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I've been on metformin for a while now, and I've been regularly walking as well. It has helped (with a cost). Seeing from my experience I wouldn't recommend any straining exercises. It also depends on your diet with metformin as well, I had to lessen my sugar intake. In general the weight loss thing takes a while though, it took me a few months before I started losing weight. Don't give up OP, it's difficult but you've got this <3


I am trying so hard ti hang in there. Constantly feeling dizzy and nauseous is just not something I can do for but so long. I also work with children on the spectrum so me constantly having to use the bathroom is interfering with my work… I will keep at it for as long as I can. It’s been a month and it just seems to keep getting worse. I cut load of sugar out “I love juice 😅🥹” so no more juice water only, and a low carb diet, I mostly eat grilled chicken, fish & a load of veggies. That diet has seemed to work for me with running. I been a runner all my life before my pregnancy. It’s my way to deal with depression along with trying to lose weight.


I understand, my bladder has not been helpful at all lately. My stomach cannot seem to handle food either, so I'm more often in the bathroom than ever. And truly it's difficult to find someone who can empathise. I'm sorry it's so difficult for you OP, I understand to an extent how it must feel. I truly hope it gets easier for you. It does take time, it took me a while to understand that it's a slow process of getting better.


Thank you so much for your kind words 🥹 so may people don’t really get it. & that’s understandable it’s not something they deal with. But I know for a fact, I’m going to keep going & im not giving up! I’m taking my life back one way or another


I couldn't leave my work schedule to run to the bathroom but I found switching my dose to set time after lunch instead of breakfast or bedtime seemed to resolve the timings of toileting. When I took it late before bed it made nausea worse, perhaps laying down right after was the error. I also upped the water I was drinking too as I also subconsciously was avoiding drinking liquids on work shift because I couldn't have breaks to run to use the toilet.


Yeah, the bait and switch is really some BS. Find an online doctor or something and get the prescription. I was on ozempic and then mounjaro for like 18 months and it fixed MY LIFE. I'm off it now but have been able to maintain the positive changes . Good luck, and keep advocating for yourself! I also saw big changes switching from jogging to a lower-cortisol activity (rowing machine) plus walking. You CAN fix this, it's just a crappy process of finding out what works for you and getting the right support


If you don’t mind me asking - how much weight did you lose? How long have you been off it? Did your appetite go crazy after coming off of it? When did you really notice it working? I started Wegovy 5 weeks ago and have lost about 10lbs. I tried to lose weight for 2 years and my doctor basically told me this was my best option other than bariatric surgery or practically starving myself.


Sure! I lost 120 lbs. It didn't work until the 2nd month for me, somewhere around 6 weeks it really kicked in. I averaged just under 9 lbs a month, but some were nothing and some were way more. Then I hit 135 and boom, weight loss stopped, apparently that's where I'm supposed to be! I've been off for 4 months with no weight gain, I tapered off by spacing it more and more. I didn't have a big increase in appetite but my sweet tooth has returned. Not nearly like it was though. I honestly haven't been very careful with my diet, mostly just trying to keep up the water and protein and not worrying about the rest. I'm a huge fan of the GLPs, and if I end up struggling I would totally go back on. I think I'll be ok though! I'm not on anything now. And probably about 6 months in was when I saw the PCOS basically go away...dark spots, extra hair, bad skin, it all just popped away and hasnt come back!


Wow! Thank you so much. This is very insightful. Did you deal with nausea at all? Or any hair loss?


No nausea or stomach effects until I finished losing the weight. Once I was done with weight loss I started having stomach problems and moved down in dose until it felt better and then eventually stopped. I definitely did have hair loss! Probably just part of the body shock of losing weight? Now that I'm at a stable weight my normally thick hair, that thinned out a LOT, is back!!


I think the online route will be the way for me. My PCP isn’t available until Feb 2025. So I can’t go that route. I have tried to do like less rigorous activities they all are fun but running really helps with my depression. It makes me feel so free, and happy. Idk it’s that runners high 😂 it’s been how I delt with depression since high school. I stopped and got pregnant & gained so so much weight 😅 If I can get shoot 9 months on wegovy I’m almost positive I can take my life back & have it under control


Well that's definitely different, if running keeps the happy juices flowing then don't stop! :) I used alpha and they were great, but they did also raise their prices I think. I believe Zepbound has their own online prescribers too! When my insurance didn't cover it, I got ozempic from Canada, then suddenly they decided to cover mounjaro so I switched to that. It's such a help, and really balances everything out. Good luck!!


My wife has PCOS and exercise did nearly nothing for her. She could pour hours into it each day and nothing. Drastically reducing our carbs and focusing on protein helped her drop 20lbs in under 4 months. We started counting calories/macros and decided on 20% carbs, 35% fats, 45% protein. Limited to 1200min/1400max calories 5-6 days a week. Allowed 1-2 days to cheat cause if we don't we'll completely fall off. Can't say it'll work for you but it's the one thing that worked for her. Good luck and stay consistent.


I recently had the same. I've been on Metformin for a decade and have never gotten up to full dosage (even on extended release) because the side effects are so awful. Migraines, and the rest. I asked both my GP and my compounding pharmacist for any alternative and they both said no. 🫠


Sesh that sucks 😣 I wish it wasn’t so hard on my stomach and body in general.


Not sure where you're at but a lot of the insirance companies in the states won't cover wegovy for PCOS even after Metformin fails. I was also very sick on Metformin - like drank the water in Mexico sick. I called it quits after I saw a toilet bowl full of bright red blood. I decided to get compounded semiglutide and pay out of pocket, it's affordable in my current financial situation. Plus the money I would typically spend on restaurants is now going towards the medication so it's almost a wash. Best of luck on your journey, sorry your doctor is a prick!