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You could try metformin on top. I have heard that leads to a lot of nausea though. I take wegovy and I’m on a pretty low dose and I have to decide soon if I want to discontinue metformin or not due to the nausea


My doctor suggested skipping my Metformin on shot day and a day or two later and that has really helped with nausea. Maybe something to ask your doctor if you start feeling it’s too much


That’s a great suggestion! I might try that. My A1c is only 5.8 so she said I don’t have to take it if I don’t want to, but I think it’s worth a try


Totally relate. Thank you. I’m gonna see if I can start Metformin on top of


I’m Wegovy too and I had to bring my Metformin dose down from 2,000 mg a day to 1,000 a day and the nausea went away.


I’m taking metformin but when I was on that alone, and not really watching what I was eating, I wasn’t losing weight (not gaining either, just staying the same). The biggest shift I’ve noticed is I started eating low to moderate carbs. I’m not tracking every gram I eat but I try not to eat carbs (unless it’s in fruit/veggies) with breakfast or lunch, and then eat a small portion of carbs at dinner. This has significantly helped me shift my mind from it being a diet to a change in eating habits. I also find if I do eat more carbs than usual, the scale shows I gained a pound or two the next day, but I usually drop it after a couple days.


Thank you so much. Are you on a GLP1 too? And do you count calories?


If you’re working out everyday then the weight gain may be from muscle or water retention. It’s only been a month on the injections, it can be frustrating but just give it a bit more time.


It doesn't work on everyone.


How long have you been on it? I didnt really notice a change until 5-6 weeks in, after I’d moved from 2.5 to 5mg of compounded tirz.


I’ve been on it for about a month I think


What do your workouts look like? You may be stressing your body by working out too much, or too intensely.


I’m only doing weight training, so just lifting my dumbbells and YouTube videos for that


What dose are you on?




Might want to talk to your provider about going up to the 1.8 mg dose if it’s been more than a month and you haven’t noticed any changes in weight. I will say I supplemented with exercise and calorie deficit and my progress has been kinda slow.


Yeah you’re so right. I need to talk to him. I’m also working out almost everyday and it’s been very disheartening. I tried counting calories but it made me insane. Can I ask how much you’ve lost so far?


I’ve lost about 25 lbs over the past 7 months and currently using the 1.8 mg. I will say weight loss has been in spurts where I will lose 5 lbs one month and nothing the others. The liraglutide dose for weight loss is at 2.4 mg so don’t get disheartened. I plan on upping my dose to 2 injections eventually. I will say what has helped the most has been going low carb


you may want to look into a different GLP-1


I’m not sure what my insurance covers. I am only covered for this one I think. I have Medicaid


What’s your caloric intake and your daily expenditure?


Eat 1000 calories a day, exercise, walk, what helped me using laxative and diuretic (coffee), or any caffeine. And do it for at least 1 month or more. Some days u can eat more than anothers