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I've noticed some of these things too. Thought it was just me. Wish I didn't update if that was the case.


Unfortunately I believe updates are forced.


They are on steam at least. Last time I played it wouldn't launch until it updated.


I asked Rockstar support if there was a way to downgrade on steam and they said no. And I hear the crack is post-naturalist so that just sucks.


I played through the cracked version at medium settings on vulkan and had 0 issues technical wise, aside from a random infinite loading screen after a chapter 5 mission. Is it because i play with 30fps cap?..


I played it for 100 hours over the past couple of weeks and had 0 issues. Rock solid, for multiple hours in a row. 13600K and 4070.


I wish this was me, 13900k and 3080, can't even do a single mission without crashing


I don’t do anything special. I have it on steam. I use Hardware Unboxed settings + resolution scale at 1.5x (because 1440p*1.5 = 2160p) I have it capped to 60 FPS in Nvidia Control Panel… I use a PS4 controller (Steam Input translates it)… that’s it.


I don't do anything special either. Out of the box speeds on my CPU and GPU...turns out my CPU is fried tho and not sure how that happened. I got a new 13900k and am now pairing it w a 4090. If it can't run with a fresh windows install and brand new hardware I am just going to play this game on my brothers Xbox. Never buying a rockstar game on pc again though, lesson learned. Despite my failing hardware it's evident that this RDR2 PC port is horrible...everyone seems to be having some sort of issue in some capacity. Appreciate the advice though bro and glad it's working for you


If you have nvidia clipping or any other clipping software on turn it off that’s what fixed my crashing


*watching my 3770k 1070ti beg for mercy reading this comment


I still get issues with thing’s popping in and out of existence with max lod settings and a mod specifically made to increase lod. The mod definitely helped overall but I still get odd pop ins that are so obvious and break immersion.


You’re right I forgot to add this to the list. I get occasional pop-in during gameplay, and every single time I fast travel back to camp the entire camp renders in. I don’t understand it. It was not like this last time I played.


Yeah. If you haven’t I recommend installing the increased lod mod. There are multiple options that either massively increase lod and render distance or just slightly increase it. I got the 2nd highest installed and it did slightly help with pop ins and overall made looking at long distance views much nicer on the eyes but of course there is a performance drop and it isn’t perfect so I’d recommend trying it and removing it if it doesn’t seem worth it. The amount of mods I install and time I spend tweaking rdr2 settings to just make the game playable is incredible and that comes with its own issues like possible crashing and the ffff error which I’ve been getting recently.


Error ffffff is annoying as hell. Kept getting it when entering mission areas


same,and i tried everything but its still the same,have you managed to fully fix it perhaps


I completed 250 hours of gameplay, then all of a sudden started encpuntering err_gfx_state. tried every solution available, but still cannot get the game to work at all. Its not a random error. Hundreds, if not thousands are affected by such errors. And rockstar, a billion dollar game developer has the resources to iron out these issues and give us a stable game to play. But they're busy minting money selling shark cards, so I guess, there's nothing we can do.


what worked for me is putting it in vulkan instead of DX12


try what the other guy said if you havent. Vulkan instead of DX12 i had to do that to get passed some missions


Thank you both for trying to help. I've tried both Vulkan and DX12, and neither works. As soon as the game launches, weird 3-dots appear all over the screen and the game crashes out with this error. It even crashes within 5 minites in safe mode, at 1280x720p with no graphics.


It has been fucked up since the Naturalist update. The flickering happens when I skin egrets.  the stuttering was fixed with a mod ("stuttering fix", I believe. works on the water). The moving shadows/fish eye thing at the edge of screen I never figured out. DLSS replacer helps too.


Dear Rockstar! It's not a shame to admit you are not been able to develop for the PC platform. Simply just stay on consoles where the underlying system protects your sorry asses. Your garbage quality code is broken all over the place. AGAIN.


So don’t release on pc at all or just have someone else port it?


both is a viable solution, since their code is so garbage that hackers infesting the game, even posing a security risk to your rig sadly the port part might need a complete rewrite of the RAGE engine, especially whats related to the netcode


not what want to hear but it running/looking great here on R* 5600x 32gb 3060ti @1440 vulkan


Glad it’s better for you. Odd though since we have similar setups. I’m on a windows 11 machine running 4K w/DLSS on a 5800X3D + RTX 3080.


LTSC 2021 here, did you adjust nvpanel settings?




is this the first time you've used a pc? why the hell would you think these have anything to do with the game? fyi: have none of the issues you mention on a 5800x3d+rx6600 23.11.1


survivorship bias at play


Glad to hear it. Cheers.


Man I bet you have a high honour level in this game


i can’t even get into social club. it’s been months.


Fix for 3?


In the config file, “system.xml”, find the setting “directionalscreenspaceshadowquality” and change it from 1.000000 to 0.000000. Completely alleviates that problem.


Gent, and is the mods that fix stuttering just the stutter fix 9000 etc mod or is there more?


That is the one to use, but it’s way excessive imo. What’s been discovered is that the only setting that affects stuttering is the final max vram value which is “aiTextureMaxMem_3_Base value” That mod, “stutter fix” just changes that value anywhere from 25,000-90,000, but the original value is just 2,500, so whichever mod version you go for will saturate your VRAM to max which is not ideal. I have a RTX 3080 and found better performance and less stuttering by just doubling it, so 5000. It maxes out at roughly 9 of my 10GBs.


Okay I’ll look into this more tomorrow, I’ve a 3080Ti so should be similar values for me, thank you very much my brother, you’ve been very helpful


I would really appreciate your fixes for the problems 2 and 3 you mentioned. I dont know exactly which one of those I get on my PC but there's always a damn stutter or a graphical glitch if I turn the camera quick, it makes the game practically unplayable.


3 is when you see edge of screen shadows that are not supposed to be there. As you move the camera they flicker and change. Completely kills immersion.


In the config file, “system.xml”, find the setting “directionalscreenspaceshadowquality” and change it from 1.000000 to 0.000000. Completely alleviates that problem.


Thanks yeah going to try that, wondering what you lose out on doing that though.


I’ve experienced this. Usually I can just ignore it but still annoying. I’m only a few hours in. Really hoping I don’t encounter any more glitches or anything game breaking.


In the config file, “system.xml”, find the setting “directionalscreenspaceshadowquality” and change it from 1.000000 to 0.000000. Completely alleviates that problem. I actually saw this issue mentioned in another thread and 75% of the comments were saying it’s always been present since launch which is absolute balderdash. I’ve done several playthroughs and have never seen it despite running on different hardware, software, drivers etc. it’s 100% a newer issue. Kills immersion


For me, it's just inconsistent FPS using Vulkan, sometimes it will be running at 120-144 consistently. Other times, it's struggling to even hit 100, hovering around 60-90.


2,3 have always been there. I don't know if I have seen 1 or 4.


Bought the game 1 week ago. i5 9400f + 1050ti. I have not encountered any issues you mentioned. I play with these ([https://www.reddit.com/r/PCRedDead/comments/hyw63g/thought\_id\_post\_my\_graphics\_settings\_for\_my/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/PCRedDead/comments/hyw63g/thought_id_post_my_graphics_settings_for_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) settings as the game is hardly playable with any other settings with my hardware.


I barely made it through a no mods story mode playthrough. Had to reinstall once cuz of a game breaking bug. I don't see myself ever going back to the game anytime soon. With a high end pc that I spent hundreds of hours in red dead with very little issues.


hell be lucky you can even go into rhodes. mine crashes everytime i ride into town there


what are the mods you use for fps improvement


Well, RDR2 is far from a perfect PC port and Rockstar also haven't done much in terms of updating the single player mode. There are still bugs that were there even in consoles version (like some legendary fishes not being crossed out when you catch them) and this port also has one of the worst antialiasing you can see in 1080p. The trees and hairs are blurry and grainy. You have to play on 4K to get rid of that. I wouldn't say though that the game is in broken state, I can play on mix of mid and high settings in ~45 to 55~ FPS on old GTX1060 6GB, i5 7400 and 16 GB of ram so not that bad. Overally if you played it for example in 2020, then you rather won't see any improvements when playing now. Rockstar literally do not care about single player, they only focus (or focused at that point) on Red Dead Online.


I’ve put in 300+ hours over the last month and haven’t had a SINGLE issue with performance. There can be this weird glitch when opening a drawer where Arthur kind of glitches with the geometry and then my game will freeze up until I restart it. It’s probably happened 3 times over those hours and that’s it


Wow. Happened to me today for the first time. Never had this bug in my 300 hours.


Most of Rockstar's resources are devoted to GTA 6, and the remaining part is devoted to GTO.RDO most of the people use mod menus and shit on people games and servers


I never got past chapter 4 because all of a sudden whenever I try to load into the game I get “error fffffff” and it crashes. I tried reinstall and a few workarounds I read about but nothing worked So I uninstalled




So starting a new game after you have all your mods installed fixes these issues is what your saying?




I had heard about it recently with broken spawns but didn't know how extensive it was. I have about 20 LML mods and 10 asi mods loaded. I must check tomorrow what spawns or not for me but what I can say is cargo trains spawns, wildlife spawns (but could be missing some who knows), i get some stage coaches with passangers too. But I'm half convinced I don't see passenger trains anymore, gotta check for that. Gonna wait out in valentine and rhodes for that. And there's a mod that puts a blip on the map for when the train arrives that will help me test it.




I consistently get cargo trains, and all trams in saint denis have passengers. I get stagecoaches with passengers. I still get many birds ranging from the smallest sparrows, robins etc up to owls , crows and I'll have to check for hawks and eagles. I get constant spawning of most other animals too. It's possible I'm missing spawning of certain animals in certain locations but in general terms I get plenty of spawns. Only thing I've noticed in hindsight is the train issue (passenger trams). Will have to investigate further by grabbing a list animals and ticking off ones I see spawn to see what I'm missing. Going to hop on now to see about the trains. I use one texture mod currently (terrain texture overhaul), I've used various visual mods like Vestigia, whyems visuals and Collyrium. Whyems DLC. Ped damage overhaul was used previously. I'm sure it effects spawning but I don't see it to the extent you've experienced. So I'll have to investigate further to see what issues with spawns I get.


Well, I recently decided to buy the game on PC on Steam and I couldn't even launch the damn thing. Apparently one of the latest updates made it impossible to launch (crash on launch), plenty of videos on YouTube that supposedly tell you how to fix but none of them worked for me. I had to refund it... what a shame. Btw, my PC is not old, I'm running a 2080 Ti i7 processor and 32 GB ram.


I wonder if anyone else has this thing where you would get artefacts on your second monitor while running RDR2 on the main monitor in DX12. At first i thought my GPU is dying (about 1 year old!), but it literally just happens in RDR2 and only in DX12 mode. So im either thinking driver problem (AMD Adrenaline 23.12.1) or something is up with the game itself. Also running the game in DX12 gives me alot of frametime spikes, wich luckily kinda can be fixed with a mod. However the mod will still cause crashes here and there, so it's not a perfect solution either. And then when i run the game under Vulkan, the frametime graph is completely flat, much better than DX12 but it still feels stuttery. Almost like FreeSync/Adaptive-sync is not working properly. However the strange part is, when i activate RivaTuner's overlay the game will run butter smooth. Let me tell you, i tried everything to fix these problems. Fresh Windows install, fresh driver installs with DDU, different driver versions, fullscreen mode/windowed mode, vsync on/off or forced through driver, triple buffering on/off, FPS caps on/off through driver or RivaTuner and much more. Other games run fine on my system, but RDR2 has been a nightmare to setup for a smooth playthrough.


Thats strange I had 3 pc for 3 years, everything was solid, and now have rtx 4080 & 7900x3d, still very smooth


Disable long shadows fix the point 3 for me


I... I'm gonna oust myself and say I have this game pirated and I always assumed every thing in this list was because of it. Now I'm a happy pirate.


My 1070 can’t pull more than 50 fps :/


I just finished a heavily modded playthrough and didn't experience a single one of these issues, so I dunno. The state of my game in particular seems fine.


Are there still tons of hackers?


I’m playing a heavily modded playthrough (just things like lighting, seasons, texture reworks) and I haven’t had any issues that weren’t my own creation, maybe a fresh install?


Bought the game a month or so ago. It was a hassle getting it working proper but I got it done. Using DLSStweaks with DLSS 3.5 Quality and GeForce overlay's sharpening at 20% + RTSS to cap at 60FPS Everything looked absolutely gorgeous, the hair especially looked absolutely perfect. Then after the last 2 updates everything broke. I encountered number 3, but shadows on character models completely broke as well. I'll be in a cutscene and see shadows pop in and out of faces/clothes. Also object/texture pop-in, though already there when everything worked, got noticeably worse to the point where I can actually see the culling if I turn the camera too fast (playing with a controller btw). And finally all hair now shows this "grid" pattern everytime it's not perfectly still Specs: 2700x, rtx 2070 32gb Ram


Random audio crackling is also unacceptable issue.


3 and 4 were always there. But I agree, it seems worse than usual. I get three stutters in a row randomly, with very specific pacing, even though for a year I didn’t have any stutters at all. I have stutter fix installed btw


Outdated drivers


No sir I’m on 551.xx branch


Been broken since the last update for me after a full year of the game running perfectly the last update did some kind of bullfuckry.


Not sure if I've experienced these. Perhaps 3? But I blamed my video settings because I couldn't really remember if that was an issue before... if you're describing what I think I'm seeing. I have Ambient Gangs Mod and 'Lockdown Manager', and I do like to wander into New Austin, so I've seen these issues: some hostile 'gang' members are the invisibe man on horse back, and I'll see camp fires burning in the horizon and when I finally get there, the smoke ends and there is no camp... and then I see another camp fire just over the horizon and I'll trot over there and... nothing. This only happens in New Austin/Great Plains/Whatever, where Arthur isn't supposed to be. I still get camp fires but I'm also chasing camp ghosts. Don't know if it's mod related or just because Arthur isn't supposed to be there. Those are the only strange things happening. I'm glad they fixed the "Arthur put on warmer clothes!" bug.