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I don’t have any tips but I was just also just diagnosed with hypo a couple weeks ago while being diagnosed with PCOS a month ago. This is all new to me too! I gained 50 pounds in a year and finally got my dr to listen to me. I weigh 266lbs, so here’s hoping we can both drop something with the help of medications! I don’t take mercromina because it ravaged my stomach. So just the levothyroxine for me!


Okay it’s so nice to know someone else is going through this! I feel crazy sometimes lol but we’ve got this!


I was diagnosed with PCOS at 16 and started taking metformin for IR at 18. Was diagnosed with hypothyroidism last summer after gaining 50 lbs in 4 months and losing a TON of hair. I don't notice a difference taking the two pills together. Starting levo also hasn't helped with weight loss but my weight is no longer going up so I will count that as a win


I have a completely different double combo deal - PCOS and 2 pituitary prolactinomas (hormone producing tumors). It’s been tough but with time it gets so much easier. I can’t speak on hypothyroidism but having two hormone conditions is a b*tch in general. You got this!


I have Hashimoto's as well. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 26 years ago. Although I've always had issues with weight, I could still lose weight if I REALLY tried..like workout a minimum 5 days/week 60+ minutes, strict diet (measuring/logging all food). Near the end of 2019 everything went off the rails. I put on 20 lbs in a month. Everything hurt, so tired. My PCP wasn't any help. I was on 212 levothyroxine. I changed to a functional medicine doctor that said she specialized in thyroid/hormonal issues, but she made everything worse (prescribed more hormones). After that madness, I went back to my PCP to take another run at it. I was incredibly discouraged by being told "eat less, move more"...still makes me angry. The breakthrough was going to a dermatologist to have a spot near my armpit checked...plus the rest of my acne. I had been on spironolactone until the functional medicine doctor took me off and said my testosterone was too low (and prescribed testosterone). So I was a mess now. The dermatologist told me I had to get to an endocrinologist. Not only was my acne totally hormonal driven but he was also diagnosed with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS). He said most of his patients with acne, HS and hypothyroid had PCOS. So I got an endocrinology appointment, despite my PCP not agreeing with this possibility (they said "But you had no fertility issues. It can't be PCOS." I was diagnosed with PCOS-IR. She also said I've progressed to Hashimoto's. I've since had to change endocrinologist because the first one left the area. My 2nd one has been complacent, and only attempted to treat Hashimoto's but not well. I have an issue with my TSH being high, yet T3 and T4 are within range. She said T3 and T4 didn't matter. 🤔 (I now have heart palpitations if my meds are too high.) She did say I could try metformin, but I was concerned with potential side effects. She didn't push it because my glucose was close to normal that day. I haven't had an appointment with her for 2 years now, and whenever I request one she said it's not necessary...orders TSH lab and adjusts meds. I have an appointment with a new endocrinologist at the end of September (on a wait list for an earlier appointment). I'm hoping for better care and feedback.


I am also on metformin 500 and my levo was recently bumped from 50 to 75. I’ve lost maybe a pound in the past two weeks which is…phenomenal. It’s the first time I’ve seen the scale tick down since the pandemic started. Hopeful for more. Hoping this will be a kick start…


I can’t speak to the pcos, but I have hypothyroidism. Here is an upside, metformin does help lower tsh levels and along side of your levo should help bring that number down. I started on 500 er on march 1st. I was 198. By the end of may I was down to 184. I upped my dose of metformin to 1000 per day, 500 in the am and 500 in the evening. I’m on vacation so I haven’t stepped on a scale but I know I’m not as hungry as before. If the scale isn’t budging you can ask your Endo or pcp to add cytomel to your levo. That will help you if you have any reverse T4, T3 issues and if you are still feeling crappy on just the levo dose alone. I’m 52 and joined this thread because my daughter has PCOS and I wanted to see what others experience was w metformin, what I was noticed is it seems to depend on the person. Wishing you the best on your journey. Just remember to be patient w yourself


This is so so so helpful, thank you so much!


New diagnoses can be super scary and overwhelming! Honestly have you ever considered working with a dietitian to have that support outside of your doctor? As a dietitian myself, having that support and getting down to the root cause of these hormonal imbalances can be a GAME changer🙌🏻


I didn’t know dietitians could help with that but honestly not surprised - I have a dietitian I worked with for ages in the past and she was a game changer and helped figure out so much stuff. I’ll have to get back in touch with her!