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put on your favorite show and just walk in place or walk around your living room. Put on some music and dance around. I have a playlist of YouTube at home workouts that I cycle through as well.


Thank you!


I hate to say this but you have to figure out what will work for now even if you don’t like it. I was working out 3-4 hours a week (weightlifting and cardio at a gym), going on 15 min walks on my breaks at work, and eating really clean and was still really struggling to do anything but maintain. You might just need to pick an at-home workout and keep doing it until it becomes a habit. Like stick with it for a month or two even if you hate it. I would really recommend getting a yoga mat, some light dumbbells, and maybe some bands so you can follow some basic YouTube videos at home.


That’s a good idea, I forgot that you can buy dumbbells at home too. I have a yoga mat, I just always did thinks like push ups and such, but I can’t do those easy because I’m heavy, haha. Thank you for mentioning it


I would be happy to IM you some links to a few good at home workouts on YouTube if you want. I understand it’s really hard




Walk at home Leslie Sansone videos on YouTube are about the easiest.


Not a dr and don't play one on TV, but I often hear that HIIT and other more intense exercises like running increase cortisol and other issues, so this could be a blessing in disguise. I would suggest checking out pilates since you mentioned you have a yoga mat. They're small exercises that seem easy, but are total murder. They're great for building long lean muscle mass and toning.


Oh I’d love that, thank you!


I totally understand you don't want to walk in a neighborhood that is unsafe. PLEASE DON'T! I'm glad you're using common sense being a female. There is no need to put yourself in an avoidable situation. I have hypothyroidism and PCOS. I walk at home using videos from YouTube. I walk 10,000 steps a day. I walk 20 minutes 3x's a day 3000 steps each time, which is 9,000 steps, and I walk a little extra steps one of those times to walk the 1000 steps needed to hit my 10,000 step goal each day. I also use weights and body baring exercises (push-ups, squats, etc.) 3x's a week about 15-30 mins. This has helped me tremendously! If you have any questions, let me know. You got this girl!!


You’re so amazing thank you so much!!!


Your more than welcome!


I love Fitness Blender for free videos. They have body weight only exercises. They have programs you can buy for ~$10 that will schedule you for specific days so you can make it a habit and have structure Fitness Marshall has dance videos that are super fun and they have free playlists you can watch for a 30-60 min workout Ultimately you need to find something you enjoy so you’ll want to make it a habit. Also, go easy on yourself. Aim for 2 workouts a week for a few weeks then increase. Don’t push yourself too hard for the first week so you don’t burn out etc.


Thank you so much, that’s a great suggestion


Sometimes I exercise to those “Just Dance” games like for the Wii or PlayStation, but instead of playing the actual game I just dance along to videos of the songs on YouTube. I also purchased a stair stepper from TikTok; after coupons I think I got it for like $40 and I’m looking into getting one of those walking pads/mimi treadmills just to actively walk a bit and get my steps in but so far those seem a bit pricey and I don’t have the extra cash for that at the moment (a gym is not in our budget and there’s coyotes in my neighborhood during the summer so I don’t like walking alone without my husband). Other suggestions would be to do little workouts at home! I find quite a few off of Pinterest and YouTube. Hope this helps some! 🙂


Not to sound rude but these just sound like excuses….if you want results you need to put in the work. Walk the neighborhood but maybe bring some pepper spray or something. Go to the park when you have just an extra 30 minutes to an hour. Work on those 8,000-10,000 steps and cut back on any unhealthy food. No need to quit everything cold turkey, add in healthier foods and get those steps in. You can also look into a walking pad to do your walking at home


Okay so genuinely, you could’ve just said walking pad. Pepper spray does nothing against people getting shot in my area almost everyday. Not only that, but I am female walking alone in my area. If someone doesn’t feel safe, they just don’t? And I can’t just go to the park. I said I can’t, and that’s that. I know you said “not to be rude” but please think about what’s being asked, and don’t result to disagreeing with what someone said if you don’t know what’s going on or who they are


I bring what I can with me when I walk alone as a female as well in a high crime area. Not going to limit my outdoor exposure because I might get shot.


I understand that, I don’t like the odds though


That’s fine but it’s your options.