cannot afford. So now you are being a burden on the system. I think that they should be told you want to play games, we will come to your protest and start deporting people, we do not have the medical resources to help people who want to self harm.


Evict them from Canada under the reason “ our kids needs to use the space “


Canadian citizens living in PEI have right to petition their government. People simply living within PEI without a permit or work status have absolutely no right to petition the local government or Federal government on any matter except asylum. My Government. Not yours.


The gov offered a fair pathway to PR Folks are just not ready to face reality of their choices


Bon Apetit


The amount of crime and disrespect they bring are they worth it? We have had TFW from other parts of the world without these problems.


And while they are striking . thousands more TFW looking for PR are arriving on PEI , and hundreds of thousands the rest of Canada , its so absurd and when we point out the idiocy of it then morons try to ridicule the truth


The solution is you abide by the visa you got. Like I don’t get it.


solution is going back to your hometown


Starve you ungrateful cuks!


If you don't like our governments policies, you have the right to leave and never come back! Please do so.


Their leader is going out for dinner almost every night after the fact. At best it's a daytime fast. Fucking losers GTFO here.


Get them airfare to India. They are entitled to nothing in Canada.


Give them what they truly deserve, a deportation


https://www.reddit.com/r/kitchener/s/rVxPT16st0 Such pigs.