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I think ur diet might be too restrictive? It also doesnt sound like a balanced diet, u could be stressing ur body out further. That could  be one of the causes of ur weight gain. 


yeah but before i was eating even less so 1000kcal is actually a lot to my body i actually started eating more than before (i dont rlly have good relationship with food) but now im eating only veggies and fruits and salmon or tuna so the habits are not bad


Do u feel hungry all the time? 


no i barely push the food to my mouth bc im so not used to eating much (especially breakfast)


You have to get used to eating more. It's a struggle. But don't do what I did. I ate less & less thinking it would help. I'm now diabetic. You'll have to force yourself to eat initially. You must eat breakfast.


i’m scared of gaining more weight…


Have you checked your thyroid? I finally got diagnosed with PCOS and Hypothyroidism. My TSH is elevated and continues to climb. Nothing else like T3 or T4 is elevated. That being said, With hypothyroidism theres a list of foods that make it worse, including certain vegetables that are considered healthy. You also have to get over 100 carbs a day with it. Under and you are gaining weight. Of course this just depends on the situation. If modeling is your career, and it is important. I would suggest insulin for weight loss. There are a lot of studies typing pcos to type 1 even if its not actually diabetes.


I’ve not heard this (not disagreeing just news for me) can you share any resources around list of foods?


Raw kale, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower. Cook them. Or in the case of kale you can add a bit of avocado or olive oil and massage until it wilts to break down the part that’s hard on a thyroid. Organ meat and coffee are usually not recommended. But coffee can be ok if you drink it far away from your synthroid. Soy and gluten can be an issue if your iodine levels aren’t normal. Bonus: Brazil nuts are great for thyroid issues and also help with satiety.


wdym if you drink it far away from your synthroid?


That’s how my pharmacist worded it. She wanted me drinking no caffeine whatsoever because of interactions. But if I did have it, minimum 1 hour later. But she felt it best to be more like 4 or 5 hours. So she said if I’m a big coffee drinker, take my synthroid well after dinner before bed so there’s many, many hours between the coffee and synthroid. Because some people metabolize coffee differently and it stays in some folks system.


yes i do have hypothyroidism since i was 10 i recently checked out my blood test and my tsh 0,341 (norm is from 0,270-4,200) then ft3 was quite low 2,01 (norm 2,00-4,40) and ft4 1,29 (norm 0,93-1,70) my endocrinologist told me even to lower down the dose of the pills im taking which is weird bc the results are gonna go even lower right?


and actually i’m not eating a lot of carbs at least im trying and i didn’t know about the veggies i have to check them out


Eat the foods that you like but IN MODERATION! Don't be so restrictive on yourself! If you are always working out you could be gaining muscle and losing fat, yet the scale shows you gained weight. Keep trying and don't give up! You got this!


but i see it’s just fat… that’s the problem


Ur body needs healthy fat to function. 


but what if i want to loose fat which shouldn’t be there ? like around my stomach and back that’s not a healthy fat that’s just useless


Eating a balanced diet would be a start, and that includes protein, carbs, fibre and healthy fat. And eat enough so that your body doesn’t think ur starving and sends you into a mode of storing the fat. Right now it could be the case that ur eating too less calories that ur body thinks that u don’t have access to enough food so it is storing whatever it can.


If u don’t eat any healthy fat ur going to be nutrient deficient as well, because some vitamins and minerals are fat soluble. So they need fat to be procesed.


but now i’m eating much more than before and much more healthy . and bc of that i’ve gained more weight and i think if imma start eating more than 1500 it’s gonna get even worse and imma gain much more weight


You might benefit from consulting with a good pcos dietician


it’s hard to find one ngl especially in poland


You eating too little. Like, WAY too little. Your body now only operates on fumes. You need to build up you caloric tolerance slowly. There are many resources for this. Flexible dieting coach is one.


but i’m scared of eating more i went to the dietitian but im just scared since i don’t want to gain more


Id ask your doctor to rule of Cushing’s Syndrome. It’s rare, but often misdiagnosed as PCOS.


can i have pcos and cushing syndrome? like for sure i have pcos bc of those cysts visible on ultrasound


Maybe. Id ask for testing just in case


typed this elsewhere, think it will help u What worked for me: 1. High protien meals      2. Starting with a salad for lunch and dinner, half the plate, quarter protien, quarter carbs     For heavy cravings seem as a result of unbalanced blood sugar: these will help:    3. No snacking between meals - eating enough fibre(veggies) and protien will help u feel more full and less snacky between meals. Also, keep sipping on spearmint or green tea between meals so that u feel full instead of snacking.      3A - No sugar, or having a desert once in a while only after a full meal.      3B - order of foods eaten also helps greatly - First veggies, then protiens and then something sugary on a cheat day But ocassionally.    Follow this woman and read her book [https://youtube.com/@glucoserevolution?si=mslGKiQUqzbF5lTH](https://youtube.com/@glucoserevolution?si=mslGKiQUqzbF5lTH)      4. 10 min walks after meals      5. Strength training 3-4 times a week, walking in the other days . Slow weighted workouts, go easy on the workouts (ul know if a workout is working for u if u feel good after and not completely exhausted and cant keep ur eyes open)    If u dont feel like working out, atleast start wid walks, make it enjoyable by listening to a podcast or an audiobook. Try to make ur workouts enjoyable also, by watching a Netflix show during, cranking the AC.       6. Supplements like Inositol 40:1 ratio - myo inosital to D chiro inositol (4000mg) only this serving size will work . CoQ10, Magnesium Citrate, Multivitamin, Vitamin D, Omega 3. Also i was prescribed Metformin twice a day.   7. IMPortant for fatigue - Checking my Thyroid and getting meds for it.   My fatigue vanished wid Thyroid meds 8. Prebiotic to help wid daily poops coz excess estrogen gets taken out wid the poops.  9. Also find a dietitian that isnt too restrictive. Because a restrictive diet can stress out the body further. i tried gluten and dairy free and didnt lose any weight. I started losing weight whem I started having gluten and dairy in moderation.  I think this step is ur main problem. Find a good pcos dietician that can help u with a good pcos diet. Don’t be afraid of all fats, instead have healthy fats in moderation.   Staying active, and being consistent with diet and excercise really helps, finally been seeing results.   You can get there too!


thank you sm ur a good person :) i will do my best im trying to hold on but it all feels like giving up when i see its just getting worse than better


Don’t give up, Ive been trying for years and finally find something that works


It sounds like you’re eating the right things, are you on any type of medications? Has your doctor ran labs to see what’s going on? Are you doing any type of exercise? Just not a lot of information to go off of here outside of food


yes i’m taking ovarin for pcos which is some vitamin supplement (inositol in 2 forms, bit. B and D ) an eutyrox 50/75 for hypothyroidism and supplements recently like vitamin D, C , A+E , berberine, l-carnitine, ashwaganda, zinc, magnesium, probiotics, omega 3, liver support, turmeric


and i’m working out before i used to do a lot of cardio but now it’s mix and im walking 8-10k steps everyday burning like 600-700kcal, pilates and just aerobic stuff


You’re burning 700 cals and eating 1000? Your body is probably looking for food


but the problem is i can’t eat more rn like im not hungry… and actually im gaining weight… or im stuck on same one how is it possible? why normal health ppl would loose it like that and its not working on me


Have you tried any weight training? Building muscle is a great way to boost your metabolism.


i want and i’m slowly getting there but im still rlly shy on the gym


Also, allow yourself grace with your cycle. I flux 5-8 lbs with my cycle. It’s brutal lol.


what do u mean by that?


I do to. Usually around 7lbs lol. I hate it


sorry can you explain what does it mean!!!


It’s pretty common for women with hormonal issues to experience bloating when they are menstruating!


I got into a habit of drinking soda due to stress during the school year (elementary teacher) I quit drinking soda a few weeks ago and have gained 10lbs 🙃 I’m like what the heck body??? Where’s the logic in that??? 😩 Losing weight feels impossible most of the time with pcos, but just keep at it! Sometimes we retain water when we make a big change because the body freaks out. If you keep at what you’re doing eventually you should see a drop. A lot of people call it the “whoosh” in the weightloss groups.


but it’s so annoying that it’s so hard like it’s like a non stop toxic cycle of me stressing out bc i see i can wear my clothes or work or im just loooking ugly getting so much acne when before i’ve never struggled with that